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Everything posted by BigBandit

  1. Silvia, Ninian, and Tethys are not nuking anything with 27, 24, and 27 base attack respectively. They provide no offensive pressure at all. If you are running 2 anima units on defense, Lif and Thrasir don't have enough HP to effectively use IP. In my personal experience, Thrasir is solid, but I have been unimpressed with Lif as a frontline unit. On an IP team, I would choose to run Mirabilis and a +10 Seliph over Silvia and an unmerged Lif.
  2. You are underestimating the flexibility Mirabilis can provide on a Defense team. Sure, in a vacuum she might be the worst of the anima units. But when taking into account the entire defense team, she is arguably one of the best. Outside of L!Azura, there is not much improvement that can made in the dance slot on a defense team. However, that is not true for Lif, Duma, and debatably Thrasir. There are many units you could use that will significantly outperform them on a Defense team. These units will also get the bonus stats that the Anima mythics would not get. Also, you can always just run normal Dance instead of her main assist. IMO, Thrasir and Mirabilis is the best Anima combination because of the flexibility it gives you for the rest of your defense team.
  3. You just argued that you can park Mila nearby for Sacred Seal support, but that Peony would not be able to do the same thing in most cases. Make up your mind. Isolation is good, but there are defense teams that are not affected much by it, and those are only going to become more common now that Mila exists. Dance will always be useful.
  4. Peony gives 20 stat points in that scenario. Also, an extra turn is not even remotely close to as good as Dance. Dance can allow you to easily snipe a unit and retreat safely which gives your supertank less units to worry about. An extra turn means absolutely nothing if you are not able to engage the enemy team safely.
  5. Mila's buff is not that good. Even Peony is potentially a better buffer than Mila because she has flexibility with the C-slot and can run an extra drive skill, tactics skill, or whatever is needed. The only argument to use Mila over Peony is Isolation instead of Dance. In most cases Dance utility is far more valuable.
  6. Unless you don't care about anyone on the Fallen banner, go for the guaranteed 5-star or save. The bride banner will still be there for another month. No need to make a hasty decision.
  7. Took over 300 orbs sniping colorless before pulling Micaiah. Picked up Loki, a second Leanne, and a 4 star Rafiel. Dropped me down to 44 orbs, the lowest I have been since the middle of last year. Time to start saving again.
  8. Glad I did not spend all my orbs on Fallen Ike merges. Gonna try to get 1 copy of Micaiah and Sothe and save orbs to merge them on their rerun. Also, for the record. Sothe is 14 in Path of Radiance, 17 in Radiant Dawn.
  9. Started off this banner with 1,460 orbs planning to use about 1,000 of them. I sniped reds, but planned to pick up Lyon as free unit. I was expecting it would let me spend all my orbs before having to use the free summon, but it forced the free summon immediately. I definitely hesitated when I failed to get either Ike or Julia within my first 40 summons. Stuck to the plan though and ended up with a solid haul anyways. 7 Fallen Ike 5 Fallen Julia E! Chrom (+HP/-Atk) Keaton (+Def/-Res) Fallen Lyon V! Catria (+Def/-Spd) Laevatein (+Def/-Spd) F! Byleth (+Spd/-Def) Swordhardt (+Spd/-Def) Lethe (Spd/-Res) Adrift Camilla (+Res/-Atk) Rhajat (+Def/-HP) Kiria (+HP/-Def) Did not get any great IVs on Ike or Julia. Best options are +Res Ike or Neutral Julia. Still have 465 orbs. Will probably wait until the Mythic banner before deciding whether to invest more orbs on this one.
  10. A neutral IV Ike with no merges can reach 60 spd with Darting Breath, Darting Stance in the seal, a +6 buff, and summoner support. It can be increased to 69 with a boon to SPD, mergers and feathers. It gets even higher when debuffed. He can definitely double SK!Alm and ones shots Celica regardless. The real issue is impact skills. He needs QR to guarantee a double in those situations. EDIT: Also most SK!Alm have NFU, so he is not going to double him anyways unless he outspeeds.
  11. Greil definitely did not have access to Ragnell. Ragnell and Alondite are sacred treasures of Begnion which is why the Black Knight had access to them. Here is the photo of the sword he used, definitely not Ragnell: POR spoilers
  12. Well shoot. That changes things. Probably just go for a couple instead of going all in then.
  13. Finally! Time to use the 1,400 orbs I have been saving. Been looking for a new tank in AR. Ike will be great. Only downside is him being red, but I can work with it. Julia will provide plenty of Pulse Smoke fodder. Lyon will be a great tech option if I get him.
  14. This game is being dumb. Last 4 pulls all free: 1. Duo Ephraim (+Def/-Res) 2. Picnic Flora (+Atk/-Spd) 3. Fae 4. Picnic Felicia (+Spd/-HP) I am going to get wrecked when I actually need a unit later.
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