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Everything posted by Aquarius

  1. No there's no canon route, each route has it its own established canon story and ending. However
  2. Lystheia and Leonie are proving to be beasts I have them both recruited on my Black Eagle path
  3. Leonie is not only my golden deer choice but she's also my main waifu now. She jump to the top, Especially after spoiling myself to her supports. blue lion I'm doing a female route and going with Dimitri. Black Eagles Edelgard.
  4. Oh interesting, I better stop here before I spoil the entire game before release.
  5. This is all truly interesting. Sothis and Rhea's exclusive supports with Byleth has me really curious, I wonder how/ or if their supports with Byleth will be tied directly to the main plot. According to IGN, Sothis and Rhea's supports could possibly be non romantic. I wonder if paired endings are a thing, doesn't seem likely but I would welcome it if they did go in that direction. One thing is clear Rhea and Sothis definitely have some kind of connection to each other. Looking forward to having all me questions answered.
  6. Probably the Goddess who will definitely have a dragon form of some sorts.
  7. The lack of quantity for master classes seems odd. I wonder if there's still more left to be revealed.
  8. 1. I used Lorenz as an example because most heterosexuals would have peg him as a gay/bi option at first glance i.e queer looking stereotypes if he did not have a profile due to his looks I know already that he is hetero from from his description but if a hetero were told there's gay options and told them to guess who are they without giving actual information on them I guarantee Lorenz would be at the top of the list without much thought. And yes I'm aware it could be seen as stereotyping but that's only at first glance. I didn't skim through all of the answers in this post so I wasn't aware of people's thoughts about Raphael. 2. Wanting a younger more masculine man as an option is still pandering though? I'm aware there's a clear stereotype for what a gay man would look from a heterosexual person perspective. I have gay friends that at first glance would like look and act like they were as heterosexual as possible. But are into other guys or bi. The whole current support system in fire emblem is about pandering. Granted it's mostly to straight people and I definitely understand your points and complaints cause it's not fair. But if the situation was in reverse and the straight fans got the same treatment as what LGBT got in regards to only three choices with two of them being older non feminine looking women instead of younger hot looking women their reaction would be the same. I Low key thought Shamir would be A bi option when I saw her at first glance. Catherine seems like she would have been a good choice too.
  9. To be fair IS did give the LGBT fire emblem more LBGT options this time. Around 8 total I believe. If Claude, Dimitri or some more physical appealing guys were choices instead of two older guys or they gave the same number of choices for both man and women maybe the outrage wouldn't have been as bad. (Though I use the outrage loosely) Not sure if more total options of LGBT reps would of got more attention though. If I were going 100% blind and u told me there's 8 total LGBT options and that there's 3 male options with out context I would be thrilled. But if u told me that 2 of the 3 are old man and one is married my reaction would change quantity doesn't equal quality after all, at least from my perspective.
  10. This is indeed interesting so is this a Sylvain support window? What route is this Blue Lions? Curious to see what supports options are like from characters that are in the same house. So far I only know that Edelgard can only go up too rank b with Dorothea and Petra? pre time skip.
  11. Yeah people are flipping out way too much. We still have almost no info on post time skip stuff yet besides, if your primarily objective in this is about who you can s rank as a self insert instead of gameplay characters and story then u have your priorities wrong anyways. first and for most fire has always been a tactical/story RPG instead of a dating sim. Personally I'd rather have supports Go back to the pre Awakening support style with limited supports for each character and story canon ships.
  12. I like the theory that Sothis is the Goddess herself she apparently has the ability to give revelations? Or forsight to Byleth in another trailer. "Both sides of history is shown to you" plus the whole seeing your own death thing as well point to this. The only issue with the Sothis=Goddess theory is that Sothis looks nothing like what the goddess looked like in the first trailer unless that wasn't the goddess either. There also the 3rd hooded women with Seiro's sword shown in the portrait in the first trailer. She could be eithier seiros or edelgard's ancestor the first ruler of the Adrestian Empire. Seiros holding Nemesis sword is mostly likely after he was defeated in their battle. If the green haired lady shown in the first trailer is indeed seiros herself. Though maybe the dragon in the first trailer portrait was indeed Sothis and she got betrayed or staged a revolt against the Goddess and was killed? Or sealed away. Would make sense why her crest? has been erased from history and why Nemesis/Byleth's Crest Of Flame is keep a Mystery from the world.
  13. The very first trailer hints to Seiros being a separate being from the goddess. The dragon is most likely Seiros herself. To clarify the bone dragon bares a striking resemblance to the one shown in the first trailer. We do know that Edelgard has a miner crest of seiros and that the Adrestian Empire is related to the Church. Also Edelgard's post time skip attire has horns that resemble the bone dragon and dragon in the first trailer. So bone Dragon couldn't be sothis considering she has what looks like the crest of flames on here attire the same one as byleth and possibly nemesis. For sure Sothis is some kind of dragon just not the one shown in the first trailer and the bone one. Also the horns on the bone dragon's head looks like the same ones on Edelgard's crown as well as the first dragon in the trailer
  14. Ah I didn't think about the churches goal could be resurrecting Seiros but yes that's a possibility (it would make sense as well) and I love that analogy only question is which is team magma and which is team aqua!! Oh and that
  15. How the story will play out for each house will be interesting for sure but there's still a lot of unanswered plot questions and character motivations plus some other details as well like... - What exactly is Byleth's role in the Story beside being an avatar/ protagonist, what their crest is their time travel? Or forsight powers relationship with Sothis their parallel with Nemesis and how it affects the World - The whole church is secretly evil conspiracy relationship with Adrestian Empire Churches true goal secret enemies of the church what role the Night Crawlers will play etc I have some theories based on the info we have so far but I'm pretty sure more is at stake besides pick a house and kill other house fight church and kill final boss (or at least I hope so) I have a feeling that the night crawlers aren't as evil as what they appear to be (at least from a perspective) I have a crack theory that...
  16. Still undecided but leaning towards Blue Lions if I go by my Shin Megami Tensei logic then then.. Black Eagle=Law Blue Lions=Chaos Golden Deer=netural I mean based on the Trailers we've seen so far each, of the Three House's leaders have ended up on a similar path. I mean one went full on megalomaniac law enforcing dictator, One has looked like he's became a pirate and is starting a revolution and the other has been trying to do his best shonen protagonist impression while playing peacemaker.
  17. I thought it was already confirmed? u can support teachers i think it was shown and mentioned in the earlier e3 demo or (somewhere else memory is foggy). I mean it was shown u can get support ranks with Rhea and Sothis. The whole shamir thing is complete speculation on my part
  18. Yup definitely going to romance Shamir in my first play through!😜😍
  19. Probably not going to romance a student from any house so Catherine or Shamir
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