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Sid Starkiller

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Posts posted by Sid Starkiller

  1. 12 minutes ago, NinjaMonkey said:

    How old do you have to be to be a boomer? I get call a boomer even though I'm only thirty-five.

    Considering it presumably is short for baby boomer, minimum 60 (IIRC the post-WWII baby boom is considered to be 1945-1960).

    Anyway...it's an insult. It's supposed to be mean.

  2. 54 minutes ago, coldhand25 said:

    Given how they have S-supports, I'm like 85% sure they will have a timeskip design, I mean, it would make sense for them to have. I'm really looking forward to them as well.

    Jeritza didn't (if you're going to say not wearing his mask counts, then that's the biggest stretch I've seen since Stretch Armstrong). I wouldn't get your hopes up.

    Goddamn Hapi is hot. Like Dorothea levels of hot. That said, she has some steep competition for best girl, so I doubt she'll crack my top 5.

  3. Upon some reflection, there is ONE small thing I would like to give SS credit for, something that ties into CF as well. CF is a path you actively have to choose. It is absolutely impossible to play accidentally. Therefore, every time Edelgard asks if you're sure you chose the right path, all your dialogue options confirm that you believe in her. SS is different. While it's possible to actively choose it, you may end up stuck in it if you couldn't unlock CF. I've seen people complain that they legitimately believe in Edelgard's cause but messed up the chance to join her. As such, SS never forces you to say you are actively against Edelgard. I got a weird pleasure out of the game literally having to drag me kicking and screaming through the route.

  4. 1 hour ago, Flere210 said:

    Lonato took arms first, and the people followed him willingly. It's entirely in the right of the church to kill them. Not having sympathy for your enemies makes you are merciless not evil. Anti-heroes can be merciless too. And in general, during the whole game Rhea does not kill or attempt to kill a single person that did not try to kill her first, except in CF and SS final battles. It's not a tyrranny bad enought to justify a 5 years long war that kill thousands and thousands for people. The church would require decades or centuries to get that bodycount on failed rebellions like Lonato's.

    Well, they...did have centuries...but I digress.

    I don't take issue with her executing the rebels. What I do take issue with is not questioning them first. She's so concerned over them attacking the church (re: her family's legacy) that she doesn't consider that there might be more of them out there, and that the prisoners they have could lead them to...oh, I don't know...Slither? And she does the same to the Flame Emperor at the Holy Tomb. Would it not be in Rhea's best interest to pump them for information before ordering their deaths? It doesn't make her evil, but I do think it makes her look dumb.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mylady said:

    That said Grima was a malicious entity, I believe "good" dragons prefer not mind rape other human beings even if they can do it 

    Exactly. Sothis could've stolen Byleth's body to get herself out of Zahras, but chose to give her agency to save Byleth. So unless Sothis can still come back after Byleth dies by taking their corpse, Rhea's never getting her mother back.

  6. 21 minutes ago, Julian Solo said:

    Edelgard remembering Dimitri was written far Better in Azure Moon.

    Which is why I still don't believe the "she doesn't remember him" thing was intended by the devs, rather a fan explanation that happens to fill a plot hole. Especially given the designs for their younger versions, it feels like the devs meant for their shared past to happen earlier in their lives, at age 9-ish rather than the 13-ish in the final game, then realized it didn't line up with the timeline of when Edelgard was living in Faerghus, and hastily rewrote it. Her forgetting him would be perfectly reasonable without needing explanation if their time together was literally half her life ago.

  7. Byleth and the lords, obviously.

    Hubert is a must as Edelgard's confidante. Hilda fulfills a similar role for Claude. Since Dedue's not popular in Japan AFAIK, go with the polar opposite and take Felix.

    Seteth and Flayn to rep the Church.

    And a DLC pack: Dorothea (a magic version of Olivia), Ingrid, and Marianne.


    I haven't played any Tellius or Elibe (minus 3 chapters of Lyn mode in 2014 just to learn the basics of FE) to pick specifics, but Roy + any unique 6, and Ike + any unique 6. Plus 3 more each for DLC.


    2 more from Shadow Dragon, and Alm.


    For weapon types etc:

    An armored lance user (there's already a partial moveset in the game, and low Mov didn't seem to be as punishing as regular FE).

    A mounted lance user.

    A mounted bow user.


    For 3H characters, their base outfits are their school uniforms, and change to their Part 2 outfits upon promotion. Byleth gets EO, Seteth and Flayn get something new (Maybe based on the statues of Cichol and Cethleann?).


    EDIT: Although I will say, I feel like they would've announced FEW2 by now if there was going to be one. But I hope I'm wrong and they surprise us.

