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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. Fire Emblem needs to lay off the fancy visuals.

    Part of the joy of the fancy Critical hit animations in GBA games was because they're rare, You're  mostly normal-y medieval  dudes so when it kicks in and the fancy visual stuff starts, it's a joy both because it's rare and because the fancy visuals actually match with an fittingly cool attack. (or terrifying if the enemy got a crit.)

    Then you have still like Bernie using her default weapon art (which you'll do, since it has increased range, alot.) in TH where the wind starts kicking up for some reason like Bernie was an Helicopter trying to lift off even though she's just using a bow (or the constant attempts at making fights in cutscenes look fancy with flips/jumping everywhere in the 3Ds games.) or the Batallions charging with anime-speed lines despite not even going at a decent speed , it stops being cool and starts being like a bad action movie, where the omnipresent fancy visuals stop being impressive and start being boring since for me. (or just the attempts at being stylish with nose-lines in TH, which just look awful.)

    Same with the character designs trying to be all fancy in Awakening and just really looking bad in the process because they're overdesigned trying to be fancy outfits that just end up looking really stupid. (Such as Lissa's dress cage or character's lacking proper armor most of the time.)

    It's like explosions in action movies, they're good for the odd setpiece and maybe even many in a row if the situation called for it but generally if you made an action-movie where almost every scene something exploded, it loses it's charm fast.


  2. 1 hour ago, Glennstavos said:


    The rest of my turnwheel uses are typically the same as the gambit situation, but it's me getting two shotted by two 25-50% attacks, so the turnwheel just lets me bait with somebody else and reroll the dice. Fire Emblem may be a numbers game, but perfect strategies will always be fallible because of the dice rolls, hence why the turnwheel is so vital to keeping things moving. Or you can remove accuracy checks and critical rates in their entirety. Or just have a game that's not challenging in the first place and the player resets because they got too bored to check enemy ranges/weapons/skills. 

    I guess but in my experience with FE7 and Echoes (Aside from Thabe's Labyrinth which can buzz off.), your units are generally tanky enough and with good enough hit-rates that you'd need a serious run of bad luck to actually lose with a solid strategy, you can deploy enough units to have a few guys on standby if your plan goes wrong, everyone can usually take an hit or two and they don't tend to miss as long as you pay attention to the weapon triangle. (and if they do, well they can A: usually survive another hit and the map design/amount of units means that having someone else help out/heal them is usually an option.), you'd need a serious run of bad luck for a good strategy to fail in my experience on Normal mode in FE7/Hard mode on Echoes.

    The only game where it's felt like luck is a serious factor outside of hoping for a crit if my plans already are going wrong is Awakening, since everyone has much worse stats and the lower unit cap (Further lowered by pair-up, which you need to do since most of the cast are kinda absolute trash at the start.). (In addition to the map design.)


  3. It kinda felt too easy to keep everyone alive in SOV with the rewind already, so I think casual is arguably kinda redundant now with it. 

    I've not got far in TH but I hear that game ended up having traps that basically require the player to essentially save-scum with the rewind function to get by, so I'd rather have Classic mode instead if that's going to be the way they design games with a rewind feature. (Also Thabe's Labyrinth in Echoes with Grima basically requires you to abuse it considering how insane the enemy stats are.)

  4. 2 hours ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

    I'm very anti fanservice myself. In fact I frankly despise it's existence. I start seeing designs like Charlotte's, Tharja's, Camilla's, etc, and it's an automatic several point knock in my enjoyment of whatever game I'm playing, especially since most games I play involve doing battle so put some freaking clothes on people! I do not care that it is fantasy if you go onto a battlefield wearing a cloth bikini you are getting eviscerated and I won't feel bad for you because you're dumb.

    Also that whole mentality of "You can't criticize author intent" is cringey and bad. Yes you can criticize their intent if they're shoving what looks like 12 year olds on a screen in revealing clothes and then saying you can have an adult marry them and have kids. I don't care if the character is "actually over 1000 years old" there are lines that must be drawn and I will criticize any writer for pulling that slimey crap. That should be an extreme example but it's not and people defend it. I will not. FE is not exempt from this.

