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Posts posted by Zuda

  1. If you skip the opening by press start, did the game also freeze or not ?

     also, one advice. you should conserv several version of functionnal progression in order to go back and redo your changement again. Sometimes the bug is tricky to’find and revert, like forexample you erase or write in memory space you must avoid. If you have a restauration point, use it and redo your custom opening scene to see if you have the same pb

  2. It’s forbidden to do it in public, because they don’t want there away to download rom with the site, for legal purpose. But you can share it in privacy no ? But yeah, if it’s only hard mode, change only small stat for boss and characger don’t change a lot. But it really cool to play sanaki 😞

  3. It’s depend of what you want in the game. If you want a cakewalk run, play normal. If you want a game, where you don’t have a overpowert u it who one round 5 ennemies per ennemy phase, play hard mode. Because it’s the specificity of fe6 compared to other gba fe. You fight strong and tough opponent, and need to team up in order to defeat only one guy. That means you need cheap damage, and a guy who have the possibility to crit and so 1 round a opponent sometimes is not useless, compared to fe7 and 8 where one round anennemyis easy, so it’s a full oriented ennemy phase oriented game.

    That’s what s like in fe6, so i only play hard mode ironman. What i find pretty boring in fe6 is the difficulty  curve not linear at all, and some very boring map.

  4. Yeah’ but the main idea is that there’s many thing that take time to growth on you. And something you dislike the first time, you can enjoy it later... or not. When you use to hit things easily, and play according to it, it became a pain to have a lower hit rate. When you are used to doge tank everythink, it’s a pain when you harly have more than 50% chance to dodge. That’s why fe8, fe6 and fe11 are not the same game, with just different maps and character. But different playstyle that you can enjoy for different reason, or prefer one to another. You need to take the time to appreciate it or not. Can’t it shit is frustrating, when it seems for you rng, but good strat neglec this factor. It just that it could turn harderthan expected, but always manageable. And that’s why you ’ve got plenty of character, and good prepromote in this game.

    Or you could hate it and want to change it according to your taste. But if you don’t know the game, how can you know that ? And how a guy can now what fit more to your taste ?

    Me for example don’t like some aspect of fe6, fe7 and fe8 and planned to change it in some hack to enjoy a lot more. But it s because I know the vanilla game and what I could improve each specific fe gba game. It’s easy to add skill or increase hit rate of the weapon. You canalso remove all avoidance, and have a no rng game and completly change the game. But it would be a better game for you in a context of a fe6 design ? We and you can’t really know, because map designof fe6 have no the same philosophy than other gba fe. That’s why don’t take more time that 7 chapter to decide it seems to me pretty bad.

  5. By changing the hit rate, of course you change the game. The hit rate in fe6 make the sword unit more important, because you need the accuracy, and unit with high skill and luck valuable.

    In fe7 and fe8, sword is the worst weapon, because the hit rate is over kill, and axe user are so steong especially the berseker. Sword lock is the worst because the accuracy is not needed, and it 1 range only. In fe6, you really like them, during the early and mid game. And axe user is pretty bad.

    Also, less accurate hit rate means more phase where all not go according to the initial plan, and you need to change your strategy because of that. So it require adaptation and you cant just play wth the same strat all the time, unlike other fe, like shadows dragon or fe12 where is really hard to avoid something. But it’s part of the game and the map where design with that in mind.

    Of course you can change it withnightmare or gba fe builder, but you can also learn to adapt. FE6 can be beaten in iron man all the time, it’s not rng based.


  6. I will test it after my holliday. I like the control of no name character, and it's something I want to add to my hack too.

    I don't really know myself how to make a defend the throne chapter. But it'seems you can specify to the AI to target a specific class. For exemple, you can do a "protect the king chapter". The king would be a npc you can't rescue drop (because too much con) and the AI want to target this class. I don't really check, but there a FE8 chapter like that, and a FE7 chapter like that (where you need to protect an uncounscious Nils). So you can check if it work like that, or if there anything else. There also a defend the throne chapter in fe7 hector mode only

  7. To add an ennemy, you should go to the unit place menu.

    Select the load unit that contain the ennemy in the map. Click on extended list. That will allow you to put the number of element you want in the list of ennemy. If its a list of 6 and you want 10 ennemy, just put 10 instead of 6.

    After that, you need to place the new ennemy created in the map. Just click on the ennemy you want to locate, and after that on the map.

