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Status Updates posted by Jotari

  1. Wait, Sol, Luna and Astra aren't all lances in Shadows of Valentia! I've spent 30 goddamn hours trying to find them and I could have encountered the Sword and Bow multiple times already!

  2. Actually a bit disappointed Rudolf is still wielding lances. That was just a result of his class in the original. Using Swords fits much more in tune with the lore given that he gifted the Royal sword to Sofia and uses the Falchion to seal Mila.

  3. Bowie's race lift doesnt bother me at all but I am slightly preturbed they removed his glorious Elvis do. Plus how many ginger black guys do you see? Would be real memorable.

  4. I can't tell if its satire, parody or honest to goodness extremism but I find the combination of your name, image and rank to be deeply amusing.

    1. Life


      Completely satire.

      I'm a Conservative Libertarian.

  5. Not sure how many people are aware of this fact (I only just discovered it) but in Fates (and I assume Awakening) you can hold L to skip battle animations on the fly. That's like super convenient. The conveniences of the modern games continue to astound me.

  6. Alm is now left handed. This makes me far happier than I ever would have expected.

  7. Just finished Spirit of Justice and by the gods that was the best Ace Attorney game since Trials and Tribulations. Possibly even the best one they ever made.

  8. Zero Time Dilemma is finally here. Time to witness the conclusion of super psychic cult leader and super psychic time travelling genius.

  9. Open your eyes to the truth! The S in Camus is silent.

  10. Oh would you look at that. Europe gets Fates exactly one week after I move to Asia. Isn't that bloody perfect? Bah. Looks like I'll just have to download all three of them. Will probably need a dedicated SD card.

  11. Oh wow. I never noticed this place existed. Good to see old happy birthday wishes and class tree praise all at once!

  12. If you were looking to have an in depth conversation about Irish politics then I regret to inform you that I mostly ignore the government unless I see the potential to get some money from them.

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