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Everything posted by Whisky

  1. Oh I see. Well it’s good that he has dialogue with them at least. What’s the deal with Lilina’s level and stats?
  2. I mean yeah, you’re right. It doesn’t make much sense. This one is a bit tough. Rutger is incredibly strong and definitely could be toned down a bit, but they would need to be very careful to not overcompensate with his nerfs. Rutger needs to be better at killing things, that’s what Swordmaster’s do well. They are footlocked, don’t have any utility, and don’t have a common 1-2 range option. In most FEs, Swordmasters are bad, so I like how could they are in Binding Blade. Why? She’s already considered the best unit in the game by many. If she’s reaching stat caps, then her stats are plenty high. They don’t need to be higher. I thought about whether Gale should be recruitable, but this is another option at least. Gale’s part of the game seems incomplete. His AI is weird. Does he even have dialogue with Miledy in Ch 21? I don’t think he does. It might not be explained entirely but I think the reason is there. I think it’s because of Etruria. They stopped the campaign in Lycia because Etruria told Bern that they would protect Lycia and Bern was ready to go to a full scale war against Etruria at the same time as every other nation. Instead, Bern decided to wait on the corrupt Etruria noble to weaken Etruria from within so that they would be easier to fight. Bern was also focusing more on Ilia and Sacae at this time. Maybe, but having more items to Steal gives your Thieves more things to do and be useful. Lol. She has a dress, do you want her to wear pants and a dress at the same time or switch out of the dress for the pants. Should Lugh get pants too? He wears shorts normally, probably because they’re comfy and easy to wear, I guess. I mean, that is demonstrated by her recruiting these characters, isn’t it? They both say that they are impressed by her kind heart. In addition to being kind and persuasive, she is also able to recognize when people don’t actually want to hurt anyone.
  3. So it turns out, Edelgard completely crushes Hector with skills (which really isn’t fair for Hector since FE7 didn’t really have skills). So Axe Prowess 5 adds 20 Hit. That brings her up to 91% Hit which is pretty dang good. It also adds 10 Avoid which reduces Hector’s Hit to 86%, and it adds Crit Evade which removes Hector’s chance for a random win through a Crit. Raging Storm adds another 10 Hit bringing her to 100% guaranteeing her victory if she attacks first because it also adds 14 Mt allowing her to 2HKO. If Hector attacks first then she counters with a normal attack, but that’s okay if she has Axe Faire (seriously, this is not fair for Hector) because that adds 5 damage, bringing her to 25 with a normal attack, and 39 with Raging Storm. Still a 2HKO. All she has to do is hit with a 91% attack which is pretty reliable. Raging Storm is her best option but it’s not her only one. Lightning Axe let’s her bypass Hector’s Def and target his much lower Res instead. It adds 8 damage bringing her to 65 Atk, 70 with Axe Faire. Against Hector’s 13 Res, she will deal 52 damage + Axe Faire = 57 for a 1HKO. Also, why doesn’t she get Weight -3/5? Since her class is armored, it would make sense for her to learn it (but she would still get doubled anyway).
  4. Wow, I didn't know Hector was so fast. I guess the Emperor class is really bad and slowing her down too much. ' Why does Armads only have 13 Wt though? Is that the FE6 version? Also, Raging Storm adds stats including 14 Mt, enough for a 2RKO, and 10 Hit, which helps with her low accuracy. She would also have access to Lightning Axe to nearly 1HKO Hector by bypassing his Def (though that wouldn't matter here since it's still not quite a 1HKO), and Smash for a bonus 20 Hit and 20 Crit. Also also, I just noticed your sig. I like it. (The hidden part)
  5. Oh I see. and fair enough. I want to see the two Armored Axe Lords; Hector(FE7) vs Edelgard (Emperor). Somehow their worlds cross and Hector finds himself as the leader of the Lycian Alliance defending his homeland from the Adrestian Empire, and faces off head to head against the herself.
  6. So Seth and Titania are pretty evenly matched. Actually, if they both used Lances to remove the WT, then Seth would pull out on top. Titania needs WTA to beat Seth, but he’s versatile in that regard to. He can switch to a Sword to have WTA against her with Axes, and if she switches to Lances, she will no longer deal enough damage to kill in the same number of hits as Seth. So I don’t think Titania has any way to beat Sword Seth. @Jotari You missed the Berkut vs Ashnard match up.
  7. I don’t really see it, but there might be more to Betkut’s history that I don’t know about. From what you see in the game, Berkut fails to impress, before his decent into darkness that is. I wasn’t really thinking about that. For the purpose of this match up, we can count his weapon as being blessed. 1-3 range is impressive, and would actually allow him to attack Ashnard without getting countered? So that’s a big advantage. You said the main difference between them is that Ashnard is insane, but I think post Duma blessing Berkut definitely seems the least sane of the two. Ashnard actually has a pretty clear head on his shoulders, he knows exactly what he wants, which happens to be war and chaos. The guy loves fighting. Edit: Actually if I remember correctly, didn't Berkut feel like a failure because he was unable to deliver the strength that was asked of him from Rigel's ideals? This is why he is willing to make any sacrifice for more power. Before being blessed by Duma, I don't really see Berkut standing up to Ashnard at all. After being blessed by Duma, where he is barely even seems human, then I can see him potentially having a chance, because he is quite powerful with that dark power.
