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Everything posted by Luna-Elly

  1. Yep was spoiled on the same thing. But haven't had anything else spoiled thankfully.
  2. One of the previewers confirms that Hilda can't be recruited. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7VfyXus77U
  3. I'm saving blue lions for last since I like them the most so far. Leaning towards starting with Black eagles but I also want to start with golden deer. It's hard to pick one...
  4. Small summary of the gamespot vid of stuff I don't think we knew yet. She only got around an hour with the game and no post time-skip stuff. -School phase is a full year of school/12 months(She stated she didn't get a sense for how long it would take you to get through the year if you do everything manually) -New male character named Rodrigue -There are tournaments for certain battle styles (spread throughout the year) -Battle system is based more around combat arts (she didn't get an in depth look at it) -They show the battle prep menu if you want to see it at around 4min -On character's birthdays you can have a tea party for them(charm stat factors into it) -You can hear Dedue's english voice at around 5:40 -Right after that we see the part where Linhardt is picking on Caspar's eating habits -You can recruit characters from other houses(not sure if you can recruit more than one) if you level up certain stats e.g. Cha(charm?) and Reason to get Lorenz -Rhea seems to teach sword, fists, reason and faith(Byleth seems to have the 3 stars next to faith) That's about it I think. Sorry if I got anything wrong i'm getting kinda sleepy.
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