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Everything posted by luchinania

  1. Maybe is not Marth, but MyUnit? A bit like FE12 MyUnit supposedly looks like Ike if the right combination is chosen. Edit: I just saw the video again, and yeah now I noticed that they show MyUnit and the masked man at the same time.
  2. That's what casual mode is for, and since they seem to be trying to make FE more mainstream then it will probably be included. I like having to restart a chapter when a characters dies because it forces me to rethink my strategy, but then that probably makes me a masochist. I agreed that permadeath should be more relevant because I don't want rewards or consolation prizes when a character dies; I don't want to feel like I'm missing something because I choose to keep all characters.
  3. That's one of the reasons why I wanted enemy units that changed level according to your own. When I was playing FE12, I couldn't advance in the higher difficulty but then it got too easy in the difficulties that I could manage. If they somehow manage to lower the difficulty a bit in the beginning and jack up the difficulty later on in the game then I wouldn't want the enemy changing level effect. I don't remember purposely grinding in FE12, and it still gets easier later on in the game. I only tried grinding a bit in the beginning to try and bring low level characters up to a useful level but then I just gave up. Yeah, I could live with bigger teams if all the characters they give you were relevant, but they give you(at least in the remakes) a lot of characters with low levels that were too similar for me to bother to level up. Skirmishes get old and annoying fast, so I don't if I want to depend on them too much. I reset the game if I lose a character, except if it's in FE11. So yeah, I want a relevant permadeath.
  4. It was about the same price as my psp. I've played and exchanged FE11 because I was a bit disappointed. In FE12, I think I only got to the halfway point when I found out about the translation so I'm waiting for Blazer and his team to finish it.
  5. Yes, do stick around fellow newbie, and welcome to SF. A friend tried that trick on another friend, and it turned out that gullible wasn't in the dictionary that they used. Did you play Hector hard mode? I think it's a bit harder than the other modes. If you did, you're a better player than me.
  6. Welcome to SF! Yeah, I love the fact that even the most generic characters from FE are not as generic as characters from FFT or Disgaea. I think it's possible to download roms that are already patched, but I'm not sure if this is considered a no-no.
  7. Welcome to SF! Yeah, I love the fact that even the most generic characters from FE are not as generic as characters from FFT or Disgaea. I think it's possible to download the roms that are already patched, but I'm not sure if this is considered a no-no.
  8. I would like a story about man vs man, instead of good vs evil. I think a bit like FE9/FE10? I haven't finished those games so I'm not sure, but I think I've read somewhere that it's a bit like that. Anyway, part of the reason I want this is because I think it would be interesting to be able to play as both sides. Like maybe what would determine who would be the winner is a combination of a character like the tactician from FE7 and the right tactics, so maybe you could play 2 different paths and achieve 4 different endings. Or maybe have two different lords with two different routes that overlap and where the goal is the same but they don't get along because their countries are at war or something like that, so they never officially team up and even compete and fight with each other. Meh, I doubt IS would do something like this but a person can always dream, right? Other things I would like, and that I think have a somewhat better chance of actually happening. Supports like the ones in FE9. I want supports that I can squee over. A smaller team than the ones in FE11/FE12. I got a lot of useless characters that I never got the chance to use because I didn't have time to train them all. Branching paths like FE8. A really hard arena that would make arena abusing not worth it for me. For example, the arena in TRS is a bit harder than the ones typically found in FE so I found myself not using them as much. Rescuing, shoving, and canto. Different levels of difficulty and permadeath. Good mages and archers. I also hope that the fact that lockpick and mug are swappable doesn't mean that thieves are obsolete. Since skirmishes are back, I want them all to be skippable. Some of the skirmishes in TRS interfered with the mandatory maps, which meant I had to fight them to reach places that I wanted to go. Also, another thing I would like-that probably will never happen and that some other people would probably not like-is enemies that change level according to your average overall party level. So no matter how much grinding I do, there's still some level of difficulty. This means that grinding would be more for training a character to a usable level and to give me a chance to use all the characters given to me.
  9. I don't mind exchanging skills like the stat boosters, but I do agree being able to freely swap skills as you want does make the characters more generic; so your idea would be optimal. It would also be kinda neat(at least for me) if you could only swap skills between characters that have a support. Anyway, I'm easy to please so I'll be happy if FE13 has supports that are not generic, different levels of difficulty, permadeath, not being rewarded for killing your characters, and characters that I actually have a chance of using.
  10. A draft doesn't really mesh with my playing style, so I would probably fail hard. Oops, there was a mistake in my post; I've played a bit of FE9-10. But since I don't have a wii I can't continue to play those games. Lucius, Seth, Hector, Camus, Lex, Homer, and Soren. Really? I could have sworn I saw Marth in the new FE.
  11. But they haven't even stared Smash Bros.
  12. Didn't they come to the conclusion in the other thread that by the time the next Smash Bros comes in existence Krom would probably be old news?
  13. Instead of persona/FF, the animation style kinda reminds me of Valkyria Chronicles, and I have to admit that every time I see the videos I get a strong sense of deja vu. But apart from VC, this FE doesn't really look like other srpg. Personally, I don't dislike the anime style but I do find the clothing a bit odd; does the more elaborate style mean that FE is moving out of the middle ages? Anyway, I still think it's too soon to figure out how different and generic this FE will turn out. From what I've seen it still feels like FE, which means that it plays differently from other srpg. I don't mind the return of skirmishes and arena. I like using skirmishes to raise all the characters to about the same level, which allows me to use characters I wouldn't normally bother with. I don't use the Arena, especially if it's like in TRS, because I find that is not fun or worth it. Really, the level of grinding you do is up to each player.
  14. Yep, I loved the big maps and the lovers system but I just wish it was a tad more challenging. Yeah, I usually don't give out that much information on the internet, but I I guess I was feeling chatty.
  15. luchinania


    Hi everyone! I've been a lurker for awhile now, so I could have sworn that I had an account with sf before but apparently I was delusional. So this is my first time posting anything to the sf forums. My little brother introduced me to FE with FE8 and then after that it was a bit hazy, but I do remember that he tried to make play FE1 but I refused because of the gibberish. I'm not sure if he's still playing FE(I doubt it), but I've played FE4-8, a bit of FE10-11, and the remakes. FE is one of my favorite series, but I'm not as knowledgeable as some of the other sf members. My first language is Spanish, and I'm currently a student in uni. I used to really like anime, but now most days it usually bores; I still love manga and I'm actually a fujoshi (if you don't know what that means then you're better off not knowing) but I don't really like reading doujinshi. I like rpg and srpg, but I'm terrible at other types of games. My interest in playing video games tends to fluctuate, but anything FE and SMT usually revives the gamer in me. I have a psp that I haven't touch in months, a Xbox360(it was cheaper) that I haven't touched in more time, and a 3DS that I just recently bought because I'm a impulsive buyer. And that's all the useless useful information about me for now.
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