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Everything posted by Whisky

  1. Well it could be explained that he had no other choice but to risk the spell back firing. Roy was going to defeat him regardless otherwise. However, that’s contradicted by him being confident rather than desperate. He also blames Niime instead of taking responsibility. I kind of thought that she knew what she was doing and purposeful froze the river. I thought the only reason she tells him it might backfire is to have an excuse for when she purposely freezes the river. Maybe I interpreted that event wrong. Anyway, I’m sure we can find a lot of bosses that make mistakes due to being overly cocky. Doesn’t Narshen fit this too?
  2. This is true. That’s actually a surprisingly good explanation. So theoretically, if Hector did call the guards, it might have started a war? Why wasn’t Wire working for Ephidel though instead of Nergal? And did finding the bodies not start the war? I don’t think that’s fair. Healing Staves can exist. They only become a problem when we have a scene of someone injured and no one tried to heal him... which does happen at least once. And Canas is just a badass. This is probably true. 1. That works, but it’s weird. 2. You think so? How much of a presence did Nergal have on the Black Fang exactly? Brenden was still the leader and Sonia was the one manipulating him. So Nergal would have appeared to be a mid level Black Fang member, if anyone knew about him? I kind of thought his existence wasn’t known to most of the Black Fang. I guess some people definitely knew. 3. yay! Excuses! Good job writers! Just an incompetent failure. What did Martel do that was similar? This could explain it. I mean, I doubt the writers put as much thought into as you, but it works lol. Wouldn’t the corpses raise some questions though?
  3. At the beginning of Hector Mode, Hector is trying to sneak out of the castle without telling Uther. At the same time, on the same day, Black Fang Assassins led by Wire attempt to kill him. That’s pretty coincidental timing. What if they showed up after Hector left? Why did Nergal want Hector killed anyway? How did he even know who Hector was at this point? Hector is the younger brother of the Marquess of Ostia. Wouldn’t it make more sense to target Uther? Wire works directly for Nergal, by the way. When he dies he says “forgive me... Lord ... Nergal”. Why is Nergal directly giving orders to low ranking Black Fangs instead of going through Sonia? And why does Nergal want Hector killed enough to directly order a Black Fang to kill him, but not enough to actually get someone other than such an incompetent and low ranking member? Wire’s assassination attempt was a complete failure. Hector realizes the first assassin is hiding and kills him before he has a chance to try anything. Wire and the rest of the squad are in other rooms waiting for Hector to try to leave. Hector could have called for the guards at this point. Did Wire know that Hector was too stubborn to call for guards? What a failure of an assassin. Wait, why is an assassin wearing heavy armour? Oh, he’s trying to sneak into Castle Ostia which is known for its Armour Knights, so he’s wearing the armour as a disguise to sneak in. That makes sense right? Well the disguise completely failed because Hector immediately kills the first assailant and never thinks that Wire is a Castle guard. Later on in the Pirate Ship chapter, Hector says that he was attacked by “dark roped” guys. So apparently the armour wasn’t a disguise. Their dark robes still made them stand out. Why are assassins wearing clothes that make them stand out enough for Hector to remember seeing similar clothes from the enemies several chapter later? And this brings us back to: Why was Wire, an assassin, wearing heavy armour? Why was he such a failure? And why did Nergal directly order him to kill Hector? Does any of this make sense?
  4. What made them good in SoV? I used Lucas and Valbar and I thought they weren’t very good. Lucas has low Movement, and gets destroyed by magic. His high Def is never necessary and he isn’t invincible to physical attacks. Sabre has really good Def too and way better Spd and offense and Move.
