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General Spoon

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Posts posted by General Spoon

  1. Nearly everyone stated what I can think of for the differences. However in order to beat FE5, you will likely have to change your mindset (idk how you play the others, but most don't play like how you are forced to play FE5) In this game, you will need to play very aggressively, and learn how to complete chapters quick and effectively. There is very little time to sit back and defend. There are a few defend chapters, but even on one of them, your forced to go on the offensive and kill the boss.

    Most chapters will have you racing to complete them, while keeping a very solid strategy so the enemies don't own you 10 times over.

    And beware of Blizzard...

    Dare I ask why you must rush pell-mell through the chapters?

  2. Good question. Let me check wikipedia.

    Tapirs (pronounced /ˈteɪpɚ/, as in "taper", or /təˈpɪər/, as "ta-pier") are large browsing mammals, roughly pig-like in shape, with short, prehensile snouts. They inhabit jungle and forest regions of South America, Central America, and Southeast Asia. All four species of tapir are classified as endangered or vulnerable. Their closest relatives are the other odd-toed ungulates, including horses and rhinoceroses.

    Full Article

  3. Her forced healing is a blessing in disguise. It's easy experience despite what you would first think.

    Wait, what disguise? I've never noticed any disguise in forced healing.

    Guy's flaw is Raven.

  4. I decided to use Meg on my third playthrough, and much to my surprise, she owned once she was on level with my other guys. She did get spoon-fed all the enemies in the chapter she joined, however. I'm definitly going to use her more often now.

    As a bonus, I'm not one of the people who thinks she's ugly. I don't find her hot, though she's cute in her own way.

  5. Gonzales and Lugh are debateable vs Echidna. I was listing only the ones that are easily better.

    Some of their main problems are that Lugh joins pretty weak and has weak defenses, and Gonzales has some serious issues with hitting things.

    He hits hard >_>

    And unless the rng hates you to hell and back, he'll cap ram his HP.

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