    An ennemy come with you if you put AI like that

    primary : 100% chance of action

    Secondary : move against the opponent (don't remenber the text, but it's the first one)

    For the boss to move, you must also put "don't retreat" instead of "don't retreat (AI boss)"

  8. What did you do in the prologue ? It's seems the condition to win your prologue is always true, so he directly pass this chapter. Try this. Add in the event that normally send you in the next chapter a random command you can see in the screen, like get an item iron sword. And see if you could see that. If you can see it check the condition to trigger this event. If not, try to figure out exactly when the prologue is skiped. Can you see the introduction when they show the map and describe all the nation ?

  9. what did you do for this chapter ? Do delete everything in the prologue and start with an empty chapter ?

    Most of the bug I have, it's when for exemple, in the vanilla chapter in a event there something like "character x move to coordinates X Y", but the character doesn't exist anymore. Or Move unit located at X Y to X' Y'.

    I already have this glitch vision, and it always implie in my short xp, that the game try to access at something that don't exist.

    edit : if it's the prologue, it could be the event "All the  ennemy except the boss is dead -> trigger the event where Seth say << now, I go murder the boss, yosh>>". There no seth anymore, so he can't say that, and when you murder all the ennemy, this event is trigger, so that generates this bug

  10. Where can I place a escape point with fe gba builder ?

    I already test with a lockpick, it change nothing.


    even with an escape point, it does not work. The only way I could have a thief who avoid to fight if he could move somewhere to open door, steal or open chest is by removing his weapon from now

  11. Hi,

    I try to set the AI for the thieve to have this comportement. He should go open a door to alert the guard if I can't intercept him, and so ruin my sneak attack attemps. The problem is that he don't go to the door and just attack me instead. In vanilla version of fe8, the thieve ignore you except he can do anything like steal, open chest and doors etc. So I check what AI they put. Strangely it's :

    Primary AI : 00 = chance of action 100%

    Secondary AI : 01 = move toward ennemy.

    If I use this, he do what I described, than mean attack me when I'm in this range.

    I try something like

    Primary AI : 06 = Do not act (AI 2 = Move only )

    Secondary AI : 05 = Attack village and treasure, then move to escape point

    but he don't move at all.

    I don't forget to put in his inventary a door key. But I think the problem is that the thief don't know how to unlock the gate. When I remove any weapon from the thief, he go to the gate but he is blocked and don't inlocked it. If I kill the thief and get his door key, I can unlock the doors through. So what coul be the problem ?

    edit: in fact, he can unlock the gate, but he only move to do it if i remove his weapon


  12. Yeah, I like the idea of subboss. It's really enjoyable to beat a really strong opponent which move with their troups of unit on the battlefield, like in fe4. Strong boss that don't move is pretty dumb for me. And for the chapter 1 of my fe8 rework, I break this rule : the boss armor knight who normally wait into the gate to be kill, say "fuck off, I will go kill this faggot myself 'cause my soldiers are incompetent", and he go fight Seth and erika when they are encercle by troop. But he give the keep the gate charge to his second lol

    Do you know if there a map with a concept like "they're a squad of only elite man in charge to kill you", like for exemple all the member of the black fang went to you to kill you, and not one by one ? Because on the paper the idea seems cool, but I thinks it's somethings hard to well execute. It's like level caped ennemy. If it's a matter only of stat, or luck based, it could be frustrating or hard to balanced, because you don't know the lvl or the player team, and favorised a team with one or two characters instead of well balanced xp in your team with complementarity in their utilities (what I want to favorised)

    I imagine something like that :

    1)first the squad is nearly invicible. They can kill you that easily, it's like a hard fight, but the odd to kill them is to dangerous to attemp in a ironman run (like the hit rate pretty is pretty cheat, you need to much it and they have some crit, etc)

    2) you must have a part of the team in charge to slow down them. (used sleep stave, take some hit in a fort and back up, use mine, etc)

    3) you have the other part of the team that should rush to do anothter quest. For example, you need to kill a character, and after that you can escape. Or you do something, like break a magic seal, and after that, the elite squad become less power full, and you could beat them.


    wow you make 4 desert map, you don't like fun lol ! To be fair, I think the problem is how they implemented it in the official fe game. In all the desert map they made, yes, they are pretty large, but the major problem is that you have many phase went you just have to go from a point A to a point B, with nothing to do. And generally, you don't have many flyer and magic users (except the game you can reclass). They should do more small desert map, yeah, at the early game, with a small team. But I think, a big one, with at least 3 flyers where you need to be fast in order to survive, and use cleaverly rescue drop feature, should be really cool.

    But conceptualy, I think it cool be really great. For exemple you can't do a "you have to defeat a big army, largely superior to you, but you succeed to trap them into the desert. Now you have the mobility advantage, and so the table turned. Let's rate this guy, no with other power unit like you used too, but with weaker unit but best guerrilla strategy. But like always, easy to say, hard to do well.