    Honestly even some of the less-fanservicy design stuff in Awakening bothers me.

    Like Lissa with her dress cage thing, which is totally a reasonable thing to wear in a battlefield.

    Or the upward facing spikes on the Twins armor.

    I pretty much don't like any of the designs in that game to be honest, same with any of the "Returning" weapons that don't actually even remotely resemble their original apperances. (Or the frankly awful "new" designs for any of the FE7/Echoes cast, which just look like re-coloured enemy models given a quick recolour, Hector doesn't even remotely look like himself.)


  5. 1 hour ago, ping said:

    I am convinced that increased focus on fanservice has been to the detriment of the later FE games, sexual or otherwise. Most egregious example, in my opinion, is that the "everything is fuckable" imperative overrides the central theme of family by birth / upbrining in Fates. And I do find it problematic how that imperative also extends to very decidedly childlike characters - Nowi, Ricken, Elise, Hayato...
    And while older games tend to have teenage romances aplenty, with the exception of FE4 (where some characters should've been excluded from the eugenics), none of them have teenagers making babies, and none of them have the player marrying their self-insert to those teenagers.

    Outside of the sexual, there's also nobody dying in Awakening (can't have the player be sad about [spoiler for a 8yo game] dying for too long!), Kris dragging Marth and Jagen's characters down in FE12, or Corrin never being allowed to make a wrong decision (Helping Garon win the war so that he will hopefully sit his arse on that specific throne while hopefully his children are watching is totally the best, nay, only possible way to resolve all this. It's too bad that thousands of civilians are killed in the process, but the real tragedy is how sad Corrin is about it).

    I don't have a fundamental problem with fanservice (an outfit can be cool/beautiful/sexy just for the cause of being cool/beautiful/sexy, no problem), but in modern Fire Emblem, it tends to be too overbearing and, in some cases, shady as hell.

    Yeah that's pretty much one of the reasons I hate female-Robin/A large chunk of the female Shepards since they can marry the 14-at-most Ricken, which kinda makes them unlikable. 


  6. 35 minutes ago, ping said:

    I am convinced that increased focus on fanservice has been to the detriment of the later FE games, sexual or otherwise. Most egregious example, in my opinion, is that the "everything is fuckable" imperative overrides the central theme of family by birth / upbrining in Fates. And I do find it problematic how that imperative also extends to very decidedly childlike characters - Nowi, Ricken, Elise, Hayato...
    And while older games tend to have teenage romances aplenty, with the exception of FE4 (where some characters should've been excluded from the eugenics), none of them have teenagers making babies, and none of them have the player marrying their self-insert to those teenagers.

    Outside of the sexual, there's also nobody dying in Awakening (can't have the player be sad about [spoiler for a 8yo game] dying for too long!), Kris dragging Marth and Jagen's characters down in FE12, or Corrin never being allowed to make a wrong decision (Helping Garon win the war so that he will hopefully sit his arse on that specific throne while hopefully his children are watching is totally the best, nay, only possible way to resolve all this. It's too bad that thousands of civilians are killed in the process, but the real tragedy is how sad Corrin is about it).

    I don't have a fundamental problem with fanservice (an outfit can be cool/beautiful/sexy just for the cause of being cool/beautiful/sexy, no problem), but in modern Fire Emblem, it tends to be too overbearing and, in some cases, shady as hell.

    Well Chrom thinks Ricken is too young to fight so I think Ricken just outright is a child, apparently he's younger than Lissa, who's 15, which means he's 14 at most.


  7. 1 hour ago, Ottservia said:

    Who said anything about dismissing an opinion? I never once said the opinion itself was invalid just that the phrasing came off as condescending(maybe that’s not the right word) to me. I just hate it when people say something doesn’t belong because who’s to say anything doesn’t belong. Everything has a right to exist no matter one’s personal feelings towards it. I don’t like it when someone says something shouldn’t exist because that just feels arrogant. Like just because you have a distaste for it that means it shouldn’t exist? I simply dislike that mentality. 

