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Everything posted by MikeVonTookie

  1. Rhianne moves to either K30 or K31 (again dependent on where those Cavaliers are and whacks that top one with Thunder[/b]
  2. Why is it always the men who dive in the fastest that need to pull out the soonest? Sighing, Rhianne moves to N29 and Thunders the Soldier
  3. Rhianne moves to M25 and attacks that Brigand with Thunder (if he's still intact enough for an attack to happen after Rivas does)
  4. it's cool, mistakes are made also female cats apparently have different bases from male cats so the 17 Luck is the average of Lethe and Lyre- if we include Ranulf, that jumps to 19, but whatever I'm going for base Luck here [spoiler=I mean for all intents and purposes she's a cat but muh flavour]Name: Rhianne Gender: Female Age: 29 Affinity: Wind Class: Cat Fox Laguz Stats: HP: 50 [+3] (55%) Str: 10 [+3] (45%) Mag: 6 (25%) Skl: 14 [+3] (40%) Spd: 14 [+3] (40%) Luck: 17 (55%) Def: 11 [+4] (35%) Res: 12 [+4] (30%) Con: 6 (11 after transformation) Wt: 11 (31 after transformation) Mov: 7 (9 after transformation) Biorythym: 5 Appearance: In her more human form, she stands at about 5'8, wearing a fairly nondescript tunic and skirt- from the lower of which falls a highly bushy tail. In both forms, she has sparkling blue eyes and a rich head of red hair (that generally stays in a ponytail as a human). Personality: Without a care in the world, Rhianne is more than happy to take life as it comes. As quick-witted as one would reasonably expect a fox to be, she's pretty good at talking her way out of the troubles she can't just run from if need be.
  5. Oh god, looking at that spreadsheet made me realise I'd forgotten how low the Reaver Res cap was. always check the stat caps before you start making your builds (also if you need it for group-chat reasons, my skype handle is the highly inspired mikevontookie)
  6. Scamperfest 2016 continues as Rhianne moves to H2
  7. Okay so before I do the second character, would I be able to get away with using Cat Laguz stats and calling it a fox instead? I have plans either way but I thought I'd ask. Also going by your logic of averaging things out I'm assuming Fighter's base Luck is going to be 7, unless we want to count Boyd as well (at which point it becomes 10), but either way this one is base Luck [spoiler=AND IN THE FIRST CORNER]Name: Michael Gender: Male Age: 22 Class: Fighter Affinity: Fire HP: 28 [+6] (80%) Str: 12 [+2] (45%) Mag: 0 (0%) Skl: 9 [+3] (40%) Spd: 10 [+2] (50%) Luck: 7 (35%) Def: 7 [+2] (40%) Res: 5 [+5] (35%) Con: 12 Wt: 12 Mov: 5 Biorythym: 6 Weapon Ranks: Axes [D] Appearance: Stands at a respectable six feet tall and of a reasonable build for axe-swinging. He wears a few bits of hodge-podged armour over a black shirt and trousers of fine material. His face is quite clearly more for work than for show- though he does keep it clean shaven. His hair is a dark brown and kept at shoulder length out of some obscure personal preference, though with the amount of thick curls in it that's probably a horrible idea. Personality: A man with a joke for pretty much every situation he can imagine, Michael is a hearty man who takes life in its stride. Unrefined and vulgar, with a sense of humour that leans more to the morbid, he's not entirely sure how he got caught up in this mess but he's going to make the most of it. Also, you forgot Affinity, but thats okay I got your back
  8. Thanking Miyako, Rhianne scampers over to I6
  9. Rhianne moves to J10 and attacks the Bat Rider with Iron Bow
  10. Spying with her little eye, a catapult, Rhianne moves to I14.
  11. Rhianne moves to J12 and attacks the Knight with Thunder
  12. Rhianne moves to M13 and whacks that Mage with Thunder
  13. Steady... Don't rush in... Rhianne moves to N10
  14. Taking the sliw and steady route, Rhianne moves to O18
  15. At least Let the Battles Begin and Fight On are still great tracks. Can't say I wasn't hoping for Dissidia's One Winged Angel or even a couple of non-7 FF tracks though. I just double-checked the Direct, Umbra Clock Tower has 11 songs and there's a pretty good selection.
  16. "... Gold," Rhianne almost spits, one eyebrow raised and generally looking rather unamused by Rivas' comments. "Do you really think I'm the sort of woman you can persuade with a just few shiny coins?" She pauses for a few moments to watch for reactions before her more usual predatory grin returns and continues. "... But how much are you offering?"
  17. This really isn't how I like to play cat-and-mouse... "Thanks." Rhianne moves to R12
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