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Posts posted by NaotoUzumaki

  1. Personally it’s the avatar period.they started very good with Mark then Chris WAS and STILL IS a mistake then Robin was Another step in right direction then another wrong turn with Corrin and Byleth was an too Extreme good with its sharp bad ones. I think Japan think an Avatar is a MC a la Persona when Overseas its more like D&D and I’m sick of the Avatar being the cheesy chosen one. Mark was a Nobody rando on the plains. Robin was à normal dude with a psycho cult and dad after him. Chris was a spotlight hog and Corrin story depends on her existence kill her fates DOESNT exists. Byleth has story reason to Not be a Avatar and they make one. Intis need Better ideas management right now 

  2. So I had this idea of a rom hack where you have an avatar but with questions that determines what kind of person their are like D&D. If its possible a world where you can meet most FE character and build your empire. Perhaps a academy to attend as student. I would love your thoughts since I’ve been playing Legends of Runersia. Fire Emblem Three Houses and RPG maker on switch.   Are you the next brave hacker to achieve this task?

  3. Yes i agree with you're point She would see it as immoral. I was moslty curious since her soul is in the crest but in Verdant Wind its revealead that ALL HEROES RELIC are made from there corpse and the Lance of Ruin and I think  Amyr were like they were alive. I aslo agree that byleth major crest of flames but edelgard hair became white like lysithia because of having been injected another crest. The crest of flames so i went To the wiki To see if her crest was a minor crest of flames To concludes the SoC bit and so Far her Crest Are Major Crest of Seiros and Major Crest of Flames and didn't Nemesis wield the sword and attack in Seiros war and Even his imitation could in the Final Boss of Verdant Wind.

  4. Ok Fair point but she LITARALLY admits that she sent Byleth To retreive the lance to Prevent this. So se have three possible options. 1: Rhea knows because logically in the Cindered Shadows she admits that Sitri was the 12th attemps as she Hid the Rite of Rebirth with the Chalise To Prevent another Umbral beast so she should know WHAT TO NOT DO Again To not make the same mistakes.  2: The Devs  made imbeguous to make Fodlan seem bigger from the Outside but a Story Relevent Rule that everyone follows to a tee EXCEPT Byleth that is backed up by the father of Crestology since Logically regardless she had 12 previous vessel and the church in lore has science in crest in itself with Hanneman. 3: both of the above otherwise its a Translation Error which is also Possible since this game has the most CUT content so a lot of time To translate it but not enough To refine it.   Even then Logically the Sword and Crest stone are made from Sothis's Corpse so the moment Byleth touched The sword he should have been taken over like a Ootsutsuki from boruto and Sothis become Herself Whole Again... I mean that sword and Crest a litteraly her body with the other half of Herself the Takeover would have Happenned Logically at the chapter  ''Assault on the Rite of Rebirth''

  5. I understand but it is implied that all hero relics does that and the crest stone is the one transforming Micklan from the lance. And Rhea said that would happen To anyone like Micklan. Since the crest stone detect if  its Sylvain or Micklan wielding it. Therefore the crest stone check if  you have the requiered crest To uses in your blood. The agarthans wanted the sword of the creator for nemesis and Thales/Arundel '' It would je stupid To keep both in the same place'' Byleth vas the Crestone not the Crest itself so Naturally Edelgard/Flame Emperor would be MORE ABLE To than Byleth.

  6. I know Byleth was born a stillborn and has the Crest stone of Flames in his heart but why hasn’t Sothis taken over I mean he has no personality until he bonds with the students so the process would be easier right? There be less fighting back than a person who has still has something to do than a puppet. I also noticed that are Minor and Major Crest of Cethlean Indech Macuil Cihol Seiros and of Flames. So is the Major a potent version of the Minor Crest? I’m asking because we see the Lance of Ruin with its Crestones takeover Micklan who didn’t have the requirements. So Shouldn’t Byleth have the Crest of Flames Naturally and have the Crestone in the Sword of the Creator so he wouldn’t Turned into a Crest Beast? It contradicts the lore itself sunce Rhea admits it happened to Micklan and even Byleth asked if they have to fear that and says ‘’No’’ immediately as if to deny that possibility happening. We also know that Sitri was the 12th.