    It's possible to distaste something because you think it shouldn't be a thing. (Such as having character designs like Nowi or just sexual designs in general for a series age-rated for 12 year olds.)

  8. 9 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    Ah yes because we all know that fanservice is the root of all evil and that any character showing even the slightest amount of skin or cleavage should cover up immediately. How dare the developers want to make visually attractive character designs for their audience that has nothing to do with the overall quality of the writing. I apologize for the blunt sarcasm but I am so tired of hearing this argument. 

    I honest to god see nothing wrong with fanservice so long as it’s implemented diageticallu and isn’t too intrusive. What’s wrong with sexy character design? What’s wrong with characters going to the beach as an excuse to show them off in sexy swimsuits? I honestly don’t see anything wrong with it. I mean fair if you don’t like it but I hate when people say it “doesn’t belong in a serious story”. Frankly, I find that way of criticizing story telling a little narrow minded. There are plenty of dark and serious stories that have plenty of fanservice like the fate franchise, The Persona series, one piece, death parade, and code geass just to name a few. So what if these stories know how to have a little fun and give the audience something to gawk at every once in a while. That doesn’t make these stories any less well written or any less serious than they are. Persona 5 centers on themes on reforming the worst society has to offer from a sexually abusive teacher to a corrupt and murderous politician and it still has enough room for multiple beach scenes and none of them at all take away from the severity and weight of the situations the characters find themselves in. 

    There's someone like Sonya, showing a bit of skin, then you have pretty much most of the Fates/Awakening designs, such as Charlotte, who has basically no meaningful armor on despite being an axe class who gets up close and personal, it pretty much makes it seem like the female characters were made to be sexual first such as Tharja. (Robin even outright says she has the best body of the Shepards in the original Japanese version for crying out loud.)

    It's kinda cringy and makes it feel even more like Fire Emblem is trying to be a Waifu Simulator, in addition to the implications of having highly sexual character designs, some of which resemble/act like children, in a game sold to 12 year olds. (Since that's the age rating of Fire Emblem over in Europe.)

    So yeah they look awful generally, some of them look straight out of porn and personally I'd rather everyone actually wore armor properly instead of wearing only some on their shoulders/legs like Charlotte with their entire body exposed.




  9. 1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:

    I think that fanservice (in the sense of objectifying or sexualizing characters, male or female) has no place in a serious-toned tactical RPG series about bloody wars between countries and large-scale battles against supernatural forces. It does nothing positive for FE, in my opinion. In some cases, it is downright offensive (Nowi).

    Yeah I don't really like it either. (Also because some of the fan-servicy designs, especially in Awakening/Fates kinda look awful to me, if it's someone ment to be flirty who isn't even a class that should be relying on armor like Sonya it doesn't bother me too much but Awakening's Skirt-Knights and Camilla's entire outfit is just bad, Hell Sonya is the flirty character of Echoes and she is practically overdressed compared to say Charlotte, I kinda dislike the character designs in general but when the crappy design is done to just show off a character's "assets" it's especially bad and for me it's actually ironically kinda off-putting.)

    Also not a fan of other stuff that feels slimey to me, like S-rank art for the Avatar where it's in first person so it's like the character is confessing to the player instead of the Avatar.

    Honestly one of my worries for an FE6 Remake is that we're getting a S-rankable Fae, I really wish we'd go back to FE7 where the Romancable dragon didn't look like a child.


  10. 2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

    You didn't present this as an opinion, but I agree that Awakening, to me at least, seems far more like a rom-com anime than it does a serious conflict between nations. The serious tone that it tries to convey is largely undermined by the abundance of comedic moments and supports, in my opinion. It honestly feels like there's two writers trying to set a tone and both often cancel each other out.

    Didn't Awakening have 6 writers? that's honestly probably what happened. 


