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Everything posted by MikeVonTookie

  1. Wasting no time following that order, Rhianne scoots past the guards to Q13.
  2. "Ngh... I don't know how you do things here, but where I'm from you at least treat a lady to dinner first!" With her returning spellfire landing and her armoured assailant awkwardly convulsing, Rhianne darts down to N11 and quickly applies Vulnerary to her injured self.
  3. Firing off a very cheeky salute, Rhianne moves to N8 and attacks the Brigand with Thunder.
  4. Rhianne moves to N13 and attacks the Brigand with Thunder.
  5. Perking her ears up at the sounds of the southern kerfuffle, Rhianne moves to O10
  6. With the enemies thinned out to her satisfaction, Rhianne moves to P7 and attacks the Raider with Thunder.
  7. Ducking under axes and arrows, her return fire was slightly more frenzied than she would have liked, and it was clearly time for Rhianne to take a step or five back. Rhianne moves to O4.
  8. Oh, joy, an arrow I forgot to dodge... Not quite how I planned to spend my afternoon. Now, is hero over there actually going to chip in here or am I playing fox-and-mouse by myself? Rhianne moves to P8 and applies a Vulnerary
  9. "Well," Rhianne says under her breath, exiting the servants quarters and surveying the scene, "I suppose if he's not going to charge heroically into the fray, there's little point in me doing so." Rhianne moves to O4
  10. Ah, a prayer to the easily flustered... Still, he had the right idea, so I suppose I shouldn't tease him too much... Though charging headfirst into the task wasn't her usual approach, recognising that time was of the essence, Rhianne moves to M3 and checks the servant quarters
  11. Hi I'm here to do the thing. [spoiler=Someone said I could have a weapon and a magic and I just had to play that out]Name: Rhianne Age: 28 Gender: Female Class: Arcane Archer Race: Kitsune Nationality: Hwanggot Aspect: Foot Weapons: Bows and Anima Magic HP: 22 (55%) Str: 4 (40%) Mag: 4 (40%) Skill: 6 (45%) Speed: 6 (50%) Luck: 4 (45%) Def: 3 (20%) Res: 3 (30%) Con: 8 [spoiler=Promotion]Aethershot No aspect or weapon changes +2 HP, +2 Str, +2 Mag, +1 Skl, +2 Spd, +2 Con Affinity: Wind Appearance: Standing at about 5'8, of slender build but definitely of firm muscle, Rhianne has sparkling blue eyes and a rich head of red hair that generally stays in a ponytail on the job. Backstory: A traveling kitsune from Hwanggot, travelling the continent in search of good coin and better tales, Rhianne takes on all sorts of mercenary work; some noble and heroic, others... less noble, shall we say? Thefts and assassinations aren't exactly noble, but a woman needs to eat and people who need someone dead quickly tend to pay well for good help. Other: Preferably autojoins, but an NPC persuaded by the promise of some of the royal treasury's contents would work just as well. EDIT: Wiggled the stats a little bit; moved one of her Con investment over to Skill
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