  8. I don’t think Berkut can fight Ashnard. First of all, lore wise, Ashnard’s armor is blessed by the goddess and can only be damaged by weapons that are also blessed by the goddess, or Laguz. Berkut is not a Laguz and is not blessed by the goddess, so lore wise, Ashnard wins by default, so we have to ignore his literal plot armor in order to continue. Ashnard is incredibly strong, flys on a Wyvern, was famous for his strength on the battlefield before becoming King. Lore wise, stat wise, gameplay wise, Ashnard has a lot going for him. His weapon is very strong and has 1-2 range. Doesn’t really seem like Berkut would have a chance. Berkut’s story is that he was arrogant and thought he was better than other people because of his status as a noble and got defeated multiple times when his skills actually got put to the test, while Ashnard only cares about strength, not status, and proved to have a lot of it himself. Also, that Sylvain match was pretty interesting.
  9. Joshua would deal much less damage with a Silver Sword, requiring more hits to kill Sabre. I don’t know the Mt of an SoV Silver Sword but the Beloved Zofia doesn’t seem too impressive with only 10 Mt. A GBA Silver Sword has 13 Mt. This also gives him access to a new Combat Art. Even if they’re older, they’re still inexperienced in actual combat at the start of the game, and by the end of the game, both pairs of Knights have a lot of exp fighting in a continental war. I don’t think age is an important factor here. I have no idea how to calculate a 2v2 fight though.
  10. Only half of your Luc gets added to accuracy in the GBA games. Full Luc is added to Avoid but only half for Hit.
  11. Did you factor in the +5 Skl? Yeah, that’s true. The Maltet is the Divine Weapon of Ilia. Wait a second, didn’t Roy’s mother like flowers from Ilia? Maybe there is a connection?
  12. His Str is slightly higher in FE6 too, but most of his other stats are a bit lower, most of all Luc. I guess his Luc has run out, must be why he got sick. His Skl is a bit lower but weapon triangle will more than make up for that. His Spd is slightly lower but I don’t think by enough for him to get doubled. If his higher Def is enough to allow him to survive 2 hits, then I think it will be a completely even match. I’m interested in seeing what Jotari has to say too.
  13. Yeah, that’s what I expected would happen. So then, I want to see Eliwood, the Greatest Knight in Lycia (Binding Blade) vs Ephraim Eliwood has improved with age, and has learned that Lances are better than Swords, having an S rank in Lances. And apparently got better quality Armour as Marquess too with such high Def.
  14. I agree. It makes sense that he won't join you until the King is safe, but it's annoying that he chases you around the whole time.
  15. Yeah, I agree with this as well. I think people generally complain a bit too much about it, since I really don't find it that hard if you know what you're doing, but I definitely agree that the game should be more clear about what you need to do and when you failed to meet one of the requirements. I actually like that this exists as an extra challenge with the reward of a few more chapters and a better ending. I think it adds replayability in way. I don't think players should just be given the secret ending but actually have to work for it a bit, it gives them a way to improve from their first playthrough to their second. But it would be nice for the game to make it clear about what you're supposed to do so that players don't need to look it up to even know about it. Failing to meet the requirements should be an actual failure on the player's part instead of just not knowing what they did wrong.
  16. Given the numbers provided above, Silas needs to get a Crit or hit 3 times in a row in order to kill Conrad before Conrad kills him. Conrad can get either 2 Crits, 1 Crit + 3 Hits, or 6 Hits. Because Conrad has 100% Hit he is guaranteed to kill before Silas gets a 4th attack, and because Silas has only 81% Hit (and very low Crit) there is a smaller chance of this happening than Conrad killing Silas. The odds, given the parameters above proved by Jotari, are 57:43 in Conrad's favor. This means that here is a 57% chance of Conrad winning, and a 43% chance of Silas winning. This is a pretty close match, but the odds are in Conrad's favor. This is calculated using 81% Hit for Silas, not accounting for true Hit, which brings up the question, which game's mechanics did you use to calculate Hit and Avoid rates? They are calculated differently in different games. I also did not calculate the odds if Silas was to attack first. I believe that this would increase Silas' odds, but like Jotari already said, Conrad is able to get the first strike due to higher Move. In gameplay, Divine Pulse doesn't change RNG when used so it cannot be used to manipulate for Hits or Crits unless Byleth does something to change his strategy each time. If his opponent can overpower him, then I don't think Divine Pulse would do a whole lot to change that. With that being said, I feel like Byleth would be able to over power Soren. Byleth is pretty strong. Unless Soren gets lucky with Adept, but that's not reliable.