  5. Before Shadow Dragon, all units are a combination of character and class. The only game where you could maybe separate the class from the character is Sacred Stones with the branching promotions. If all units that are in the Armour Knight class had super good personal stats then we would consider Armour Knights better in those games. Class stats are basically irrelevant in games without re-classing (unless you are playing a randomizer). Oswin, as an Armour Knight, is a pretty good unit. The class itself offers very little to him. As any other class, Oswin becomes arguably the best unit in the game, but in the vanilla game, that doesn’t really matter. Evaluating Armour Knights in FE7 means evaluating Oswin as an Armour Knight (and Wallace). What I’m trying to say is that in terms of unit balance, it doesn’t really matter if the class offers nothing special and is a terrible class, if all characters that happen to be in that class have high enough personal stats to compensate. Unless we are talking about a game with re-classing like Shadow Dragon or 3H. Edit: Without hacking the older games, we wouldn’t know if the high Def is from the class or the character.
  6. Oh dang. I made sure it looked decent as far as I could see. Thanks for the info. I’ll try that out next time. I have no idea way the text got bigger after the first part either. I did summarize everything from the stat tables in the following paragraphs though. The stat tables only compliment the text.
  7. Someone asked for this but it wasn’t on the right topic, so I’m going to make this here. I’ll jump straight into it and then anyone who wants to is welcome to have a discussion about it. First of all, both of them are primarily Staff users, and honestly, you probably won’t notice a significant difference between them. You can use either one of them and they can both perform their primary functions just fine. But there are differences between them that are interesting to look at. Join Time Moulder is available from Ch 2. Natasha isn’t available until Ch 5. I’ll leave it up to the readers to determine how much value you want to put on a unit for being able to contribute for a few extra battles. I think it’s far more interesting to compare them when they are both available. Those few extra battles are relevant to that comparison though because it means that Moulder has a few battles to get a lead on exp and Staff rank. Moulder can easily gain at least one level during these battles, bringing him up to level 4, by the time Natasha joins at level 1. The Initial Comparison Here are Natasha’s base stats and Moulder’s averages at level 4. _HP_Mag_Skl_Spd_Luc_Def_Res_Staff Rank Moulder 20.7_4.4__6.6_9.4__1.2_2.3__5.3__C+ Natasha _18___2___4___8____6___2____6___D There isn’t any significant difference, especially since you should try to keep them out of combat as much as possible. They should both serve their function of healing well enough. Moulder does heal 2 more points, so he could be considered slightly better. More importantly, he starts with a base C rank in Staves. His Staff rank will always be higher than hers. He will be able to use Warp Staves sooner or any other type of Staff like Physics. She might have enough time to increase her rank high enough before you get these staves anyway though. I’m not sure. The Level Gap Moulder is 3 levels higher than Natasha. You might think it makes sense to compare them at a particular level at the same level. However, Moulder will remain 3 levels higher than Natasha, at least until they promote. A level gap is not something that goes away. Any exp the lower level unit gets could been given to the higher level unit to stay ahead. This is especially true for Staff users. Other units can at least reduce the gap by gaining more exp from kills, but Staff users continue to gain the same amount of exp from using Staves, no matter what level they are. Moulder will always remain 3 levels higher than Natasha, at least until they promote, but even then he will remain higher level. Therefore, Moulder should always be compared at 3 levels higher than Natasha. Moulder at Level 10 When Moulder is level 10, Natasha will be level 7. The average stats are: _HP__Mag_Skl__Spd___Luc__Def__Res Moulder 24.9__6.8__9.5__11.8__2.4___3.8__6.8 Natasha _21___5.6__5.5__10.4__9.6___2.9__9.3 The differences are still not too big for