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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Lol. Yeah, I suppose it'll have to do. This might actually work if I can stop being so eager to play Chrono Cross long enough to finish Gaiden. I just got to the Fear Temple's basement (completly blew of Celica for the time being). What goodies are down here, and why are there two paths in the basement?
  2. General Spoon


    I have a dog. She's the cutest little thing. She's a Shi Tzu. And I consider her a member of the family. Oh, and we have some cats too.
  3. You forgot that they sacrificed about 28 ships before he blew the thing up. And he would've been shot down if Lone Star Han Solo didn't save his butt.
  4. I got to chapter 4 a few days ago, and since then have been thinking "ugh" whenever I think about playing it. Any suggestions, other than reminding myself this is the only game in the series I haven't played?
  5. The Battlecruiser's Laser Batteries deal normal damage, so I suppose the turbolasers would probably deal normal damage as well.
  6. The magic is bound in a book, or something. I remember reading something about this somewhere in FE3, let me try and dig it up. Found it.
  7. Yes, I know that the carriers being shot would be a problem. It depends on how long the carrier's shields can hold out. I'm going to see if I can compare the turbolasers's power to something...I'm post it when I'm done. Okay, so carriers have 300 HP, and 150 shields. So an effective health of 450. A Yamoto Gun blast is 250 damage. A Battlecrusier's ATA Laser Battery blast is 25 damage. A Scout's Anti-Matter Missiles do 28 damage. A Dark Templar's Warp Blades deal 40 damage. Are these similar enough to light sabers to be considered? Something tells me that those turbolasers are going to tear the carriers apart. I'm going to try and figure out how big arbiters are. Okay, so aribiters would be too big to cloak the carriers and not be shot down. Arbiters are large enough to have their own crews, it seems.
  8. They should've just called it Durhua. For one thing, that name is actually pronouncable.
  9. Funny thing is, they probably think he's a women like Adeen. So, the empire didn't bother with Verdane? Didn't know that. I hadn't thought that Verdan was a very important country in Judgral (probably because its forgotten about after chapter 1).
  10. I don't think I'll count Rifis. I think something like this falls under "extenuating circumstances." That sounds like a good way to put it. Votes for Rifis will be thrown out due to extenuating circumstances.
  11. It only took around 30 fighters in the movie, and each carrier can hold 8 interceptors at once, and carriers can rebuild interceptors. I'm thinking its more about getting enough interceptors at the exhaust-thingy than anything else. All that would have to be done is to get one good shot off. So I'll say, maybe a dozen carriers at most?
  12. It occurs whenever it feels like doing it, from what I've seen.
  13. Please vote for what YOU think is the best in the series for this round. The round will last for about three days, after which I will tally the votes, and will add the top three to a list in the opening post of the next topic. It would be nice if you nominate ideas for when I'm out of them. I'll keep track of the nominations. Please nominate only once a round. Please remeber to nominate. Also, if your vote is not for one person/thing/etc, it will be thrown out. Previous winners Best NPC: 1st- 3-13 Archer ; 2nd- FE10 Daein Army ; 3rd- Eltshan Best Swordmaster: 1st- Rutger ; 2nd- Lakche ; 3rd- Shanan Best Hair: 1st- Titania ; 2nd- Heath and Stefan (tie) Nominations: Best/Worst Chapter Best/Worst Jeigan (2) Best Non-Final Boss in the series I vote for Harold. He really starts to grow on you.
  14. Please vote for what YOU think is the worst in the series for this round. The round will last for about three days, after which I will tally the votes, and will add the top three to a list in the opening post of the next topic. It would be nice if you nominate ideas for when I'm out of them. I'll keep track of the nominations. Please nominate only once a round. Please remeber to nominate. Also, if your vote is not for one person/thing/etc, it will be thrown out. Previous winners Worst NPC: 1st- The three generic Caelin soldiers in FE7 ; 2nd- Lachesis' 3 Pallies and FE8 Chapter 19 Armor Knights (tie) Worst Swordmaster: 1st- Karla ; 2nd- Shanam ; 3rd- Lucia Worst Hair: 1st- Vaida ; 2nd- Gheb, Lowen, and Makalov (tie) Nominations: Best/Worst Chapter Best/Worst Jeigan (2) Worst Non-Final Boss in the series I'm voting for Toras, the shooter boss in chapter 5 of FE3 Book 2. Votes for Lifis/Rifis will be thrown out due to extenuating circumstances.
  15. Better safe than sorry, I say. Post if you have family members that might join the forums. So that you have a record that you do have said family members. I have a brother who might join, but if he does, I doubt he'd stay long. But I've been proven wrong before...
  16. Thank you for noticing the neutality in my post.
  17. Canadians always end every sentance with "Eh?"
  18. I don't bother to move it, unless I'm going to use the toilet. Then I put it down to sit on it.
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