  8. She attacks the church first because she believes she needs Slither's help to defeat them. The Adrestian army is large, but when facing the Church's army and Faerghus' army and Leicester's army, she wouldn't stand a chance without Slither. You can see it in the differences between the routes: in non-CF routes, she takes full advantage of the troops and weaponry that Slither has to offer, and is on the verge of victory. In CF, she only uses the bare minimum of their power (hence why the player doesn't get to control any Demonic Beasts or actual Agarthans), and has been stuck in a stalemate for years.

  9. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    Sure, that's not great. But it's an issue that affects a tiny portion of the population. We're talking like less than a hundred people out of millions. It's the fact that it's feudalism at all that's an issue.

    You really think Edelgard would've had the massive army she did fighting for her if "less than a hundred out of millions" were the only ones suffering? I refuse to believe that.

  10. 11 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Of course, then Byleth became god, and Edelgard, a once faithful believer of the goddess, felt like the biggest slap in the face where the goddess proved to bless Byleth, but had forsaken her back then. 

    EDIT: Statement retracted. I just happened upon the reddit post you seem to be referencing.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    The cutscene with Dimitri and Claude fighting to defend the monastery (while playing VW) made me think "huh, it'd be cool if we got Dimitri last map, even if just as a (controllable?) green unit." Same with Claude on AM, and both on SS.

    I think I'd make them AI allies, but it would be good either way.

  12. So Fallen Order is good? I was holding off for reviews because EA, but then I got too busy to actually read reviews.

    KOTOR2 for me. 1 was good, but the plot felt rather cookie-cutter Star Wars to me (for all the people bitching that TFA and TROS were retreads, they forget that the EU did it over and over for decades). 2 dared to do something different and was better for it, especially with the Restored Content Mod.

  13. 1 hour ago, Dragoncat said:

    "Just be gay for a minute" 

    Best argument ever.

    I know that's not the best way of putting it, but I think people should be willing to admit what they are. Imagine walking on a guy you know, while he's in the middle of plowing another dude in the ass, while still claiming he's not gay. I think that's stupid. Enjoy what you enjoy without having to pretend it's something else.

  14. 9 hours ago, Timlugia said:

    Have Gronder play out as a flash back level, as recounted by survivors. Instead playing Resistance Army amd Byleth as usual, player gets control all Kingdom and Alliance units as one "anti Edelgard confederation" just for this level. So it would be Dimitri, Claude, Dedue, Gilbert, Judith, Rodrigue, Dominique, any students that haven't recruited and some generic npc (to stand in for students if recruited already) Instead of three way battle as in AM/VW, it would be just two sides since in Silver Snow there is no reason for three sides. Dimitri still dies as part of narrative, with Claude disappeared in the chaos.

    No. Gronder Field is a battle between three armies, that of the Kingdom, Empire, and Alliance. Just as adding the Church of Seiros to it wouldn't make sense, suddenly combining two of the armies into one wouldn't make sense. It would no longer be an echo of the Part 1 Gronder Field fight.

  15. 18 minutes ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

    I feel like 11-12 slots is a pretty comfortable amount.

    Agreed, especially for 3H since I tend not to recruit other students (except Lysithea in CF because she's basically a free unit in Part 2). My starting class plus however many Church of Seiros units I get is just enough to have full deployment/adjutant slots without waste.

  16. 26 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    And I'd rather not have a game with four routes that play the same for the first half and only sort of the same for the second half. You could consolidate all of the game's characters and factions into one playthrough. And I'm not the first person to suggest the existing routes are all equally disappointing with how little ground they cover. Do I even need to bring up the value proposition of playing "church route"?

    I think you missed his point:

    1 hour ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Also getting "one story" but also "more engaging route splits" and "character choices" sounds contradictory.

    If there's still route splits, how is it one story?

  17. While it didn't bother me personally, I agree that there is potential for burnout. I can do 3-4 full playthroughs of the game (albeit skipping most cutscenes) before I need a break to play something else. Currently I'm doing one last CF playthrough before shelving it until the DLC comes out (gonna go back to MUA3, haven't played any of its DLC yet). Take a break, play something in a different genre, and in early February try coming back. See how it feels then.

  18. 13 minutes ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

    What if they made Flayn the Silver Snow Lord instead? She's much more flighty, which lends itself to playing off of Byleth, and mechanics-wise, it'd let us have an unique Healer Lord class without needing to find way to shoehorn Rhea in (going off the assumption that we're still rolling with the same-ish storyline for SS).

    I like that! She's clearly quite sheltered, not knowing much about modern Fodlan and how the Crest system screwed the people over, commoner and noble alike. She could have the opportunity to learn what's been going on, and while she would still think Edelgard's methods were wrong, she would come to understand her motives and institute class reform (which is what Byleth ends up doing).

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