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Everything posted by Aran613

  1. So then why do we discuss anything that we don't know about?
  2. I've been investigating these theories and I want to see what the other members think. Do you believe in these theories? Why or why not? I mean, there's no right answer, we have no idea about any of this, so why not discuss? I personally think that something similar to that system exists, but, I think that it's almost impossible to imagine us being that small.
  3. ^I always felt like I had to race Pent to the kills. They're not the easiest bosses but Paul is well equipped. 4/10
  4. So, here's some questions: What kind of teenager are or were you? How do you feel about that? Was or is teenage life hard for you? Did or do you like that time of your life? Let's just discuss. I'll just go from currently. What kind of teenager are or were you? Sure, I'm popular, but only within a certain group. Everyone in the marching band knows each other, so in a sense, aren't we all popular among ourselves? I guess I am also somewhat nerdy. However, most of the people in the band are, so what? (At least we're better than the football team, one of the worst in New England, yet we're one of the best marching bands in New England). I guess in any other situation we'd be insulted and harassed, but we've won awards, and we've gone way farther than most of the school has with our team. Even though we have to deal with some problems with social related things, it's not as bad as it could be. How do you feel about that? It's alright. I mean, I don't regret any major decisions, and I think I'm happy with everything up until now, and I wouldn't want to change anything huge. Was or is teenage life hard for you? Yes. Very. But, if life were not challenging, it wouldn't be fun? I guess I've had a few bad incidents here and there, but if I've learned anything, it's to keep going down the path you started. Even if it isn't the best idea that I made to try an instrument a few years ago, I don't see it as a bad decision. But it's hard to cram in schoolwork, practice, maintenance towards social life, and sleep all within the time we have (usually meaning we cut down on the latter). Do I like this time of my life? Sort of. I guess I don't sometimes, other times I do. It all depends on what's going on, really. Sometimes I'm down on everything, other times I'm happy about everything.
  5. If you kill someone, you have to be punished some way. Yet, there is no entirely humane way to exterminate someone. Life in prison has been sometimes declared "Cruel and unusual." Plus, you have to pay for their whole life, for food, appliances, etc. that they need to live. If you set them free after time, what's to say they won't go and kill another person? It must be done in some cases, but it's hard to justify that killing someone is humane.
  6. Being part of a fairly prestigious New England marching band means that I have to pretty much at least have some coordination with Facebook, as a lot of the meetings and discussions about tournaments and competitions are posted within the group. However, I tend to not pay a great deal of attention to anything else, but when I do, it's atrocious, even my own family. Half of them are deeply obsessed with games on there, while the others constantly swear and act way differently than they would in person. I think it's a bit annoying, and I think it does affect the rest of my family. However, I tend to stay away from keeping too much contact with them on Facebook, while I do admit I'll talk a bit too much to friends on there, however, it's usually the people that are good friends, and we actually talk about helpful things instead of normal anticlimactic conversations.
  7. Yes, that's what I meant. And thanks everyone, I see what you all mean.
  8. We all know that an object in motion stays in motion, unless acted on by an outside force. And most of us know that spinning a copper wire around a magnet (or the opposite) will "generate" electricity. But in space, deep in space, there is no force to act upon an object. What if you were to conduct that in space? If you began to spin the copper wire, it wouldn't stop moving, would it? If it didn't stop, wouldn't that be "creating" energy, disproving the law of conservation of energy? Just curious, Aran613
  9. I use GIMP on Ubuntu 10 and I don't have that problem, and I don't have a supercomputer.
  10. Free picking ability after promotion and an in general good rogue. Even though he might not be the highest hitter (or even a hitter at all), he makes up for that in pure usefulness, and is much better than Rennac (even though I've never had a really bad Rennac). 7/10
  11. But enemies critting when you're such a low level is useless, why would they do it? You're gonna most likely 1 hit them, and it's all due to bad luck and a screwy RNG goddess. (Hopefully I won't be smitten for that).
  12. You guys are certainly right, as Hector has managed to trap the archer between himself and the soldier to the right! With a 74% chance, he missed four times in a row!
  13. HHM, chapter 11. I leave Matthew behind Hector to take ONE hit from an archer. 1 percent critical chance... And you know what happens after that. My question, why does this ALWAYS seem to happen? (Not that particular situation but getting 1 or two percented at the most inconvienient of times throughout all of the games.)
  14. Dorcas wouldn't be as bad as it could be if he weren't an axe user, since he has the weapon triangle advantage over him. Even though it's still not good, it's not the worst hit rate in the world (it would be different if Lundgren used axes, then he'd be pretty useless).
  15. Hit him up with magic and possibly use an armorslayer, or better, a hammer, and he won't be too challenging, but if you're trying to use Lyn, she has to hit him or she might die in one hit (unless you got lucky with stats). However, he is usually not even close to the most challenging of bosses, but he can be annoying since he can use both ranged and melee, and that silver lance can really hit any unit hard. 5/10.
  16. Haha, how funny. No sense in being a DICK. Nice one there.
  17. Assuming your other units can take hits SINCE your other units can take at least one hit, having him switch to hand axe while other magic units/Wil attack him makes him get completely destroyed by the Mani Katti... 4/10
  18. Has trouble with axes upon entrance, but after that, ends up a really good unit. And she flies. 8/10
  19. Horrible move but hits high when he joins. Promotion can possibly mount, making him pretty useful, but until then, his movement is horrible. 6/10
  20. A little bit weaker than Seth but certainly is a useful unit in the beginning nonetheless when you have few units at your disposal, because every unit counts. 8/10
  21. JAFFAR. Low movement and sword locked. However, very good stats, in most cases better in combat compared to Matthew and Legault, however I wouldn't promote them in most cases (Except towards the end of the game), and Jaffar is a good prepromote that you don't have to waste an expensive promotion item on. 7/10
  22. When will we rate Merlinus? I thought this was in order, too. If we were to rate him... "Has horrible bases except for that extremely useful 25 con."
  23. Swordlocked Relatively late promotion No mount until promotion Inferior to Ephraim Decent Supports Mount after promotion Personal weapon Always doubles, hits very often, makes up for lesser (in comparison) strength The rapier is a pretty useful weapon when you're starting. | | V 6/10 Sorry, thanks for reminding me...
  24. This will most likely turn out with: Three crying Two angry Some confused Many amused And no winners...
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