  7. As of now, I think Byleth without the ability to customize his appearance is bs. I check the Wikipedia of The Tellius (Ike) and the Engine for these game is Unreal Engine like three house. The Nintendo 3DS had Androgynous Cutscenes and WAS a Harder platform to develop so Byleth should have customizable In game Cutscenes right?  I know there a stillborn but if Sothis gives them Emotions and tells them after Rhea revealing the Goddess’s name to quote ‘’ Promise me to make your own path’´ a empty husk in a story driven SRPG with Permadeath seams Like a Bad Move especially since one of the Problems with Corrin as an Avatar was that it was too IMPORTANT to the story and didn’t represent you. But I digress whats you’re opinion on this? Should they have made a playable Mark with the no voice from JP robin from Awakening or one Like Kris THAT DOESNT STEEL EVERYONE STUDENT? I personally would a made the avatar a random Free Student that can die WITHOUT consequences so the story is better tied together.

  8. I would love a student avatar and changing events via the True new undiscovered crest of reset. You could reset a unit’s crest to none or another to changing event thus changing Byleth crest to none and how it would affect Rhea behaviour. If reseting a unit crest to none it destroys the crest from their inside making them normal thus changing Byleth to a living human with actual emotion without Sothis. In the game its said that’s Sothis kid form is her incomplete one and Byleth actually started showing emotion when she awoke but making having Byleth with emotion that suddenly will make jeralt understand what rhea did. Destroying a crest make Knonya unable to kill jeralt since they needed Flayn’s blood to use with Agarthan tech to use Monica or Cordelia corpses as disguise to infiltrate important places to attack the Nabatean.thus Agarthan need their tech and Flayn blood with her crest of cethlean for their human form

  9. Personally I would love a Student Avatar and Byleth fully voiced as a new game plus with the Student Crest ability to Destroy Crest.   It would also give Intys more experience developing on the switch until a new game or echoes remake.    Ps : about the  crest destroying ideas I’m now curious about Byleth upbringing without a Crest and Rhea reaction as the crest saved Byleth but also deprived them of emotions early on until sothis awakens

  10. would you like a student avatar in three houses with new gameplay mechanics.                                                                                     It could work in real time with student seeking your avatar and interacting with Byleth seeing them fully voiced.                                              You could  be in the same  house that Byleth chooses. It could also give intelligent systems more experience working on the switch       Edit: Sorry for the written text I’m on smartphone 

  11. Yeah now that i think about its possible that the devs had problems devlopping on the switch.                                                                                                                                                  The battalions system was supposed To be the weapon triangle in the OG trailler.               Although the pre rendered anime cutscenes were made to be see more clearly What was really happening such as the holy mausoleum with the SotC cutscene or with the death of Jeralt.                                                                                                                                   Its also possible that in Japan an ''Avatar is like the persona series while overseas it more like DnD or Pathfinder.                                                                                                             Even if they dont change byleth I would still hope on story improvement for Crimson Flower/Silver Snow and Verdant Wind they Feel unfinished and some parts copy paste.    

  12. No that’s not it.its the lying about the Game having an avatar.All I want is the avatar gone or developers to not lie about Byleth being one when he/she aren’t one.basically all I’m asking is for developers that be honest and says there isn’t a avatar in the game.It DOESNT NEED ONE PERIOD. I’m basically playing devil’s advocate here for the people who bought the game for an Avatar. I just dislike false advertising from devs to sell game.I mean the avatar gave the series new life and NOT IN A GOOD WAY.just tell them their isn’t one Like Echoes: Shadows of Valentia 

  13. Hello I just want to know if you guys are dissapointed to have been lied with the avatar in three houses.Just to clarify I dont need one im just disappointed for the fans who bought the game hoping it was there. Two of three games on the 3DS had it and they said it was the cutscenes as of why they drop avatar customization and the 3DS was a harder platform to develop games on and they did avatar and their cutscenes way better than on the switch so I’m sorry if dont buy theirs excuses for lack of customization.in the first 10 min Sothis asked what are you And YOU HAVE TO PICK MORTAL and Byleth Birthday is 20 of horse bow moon even the in game story dialogue says it with setheht an rhea before the holy tomb mission.the birthday gift takes a key item slot and isn’t used.im not mad just disappointed to have been lied i mean you have all that lore about Byleth and sell the avatar when Byleth can be their own character or play the game from the 3 main lord.cindered shadows was good and I love the game I’m on bow only run.but this game cost me 79.99$ Canadian and 15% taxes because I live in Quebec so about 92$ full price. What I mean is IS should not lie about an Avatar if there isn’t one I mean Awakening saved the serie in the west all I ask is being honest about the game devs. No avatar is fine TBH they suck I’ve Played Awakening and Fates by playing Robin and Corrin Respectively same with Byleth and I’m not coming near Heroes of Light and Shadows and Kris with 10 foot pole.

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