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Everything posted by torifae

  1. As of now, I have nothing to do at the moment...
  2. Wait, theres Pokemon Stadium 3??? But theres only 1 and 2 for the N64. O:
  3. Hey, aren't you from FEFF?...XD

  4. Well I'm glad I'm not American :X
  5. I don't play Brawl mainly because I don't own a Wii. Though I wish I get the chance to play it along with FE10. :(
  6. well I don't watch news as much and not that it really matters I'm not American so...whats going on?
  7. and btw, why is this in the Fftf domains? I find this topic to be very excessive.
  8. Not that much fan of fighting games. But really, MK vs DC??? The series are barely even comparable to begin with.
  9. torifae

    One Piece

    Mainly because they edit most stuffs out. <.<
  10. torifae

    One Piece

    you hurt my feelings :( please don't post here then
  11. torifae

    One Piece

    I loved One Piece! Especially Zoro...bishie XD. And on another sidenote, I hate it when 4Kids butchered this show. ><
  12. Speaking French helps a lot, say like if you get yourself lost in France or maybe Quebec chances are: your screwed. XD Plus, learning different language can be fun too XD
  13. hmmm...I don't know who this person is but I hope she comes back someday XD
  14. Parce que vous avez dit sucks francais. :( J'aime parler en francais parce que je suis utilisation afin de rendre ><
  15. and which is why everyone should watch it. D:
  16. torifae


    Side stories are annoying and completely irregardless to what is supposedly happen in the main story. And I do find it annoying, I bet the writers intend to do that to maintain the shows rating to buy them more time for more thoughts. Thats what I hate so much ><
  17. I've only played Megaman Battle Network 4 Blue Moon but I've never played Red Sun <.<
  18. After talking to Simca about Ouran High School Host Club which is my favorite anime of all! I figure we should start an official topic of this! Its an awesome anime and people who likes awesome animes should watch it. I'm too lazy to do a summary <.< so I suggest you go read them on Wikipedia, Animenewsnetwork or something about that anime. Its romantic, its funny, I don't know what else to say but watch it. here: http://www.shojobeat.com/manga/ohshc/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouran_High_School_Host_Club http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ime.php?id=6122
  19. torifae

    Hello =D

    lol that episode 13 its called "Haruhi in Wonderland" its like another spin-off episode of that. LOL I finished it long time ago in fact...XD. Air Gear is an awesome anime too.
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