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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Its always a problem with the back-ups, isn't it?
  2. This round won't until after the current round is over. If you don't know what this game is, you can check the other mafia threads in the Forum Games. I would like people to only sign-up if they will be able to be online at least once every 24 hours. If you are interested in playing, feel free to sign-up here. What will be different in Round 2 There will be a Fire Emblem theme! Also, I will send a PM to every living player when a new phases starts. EDIT: Please make it clear that you are signing up.
  3. There will be a sign-up thread for the next round of mafia after this one finishes. You will be able to sign up there.

  4. Day Phase Begins - Day 2 Now with PMs at the start of the phase to all living players!
  5. Night 2 Results The wreckage of a helicopter was found this morning next to a shattered bowl of petunias. Balcerzak was found underneath the wreckage, crushed to death. No other bodies were found, though a used parachute was found abandoned nearby. Before the wreckage could be examined, a man in a gorilla suit stole it. Don't you hate it when that happens?
  6. Night Phase Begins - Night 2 Don't wake daddy!
  7. Day 1 Results Weapons of Mass Construction stands frozen when he is told that he will be hung. Two men drag him onto the platform, and place the noose around his neck. As he is hung, his toupée falls off, revealing a "Hey! I'm a mafia member!" tattoo on his head. Voting Results: Weapons of Mass Construction (1 Vote) Ether (1 Vote) Nightmare (1 Vote)
  8. >_> Next game, I'm going to PM everyone playing when a new phase starts. (ie: Night phases end, I PM everyone telling them the day phase has started). Next game should be swifterish with this inclusion :)
  9. I'm also a fan of not changing names. I got sick of it, and just stopped. If you need your name changed, you can always ask an admin to do it.
  10. Day Phase Begins - Day 1 Its time to vote! People aren't going to hang themselves, you know.
  11. Night 1 Results A group of boy scouts on a camping trip could only look on in amazement as a mysterious figure pushed a washing machine off of a 13 story building. Upon closer examination of the impact site, it is found that some careless fool mixed their whites with their The Ferret Whisperer, resulting in pink clothing. Also during the night, Isaac55 was run over by an unmarked black van. He died, but he got some really cool tire tracks across his chest.
  12. We are still waiting on one memeber of the nighttime crew. I expect to have his/her order in by 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM CST today.
  13. This is a wonderful move on the staff's part. The only thing that they could do to make this better is to enforce it, which they might actually do. --- I should be fine. I set the length of anything I might use in a signature to 300, and have the height stay at the same ratio. So no troubles there.
  14. I'm bumping the deadline for orders to be sent in back. Again.
  15. I don't even fucking know what I should say about this. And its not just that part.
  16. Since I have received absolutely no killing orders, I'm going to give you guys until 8:00 PM CST today to get those in. You know who you are. EDIT: Hrrm...it seems it wasn't even 24 hours yet. Oh yeah, my point is still valid, and you still have until the above time.
  17. Ugh. I hate Nintendo's fetish with Lucario.
  18. Night Phase Begins - Day 1 Its time for the Mafia to come out and play! (Now is the time to PM me special actions)
  19. Day 0 Results: Nobody gets hung today. The mafia gets another night to kill you in your sleep! Have fun with that. Voting Results: Weapons of Mass Construction (3 Votes) Isaac55 (3 Votes) Nightmare (2 Votes) Balcerzak (1 Vote) Ether (1 Vote)
  20. Well, there are some games that there just weren't a place for. The Mafia game could not go in the main FftF board (for obvious reasons), yet it didn't quite belong in the general forum. I was actually going to suggest a Role-Playing board, except that I saw this announcement.
  21. Please do not post in this thread. Night 0 Results: In the middle of the night, almost everyone is woken up by the sounds of a wood chipper running in a vacant lot. Xeld was spotted being thrown into the wood chipper by a mysterious cloaked figure. The polar bear the mysterious figure brought with happily ate Xeld's remains. At least nobody has to clean up that mess.
  22. Alright, who moved the threads to FftF? There is a reason they were put in General. For one thing, they will need excessive bumps in FftF. They're also open to random shit here. Please move them back.
  23. I got Rebelstar: Tactical Command for $10 at Kmart a few years ago. I know I got an awesome deal.
  24. You know what? I'm not going to accept this vote. If you can't bother to vote correctly, I'm not going to bother to count your vote. Got it?
  25. If it is a vote, I would appreciate it if you would bold the person's name.
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