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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. I sorta flip/flop between two out of the four I've played. (Blazing Blade, Awakening, Echoes and Three houses.)

    Blazing Blade seems to be (As someone who's only played 4 so this is a very uninfomred opinion admittingly.) a solid entry and it's tutorial and low (But not braindead) difficulty makes it a decent entry point it seems and it's characters are great, it doesn't seem to push alot of boundrys (Aside from arguably having Mark, our first Avatar, who is also my favourite.) but it does what it does well in my experience and I also love rescue and Mines/Light Runes. (I kinda want those to return as mines in FE are a ton more effective in comparison to most games by virtue of most combat being melee.)

    Echoes:Shadows of Valentia does alot of things differently but I generally enjoy what it does differently, I'm a good way through the game and my only real peeve is the AI moving first and you not getting to choose where you units spawn if they attack you on the world map, which can result in unfair deaths on smaller maps.

    I like the dungeon crawling and the various hidden walls and such in certain dungeons gives me a good bit joy as I love hidden walls and hidden collectables. (Kinda dissapointed that Three Houses Monestary seems to completely lack these.) 

    It also has death reactions as the standard, which it kinda should be considering how perma-death is kinda one of the mainstrays of the series.

    While it's a little bit broken (Invoke is arguably OP.) I at least find the "I have a fun gimmick spell that's broken in the right hands" thing alot more fun than just "I can pair units up and watch the enemy commit suicide over and over"  pair-up system.


    Basically Blazing Blade is my favourite I guess "Standard" FE title while Echoes is my favourite that's trying to experiment with differenet stuff.

  2. Frederick since he's actually against taking in Robin. (Even as a complete newbie, it felt really off to me.), Granted, I lost it since he comes around.

    The first one that I didn't stop liking soon after was Dorcas since it's an actually somewhat sympathteic depiction of why someone would turn to bandit stuff. (even if most of the generic bandits do not get anything like this.) So he's the first FE7 character that truely intrigued me, granted it doesn't get brought up much outside of supports. (that I didn't get on my playthrough.) 

  3. It could be neat.

    If the avatar supports became less about (From what I've seen.) worshipping the avatar, maybe have a few "Trap" situations, where a character is going though something, you can say stuff that appeals to them but is actually terrible advice and it can backfire somehow.

    While giving them actually good advice that they'll hate hearing, while it doesn't give you support points right away, turns out to benefit that person and their support later.


  4. Chrom.

    He's an absolute moron to the point where I'm amazed this man know hows to breath.

    He's surprised by the thought of an army fighting together in an early tutorial despite literally leading a military group and he basically acts like an idiot to the point of absurdity. (Such as recruiting the highly suspicious Robin after not even a day of knowing them.)


  5. Only played about 4 games. (And not a bunch of two of them but I'll give this a shot.)

    Mines and Light Runes return, since mines can be disarmed by thieves, maybe have level design where disarming mines with Thieves lets you bypass groups of dangerous enemies in a "Secure Throne" map for instance while if you have no thief you're gonna have to try to fight your way through.

    No exploration or if it exists, make it like Echoes, I'm not a fan of the Monestary. (Takes more time to load than Deadly Premonition, which has an actual open world with driving on the switch, Can't talk to most generics and items are represented by blue particle effects rather than actually being visible.)

    No Self-insert Avatar character or at least make them a relatively minor character in the story like Mark who isn't an OP gameplay unit.

    Spells either use books or HP, maybe a mix of both? (So really powerful spells take health in addition to being limited.)

    Spells like Invoke, I know they're kinda hard to balance but if a game is going to be broken, at least be fun in the "I can summon illusion Pegasus riders" way rather than "I have a unit who can basically solo the game." 

    Small support count I guess? Like FE7 but without the support limit per character, I'd rather have well-written supports where a character that can talk with 3-4 others rather than trying to do everyone but then having to sacrifice dialogue quality. 

    No Child units, it only makes supports worse because sorry, I do not buy that almost anyone would be willing to marry almost anyone else.

    No marrying Dragons that look underaged. (Or regular humans in the case of characters like Ricken.)

    No Gender-locked classes.

    Rescue returning.

    Death Reactions like Echoes and re-writting some plot events if a character dies. (like how Matthew dying early on in FE7 effects a cutscene later.)

    If the avatar character needs praised, have a system where it's done via actual player performance. (A bit like the battle history mechanic of FE7 after you clear the game.)

    Don't have characters shine as if made of Plastic or have black lines on their nose to emphasis their noses. (Only Three houses did this but I think it looks really awful.)

    No silly cutscene stuff that look extremely out of place. (Characters jumping leg-shattering distances into the air while fighting, or stuff like Edelgard's axe vanishing in the prologue of Three Houses.)



  6. I'm personally not a fan of most of the avatar's in my experience.

    With Robin and Byleth, they don't really feel like Avatars, they're set in stone in who they are and you don't really get that many meaningful choices, they feel more like a set-in-stone character who's kinda bland.

    While Mark was kinda nothing, he was a nothing you could make up a backstory and somewhat of a personality for, I honestly prefer it.

    I'd rather them have an new avatar be more like Mark, a kinda void that you're allowed to make up the specifics of yourself, maybe even have any dialogue choices (if they exist.) more be like "You say they look pretty" or so and so so you're allowed to imagine what exactly was said.

    Also don't turn out to be anyone special, please, I really don't like it and it feels alot like a game trying to inflate your ego.

    Also mostly get rid of praise in supports and such or if they exist, make it so it's actually determined if I'm actually doing well, If I can get praise for keeping people alive. (Such as Virion's supports in Awakening if I remember.) when theoretically I could have gotten alot of people dead, it just feels like again, trying to artifically inflate the player's ego. 

    Mechanically, either they don't appear on the battlefield like Mark or they could be somewhat similar to an FE7 Dancer in that they buff uinits rather than fighting Directly, maybe like how Echoes has certain characters always support others if they have to fight, then they should be a rather poor fighter stat-wise so it's really more of a self-defense thing. (Maybe they'd get some EXP whenever another unit they're buffing kills an enemy.)

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