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Everything posted by Darkmoon6789

  1. Thanks, wouldn't Fell Vessel Robin with the speed of 32 . The two slow for this role by a significant margin? Sure, she has a defence of 30, but this isn't all that high either. My Flame Emperor has 25 speed, slightly too fast? And 37 defense (41,including bracing stance). But my Edelgard has the highest defence out of any unit I have (as well as the highest attack) , including the bonuses from attack/defence solo and rouse attack/defence. It is a total of 52 , the friends and 74 attack respectively. (40 defence and 62 attack base). With 32 speed. But I guess her higher speed and lower res makes her less viable as a tank? (and lower HP). But she is still definitely my best unit against anything that isn't magical. Am I understanding this correctly? I kind of think that the Fell Vessel is really damn cold and I want to find a use for her. Basically trying to make her as useful as my best units such as Edelgard.
  2. The Mole Men is totally exploiting the situation, providing the nobles with a service they want, gaining a hold in the Empire. Given how horrible those experiments are, Aegir is partially guilty of a horrible atrocity. He is lucky Edelgard didn't have him executed. Poor Edelgard, there is no wonder she hates the crest system. Still, doesn't Edelgard have the crest of Seiros naturally? Why the heck does it need to be a major crest for her to be emperor?
  3. How is a speed tank supposed to be used anyway? How significantly does that hit in speed affect her ability to perform this role?
  4. Rhea does mention other archbishops in cindered shadows, but I am relatively sure she is lying. I think the other archbishops was just Rhea under different names
  5. Among the students. Most of the nobles have a crest, I think Hubert is the only exception I can think of, and Caspar. A lot of imperial nobility now what I think of it. Am I missing anyone?
  6. I haven't played that particular route yet, but I hope that Rhea eventually realised that Edelgard wasn't just the monster she made her out to be, but it was her hiding the truth that led to Edelgard doing what she did. Edelgard found out that Rhea was lying and assumed the worst, I think most people would. I kind of wonder if Edelgard would have tried to steal the crest stones from the holy tomb if she actually knew what they were. Not that anyone really could know. Edelgard does have a moral code. I would argue that answering this question is vaguely crest related and therefore on topic Speaking of crests, would you want one? I honestly kind of woody because of their powers they give, as long as I don't have to go through blood reconstruction surgery to get one. With the exception of the crest of flames, which is obvious, what crest would you prefer to have if you can choose one? Granted, I am fairly uncertain what most of them even do when it comes to the lore of the world. One of the few I actually know its effects is Dimitri's
  7. I guess the realised that they were partially responsible for the entire mess that was the war by not telling the truth from the beginning in SS
  8. Maybe it was protecting the bearers of the crests is why she told this lie. Rhea is a complicated character like that, she isn't really my level and by nature, but she can be cruel, especially if something reminds her of her past trauma
  9. I do think Edelgard most likely will favour the younger generation and especially the members of the Black Eagle strikeforce, assuming that Byleth recruited Lorenz. I think he would be favoured as the governor of the alliance territory, especially considering what his epilogue tells us about what he managed to accomplish after the war. Policy changes particularly beneficial for the common people, that is definitely something someone like Edelgard would value, and that makes him a prime candidate for governor. House Gloucester was also a primary Imperial supporter during the war. So that is what I was thinking with that. Going through the Blue Lions, I might be forgetting someone but looking at the crimson flower epilogues, Ingrid also seems rather qualified for governorship. Sylvain is also alive in this continuity because it uses female Byleth, and recruiting him is automatic if Byleth is a girl. So he would be a survivor
  10. I would have actually preferred if Rhea told people the truth, primarily because I think she actually looks better in the actual history than in her fabricated one. When you learn that history was fabricated you would assume something much worse than was the actual case. Something like Nemesis not being the villain he was remembered as, but nope, he was even worse in reality than in the fabricated history. Like I mentioned earlier, I cannot understand why Rhea doesn't despise the very idea of crests and relics given their nature. As a dragon I would. If she does I cannot possibly imagine why she'd defends the crest system
  11. What about now? I guess the dropbox link didn't work. I might have it set on private something. Annoyingly enough. This image was larger than 2MB as the original screenshot. Edit: I totally forgot that my Edelgard hadan asset in defence. I guess that would explain it. But does that make her a superior tank?
