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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Sacred Stones

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  1. Medallion of hope? Hack forum I assume? On my way.

  2. I saw your sprites in Fuzz's topic. They look pretty unique, so if you wanna submit a wacky/weird mug to the Medallion of Hope game I'm going to start, you can claim your two spots :)

  3. I'll present myself to the firing squad as well then. Link to older works at FE planet And some of my more recent works. The LoZ TP style zoras head fins and "hair" were full-customs. Unicorn was a full custom as well. I wish I knew how to make spoiler tags... Anywho, fire away!
  4. Yes, they may need improvement but tearing the creator apart like a pack of rabid, starving wolves won't help him improve much. I understand we don't want to confuse new spriters but we also don't want to send them back where they came from, never to try spriting ever again. As for skin tone work, I can recommend this, check all of the GBA games to see what color palettes exist and compile them from there. As for creating new tones I've no advice on the matter.
  5. There is a pixel on her right side (our left) that needs a little work. Because her face basically goes curve, square, curve, point. The square bit needs fixing. Other than that and the crooked face, the design is quite lovely. (Especially the bun on top of the head)
  6. The difference between arrogance and trying to salvage wrecked confidence is a bit of a fine one. As for Dess' last comment I'll take that and simply leave.
  7. Did you look through all of the material or only a few? I understand if you've examined everything but all you did was go through one or two items... BTW, The bottom right's hair seems to be off a shade with the contrast. It seems to go from light grey to dark to outline color. Just saying.
  8. If that is the case... What needs updating and what types of boss characters? Here are some FE Planet threads with my works My link My SECOND link
  9. Fylnn Rider? Quite well done but his neck seems a little squashed in personally.
  10. And here is a generic greeting!

    Try making an introduction thread.

  11. Provided, I was late due to registration problems... But Dei would have won me out anywho :)
  12. They're all pretty good actually. Blind Archer's just ended up as the most unique and difficult to name the parts of.
  13. I was pressed for time. Sorry! EDIT: I'm assuming the simple attachment disqualified me then.
  14. On the contrary, I would have entered as the first entry if the registration had worked properly. But alas it has been difficult. Thus here is my entry. Not quite the level of the blind archer but It does have a reduced palette for ROM use. :)
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