    1 hour ago, Ottservia said:

    And that’s the very thing Tonal balance is meant to do. The story can’t be serious all the time. You need that levity every once in a while

    It's still possible for the levity to be too wacky or inappropriately timed, sometimes even feeling like they're not even from the same work of fiction.

  11. 3 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

    Playing without pair-up is the best and most balanced way to play Awakening. Pair-up unquestionably makes even mediocre units OP and trivializes what would normally be more challenging maps and enemies. Not using it makes the player more thoughtful about unit placement (as much as possible given Awakening's decision to mostly use open field maps). It's still a fairly easy game, but it helps even things out instead of pretty much curbstomping the entire game with a broken mechanic.

    For me it's a sorta "damned if you do, Damned if you don't" situation.

    On one hand, it feels like alot of units (Such as Vaike and Sully) have crippled stats to force you to pair them up as they're kinda absolutely terrible at the start, on the other hand, then you can't use Healers because 3-4 paired up units can't reliably protect healers and Lissa/Maribelle die if someone so much as breathes in their general direction.

    Also you can sometimes get a free attack with the pair-up partner, which is always kinda needed in my experience. (I think it's effected by the partner's speed?)

  12. 35 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    And that right there is part of the problem. You’re trying to play the game in a way it’s not meant to be played. For as similar as the core gameplay experience is each FE game is pretty different overall. They have their own unique mechanics and overall map design and other elements that set them apart from one another. For instance, the reason SoV doesn’t require you to bench units right away like awakening does is because you have a lot less units overall meaning benching a character will only hinder you and the game is balanced around that. I can’t speak for FE 7 but awakening gives you plenty of more units to work. In fact I’d argue that the game expects you to bench most of the first gen at some point considering how broken the child mechanic is in this game. The game also expects you to take advantage of pair up which can make some squishy units a little less squishy. Robin’s skill gives him a 50% exp boost when paired up(which is the reason why Robin solo is the only way to play lunatic without grinding) but that’s neither here nor there.

    for mages, generally what I like to do is bait them with a high res unit like a peg knight, mage, or even a healer then send in some of my more physically offensive units to finish the job. For chapter 6 in particular Lucina can generally tank a lot before she falls even on Lunatic so generally speaking there are only a couple units at a time rushing you on each side of which I find the calvarly to be the most dangerous but that’s just me. And hey that’s why Chrom has a rapier.

    like others have said awakening isn’t really a hard game but it will punish you for not following its rules properly. You just got learn what the game wants and then do it.

    Yeah Awakening isn't hard IMO, it just alternates between "Easy" and "Unfair." 

    Benching units right away isn't intuitive at all, You just got a new thing, obviously you're going to want to use it, having that so early on is just frankly dick-ish design, You got a new thing so very obviously you're going to want to try it out, you certainly aren't going to know who to bench/not to bench as early as level 6.


    And yeah I am using Pair-up but if I have 3-4 enemies coming for me and a unit dies in 2-3 hits, that's still more than they can take regardless of pair-up.


  13. 37 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

    If anyone tells you the game can only be beaten with grinding, they're telling you absolute BS.  Like you said yourself, your failing was trying to give too many units EXP (maybe also bad levels) - early on you should just immediately bench some people.  As with any other FE game (barring certain black sheep that are less than balanced), you should only focus on a limited pool of units or else grind incessantly.  I get that FE Awakening doesn't have the best balance or map design in the world, but I've hardly ever heard of people familiar with the franchise struggling to complete the game on Hard.

    And you still won't even acknowledge what I've been telling you about the Spotpass battles you can use to grind EXP.  If EXP is what you're looking for you don't need to rely on the regular map skirmishes because you can summon legacy characters via the Bonus Box feature to fight instead (they come with teams to fight alongside them), their only drawback being that you don't get money or items from beating them.

    It's like Shadow Mir said, it's nowhere near as bad as that one person said, not on the difficulty you're playing on.  You're being punished for playing in a very poorly optimized way - you tried leveling up characters that you should've just left on the bench, and it sounds like you're incapable of using formations that block off an enemy's advance or using the level design (the chokepoints/walls) to your advantage.  Awakening is not a very difficult Fire Emblem game, but it will punish you for playing poorly, just like any FE game that isn't Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia or Genealogy of the Holy War would.

