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Everything posted by 𝐍𝐲𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐥

  1. Random question but when was the last time the Upcoming Events tab was used? I never saw any upcoming event in 2 years of being here. It's just been empty for the longest time.
  2. It's similar to the Opinion on The Video Posted Above thread, give your opinion on the picture posted above you then post your own picture.
  3. Here's a couple fun facts 🙂 Babies can grow a mustache while in the womb and then eat it Your teeth explode like popcorn when your body decays You have a 8-10% chance of just randomly dying of a brain aneurysm Vacuum cleaners were originally horse-drawn
  4. Nah, in about 200 years And no, you can't do that. That's the only rule 😉
  5. -1.903 You're correct, there are no rules here
  6. -1 Honestly reaching ∞ is more feasible and would take less time than reaching 802,701, the thread has been here for 11 years and we're only at 39,000.
  7. Y'all really like the "Count to whatever number" posts don't y'all? Well try this on for size.
  8. It was exactly that, back then I just gotten him and wasn't used to cleaning out litter boxes yet because I was a dog person my entire life. I'm used to it now but man it was a pain cleaning it out constantly because he does his business a lot.
  9. Want another reason? My cat also managed to piss on my really important exam papers last year. It took me 6 long hours to write all of that only for it to be pissed on.
  10. It's quite simple, ask a question about the person that posted before you and they will answer it. Don't ask anything too personal or creepy. For example somebody asks me a question and I answer, the next person will ask the person that questioned me a question. So on and so forth. Hopefully that explanation doesn't confuse anyone lol
  11. Damn that's unlucky I guess life just hates both of us because I woke up with my cat taking a shit right beside me, it's clear that we both had crappy mornings.
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