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Posts posted by Elephantus

  1. 5 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    I agree that wyverns are broken and the class system in this game is overall imbalanced, but from what you're saying, I don't think your problem is really with "lack of limitations", but more dissatisfaction with what the optimal state of the game seems to be like (a sentiment I agree with).

    If you assume optimal play for every FE game, then there is no logical reason to do many things. A sizable chunk of Thracia, FE6 and Shadow Dragon is just skipped using Warp; there are basically no limitations to Warp in Thracia and relatively few limitations in FE6 and SD, so there is no "logical reason" to not skip those maps. You don't really have to use most of the Dawn Brigade and really many other characters in Radiant Dawn as soon as you get Jill because you should just dump all your statboosters into her and have her carry you alongside Haar and a few others. Conquest is best played when lowmanned by relying on Corrin and Paladin Jakob, followed by Camilla and Xander when they arrive.

    If you don't like any of the above playstyles, that's fine, but opting not to use them is already an arbitrary limitation you've placed on yourself, and pretty much the same thing as opting not to make your TH game Wyvern City. But if you're completely fine with all of the above, then I honestly don't think your problem is with a lack of limitations.

    Again, I'm just trying to say what I think your complaint with the game really is, not that you're wrong.

    I'm not sure what you're describing is really a "limitation" though.
    To me, a limitation is to deliberately not use a feature. For instance, when I play Breath of the Wild, I don't heal during battle because I don't like the fact that you can pause the game and heal at any time without penalty. In other words, I'm not using a feature. Using varied classes is a different thing, because when I do that (and I do, got one Wyvern and one Pegasus on my team in my current run), it's not a deliberate decision to limit myself. Instead, it's the result of getting joy out of each character having a different role and playstyle.

    In other words, I do understand the OP's problem, and I feel similarly. My favourite parts of any Fire Emblem are often the early game, because that's when I have to rely on limited resources. However, I know that not everyone likes this sort of thing, and having choices in a game is a positive in my eyes. Let those who want to break the game with an army of Wyverns break the game with an army of Wyverns. I personally find that incredibly boring and will never play that way, but to each their own. If that was the ONLY way to play though? That's when we're reaching problem territory.

  2. 1 minute ago, De Geso said:

    I agree, it would be convenient if the game tracked that for you, but a part of me is nostalgic for times when you had to do that sort of thing yourself.

    I get that, but as someone who tracks lots of things on his phone while gaming because the game doesn't, I can't say I'd miss it.

    I really do get your sentiment though.

  3. 2 hours ago, De Geso said:

    I'm also sick of new games handholding the player and giving them information without having them work for it. 3H does the opposite a lot (like in the greenhouse, a lot of modern games would just give you a handy-dandy list instead of having you actually garden and figure it out for yourself) and it works great for me. 

    Even so, I feel like it doesn't do it perfectly, because Three Houses, like so many other games with similar mechanics, doesn't use an idea that I've had floating around in my head for years yet have never seen implemented in any game: a journal.

    I imagine it working something like this: At the beginning, you get no more information than you do in the game as it is. However, once you plant something and harvest it the next week, your journal then records the results. If you plant the same seeds and get different items, those are added to the journal as well. Mixed two different seeds and you got a higher yield as a result? Great, into the journal it goes.

    This approach would keep the mystery in the beginning and prevent the issue of everything just being handed to the player, while also giving those players who put some effort into the mechanic the information they need to increase their effectiveness - and all without checking anything online.

    I'm sure there's some RPG out there somewhere that does this, but I have yet to come across one and it annoys me because this idea would make so many things so much better.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    Combat arts that add damage based on a stat add damage equal to (stat * 30%), rounded down. Vengeance I haven't tested myself but based on a picture I've seen posted in the Maddening thread it appears to just add (missing HP) to damage dealt (which is unusually potent for Vengeance compared to other games).

    Agreed that it's a bit disappointing the game can't just tell you these things.

    Seems to be a running theme with JRPGs in general. I've been frustrated about potions that heal "a significant amount of HP" and similar bullshit throughout my entire gaming career. Fire Emblem is rather decent about this with most stats, though even in this series, there is an annoying lack of clear numbers for some things. The lack of an easy way to check Crit Avoid is my main peeve with Three Houses when it comes to this.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Lunarly said:

    Make sure the Dex isn't inflated by class base stat changes since they don't count towards the requirement (for example, if Byleth has 9 Dex at base, promoting him into a Thief will bump up his Dex to 11 and the extra +2 Dex won't count towards recruiment). Skills that add stats also don't count towards the total as well. Best way to check if you have stats that will recruit is reclassing Byleth into a Commoner and take off any +stat skills to make sure he has 12 Dex there.

    If that doesn't work then the Flying rank could be wrong.

    Just checked, you were correct. My Byleth is a Soldier at the moment which has a +1 Dex modifier that I didn't factor in. Thanks for clearing that up.

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