units that shouldn’t be in combat, but the obvious advantage for Moulder is that he can promote now if you want to early promote him. Natasha doesn’t get that choice. In addition to the stat bonuses, this means that he can start contributing in combat which can make him more useful and provide him opportunities to gain more exp. I will assume he promotes to Bishop because it makes the comparisons easier and has better promotion bonuses. Sage can use Anima which is better than Light Magic. I might bring up Sage occasionally later, but for the most part, I will assume he is a Bishop. Here are his 10/1 Bishop averages: _HP__Mag_Skl__Spd___Luc__Def__Res Moulder 27.9__8.8_10.5__11.8__2.4___6.8__8.8 Of course, promoting him now has the disadvantage of reducing his exp gain, but at least it’s an option for him if you want to. You don’t need to. Natasha doesn’t get this choice. Natasha at Level 10 At whatever point in the game Natasha reaches level 10, if you had been using Moulder instead, he would be Level 13. The unprompted stats don’t seem to be as important anyway, so I’ll skip those and just look at the averages of 13/1 Bishop Moulder and 10/1 Bishop Natasha. Natasha can promote to Valkyrie instead which gives her 1 more Move and higher Aid for Rescue/Dropping. This is an advantage she can have over Moulder that he doesn’t have any way to directly compete with. Valkyrie also gives her 1 more point of Mag. I will be assuming she promotes to Bishop because it makes the comparison easier. Valkyrie also loses out on the Slayer ability and higher Staff rank. Their averages are: __HP__Mag_Skl__Spd___Luc__Def__Res Moulder __30___10___12___13____3____7.5__9.5 Natasha _25.5__8.4__8.3__12.6__11.4__5.4__9.3 Moulder has 11 Con. Natasha has 5. She has 6 as a Valkyrie but also 1 less Spd so her AS would stay the same. Alright, we can finally compare their combat. Moulder has very low Luc. Most enemies have very low Crit rates in this game so that usually shouldn’t be an issue but it might be a small issue occasionally. Moulder is quite a bit more durable. They won’t be your frontline fighters anyway, and they can attack at range with their magic so they should often be able to avoid counters anyway, but is nice for him to be able to survive an extra hit when he needs too. Their Res is almost the same. Moulder has about 1-2 more Mag. Spd is similar but Natasha gets weighed down. With Lightning, Moulder will have 14 Atk, 13 AS. Natasha will have 12.4 Atk, 11.6 AS. With Shine, Moulder will have 16 Atk, 13 AS. Natasha will have 14.4 Atk, 9.6 AS. Moulder also has higher Hit and Crit. As a Valkyrie, Natasha has 1 more Atk but that’s still less than Moulder’s and she still has lower AS, although the higher Move is always nice to have. If you make Moulder a Sage he can wield Thunder and have 17 Atk, 13 AS, or with Elfire, he would have 19 Atk, 13 AS. Moulder is also slightly more effective with Staves. Slightly more range on Warp/Physic/Rescue, and slightly more healing. Natasha at 15/1, Moulder at 18/1 Let’s compare them at a higher level. If you wait longer to promote, you can promote Natasha at level 15. Moulder will still be 3 levels higher at level 18. The averages after promoting are: __HP__Mag__Skl___Spd__Luc___Def__Res Moulder _33.5___12__14.5___15____4____8.8__10.8 Natasha __28___11.4__9.5__14.6__14.4__6.1__15.7 Moulder’s Luc could still be an issue in some situations but he is also much more durable than her. She has more Res, but he kind of makes up for that with higher HP. It depends on how many magic enemies are attacking them at a time. Moulder should probably be fine against magic attacks. He still has slightly higher Mag and Spd. His higher Skl gives him 10% more Hit. With Lightning, Moulder has 16 Atk, 15 AS. Natasha has 15.4 Atk, 13.6 AS. With Shine, Moulder has 18 Atk, 15 AS. Natasha has 17.4 Atk, 11.6 AS. As a Valkyrie, Natasha has slightly higher Atk than Moulder, but only barely and still low AS. As a Sage, Moulder can use Thunder and have 19 Atk, 15 AS, or use Elfire and have 21 Atk, 15 AS. Moulder is clearly superior in combat and is slightly more effective with Staves. He is generally more durable but might have issues against some enemies with higher Crit rayes. Natasha can be a Valkyrie for Rescue/Dropping utility. Natasha at 15/5, Moulder at 18/5 Let’s compare them again at a higher level. The averages at