  12. How does this look? Couldn't get any of the other smoke skills for now so res smoke has to do. Our defence isn't exactly great in comparison to some other tanks, so will she be sufficient for this role? Speed could also be better given that penalty, but at least the bonus to HP will help that role. Might want a secondary skill set for her so she can be either an enemy phase unit or a player phase unit, depending on what I need. I think the only other enemy phase unit I have right now is the Flame Emperor. Who for some reason has less defence than Edelgard, 37 in comparison to 40. Also, I could swear you could buy Flame Emperors with grails. Do I remember that wrong? Was that for a limited time only?
  13. Another reason I favour Edelgard. Whenever crests are responsible for people suffering or not isn't really important, the old society needed to change anyway, which is why call it irrelevant. I don't usually play the blame game anyway, I straight up don't believe in retribution is right, which is part of why I don't think Edelgard "deserves" any "punishment" for her actions. Does this mean I am saying that the people who want her dead because the war cost them a loved one? Yes, exactly, want someone else to suffer just because they did something to you to cause you to suffer is inherently selfish and perpetuates a cycle of violence. Especially in a case like Edelgard when she didn't kill that person out of malice and is probably mourning the death as well. How does it benefit anyone to introduce more death and suffering into the world just out of a need for petty revenge? What the entire point of the Blue Lion's route was for Dimitri to realise that revenge isn't right. Likewise, Rhea doesn't "deserve" to die, she needs to die to lead to a better future. Or at least change, but that isn't always possible. If you're going to kill someone, it is important to do it for the right reasons. Edelgard just isn't a vengeful, this is not about her and her personal desire for revenge, it is about what needs to be done. Rhea however was motivated to kill Edelgard and Byleth out of revenge, or at least the false morality that eye for an eye = justice.
  14. A reason why I don't value Rhea's so-called peace on that much. What good is peace if the current system causes quite a number of people to suffer every day due to the awful living conditions? As I mentioned earlier, I believe that while Edelgard's war caused more casualties in the short term, in the long term Rhea's society was causing the suffering and deaths of far more people. I put it like this, while less people would die in five years under Rhea's peace, after those five years are over, things would be significantly better under Edelgard than under Rhea. But people require quite a bit of foresight to see that and you need to look at things long term. Dimitri seems to have only really looked at the short term and objected to all the casualties. This is of course ignoring entirely that Rhea also was responsible for a massive war to create her society. Once upon a time. One significantly higher in casualties than Edelgard's. But here's the thing, Rhea never did intend to cause harm to the world, it mostly comes from her being blind to Fodlan's problems and overly focused on resurrecting her mother. As a consequence, neither she or Edelgard are absolute monsters. I guess this discussion was supposed to be about crests, but that's exactly the thing, they aren't exactly all that important a factor of the conflict, I consider the technological suppression and the system of nobility itself to be far more important reasons. It is just that crests are inherently tied to the nobility system under Rhea. Get rid of the nobility and the church backing of that system and an hierarchy that is dependent on crests falls with it.
  15. Which would mean for some reason Thales didn't use the missiles this time. I have kind of realised that if he did, Byleth and Jeritza would be kind of screwed. Is the difference that Rhea wouldn't be present? Granted, I thought he did this because he wanted to kill Byleth/Sothis. In fact, what reason does he have to not use the javelins of light once the location of Homebase is discovered? I have a feeling that this should not be going as well as it does for Edelgard. I guess I should attribute it to Hubert somehow.
  16. That is definitely the truth of things, a lot of the time, who is the hero and who is the villain is in the eye of the beholder. This holds true for both Edelgard and Rhea. But I don't think either of them are bad people at heart, even if Rhea goes completely insane in crimson flower. This is however is an outlier and for the most part she does become a better person before the end. Edelgard however I don't think is significantly more evil in any route. I don't actually think Hegemon counts as she is only really hurting herself. Both Edelgard and the Rhea causes suffering with the best of intentions, both with the hope that this suffering will be worth it in the long run. I ultimately favour Edelgard because the suffering of the war is short term, Rhea's system is causing suffering every day and would continue to do so for a very long time. It is less egregious in the short term than the war, but more so in the long term.
