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Everything posted by Benice

  1. Yeah... Having a skill that increases their movement by 2 when adjacent to another armored unit, actually making them significantly tankier than anyone else, (maybe like with Berwick different shield ranks?) and giving a triangle attack would all be decent starts to make them not awful.
  2. I consider that to just be a polish thing. Banned because Wade and Lot do have a related ending-Lot marries Wade's sister, and they actually have cute dialogue together if Lot visits Wade's house in 10B of FE6.
  3. Kaga/Maeda: "You know what really sells games? Memes. We need a class that is a meme! Aha! Armro knights are very funny! MAKE THEM BAD!"
  4. Banned because I don't mind Merlinus existing, but other characters needed more screentime that Merlinus took instead. If they took a page from Berwick and had subplots/paralogues unfold alongside the main story, that would be simply amazing.
  5. Huh. I didn't really follow cipher, but I'd assume that Matthis, Boah and that Berserker guy (I can't remember his name, dangit!) didn't get any. Favorite non-FE/RF game on the Switch?
  6. Huh...Uh...Oreo, cookie dough, cheescake or butterscotch? Favorite kind of cookie?
  7. Banned because yes, it does. It needs polish and less Merlinus to be a near-perfect game, two things that Echoes was good at. The base game itself is solid aside from some flaws, such as thrones and hitrates.
  8. Enid would be able to do this quite well because of her high magic-Or Ruby with a paladin shield if she were promoted/Clifford were permanently recruited.
  9. 8. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  10. Banned because Thea and Klein should have a paired ending.
  11. Don't forget to get the Wyrmskin shield if you do defeat it! Also, wyvern AI is completely wacky-They seem to attack at literal random.
  12. One option is to actually not have Marcel equip a shield because the stupid enemies have magic weapons. He won't last long against those, but he can dodgetank okay, since he actually has decent base speed.
  13. Banned because Cath is unironically a good character.
  14. They do not, but I believe that the DUMMY light tome is actually Aureola. (I don't think they have that one either, but you can get Aureola's animation from FE7 very easily as well, or Luce's. if you'd prefer that.)
  15. In this map's case, more like Winter Chore, amirite?
  16. Told you that Marcel's paralogue is awful. Easily the worst map in the game.
  17. Eh, if my opinion causes pointless conflict, it probably doesn't need to be stated. Probably didn't 1-turn clear the Ailel Ambush.
  18. I mean, I am just an FE boomer. What I say probably shouldn't count. Wasn't just ninja'd.
  19. Banned for accusing the sus, therefore you are sus.
  20. Amerrica! The land of freedom, and mages, and free mages!
  21. Given how popular Three Houses was, I'd be genuinely shocked if they didn't continue that direction, and it is simply something I do not enjoy at all-Three Houses is probably just a tad above FE9 for me. It's just completely not fun. I've enjoyed the small sample size I've seen of Birthright, though, that much is true. Enjoyed Three Houses, which is good.
  22. Banned because Lightcosmo vented.
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