these levels are: _HP___Mag___Skl___Spd__Luc_Def__Res Moulder _36.3__13.6__16.5__16.6__4.8__9.8__11.8 Natasha __30___13.8__10.5__16.2__16.8__6.7__17.9 Natasha has barely surpassed Moulder in Mag. The comparison is pretty much the same everywhere else. Moulder is more durable but has bad Luc. Natasha has high Res. Moulder has higher Hit rates, and higher AS. He can also have higher Atk than Natasha by promoting to Sage and using Anima tomes. Moulder is still better in combat from his higher AS and even more so as a Sage with higher Atk and AS. He is also significantly more durable than Natasha but you will have to watch enemies’ Crit chances against him. She is very good at tanking magic attacks or status staves. 15/10 Natasha, 18/10 Moulder The averages are: _HP__Mag___Skl___Spd__Luc__Def__Res Moulder 39.8__15.6___19___18.6___5.8__11___13 Natasha 32.5__16.8__11.8__18.2__19.8__7.5__20.7 The comparison is mostly the same. Natasha does have a small lead in Mag and might be slightly more effective with Staves. She might have 1 more range with Warp. If you really want a good Warper, Artur is better for the job. Moulder is only barely any worse with Staves than Natasha. That 1 point in Warp range is really the only difference. Most enemies in the final battle on Hard mode have around 5-6 Crit so Moulder’s Luc usually shouldn’t be a problem, but again, you will need to pay attention enemies’ Crit chances against him, especially if he gets Luc screwed. Natasha can now have about 1 more Atk than Moulder. Moulder can make up that difference as a Sage but he would lose the Slayer ability. 1 Atk isn’t much difference. Moulder still has more AS and more Hit. With Lightning, Moulder has 19.6 Atk, 18.6 AS. Natasha has 20.8 Atk, 17.2 AS. With Shine Moulder has 21.6 Atk, 18.6 AS. Natasha has 22.8 Atk, 15.2 AS. With Divine, Moulder has 23.6 Atk, 17.6 AS. Natasha has 24.8 Atk, 11.2 AS. With Thunder, Moulder has 22.6 Atk, 18.6 AS. With Elfire, Moulder has 24.6 Atk, 18.6 AS. With Ivaldi, Moulder has 32.6 Atk, 18.6 AS. Natasha has 33.8 Atk, 13.2 AS. With Excalibur, Moulder has 32.6 Atk, 21.6 AS. Oh I just realized, promoting Moulder to Sage instead of Bishop means that he loses out on the Slayer ability, however Excalibur is effective against monsters anyway. Conclusion Natasha has the advantage of being able to get a horse, giving her 7 Move and better Rescue/Dropping utility. She also makes a good tank against magic attacks or status staves, but I don’t think that’s necessary. Moulder has very low Luc and may face Crit chances against some enemies. This shouldn’t usually be an issue, but you will need to pay attention to enemies’ Crit chances against him. Moulder is much more physically durable and his higher HP makes him just as capable at surviving a single magic attack as Natasha. There is very little difference in their effectiveness with Staves. Moulder is much better in combat, with much higher AS and Hit rates, and having slightly higher Atk throughout most of the game with Natasha only barely surpassing his Atk at very high level. Moulder also starts with higher Staff rank and can promote earlier if you choose to. Discussion Please discuss your thoughts about these two characters. Is there anything I missed or anything else you want to add?
  8. That’s impressively bad. They’re terrible in Binding Blade. What I don’t understand is why they aren’t actually good in combat. It seems obvious that a unit with terrible Move should be very strong in combat to compensate, but Armours in FE6 really aren’t. The game literally tells you that they are “nearly impenetrable”, but Bors dies more easily than most units against early game Brigands, and his offense is garbage. Armoured units in general not only seem to have terrible Move, but bad combat too. If they are going to have low mobility that severely limits their options for contributing, then at least make them super strong, not weak.
  9. TC, you never said what type of suggestions you are looking for. Are you asking for advice for who the best units are that will help make the game easier? Or just opinions on who the most fun units are to use? I generally like to tell people to try things out for themselves and form their own opinions. There's no reason to use only the best units, it's not like you're playing the game competitively. The most important thing is to have fun.
