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Posts posted by Morgan--Grandmaster

  1. 5 hours ago, Zan Partizanne said:

    I like Flat Zone 2 a lot, not as great as 1, but still a catchy, nostalgic theme.

    If we go for removals,

    • any remix of Lost In Thoughts All Alone
    • Dangerous Dinner (it's meant to be a lobby and not a battle theme)
    • Through The Forest
    • Sky Tower (epic in the game where it comes from, but it absolutely doesn't fit in a fighting game)
    • any past Brawl Kirby remix

    Really now? I guess if you can get past the opening (which I find to be an absolute assault on the ears), it can be pretty catchy. Although anyone who advocates the removal of "Through The Forest" and I probably have two very different tastes in music.

  2. Add:


    • Excite Truck
    • Flat Zone 2
    • HIS WORLD (Instrumental)
    • Brain Cleaner
    • Devil's Call in Your Heart
  3. I don't care that we already had a Three Houses banner for Book V. Just give me Ashe, already, please.

    Games Without a Book V Banner

    Book III

    • Shadows of Valentia

    Book IV

    • Tokyo Mirage Sessions
    • Fates
    • Awakening
    • Shadow Dragon/Mystery of the Emblem
    • Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
    • Binding Blade


  4. I can definitely see Chrom & Sumia, Abel & Est, Clive & Mathilda, Dorcas & Natalie, Greil & Elena, or any other couple with at least some support/canon behind it that hasn't already been paired in another banner (i.e. Sigurd & Deirdre in the Genealogy Dancers banner or Alm & Celica from the Echoes Valentine's banner)

    As for solo units, I'm really surprised that they haven't done Eirika and Lucina (and to a lesser extent Lissa) yet when they already have bridal gowns, as seen in other games and the TCG. Maybe Genny too, since her ending mentions that she got married. And I always joke about the flirty types (i.e. Sain, Jesse, Virion) getting wedding costumes just because they want to flirt with the other girls.

    Some theorycrafting for Bridal Eirika



    (credits to Leaf Inigo's Fangirl for the pic)


  5. 2 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

    So, where's the story?

    So far we've got the smallest synopsis one could create and we exactly 5 things:
    - There is a country named Altesia, on a continent we don't know the name of for sure.
    - There are 6 other unnamed countries.
    - Altesia is recovering from a civil war during perilous times.
    - Someone is called Wyler
    - Someone is called Emilia.

    That's not a story, that's hardly even an intro. If it took you abundantly long and the story has seen multiple revisions, where is it? If this is the entirety I'd recommend working out you story further before presenting it and sasking others to do work for you.

    That's just mean. You obviously have nothing better to do than pick on people and their startups.


    @MaxiXDe I feel like you need to prioritize at least one immediately likable party member to act as a foil to Wyler and Emilia, otherwise I have no one to root for. You don't want your story to have FFXIII Syndrome. Also, you say the same thing twice in the story/pitch, and I don't know if you're aware of this, but Bern is already the name of a country in Elibe, so is it related to that or something completely different?

  6. 1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I would say no. In general, magic-focused units are best used for magic-focused children, which Siegbert is not.

    Yeah, you're probably right.

    I'm generally not the best person for this sort of thing knowing that I pair my units with the philosophy of chemistry first; mechanics second.

  7. Super Smash Bros. series: The in-universe reason Young Link and Toon Link are in Smash is because regular Link got annoyed by Mario, Kirby, and Pikachu constantly asking him to play with them, so he brought Young Link into the Melee so they would pester YL instead, but soon YL found them annoying too, so RL replaced YL with Toon Link in Brawl and Smash 4, and that went smoothly.

    Mario series: Wario is Mario and Luigi's cousin. (I sorta inherited that one from my big bro)

    Pokemon: The reason Charizard is not a Dragon-type, by default anyway, is because the devs realized that giving the player access to that kind of power that early would effectively break the game, especially considering that Water attacks (the type Fire starters are weak to) would only do 1x damage to it--not a good look for trying to teach people how to play Pokemon.

    Fates:Birthright: (Spoilers)


    I refuse to accept that Elise is truly gone. She had to have been healed/revived somehow, even if it required taking her to Ylisse to write her out of the plot.

  8. Well you see,"fortnight" is a term used to describe an event after the name of a day to indicate that something will take place two weeks after that day, as is featured in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

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