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Sid Starkiller

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Posts posted by Sid Starkiller

  1. 3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Having a "Golden route" that invalidates others is find and dandy and should be the only one that matters... in real life. Video games? Not so much.

    While it's clear we're never going to agree, I did want to address this right here. This is bad. For the first time you've said "You're wrong" instead of "I disagree". Don't do that. The reason I'm arguing not to diminish the routes is because I care about this story. I care about this world. I care about the characters. The game has managed to immerse me in its setting, and I love it for that. That's why the choices feel important to me. If you just flat out don't care, if you're only playing to get 100% completion, then I could understand you would want a golden route. But for me, that's not enough.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    Hexlock/Talisman shield together might be an interesting round, I just need to remember where you get hexlock shields. I know for sure you can get one during Marianne's paralogue and buy one from Anna for 3K Gold, but there's a third sitting in my convoy, I don't remember where I got it.

    There's one early in CF. I wanna say Judith drops it but I can't remember for sure. CF will be my next run after the DLC (wanna get all Constance's supports first, and she needs El and Jeritza), so if no one confirms by the time I get there, I'll check.

  3. 30 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

    Well, some peope have the attitude "if they like shit they deserve shit". And other than that there is aknowledging personal biases. Right now i hate paladins because they are poorly balanced, but i aknwledge that most people like things that are a strong, so if they judge units that way paladins deserve all the love they get.

    Fair enough. My immediate thought to such a scenario was more like "What can they possibly see in that asshole?"

  4. 42 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Why should it stop people from playing what is designated as canon or not? It's a game. Choose what you want.

    Because some people like to feel like their choice matters. A game with multiple paths says "choose ANYTHING YOU WANT!" Adding a golden route means the game now says "choose ANYTHING YOU WANT but if you choose anything besides that one you're wrong." It doesn't have to literally be said, the implication is there.

    That's why IS reaffirming "no golden route" means so much to me. It's not that I don't trust them to write it well (although given that they still can't write an avatar well, I don't), it's that they understand now why one doesn't belong in this type of story.

  5. 49 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Yeah... no. In no essence it correlates to being a good or terrible idea. Just they didn't wanted a repeat of Fates where people would dismiss the other routes for it.

    Honestly, this thought of "dismiss all routes because a Golden One exist" is part of the problem, too.

    Having an objective right answer to a moral question defeats the purpose of such a question. I'm sorry you don't understand that.

  6. 2 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    Every House Leader has a deep secret they're trying to keep hidden, but Claude's is just...he's not from here. And I'm not sure how his lineage is kept so secretive or how high stakes the secret ultimately is. Only Lorenz is seen questioning Claude's lineage, but I don't know if such questioning is because it's really not common knowledge among nobles or if Lorenz is just prodding Claude for any weakness due to being his immediate political rival. Does anybody else in the Alliance care whether Claude is the legitimate heir?

    It could just be his trust issues making it seem like a bigger deal than it actually would be, and/or just not wanting to deal with it.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Kiran_ said:

    I agree. It's why Verdant Wind is my least favorite of the four three routes. Because of Claude. And I LOVE Claude's design and general basis of character. Sassy, aloof, with a heart of gold? Perfect.

    But he's so disjointed and incomplete and more than not a side accessory in everyone's story. His arc got answers cause he was the only lord curious enough to ask questions (unlike both Edelgard who wanted to cling to her false truths and Dimitri who despite all evidence to the contrary, wanted to keep things the way they were), and I sorta like this dichotomy of him (the foreigner) being the only one to truly uncover the truths about everything and dive deeper because he doesn't have the biases of Fodlan in his head.

    In this sense, I think his story had the biggest capability to be SO much, but I agree they just didn't quite put the pieces together for all the reasons you stated. 