  10. That’s true. Artur is good. Moulder does have advantages over Natasha. That’s not really what this topic is about but I’m definitely willing to have that discussion if you want to. To be honest, the differences between them are very small so it isn’t a big difference either way. You’ll be fine using either one. I wouldn’t really consider supports to be much of an advantage, even though I do agree that she has better supports. Supports build slowly, and aren’t really necessary. Even if Artur is the main Light Magic user, the better Moulder/Natasha are, the better. Artur isn’t really relevant to the comparison between them. You aren’t limited in how may users of a specific weapon type you can use. Although I will agree that their main purpose is to be using Staves, if they do need to attack, and Moulder is better at it, then doesn’t that make him better?
  11. Sure. It depends on how many other units you are planning on using. It might be worth bringing both for some chapters and only one for certain other chapters. With Pure Waters, wouldn’t there still be a chance of getting berserked if you’re unlucky? Using L’Arachel does make sense since you need to bring her in this battle anyway for Rennac. I actually really like L’Arachel, I just wish she wasn’t so dang under leveled. I’ve always found it weird how she always talks about smiting monsters and stuff but she can’t fight. That’s true. It’s probably pretty easy to get her C Staves and then not worry about until you need her for something, and Moulder probably is still better overall. Well, he is anyway, since the whole point of this topic is that he starts out good enough to not need any training, but you know what I mean. I don’t have any Torch Staves in this particular playthrough though. I also ran into another unexpected problem with Moulder... his Staff rank starts so high that it becomes too easy to reach S in Staves and now my Moulder can’t S rank Light Magic...
  12. But it makes me feel better to justify it! haha But really though, I don't think it's so ridiculous. I wasn't going out of my way to look for uses for her. I ran into a problem in my current playthrough. I got to Ch 14 and wanted two Restore users. Then I realized that Natasha and L'Arachel only had D staves. I wouldn't have ran into this problem if I had used Natasha instead of Moulder, because he already starts with C Staves anyway. I think it really might be worth it to train Natasha's Staff rank to C even if you are still using Moulder as your primary Staff user. Well, you also wouldn't have this problem if you promote Artur into a Bishop. And you obviously don't need two Staff users here. I just completed the battle with just Moulder, but I do think having two Restore users would have helped.
  13. Right. You make it sound like a fallacy to not solo the game with a "Jeigan". It might still be better to use Moulder more than Natasha, but using her at least enough to get her to C Staves gets an another Restore user, which is helpful. If you are only going to use one and not both, then my argument is that if you only use Moulder and not Natasha, you could have a hard time in some battles (possibly only the one I mentioned. I don't know if there are any other battles where this would matter.) Whereas, if you only use Natasha and not Moulder, then you can bring Moulder just for that battle anyway, because he already has C Staves. Sure, Moulder is probably still better overall, but it's something to consider. Also, I said I found a reason to use Natasha over Moulder, not I found a reason that makes her better than Moulder. My first sentence was that Moulder is indeed better than her overall. Edit: It isn't too hard to reach S ranks in this game, as long as you use the unit that uses that particular weapon type. It helps to know which weapons increase weapon rank more. In the case of Light magic, Shine increases your rank more than other Light tomes (aside from Purge). Source: https://serenesforest.net/the-sacred-stones/inventory/light-tomes/
  14. Moulder is better than Natasha unless you really want a Valkyrie. Moulder makes a better Bishop. Starting with a C in Staves instead of D like Natasha would seem to be one of the reasons why he is better than her, however, Moulder starts with C Staves which is enough to use Restore. Natasha and L'Arachel both start with D Staves and cannot use Restore. if you want more than one Restore user Ch 14(Ephraim) which has a lot of enemy status staff users, you will need to train up Natasha's or L'Arachel's Staff rank, at least a little bit. Even if Moulder hasn't gained any exp, you can still bring him into this battle and he can use Restore.
  15. Okay, thanks for letting me know. I’ll stay with H1 for now since I already started and am not very familiar with the game. I’ll move to harder difficulties afterwards, though those might be on regular playthroughs. Chapter 4 I forged Marth a Rapier just strong enough to OHKO the Cavaliers here. I can how easy it would be to get over whelmed here on higher difficulties but it was easy here. Jeigan is great as a Draco Knight. I can how good Ceada would be with the Wing Spear but that’s alright, she’s pretty good as a Mage too. My main team is, Marth Abel Cain Jeigan Ceada Ogma Lena Navarre I’m using a few others as fillers but I’m not sure about using them for long term. New Characters: Merric - Cavalier. I’m going to replace Wrys with Merric, though Wrys is filler anyway. I probably won’t use Merric in long term either. Matthis - Myrmidon. I have no intention of using him.