  17. FE7 is the only game that needs to explain it because FE7 is the one that changed it. The Divine Weapons didn't have souls inside them in FE6. That sounds right actually. It was the Sword's memory. Yeah, good point. The Divine Weapons were powerful enough to warp physics when they clashed with the dragons and the Binding Blade is somehow something even more special? What is this Sword?
  18. Ah yes that's true, but that's only for the Binding Blade, not the Divine Weapons. That's also Hartmut's memories, not his actual soul, if I'm remember correctly.
  19. Is that in FE6 or only FE7? I don't remember any mention of that in FE6.
  20. Oh yeah, that's true. The Divine Weapons are effective against Wyvern Knights. I mean, since this is a game and the Eckesachs is enemy only, we can just blame that for all its inconsistencies. (Not excusing it, just explaining how the inconsistencies would have happened) It is a Divine Weapon, so I don't think there's any story or lore reason for why it works differently. Oh well I guess. If it was effective against Wyverns, I would have lost my Ironman run. I got Miledy and Percival killed (among others) and Zeiss was the one to defeat Zephiel.
  21. Fae is a special type of dragon though, a Divine Dragon. The other Divine Weapons don’t appear to be effective against Divine Dragons either since they aren’t effective against Idoun, only the Binding Blade is.
  22. In regards to Eckesachs being usable by only Zephiel, and that the Binding Blade chose Roy. Echesachs is a Divine weapon. The Binding Blade is different from the Divine weapons. So it makes sense that the Binding Blade has different mechanics but it doesn’t make sense for Echesachs to be different from other Divine weapons. Also, it’s sort of implied that anyone could have used the Binding Blade if they inserted the Fire Emblem into it. Roy was just the one who happened to be in that situation. There’s a conversation about that in the game between Roy and Elphin. The gameplay reason for it might be that they didn’t want to give you two S rank Swords. You currently get one S rank weapon for each weapon type. - In regards to Divine weapons being unbreakable, it would be too unbalanced. It’s mostly fine the way it is now. Each weapon gets 20 uses and you can choose how and when to use those 20 uses throughout the game. Use them early on when they are useful, or ration them for later, that’s the player’s choice. You also get a Hammerne later on to be able to choose to repair up to three of them. They need to have limited durability in order for the game to be able to able to give them to you throughout the game. Could they be increased to 30 uses? Sure, i think that would be reasonable, but I think 20 or 30 could work. I don’t think 30 uses would make the game better, just different (and easier). One potential way to attempt to balance unbreakable Divine Weapons, could be to have them start weaker and grow stronger with each one you get. Again, I wouldn’t consider this an improvement, just different. You would have an unbreakable weapon but it wouldn’t be super strong. As it is now, you get the super strong Durandal and can choose to use it when in a tight spot or up against a powerful boss, or ration it for later. This puts the choice on the player and is an aspect of resource management. That’s why I like the Divine Weapons how they are now. Edit: The Binding Blade, I would be more okay with being unbreakable since you get it so late and it’s meant to be something even more special than the Divine Weapons. Though there are still balance reasons to not do this, including that since you do get it so late, 20 uses is even for it be plenty useful. You have a whole army to fight with, Roy doesn’t need to do everything himself. Because Roy’s promotion comes super late in the game (though that’s the case for a lot of lords in the series) and Chapter 16 is when Roy is titled as the leader of the Eturian Alliance Army so it would be an appropriate time for a promotion. He literally gets a promotion in the story here.
  23. Yeah, the Chapter 6 ambush spawns are stupid. If you know about them, you shouldn’t even open those doors, but the ones you can’t avoid are the ones by the boss, and since they appear on 3 different turns with huge gaps in between them, it’s very difficult to approach the boss without getting ambushed. It’s dumb. The ones from the bottom of this map are fine though. They’re only triggered when all of your units move past a certain point, so the game doesn’t spawn them until it knows that your units aren’t in range. Unlike 3H spawning ambush enemies with Pass on top of your starting point on turn 2 -_-
  24. In general, I’m really not a fan of ambush spawns. I agree that FE games really shouldn’t hide informaron from the player (I hate FOW in FE. It can work in some games, but FE is not the right game to have FOW in). That being said, I don’t think player phase spawns are a complete improvement from ambush spawns. Enemy reinforcements are easy to kill before they even get a chance to move if they appear on player phase so there’s almost not much point in even having them at that point. Between the two, I would pick player phase spawns for sure, but I think ambush spawns could work if the game told you when and where ambush spawns were about to appear from. There are a lot of ambush spawns that are perfectly fair in FE6, ones that you are given warning about or that appear far enough away to not kill anyone. It depends on how the specific spawns are designed.
  25. Ambush spawns really need to be all or nothing. In other words, either in both modes or not in the game at all. Being in HM only would actually make them more unfair because they would come as a surprise to people that played NM.
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