  17. That is very interesting, so is it possible that the alliance split from Faergus because they wanted to be more like the Empire? When it comes to house Gonoril, good point, but their territory is also very close to the location of Shambhala, so it is possible the Agarthans might inflict significant damage on that territory before being ultimately destroyed. I'm assuming a raid on Shambhala will take place by some point, honestly I am not sure what will happen after Thales uses the Javelins of light on the location of Shambhala, there is no Rhea to take the blow from all of those missiles. If Holst survives , there might be significant relief effort from the Empire considering his territory might become another valley of torment. I am just going to assume for the sake of convenience that Edelgard didn't lead that attack on Shambhala personally is that would mean the death of the Emperor.
  18. I think she is trying to protect them, but stopping people from becoming freethinkers is a side effect of the censorship of knowledge she is engaging in. It is curtailing human freedom for the sake of protection, but Rhea has a reason for this, considering she has seen just how badly technology can be misused. Something the Agarthans basically embody. To my understanding Sothis originally taught the Agarthans how to create advanced technology, but her disapproval. They used technology for warfare and to kill one another. Sothis wanted to put a stop to this and destroy their civilisation. The children of the goddess and the remnants the Agarthans has been hostile ever since. But the reason Rhea is so wary of technology is because she has seen the destructive potential of the javalins of light. While I don't think this makes her actions necessarily right, it does make sense from her perspective. It is just that enlightened humanists like Edelgard do want humanity to stand on their own two feet, and she sees Rhea's curtailing of technology as suppressing human potential, so that they could be more easily ruled by Dragonkind. Which is sort of true in a way, even if Dragonkind only wants to rule humanity because they think they know better and that their guidance will stop humanity from going down a dark path again. That is what is so amazing with this game, it is not all that black and white, no one except the Agarthans really do what they do because they are malevolent. They pretty much all have good intentions. I guess even the Agarthans really are just vengeance taken too far.
  19. I guess I have just seen quite a few people who has been operating under the misconception that the war is about the crests primarily. There is a reason the phrase "the crests are to blame" is associated with Edelgard, though primarily by people who doesn't really understand her motives. Just trying to clarify this misconception. About the nature of crests themselves, other than the origin from a genocide, they are really just superpowers that can be inherited through bloodlines. It is obvious why people would want to have them, the problem isn't as much the crests themselves as the system surrounding them. It is the traditions and religious significance of crests that need to be destroyed, rather than the crests themselves. Another thing that I can't stop thinking about is how things would change in Fodlan if the Dragon signs from new game+ was a natural thing in the world. Would allow anyone to gain the benefit of any crest without being born into that bloodline. It would be a game changer.
  20. The thing is that Edelgard's focus isn't just on the crests, she seeks to address all of what you mentioned. The idea that the war is simply about the crests isn't actually true. Lee crests plays a role, they aren't actually the primary cause of Fodlans problems. The are interconnected with it. Due to their association with the nobility and the church. Especially the link between the two. Giving nobles divine authority to rule. Not to mention that trying to get an heir , with a crest is the reason that Edelgard had such a ridiculous number of siblings to begin with, this also goes for a lot of other noble families. Apparently all of them were seen as disposable as long as they didn't have a crest.
  21. With Claude I was thinking that Edelgard and Claude were actually on somewhat good terms when he left Fodlan, at least in comparison with Dimitri. Edelgard would probably still be wary of him as the king of Almyra, as she knows that Claude is an incredibly accomplished schemer. But I do think that overall the two would leave the others respectve kingdoms to their own devices. At the very least the both of them have an incentive to establish diplomatic relations between Fodlan and Almyra. I don't think Claude would have any desire to conquer Fodlan or take it from Edelgard, they would still be wary of one another, but I think they have enough in common so that they could come to an agreement and I think on some level, they do have respect for the other as a monarch. You do have some rather interesting ideas, might use some of them. I put Lorenz in charge because as I intended this to be a role-playing game setting. It is usually good to have a familiar face in an important role, which is why I tend to gravitate towards putting former students in this role, as we know the most about them. As you are saying, Brigid might be in the process of some modernisation. So, as a replacement for the roundtable system in the former Leicester alliance, how do you think that structure would work? Assuming putting a governor in charge of it all wouldn't be enough. I personally think that just because Lester and Faergus were conquered by the Empire doesn't mean that the people would lose their old mindset completely, in fact, I think some of it would likely linger even as part of the Empire. Like how I think the knightly values of Faerghus would likely persist even after the war.