    Where is your hack ? I would want to see your desert map. Perhaps you're patch directly, or if there are some let's play of you're game, somewhere ?


  13. Yeah, but this step is not only a question of play more.

    Of course I play fire emblem game, and I will play more. But it's not suffisant. Discussion is important too. Discussion with other people with other taste. If not, why there are forum ?

    Why are you so against sharing and exchange of experience ? Why playing duriing 10 years at fire emblem should be keep to myself ?

  14. I play several FE game. fe4 to fe9 and fe11 and fe12. Not complete all the game, but most of them I play more than the midgame (but each time, no enought character survive to reach the end game)

    Start a run is long, and I not sure to surpass my personnal record each time, but it's not really the matter here.

    The discussion "what is a good map design" is something so much more rich if there several person who don't have the same taste than just thinking about that by yourself. For exemple, I don't like Fe4 and find it pretty boring to play. I just did the first generation, and the begining of the second one, just to see it. But I quit playing it without dying, and it's the only fire emblem that I drop just like that. But even so, there many little point I could learn in map design, with fe4, even if the map design is why I dislike this game.

    Such large map with just random ennemy, and most of the time, you just move your unit from point A to the point B like in chapter 2, is pretty plain map design for me. But fe4 is the only one that give you the feeling of "clash of two big army" and the phase where you try to approch the other big army and defeat them. It's just 10% of the time, but it's pretty fun. And it could be the gimmick or one or two map.

    So you shouldn't explore only you taste. You should discuss with other people than is different from you, enjoy other thing, in order to improve your creativity. I already do my job, by analysing the map I enjoy, or the one I dislike, why, and how I can improve that. I watch many lets play of fe hack, and find some gimmick or thing that make the map special and I like. What I want, it's just to discuss and share about this work I already do, but I still need to do and work more of course.

    For exemple, I never enjoy a desert map.
    Fe8 desert map is boring, you just wait to reach the ennemy. Fe7, all the interesting it's outside the desert and rescuing Pent could be pretty random. Fe6 and his protect sophia, but quickly enought to unlock a gaiden chapter, was pretty tedious and I don't like it very much, but it's the more interesting one by so far. Fe9, there's no interest at all in this desert map for me. Fe11 and fe12 desert map was one of the worst maps for me. etc...

    And that's why I continue to watch or play some desert map. But it's not the unique ways. You can also discuss, it's help a lot too. And not only me, but everyone. If there a post where you can find a set of very good map, or some point of view of player who explain why they like a particular map, it would help a lot of map designer (and every body could improve in map design. I play several hack, and like the official fe game, there so mucg more map pretty plain compared to map interesting)

  15. Here the two item I try to just copy


    https://imgur.com/6GGmGHW https://imgur.com/6GGmGHW https://imgur.com/6GGmGHW https://imgur.com/6GGmGHW 6GGmGHW.png

    I do ctrl+v so it's the same thing. I just change the id. It works for the weapon as far as I test, but not for anything usable, or the staff


    There's a way to modify stat for a member of a party, in a save file ? Because if I must restart at the beginning each time I want to ajust stuff, it will be pretty long. And also, I would like to test by putting average lvl, or 0% growth, in order to test the lvl without too much luck requirement.


  16. Hi,

    I'm just started to create my own fe8 hack game, in order to create a more enjoyable fe8 for me, because the vanilla game is pretty meh... for me.

    What I want to do is'nt only gameplay things, rebalance and more interesting difficulty, I want also nearly all the map I find boring. And it's a thing I really like to explore : "what can you do with the fe concept game, what can you create, what make the map fun, and other tedious, etc"

    What I want to ask you in this topic, is to suggest me some map that you find very fun, innovative, interesting to play, with a gimmick really special, etc, in the official fe game, or in a hack.

    I'm a pretty bad player and I only play iron man in hard mode or maniac mode, so I only finish fe8. For the other, I never see all the map, and I really only know very well the first map (because even if it's a iron man, if my waifu died, it's just to hard for me to continue, so I restard the first map a lot). And I don't play all the fe game (miss radiant down and all the fe after the 12, and no fe before fe4 too), so my knowledge in fire emblem and what is a good map is pretty low.

    That's why I create this topics, to complete my understanding of what make a map enjoyable for me. And what is the possibility and diversity of the map you can create.

     I already have my idea for the first map of fe8, because I really enjoy the start of many fe (exept fe8 and fe4). But for the mid game and end game, I need fresh idea. I don't have any xp of good map in endgame for exemple. Or I really don't know any desert map I enjoy.

