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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Raymond, I think its time for you to tell us how your role works.
  2. I'm going to bump this. EDIT: Ninja'd.
  3. I have my hot pockets now. There's pepperoni pizza flavored.
  4. That should be the last of the PMs I need to send out with login information. The game can start now. Day 1 Begins
  5. Fayt signed-up privately after apologizing for his behavior. Also, Lightning said I should just go ahead if he doesn't have enough people signed-up. I am now sending out your usernames and passwords in no particular order.
  6. This is the official Train Mafia II thread on SerenesForest. YOU CAN DISCUSS THE GAME IN THIS THREAD, OR BY PMS ON SERENESFOREST, THOUGH I'D LIKE TO BE INVITED TO THOSE PMS. This rule allows for many things. For example, let's say that I'm a member of one of the mafias, and I want to get into contact with the other mafia to coordinate kills against the town. The best way to do that would be to post in the main thread asking the other mafia to contact me, but this gets me lynched. But if I post in this thread on SerenesForest, I CAN get in contact with the other mafia WITHOUT being lynched, because nobody knows my alias. Speaking of aliases, you should have all received a PM on SerenesForest by now containing an account name and password. If you did not, or you are unable to log in with it, please contact me privately on SerenesForest. Once you're logged in, check you inbox as your role PM should be in there. If there isn't a role PM there, please contact me privately on SerenesForest. You have all been assigned the name of a famous enough dog for you alias, with the exception of one of you who has been assigned the name of a sheep pig, which is close enough because I like that movie. Be sure to check the stickies, as these contain rules and other things. Without further ado, here is the link to the forum you will be playing Train Mafia II on. Good luck, and have fun. http://gspoonsmafia2.proboards.com/index.cgi? Player List Core Ether Lightning I Eat Tables Crysta WoMC Ninji Life Hikarusa Balcerzak Bizz Ulki Fayt Zelpher Raymond Snike Dracohon The Dragonslayer BK-201 (subbed in day 3) Rhythm Sync the Tempest EmeraldFox Pride (subbed in day 5) Furetchen Arrowroot Spike Replacement List Empty
  7. Well that's certainly better than gimped mafia doctor.
  8. Since Table's and Balcerzak's games are both basically in endgame, this game will probably be started in the next 30 minutes.
  9. Who did you swap me with night 1?
  10. Okay, we have three lynches to get the mafia. I'm going to start us off by voting Dracohon.
  11. Um, one mafia left is all.
  12. Night 1 Results As dawn breaks, Generic Officer is found lying face-down in the mud, strangled to death. As expected, he was a townie. Day 2 Begins Town: If you do not lynch a mafia today, you lose. Mafia: If a townie is lynched today, you win.
  13. Day 1 Results Spike was lynched today. His role was townie. Night 1 Begins It is now time for the mafia to tell me who they will kill. You may continue to talk in this thread during the night phase if you like. The night phase will end once the mafia tells me who they'll kill.
  14. This day phase will tentatively end about 3 hours from now, if discussion doesn't start again.
  15. I would like to point this out again. Fucking nobody knows who anybody else is. On that note, unvote Lightning, vote Sync.
  16. I don't do that anymore Ulki. And I suppose I never said this, but I'll say it now. I hated the way that turned out, and never plan to do anything like it again.
  17. It doesn't really matter who throws out the accusation. The mafia don't know eachother yet. Lynch Lightning.
  18. I'm not going to be hosting that game anymore.
  19. General Spoon

    Mafia HQ

    Eh, you can cancel that bastard mod game and start your own.
  20. Just bringing this up to the top of the list.
  21. Oh hey guys the doctor gets player's role PMs. Imagine that. [/sarcasm]
  22. General Spoon

    Mafia HQ

    I need "Train Mafia III" to be renamed as "Pokemon Mafia".
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