    FE7 and Echoes don't punish you in the first 10 levels because you actually tried to use the new units you just got, yes you had to commit but you never had to bench someone right after they joined.

    Again, when my Vaike (Which the wiki claims is a high HP unit.) dies in 2 hits from a single axe enemy, that's not exactly helpful for holding a line, then add that Vulenaries don't heal full health and healers aren't exactly durable and it's not exactly easy when the game sends two mages at you at once. (So I have to try to tank magic damage since just letting them keep coming would be even worse since then they could both attack someone at once in the same turn.)

    As for Legacy Characters, I hate using DLC stuff that imbalances the game in general. (I'm someone who dislikes it if a game gave me a few extra resources just for buying it digitally.)

    In my experience, in other FE games (Which includes Echoes on Hard.), my other characters can actually generally not die immeditely in combat, while part of the reason I've neglected everyone in Awakening so is that frankly, they're all terrible, Donnel is so bad he gets one-rounded by Archers even on Normal, so I've been mostly using Robin/Frederick since they're the only ones who can actually take more than a single hit before dying.

    So in my experience Awakening is harder but only really because I can't even rely on most of my units to consistently win a 1v1 and my units that are actually good aren't good enough to reliably knock someone down to be finished off  (Knocking someone down to 5 Health isn't exactly easy.) or at worst you have someone like Vaike, who dies in 2 hits and has only a 60-ish chance to hit so yeah I accidently let them slip behind because they're frankly as useless as Alm and his villagers as children in Echoes and it takes more effort than it should to feed them a kill.

  14. 30 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:


    I don't think it's that bad outside of Lunatic.

    All of my units are basically glass cannons that make Lyn look like a Knight for the most part. (Hell, at least Lyn has a consistent hit chance.)

    Maybe I've just been screwed with level-ups (Since one or two stat increase have been the norm so far) but my army is seriously useless, pair-up merely allows them to generally defeat 1 dude in a 1v1, they mostly can't even win a 1v1 without pair-up/tile bonuses. (Lon'qu is weak even with his killing edge and only survive a single hit, Vaike , who according to the wiki is "High HP" dies in two hits against a single axe enemy and basically anyone that isn't Frederick or Robin dies in 3 hits at most.)

    And if I pair-up everyone, then my Healers are useless because the enemies can just run around them to attack my healers and I don't have Physic because Ana in the second Side-quest chapter dies pretty much right away before I can get to her so the village gets destroyed and while pair-up might increase their dodge chance, it doesn't do enough to stop them actually dying in the same amount of hits.

    Am I seriously supposed to just start/close the game constantly to farm map battles?


  15. 5 hours ago, starburst said:

    If you are talking about what a joke Lunatic is, I agree with you. I even say that Awakening is not even a strategy game on any difficulty setting, but a JRPG on a grid. I enjoy it for reasons other than “strategy.”


    I disagree with you in this example, however. This is not “luck-based” at all. You were informed that you had a 2 % chance of dying and you still took the risk and lost the bet. Twice! How is the game responsible for this?! It clearly warned you about what could happen, you just ignored it and tested your chances. Your decision relied on luck, the game did not. It happened exactly what could have happened.

    I for one love that chance is represented on every move. Just like in real life, there are things beyond your control.

    It's the very first level of the game, you really don't have that many options and I think we can all agree that an enemy who can instant-kill you on the very first level is kinda terrible game design.

    And again, it keeps happening, Awakening loves having dudes with ranged weapons and crit-chances so there's pretty much no way to deal with them that doesn't risk someone getting instant killed (Such as Cavaliers with Javalins in the map battles.) so it reachs the point where you just use Frederick all the time with a powerful lance.