    So what an endgame map should have to be enjoyable for you ?

    What did you like in desert map ? Have you some exemple of good desert map ?

    Thanks for your response.

  17. Hi,

    I'm new in the hacking fire emblem things (I just begging three day ago) and you seems a begginer too.

    I think a collaboration at this stage it's a pretty bad idea. A hack is a very long and tiring journey, you need to be solidely prepare for that, and if you want some companion, they should be prepared as well, and share the same taste, ideas, etc...

    Many promising hack have a lot of difficulty to finish their developpement, and because you're new, you can't really be aware what is the difficulty, or is it really a good idea, for all the changement you want to do, in a fe game.

    So I suggest you to do like me. Just do a very simple hack, to learn, test your idea and see if it work properly, if it creates the gameplay you like, if it's really a good idea or is create a poor strategy or way to play.

    And for this part, which you can see like a preparation for the big journey to do a collaborative hack (all big hack should be collaborative, so it's not a bad idea), I can discuss with you of all the stuff if you want. I want to test my proper idea which correspond to the way I like to play fire emblem or what fire emblem should be for me, in order that I enjoy a lot more. But I can't test every thing, or find all the idea I would like. So for that, to have over hacking modder that test their own thing is really great. We could see what they obtain with their idea, share ressources, pick some idea you like in other hack, have suggestion, etc.

    Beccause, if you discuss of thing like, "should you do that, or is it better to do this", and you don't know anything, you're just a noob who dream about a game, but if this game really exist, in reality, you would find it pretty tedious to play, it will lead nowhere.

  18. @eclipse

    There no support, and they are in a plain, so no avoid bonus. It's the first turn of the prologue chapter, and the only difference between the two, is that I add the skill prescience. So instead of add a +15hit and +15 avoid only when you initiate a fight, it seem to give + 35



    Ok thanks, it works perfectly. I really love what you can do with the skill patchs, so I will try. If there some problem, I will try to fix it, but this hack it's just for gain some skill, so it's not that important.


    I find why I can't modify Vanessa and moulder. They join you at the end of the chapter 1, so you can change them and load the chapter 2. You need to redo the chapter 1, my bad.


    I have another problem, but it's not related to the skill patchs. I have to create another topic or I can ask here ?

    When I try to create a new object, I can't use it and I don't know why. For exemple, if I want to add an item which is a elixir with only one use, I can modify the elixir item, and set at 1 use only. It's works with no problem. But if I copy the elixir in another empty item, I can't use it. In game, when I try to use the item, it says, can't use it (and I'm not full HP, and I can use the true elixir, but not the copy).

    The elixir is just an exemple, whenever is a weapon, a staff, etc, I just can't use it. What could be the problem

  19. 21 hours ago, eclipse said:

    If you want to test numbers (WRT stuff like Prescience), step away from the hacking tools, take out a pen and paper, and check the math yourself.

    I try to calculate in order to see what could happen. But it's just so strange.

      Erika avoidance in the description menu is 33. It's 9 spd * 2 + 5 luck = 23. And Erika have 2 star leader ship, and Seth one, so it normaly + 3*3. So it normally should be 32, but it's 33 for some reason.

    Seth avoidance is 38. It's 10spd *2 + 8 luck = 28. And we have 3 leader star * 3, so it should be 37.

    The thing weird, is when I add the prescience skill (it say, +15 avoid and + 15 hit, only when you initiate the combat, so it should'nt affect the value display in the menu of the character,)

    It become 68 avoidance for erika, and 73 for seth. So it's a +35 avoidance without initiated the combat, but I don't understand why.



    For the weapon triangle advantage, I find that in fact, it's double the bonus we set up in FE gba builder. So we can't have +1 atk bonus, it's 2 the minimum now, but it's fine for me.

    But I don't find the leaderstar star menu, or the leaderstar patch. I try to google it, but I don't find anything. How can I get this windows or new patches ?


    I continue my hack, and I have another problem with the skill. I can change the skill of many unit and class, but I can't for  the priest and pegasus knight. I think it's because of moulder and vanessa in the chapter 2, because I have many thing strange here. For exemple, if I change the item they have in the place unit menu, it do nothing.So it's the same if I add or remove some skill (only skill to get at some level, not only one base skill of the class. And I put the lvl obtention at 1, so normally it work for the other class), it's do nothing. And if I add a pegasus kgniht or a priest in previous chapter, it's don't work as well, but a falcon knight and a cleric, work with the same set up. There something particuliar in this chapter 2 ? Vanessa should move above the mountain in the introduction, that's the only thing special I see.



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