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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. It was a free kill for the mafia, but if you crunch the number, you'll realize that even if the town lynched nobody on day 1 that they would have still had to lynch correctly on day 2 or else they'd lose.
  2. Okay, that's it. I'm stepping in right now. Both of you stop talking about it. I don't want to see the two of you hating eachother forever over something stupid like this. Not another word about if from either of you.
  3. Its random. I use random.com to randomize who gets what roles.
  4. Lol @Fayt. You're so mad at Life, that you're not letting him leave your game.
  5. You can check the pinned topic at the top of the forum games board for the basic rules of mafia. The day and night phases in this game have a soft deadline (there's wiggle-room if there's a discussion going) 48 hours, though the night phase can end earlier if I get the mafia's kill order. The day phase can also end early from lack of discussion, but you get a warning before that happens. How many of each type of role will be determined by how many people sign-up. At the moment, I'm thinking I may ad one power role to the town in the form of a doctor. The doctor can pick a player who isn't himself to protect at night, and that player can't die. But we'll see how many people signup. In the interest of keeping things simple, only the mafia will be allowed to communicate by PM. These signups are first come, first serve. Only sign up if you'll be a new player, or have only played a game or two before. This part is for Tables. You don't need to add this game to the queue, as only new (or almost new) players will be signing up. You can put it in the current games section though after it starts.
  6. Then just end the suffering already.
  7. Tell me about it. Then there's the part where you're disgusted at the immaturity of some of the younger members. It just blows you away.
  8. Oh wait, you did notice the part about him getting his fourth vote.
  9. Actually, aren't we both wrong? I think he has 4 votes.
  10. When did he get three votes?
  11. Graciously? This seems like cruelty more than anything else. I thought we were all waiting for the guy with two votes to swing so that, you know, the game could move past day 1.
  12. Hey. I'm still waiting for fucking Four Swords DS. The system is actually in place to make it easy to play the thing, BUT NO WE'RE FUCKING NOT GOING TO DO THIS AWESOMENESS BECAUSE WE'RE FUCKTARDS HERP DERP!!
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professor_Layton_and_the_Unwound_Future September 20th, baby!
  14. Don't forget your orders if you have any.
  15. Remember that even if you're idling, I want you to tell me that.
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