    In my opinion, I wish Claude's route had been split into two routes (and just get rid of Silver Snow entirely), and make one where he actually joins Edelgard and the two unite against Rhea and Dimitri and another route where he actually joins Dimitri and Rhea and unites against Edelgard. I think Claude is one of those characters who could have legitimately joined either side based on the Professor, and it seemed so odd that he remained a full third party, when I feel like he could have made a difference in both.

    Especially in Dimitri's route, it would have made sense for him to join instead of not doing anything (and in turn inspire some curiosity and thinking to Dimitri's single-minded goals). And in Edelgard's route (if we didn't kill Hilda, *cries*) it would have been nice to have him join us at the voice of both reason and maybe to temper some of of Edelgard's more egregious tendencies. 

    That could've been cool. You're right' he really is kind of stuck in the middle of the war, and it could've been cool to see Leicester tip the balance of the war towards wherever you decide to put them (instead of a single person being the deciding factor). He does to some extent agree with Edelgard's ideals, but not her methods, so both paths would make sense for him to take.

  8. As someone who's only played Casual, how does the scene viewer handle character deaths? Does it assume what you've done on your most recent playthrough of that path? Does it assume everyone is alive? What about mentions of deaths from an enemy that you've recruited (I know on CF after defending Garreg Mach, Hubert will specifically mention Alois' death, but I always recruited him)?

  9. He's digging into the church because he wants to know how and why Fodlan got so closed off in the first place. And given how the church is the big moral authority in Fodlan but a virtual unknown elsewhere, there's a good chance they're behind it, meaningfully or not.

    I think that's part of why he hands off rule of Fodlan to you after VW ends. Even though as Leicester's heir apparent, he is by all means rightful ruler of Fodlan (Edelgard's death means Imperial lords and the parts of Faerghus they control would likely join him, and with Dimitri dead no one's left to rule the rest of Faerghus), he knows that his rule would have heavy opposition from racists (not trying to make this political, but look at the sizable portion of old white people who freaked out when Obama was elected). He decides he's better off handing Fodlan to someone he trusts and can work alongside (even in CF he still seems to think quite highly of you), then later, knowing Slither is still out there, can swoop in and save the day when Fodlan needs them most. Then even his detractors would have to admit he's a good guy, and then he can make a formal alliance with Fodlan.

  10. Technically every character has a sidequest associated with them. And the ones that appear in Part 1 only require that you have one of the two associated characters.


    In Part 2, Linhardt and Leonie have one, and Petra and Bernadetta have one. I don't know if you're planning to go CF or SS, so I'll list both:

    For CF, Edelgard has one, Hubert has one, and Jeritza and Anna have one.

    For SS, Ferdinand and Lysithea have one, and Caspar and Mercedes have one. Technically any route other than CF can access those two, but anyway.


  11. 2 hours ago, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

    And just because you don't want a Golden Route, doesn't mean other people don't want a Golden Route. I'd like a Golden Route where no one dies even if it must be a DLC or mod so that anti-Golden Route people like you don't have to have anything to do with it at all...

    Well, OBVIOUSLY I'm expressing my own opinion on the subject. Everyone here has. And plenty of people have been agreeing with me. This is a topic of discussion, not an echo chamber. You don't get to exclude people just for disagreeing with your fanfiction-level ideas.

  12. 17 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    Also, deployment slots. Silver Snow ditches Edelgard and Hubert, leaving you with seven party members, plus Flayn. That's a team of very benchable units, but even if the player uses all them, they're still tasked with filling out those roster slots with more units of their choosing.

    Not to mention that because of how Part 1 works for BE, Catherine and Cyril are rendered practically unusable, and if you wanted Hilda, getting her is a pain in the ass.

  13. 23 minutes ago, B.Leu said:

    Huh... Why the bloody hell did I think they were six then... ?

    Because they look way younger than they're supposed to be. I think their shared past was originally supposed to happen earlier in their lives, but IS realized it didn't line up with when Edelgard would've been in Fhirdiad. That way Edelgard forgetting Dimitri would make sense (how well do you remember what you did when you were 6?).

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