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Hyper L

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Everything posted by Hyper L

  1. If changes and additions to core features are allowed: 1) Atk when using bows are now based on Dex. 2) Mov now factors negatively into AS. Example: Base AS = Spd - (WT - (Str/5)) - (Mov - 4) 3) HP stat now recovers damage taken by (HP/2)% of the damage. The recovery is done during combat at the moment damage is inflicted. Formula: HP Recovered = Damage taken * (HP/200)
  2. They would still have some top tier stats but at least they would be forced to make use of said stats at the same pace as other classes. Whoever if you only apply that to fliers, calvary (specifically Bow knight) would become the new dominators, you gotta knock at point of move from them too. Personally tho, I´m much more a fan of pumping every Advanced/Master Classes mov to 8. The infantry moving that fast could be explained with them having Naruto level running or some shit. Mortal Savant is pretty much a shinobi anyway, lol.
  3. Problem is there's no equivalent upside for having less movement, or downside to having more. More movement is just plainly superior, no drawbacks.
  4. They need to amplify the power of the HP stat. As things are right now, even having 60 HP doesn't help tanking at all mid to end game, specially if you get doubled all the time.. Change the base stat name to Vitality (Vit) and make HP = Vit x 3. (Change the unit's base Vit to 1/3 of what they usually are to accommodate the change). If that's too much, make the stat do something else like reducing damage taken by (HP/2)%. Something like: Final Dmg = Dmg - (Dmg x HP/200). Either way, currently HP is too unrewarding a stat and any unit with high growth in it is losing out.
  5. I much prefer a Pseudo-Canon run: Canon part: -No Recruiting. -Must always deploy every student from your respective house. -Relics restricted to canon owners. Pseudo part: -No Master Classes. -Stat boosters only for stats below the unit's level. -No Auxiliary Battles (Unless Quest). -No Arena griding, only one torney per week (Unless Quest). -No fishing (Unless Quest).
  6. But it's exactly as you say. You could luck out multiple times with 1%, but the chances of that comming to pass are very low. While with a 99% you could still get screwed, but chances are you will luck out instead. Is kinda hard to explain, but is a Chance within a Chance kinda thing. A 60% growth rate is not only the probability you will be gaining a stat every 2 levels, it is also the chance of you lucking out and gaining a stat every single level instead. A 40% growth rate is not only the probability you will be gaining a stat every 3 levels, it is also the chance of being screwed and not ever gaining a single instead. So I guess what I'm trying to say here is that these chances are double folded. 60 means more than 60, 40 means less than 40, so on and so forth.
  7. I keep seeing people bringing averages to downplay the effects of growth and I gotta say, I really disagree that this a good measure for how much impact they have. If growths were fixed and followed a linear pattern, yeah, but that's not the case. Because the seeding is not linear and resets every map, -10% could mean the difference between gaining a stat every other level or not gaining a single point within 5 levels or more. Similarly, a +10% growth could mean the difference between a character being screwed or them being salvaged. ---------- And about everyone going for Wyvern if ranks where X or Y. That's cuz Wyvern is hella broken. Both Wyvern, Falcon and Bow Knight all need a nerf ASAP. More than that, preventing everyone from just going one class is a matter of making every class line similarly good, or better yet, similarly bad at something, so that making everyone that class would be disadvantageous. And maybe limit how many Cavalry and Fliers you can deploy per map too.
  8. They just need to swap that -10% Spd growth from Mortal Savant gone. Heck, any Spd growth reduction that isn't from mounted units needs to be gone. AND take away the Spd growth bonus from fliers. Aside from that, everything else would be solved if all class requirements were a X OR Y instead of X AND Y.
  9. Honestly, much of it would be fixed if you only needed 1 of the rank requiredments to be fulfilled in order to pass. That way you could ignore reason when going for Mortal Savant. And ignore flying when going for Wyvern Lord, even if the unit is bad at it.
  10. I wish I could say Mortal Savant (they look so cool) but alas they're not so great. Who's idea was to give it -10% Spd growth? Also, stupid mounted units dominating the meta.
  11. Gauntlets were supposed to be a weapon for Slow Brutes, but then the Fast Brutes (Felix) sweep in and start quading so they're better with them anyway.
  12. Nothing except the fact she didn't expect you would joint her by the end of the conflict. It was the last chance in her eyes. The moment they realised the Flame Emperor was with the Empire it was a matter of time before everyone discovered Edelgard is now Emperor and making the orders. Whether the Flame Emperor was her or just a subordinate of hers would be irrelevant at that point. Edelgard becomes the main enemy in the eyes of the Church.
  13. Morality being ultimately subjective doesn't mean there isn't any sort of logic you can apply to the situation. Joining with the one person that killed the father that you (the character Byleth) cared for doesn't seem very logical.
  14. I could see that being it. But honestly speculation is not enough. The plot needs confirmations and I still bet they'll come via DLC.
  15. That doesn't go in line with Edelgard's character. Even as the Flame Emperor, she wouldn't kill anyone that didn't pose a potential threat to her dream.
  16. 1. What are they, an ant species? We know WHY they went underground but that's not directly correlated with them refering to themselves as Agarthans. Surely they called themselves that BEFORE going underground, right? 2. Being underground could explain their pale white skin but doesn't explain some of the other disturbing features some of them have i.e. Thales pupiless eyes or Solon's 5Head. 3. If it's dragon-tech then why doesn't Rhea bring it back to the world? Also Rhea refers to some of that technology (magic missle) as evil so is less likely it has to do with their kind.
  17. Now slow down. Chances are we're gonna get some extra insight/backstory for those characters as DLC. What is the Agarthan race? Why do they look like undead? Why does their ancient technology look so modern? There's no way they're gonna leave those things unanswered forever. The DLC is comming trust me.
  18. More general growths would help characters with spread out growths like Caspar and Lorenz. As for Ashe Make Lockpick raise Dex by 4.
  19. Increase everyone's growths by 5. Increase all classes's growth bonuses by 5. Give the armor tree a combat art that allows units to move 6-8 spaces at the inherent cost of no further action. Make. Bows. Atk. based. On. Dex.
  20. Maybe there's a Crit build we can find to exploit Ignatz good Dex+Lck growths.
  21. I mean, I reckon that's where she needs to be relevant most anyway. Being good in other routes is a very nice bonus, but a unit's performance in their own route should be the key differentiator, IMO.
  22. I think you guys are forgetting Crusher. How about Magic Hammer Wyvern Annette? Edit: never mind, you guys were already taking that into account, right?
  23. Here then: -Make it unlikely most enemies will ever miss you. No dodging to save your ass. -Make most enemies strong enough your unit are likely to be one-shotted unless they're a tank. Make having at least one tank a necessity to survive maps. -Make it less likely you'll one-shot most enemies even with Lysithea double nuking or Brave Weapon quading. The best defense must NOT be a good offense. -Give more enemies Counterattack so they can deal with "billion" range units. Thyrsus Lysithea must not go unscathed. -Give enemy healers Fortify and spread them where they can reach multiple enemies at once. Enemies need good utility too. And there you go. I don't care how exactly they would go about accomplishing some of these. Whether they just raise the enemy stats or give them some broken skills you can't get. Just make Player phase nuking less viable and Enemy phase scarier.
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