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Princess Peachar

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Posts posted by Princess Peachar

  1. Aww man. Boss says I can't post it. lol I can post a teaser thing when I finish. 8B

    FEOC is a hack Aeo and I have been working on for the better part of three years with a bloke called GeneralArmy. We were the super late submission for FEE3 this year. lol Bieber, you're fired!

    I would do Fargus...buuuuuuut Vamp had made a Fargus already. And she is an awesome Fargus...if a bit scary cause of old lady cleavage. 8BBB

    Other suggestions?

  2. I love how this topic has once again come full circle.

    We should turn this into a drinking game. B:

    Every time somebody offers critique, take a sip.

    Every time she rejects critique, finish your drink.

    Every time an argument involving 5 or more people occurs, take a shot of the strongest shit you have.

    [spoiler=I'm game]14uy3.png


    Generally speaking, Ana, relying on just one reference isn't the best method to do. The trophy of Elincia with Amiti is a good reference, but it helps to have others. Especially when making an icon, using an existing icon can work wonders in helping you with proportions, placement, etc. Hope this helps.

  3. okay yeah I'm done.


    literally took a color from Ike's FE10 mug for the middle hair tone and went from there. Derped on the cape cause Roy's is just ugly. I brightened the red a bit, but kept the undertone down to keep from OW MY EYES. But yeah. There's something of a ref. Have fun~

  4. Oh, and why did you change the color of the inside of the cape? I wanted that light brown.


    I'm not changing it for you. I'm giving you a reference. You still gotta change it yourself. :]

    EDIT: Wait...how old is he supposed to be?

  5. 12odn.png

    Here you go. I messed with the face a bit. I'll work more with it when I get home from work. I also played with the colors. I literally took the red from Kent, and the cape from Eubans, and the pad from Wallace. The eyes were customed and the hair was edited from Hector's.

    Edit: And the headband were Fiora's darkest and second hair tones. He also is a little more rounded than I had planned. Like I said, I'll muck with it later again.

  6. You wanted critique, I gave it to you. You didn't wanna talk about colors anymore. Why you so angry? I did what you asked.

    Next time just tell me to compliment your work instead of giving critique because there are no flaws THAT YOU SEE (which is kinda the purpose of critique; you know, other people pointing out flaws that your tired eyes cannot see after staring at the same mesh of pixels for whatever time it took you to conjure the piece). If that is the case, put in your subtitle, "plz2b only compliments cause I can't handle critique"

    TBH, your sprites will mostly be praised completely with no qualms by A) people who can't sprite and B) people who are under you in level and C) people who have no idea about the style. This site is different. We have accomplished FE style spriters here who know what they are talking about. If one of them (especially those above my level) comes by and says, "I disagree with your point because of this," then I'll consider it and be like, "Maybe I was wrong." That is something you lack. You don't listen "as if you could be wrong." You listen to what you wanna listen to. This will be the bane of your talent. Scholars never learn if they think there is nothing to be learned.

    EDIT: And I meant everything I said in a non-trolly way. I'm being completely serious with you. Take it as a TROLOLOL if you want, but that is your paranoid delusion. You aren't a victim. Get over yourself.

  7. Mk bby.

    Doesn't look like Ike, bar the blue hair and headband/mono pad/cape fetish. As a matter of fact, doesn't look like Elincia, either.

    Eyes are derpy.

    Head is loooooooooong.

    Shading: chunky chunky chunky

    What is that behind his dinky dinged up pad?

    Mouth is too short. Kinda like a woman's mouth.

    That red. I need a mop to clean up my floor after my eyes melted all over it.

    Ear needs some highlight.

    Shading is funky on the far side of the face.

    That cape blue is ew. Gotta work on that contrast.

    Farina blue just doesn't work well with the way Sain's hair is shaded. It burns.

    Those headband tails are like...blocks? Are they cloth or starched?

    Headband angle is pretty much off on the forehead.

    Since we are on the topic of Kael:

    Is this boy considered the prince of Crimea?

    If yes:

    What is he doing going around being a mercenary? Did he run away from home and hide from mommy Elincia so that he could live like his father did?

    If no:

    Alright. He can be a mercenary. But why the Ike Mercenaries? Ike didn't want to train him and put him into his mercenary group? Daddy was scared for his spawn's welfare and thus let him make his own mercenary group which he conveniently named after the father that didn't accept him? Awwwwwwwwkwaaaard. I'd also imagine that, since he is so young, his mercenary group is mainly made of children his age and younger. I doubt a seasoned fighter that has many years under his or her belt would readily follow a boy, regardless of how esteemed his father is.

  8. And as I said, I prefer FE7 colors over FE8's. It may be difficult to make my own colors when necessary, but I don't mind. In fact, I enjoy the challenge. End of story, okay?

    Yeah, but it's easier to just look for a color that's already on an FE7 sprite. xP

    If you enjoyed the challenge, why would you pick the easy route and still complain?

    I'm intrigued.

  9. It doesn't take too long to change colors. You don't have to reshade your mugs to FE8 spriting style.

    And FE8 does have much more freedom with the colors because of saturations. That's why I do FE10 mugs in FE8 colors over FE7.

  10. I stick to IS's colors if I can. But I'm not switching to FE8 colors. I've used FE7 ones for too long now.

    It's not hard to switch over to the other color styles. I used FE8 style when I first started and continued to do so for 2 years. But now, I've been hitting it with FE7 colors with the occasional FE8 style here and there.

    If you don't mind me dropping some advice your way, don't limit yourself to only doing one thing. Be willing to experiment with other styles. Be willing to experiment with changing RBY/Hex values. In the end, you can only get better, no?


  11. I'd suggest making the hair more hairy and less tentacle-y. It'd help if you used less of the third shade to divide each clump of hair and used quite a bit more of the second shade instead to help with definition and adding a bit more detail.

    Also pointless but not so much irrelevant information: I love this mug so much.

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