  16. I’ve played various Randomizers for each of the GBA games using the Yune program, so I decided to give a Class Randomizer a go in this game. I am not using a program for it like Yune. I will roll a random number generator for each unit when they join to decide what class to reclass them into, and then that will be the class they stay as. This is possibly the only game in the series (before 3H that is) that you can do a Randomizer without and hacks or patches or anything. As with the GBA Randomizers, it’s an interesting way to play through the game. It puts a nice twist on things and kind of forces you to try different characters than you normally would. Is anyone interested in me posting how the run goes and what class each unit gets? I’ve never posted anything about my playthroughs online before. You can’t reclass until Ch 4. Here are the units and their classes at the beginning of Ch 4. Marth - Lord (big surprise there) Abel - Myrmidon Cain - Archer Jeigan - Draco Knight Gordin - Curate Draug - Pirate Ceada - Mage Wrys - Cavalier Ogma - Hunter Barst - Dark Mage Bord - Pirate Cord - Armour Knight Castor - Mercenary Darros - Armour Knight Julian - Thief (again, big surprise) Lena - Pegasus Knight Navarre - Curate Unrelated, but the first few bosses of this game are very strong. I’ve seen how unfair they can be on H5 but I didn’t think they would be this strong on the lower difficulties. They already kind of require a little bit of good luck or cheesing strats. Oh, and as for why I’m on H1. This is the second time I’ve played this game with my first time being on Easy, so I’m moving up a step from my last playthrough. I have very little experience with Shadow Dragon.
  17. It’s looking interesting. I hope you continue this. I don’t know why you don’t like Jaffar’s palette sprite. I think he looks fine. i’ve played several randomizes myself, but never maximum randomness. That could get chaotic and can potentially be impossible but can also be very interesting to see what happens. I’ve played a class randomized and a recruitment randomized for all three GBA games and I’m now playing a weapons and rewards randomizer for FE6. Speaking of which, I’m curious to see how some more of your weapons are randomized like regular iron weapons.
  18. I haven’t actually tried it. I also haven’t used Douglas much nor gone to the Sacae route much because I prefer Ilia. I just figured it seemed like the spot where a high Def unit would shine the most. Ilia has a stronger enemies too like Wyverns, Heroes, and Druids. And Douglas really isn’t good on Ch 21 and he doesn’t seem like he’s be any good on Ch22 or Ch23 either. By the way, what is the normal solution for Sacae? Last time I used Zeiss with a Delphi Shield who took very little damage from most enemies.
  19. According to the HM Enemy Stats thread, Nomads usually have 17-20 Atk, with a few of them having 21 Atk. Douglas has a base Def of 20 so he will take no damage from most Nomads and 2 damage from a few of them with doubling. Nomadic Troopers have between 23-25 Atk with a Steel Sword, so with weapon triangle, the most damage they can do is 8, with most doing less.
  20. Well Def is what he specializes in so shouldn’t he take very little to no damage from the Nomads? Nomads don’t have very high Atk. Getting doubled shouldn’t matter much. His offense might not be good though.
  21. I haven’t tried it, but he might be good against the hordes of Nomads in the Sacae route. He would probably have a hard time hitting them though.
  22. Does that context make him good? The first time I used him was on Normal Mode and I was entirely unimpressed. I like the purple armour though.
  23. I love Binding Blade and find it very under rated. That being said, it is very unfriendly to a Blind Ironman, for the reasons people have already said. Mostly ambush spawns. You get a lot of ‘replacement units’ but most of them aren’t very good. Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones both seem pretty friendly for it to me. They are both easier (Eliwood Normal Mode (ENM) is very easy). They do not have ambush spawns. And they both give you powerful pre-promotes for free. Why is Douglas being included as a “better prepromote”? Niime is very good. Yodel is good. Dayan isn’t bad. Klein isn’t bad. Cecilia is a good support unit. Echidna is okay. She’s great for the mid game but does fall off by the late game so she might not be “long-term material”. Same goes for Zealot actually. Miledy isn’t a pre-promote but she is a unit that joins automatically and has amazing base stats. You could promote her immediately and she would basically be a pre-promote.
