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La Yodha Stasella

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Posts posted by La Yodha Stasella

  1. The thing that mostly bothered me is the fact that all the classes have the same (low) caps :\

    I was wondering...

    Magic = Resistance?

    And are the growths boosts' provided by the Crusaders' Scroll cumulative if kept by the same charachter?

    And last but not least, I was wondering if fe5 could be indeed considered an "alternative story" for the fe4 second generation

  2. and who cares

    Warning: weak english is approaching

    Well, I'm back once more on the Serenes Forest Forums, I don't think someone will remember me due to the less posts I made during my stay there, lol °_°

    Like several people, I'm waiting for the PAL release of Radiant Dawn and.. what else, I'm currently playing Metroid Prime 3 and Thracia 776, yay


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