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Everything posted by null

  1. Rhea surprises everyone by transforming into her draconic form, annihilating everyone (including you) but Byleth, and they spend the rest of their days together with him being her husband and her creepily calling him "mother." I yank on Corrin's tail while they're a dragon.
  2. I don't know what happened, but everything seems to be working much more smoothly now. Posts don't take forever to upload and I haven't double-posted yet. Maybe it's fixed? The old LTPW thread is still broken if you click on the most recent page though.
  3. Banned because it's all good since I grew out of it.
  4. Is playing a game where the main character uses a ice cream pop as a weapon.
  5. I'd say Titania is my favorite early-game pre-promote. She's a straight-up force of destruction in the early game, and the fact that she almost always doubles makes her a force to be reckoned with even in the mid-to-late game. She's also different from most Jagens in that she is actually viable through endgame, so you definitely want to feed her kills every once in a while to keep her levels in line with everyone else. And even though you spoke of gameplay when you asked the question, her character (in addition to her being a great unit) makes me like her that much more.
  6. The thread doesn't even load now. It just gives an error message.
  7. Is probably aware of the fact that SF has been glitchy lately.
  8. Fights for Elibe. EDIT: Ninja’d. EDIT 2: Somehow unninja’d.
  9. Pages started randomly disappearing like on the Last to Post Wins thread. Has a cute profile picture of the 3H lords as kids playing in a classroom.
  10. This thread actually works compared to the old one that started to eat itself alive.
  11. It's treason then. Ike and the Greil Mercs (along with the help of the laguz) take great joy in offing you both. I call Sanaki a "petulant child" and pour a vat of wine on her robes.
  12. Don't you be badmouthing Lyn like that. Blade Lord Lyn is one of the best units in FE7. Fight me.
  13. I feel that IS really enjoys pulling the "dude looks like a lady" trope in their games.
  14. That's actually been granted already. FE12's armor knights are pretty spectacular. I took Roger and built him up in the arena. He became an unstoppable beast of a general. Anyway... Granted, but every other unit in the game becomes pathetically weak in comparison. I wish either the Archanea or Tellius games would get another entry that takes place in those worlds.
  15. You get it, but along with it comes skinship 2.0 and plenty of awkward bonding moments between the player and their waifu and husbando to make it more like Fates. I wish fanservice would be removed from FE entirely. It has no place in what is meant to be a serious-toned tactical RPG series.
  16. Won't be tried and destroyed for making an accusation that is only true of himself.
  17. Eirika chops your hands off with her rapier so you can never play FE8 or any FE again. I let Leonie spend the rest of her miserable days single because she's so annoyingly obsessed with Jeralt.
  18. Banned because I was allergic to cats when I was a kid.
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