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Everything posted by Benice

  1. Banned because not really, I'm kinda used to it.
  2. Banned because I just dumped ice down my shirt by accident.
  3. Nice, this is a cool concept, and the mugs look quite good! I'll be following the development of this for sure!
  4. Banned because I'm only writing something this long is such a verbose manner to give my assassin time to sneak up behind you.
  5. Banned because this isn't the post a lie thread.
  6. Eliwood joins Ursula on a date after she asks him is he's afraid to die, while carrying a Giga Excalibur tome. Regardless, Eliwood enjoys the date at the fancy winery, until he gets assassinated at the end, causing a reset. He doesn't go on the date this time.
  7. Banned because Beninja>>>>>>Saizo
  8. I am not a humanoid tiger kid! I am a Tigeroid Human kid!
  9. Banned because this is a straight fact.
  10. Banned because that was me two days ago.
  11. Banned for being a Hoshidan yet still getting Kaze'd.
  12. Yeah, Reese is the main lord; the guy you buy it from,is Jonathan, was a rich merchant, until he spent his vast fortune on furniture and now is forced to live in the Atelier to peddle his wares-To quote the mighty Aggro Incarnate: "Jonathan isn't kidding when he said he went bankrupt, that's 317,000 denarii total geez." Just for reference, a good horse costs six thousand, a considerable investment. The most I've ever had at one time is 50k-You really don't get much more than that without a lot of planning. Banned for being able to rebound from weight issues. It ain't easy. Congrats!
  13. It ain't easy being an elitist. The duo heads to a reastaraunt in Valla, until the FBI crashes the date for incest. However, they are are acquitted due to technically not having the same parents, siblings or cousins. They get married then name their children Kana and Cana. Neimi and Colm EDIT: Right, forgot that nobody here's played FE8. Uh, go with Silque and Jesse.
  14. The worst being Jonathan from Berwick Saga, right? Seriously, he went 317,800 Denarii in debt just to buy furniture. That's enough to buy 3,170 horses, by the way. Banned because I assume that a loli is a child?
  15. Banned because Smol Midna>Big Midna.
  16. Banned because this was the objective/subjective one, wasn't it?
  17. Banned because unpopular opinions are unpopular, so people disagree. I try to be polite but it doesn't work.
  18. Banned because usually my opinions are a bad thing. And I'm proud of it!
  19. (Boy, I sure have been posting this a lot lately...) Hm, maybe I should try playing it in full soon-I've only played it once, at a friend's house, so I only did the first two maps.
  20. Oh bruh, I'm not the only one who knows it exists?
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