  24. I haven’t played Awakening or Fates, or FE 1-5, or FE12, so I don’t know about those. FE6 - I think Armour Knights are probably at their worst in the series in FE6. Not only does the game’s maps promote high Move units and make it difficult get much use out of Armours. Not only are there a very limited number of Knight’s Crests in the game of which you obviously want to use on Cavaliers. But also the Armours in this game don’t even have good stats. Bors is downright frail against early game Axe users. Wendy has some of the worst bases in the series. Armours can never have good offense due to their low Spd and mediocre Str. The list of their problems goes on and on. FE7 - This game is arguably the answer to the title question with how good Oswin is. Oswin is great but his low Move and questionable Spd definitely hold him back. He’s still very useful early on and I think he holds up pretty well throughout the game. Someone mentioned earlier that he would be better as another class. Yes, that’s true but it doesn’t make him bad currently. He’s already okay at worst. In a class randomizer, Oswin is probably the best unit in the game. FE8 - Gilliam is not particularly good but at least he can get a horse when he promotes. That alone makes him better than most Armours. Not the best, but definitely not the worst. POR - Not sure exactly but they don’t seem very useful here to me. Gatrie is at least useful early on but not as much so once he rejoins. Tauroneo seems to have good bases and a good skill, but I still don’t think he seems very good with his low Move. RD - They’re actually pretty good here. Gatrie is great in this game and the other two aren’t too bad either. This is a possible candidate for most useful. SD - Well I’ve heard that Sedgar and Wolf are really good if they reclass to Generals, but that seems to be the only way the Armour classes can be good in this game. That alone does seem to make them among the most useful in this game. Echoes - I thought they seemed terrible but I’ve heard Lukas is pretty good. I guess he starts out stronger than the villagers but they seem better in the long run, and you get 3 Paladins on Alm’s side, not to mention flyers. Lukas still has low Move, low Spd and is very vulnerable to a witch teleporting behind him and murdering him. 3H - Some people say Armours are good in this game. I’m definitely on the other side of that debate. Why would you make anyone a Fortress Knight when you can make them a Wyvern Rider? With all of the options available in this game, I find Armours mostly rather useless. Any character can be something better like WarMaster, or Wyvern Rider so the argument of Oswin being better as a different class is actually relevant here. You actually can just reclass your Armour Knights into something better.
  25. Oh I see. Still, Stefan clearly knows more about the subject than most people. Not everyone knows much about the branded. The branded are mostly misunderstood by everyone. That knowledge could come from the fact that he himself is a branded and not from him having a great deal of experience of though. I meant that all of them are incredibly skilled swordsman. The Black Knight is stronger. Stefan is faster. They are both incredibly skilled. He has a relatively high Spd stat for being in such large armour. Ranulf says that he moves very fast for being in armour, and he is relatively fast. Obviously a Spd stat of 30 is very high. But he is still slower than Ike, so I’m not sure if that theory makes sense. That all makes sense to me. I agree with you, but why do you think that Part 4 Ike would have no problem beating Stefan? I think it makes sense, but I don’t think there’s really any evidence for it in the game? Stefan is definitely a senior swordsman to Ike in POR. How close Stefan comes to the Black Knights level is the question. I don’t think there is enough evidence in game to come to a conclusion. There isn’t much dialogue about Stefan. The story is more about Ike, not about Stefan so we don’t get a comparison between Stefan and the Black Knight. It’s easy to assume that he wouldn’t be able to beat the Black Knight because of how strong the Black Knight is shown to be in the story, but I don’t think there is actually evidence for that in the game. Stefan is an incredibly skilled swordsman too. A couple posts ago, I showed how they use different styles.
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