  22. But we shouldn't assume that they were killed off either, this game does have enough variations depending on who survive and who doesn't to warrant speculation when it comes to how the future will be like. I do need to make one assumption or the other when it comes to who survive or not I never remember seeing that mentioned at all, would kind of make sparing them quite pointless if true. Where would that even be mentioned as neither actually has an epilogue? I think the last we hear from Seteth is the letter he sends Rhea. Where he says that he will go into exile, together with Flayn.
  23. I have speculated that it is likely that it is mainly former nobles that will be hostile towards Edelgard and that most of the common people will probably love her. A peasant doesn't really care who their king. All orders as long as they treat them well and they have food on the table, if the new emperor increase their living standard, making sure they are well fed and given more rights, they will probably love her. I personally think that nationality is really nothing more than a name, what really matters is people's living conditions. How does it matter if Faergus is now part of the Adrestian Empire. If the Empire makes life better for the majority of people? In most cases if people are treated well. They have less reason to rebel. Also, shouldn't Ashe have at least some resentment towards the church, considering they killed his adoptive father? Couldn't he be convinced that Lonato was right and died for a noble cause?
  24. I thought so, Edelgard does have a few misconceptions based on incomplete information, like how she believes that Byleth is one of the children of the goddess. It is uncertain if it will be included in history, but the knowledge is still out there because Seteth and Flayn survives. But it all kind of depends if either of them will ever be on good terms with the empire. Maybe Flayn, I have a hard time imagining Seteth would forgive that easily. I don't think Edelgard would be overtly hostile to either of them as long as they don't try to interfere. Even if either would not be trusted with any political power. For some reason I am imagining that Flayn would live for many centuries and become kind of of this travelling healer. Yes, I usually assume that if someone can survive a route, they do. I don't personally like killing anyone more than necessary anyway, which is why Seteth, Flayn, Claude and Lysithea were spared. I kind of forgot who else was sparable. I also like the idea of people like Claude or Flayn actually getting along with Edelgard in the future. Byleth is also still around, which could help matters. With this in mind, is it impossible that there will be a time where Flayn will recount the truth? If either survivor felt like it, they could also record the truth in a book somewhere, even if they remain hateful of the Empire for the rest of their lives. Depending if they would want the truth to die with them or not.
  25. So you are suggesting that what Edelgard is fighting against his people being forced into certain occupations based on what family they were born into? Yep, checks out as being forced into a certain role based on the circumstances of your birth is exactly what it means to be born into a noble family. Or born as a commoner for that matter. It also seems like Edelgard herself feels like she is forced to perform a specific duty due to being born into the Hresvelg family. She has expressed wishes that she wants to be literally anyone else but who she is. Of course this is just one of many things she is fighting against. And yes, crests will still exist in Edelgard society, but she dealt with what actually matters. The nobility system and feudalism (assuming Edelgard's society would not also count as feudal). Social expectations might still exist as you say, especially after Edelgard's death, where she is no longer around to veto violations of individual freedoms like that. There will obviously always be some conflict, but hopefully there will be a while until the next continental war. I am also certain that there will be a tyrannical emperor by some point, which would lead to a rebellion. Someone will make a bad decision with their successor sooner or later. A key to prevent this might be to give the common people a way to fight back, maybe with the relic like weapons that wouldn't require crests that Hanneman said he could make. Edelgard is also a guaranteed to outlaw blood reconstruction surgery, if it isn't illegal already, it is a pretty personal issue for her. I also wouldn't allow the use of relics. If I were her except in dire circumstances because of their dark nature, need to show some level of respect to the Nabateans. But I am uncertain if Edelgard even knows they are made of the bones of sentient creatures. Would most crests even be all that useful outside of warfare?
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