    And this presents it's own problem in that I end up dealing with every boss the exact same way because RNG critical hits means that using anyone that isn't Frederick is a dumb idea, so the bosses get tedious since I'm not wearing them down with multiple units, all working together to bring this dude down. (Such as With guy's on thrones that you hit with magic and a dude infront of them to engage them in direct combat.), I just send my overpowered units in to solo them, which isn't fun when my strategy game with tons of units just boils down to using the overpowered guy constantly.


  16. 4 hours ago, JubileePhoenix said:

    Awakening is not a stranded fire emblem game. You need to make broken units with pair up bots or the game will chew you up. 

    So the only way to not be constantly dying is to just heavily exploit it? 

    It seriously feels like my units are all crippled stats-wise to "Encourage" pair-up but then my healers are literally useless because the maps are too wide to allow me to block off dudes from rushing them.

    Yeah I kinda doubt I'm ever going to finish Awakening at this point. 


  17. I think this might be unpopular (Since Awakening is the popular one everyone recommends.) but luck-based levels are kinda terrible in strategy games.

    FE Awakening has it the extreme (since pretty much everyone is terrible at the start and you're swamped by enemy units.) but in general, I dislike enemy crits and other mechanics where you can do everything right but still lose because that one dude got a 2 percent crit chance on Robin, in the very first level. (Which happened to me twice.), sure have boss enemies have crits sure but regular enemies should not be capable of instantly killing you nor should a battle plan ever have to rely on hoping your units can constantly dodge enemy attacks around 50 percent chance.

    Same goes for any Netural NPCs who need to survive/are guarding villages, they should either have really high stats and good weapons or not be done at all since then again, it's RNG to actually do it right.

    There's no actual strategy when unavoidable 50-chance to hit attacks can get someone killed through no fault of your own because the current map has over 10 enemies and they all rush you at once.

  18. 10 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

    Yeah, Awakening is generally more a game of luck and good stats instead of being heavy on strategy. Ch. 7 is exclusively non-magic attackers, so you may have a bit of an easier time there.

     Does it at least stop doing that at some point?

    Does actual strategy start mattering later on? or does it just get easier via stats getting higher?

  19. 2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

    I can understand why you're having issues. Ch. 6 is tricky on normal but fairly difficult on hard. Awakening hard is really hard until it isn't. Once your units gain enough momentum in level-ups you'll be curbstomping most maps with Pair-Up.

    Perhaps you could try pulling back towards the room where Emmeryn is and turtling together and pairing-up units with either Lissa or Maribelle healing in the center of the group until the enemies thin out. DLC grinding is also an option if you want to get it. I'm sorry I don't have better advice to give you.

    I did get to the end (But the boss then killed Chrom) on one run but the problem is that for that, I didn't actually do anything differently. (not that the level permits much opprotunity to do stuff differently, it simply felt like "Oh hey they missed a few attacks." rather than any sort of actual strategy.

    It seriously feels like it's just a numbers game where any strategy doesn't really help that much unless I'm missing something.

  20. 2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

    Are you playing normal or hard? I don't want to hate on Donnel as a unit, but he's not really worth using because he takes so much work to be good (if you're using him at all). Another recommendation would be to use Frederick to set up kills for your weaker units so they can level up as much as possible. Awakening in general is easier if you are using one team that you put together in the first ten or so chapters of the game rather than varying up your units so much. I never use Virion or Miriel for example and tend to leave Kellam behind early on in favor of the units that have been seeing in the first few chapters already.


    Yeah I pretty much haven't touched Donnel since his recuritment. (Since he does only 5 damage-ish, which means it's pretty much literally impossible to set up kills since everyone else does more damage.)

    I've had no map battles spawn at all after the first one so far so I've not had any opprotunity to grind, Everyone simply dies in 1-2 hits outside of The Lords/Knights but the high amount of ranged enemies means using Healers isn't possible.



  21. 7 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

    Are you using Pair-Up? If you're playing on both normal and hard then Pair-Up is one way to beef up your individual units. Also, if your units are struggling a bit, then don't shy away from using map battles to grind a bit. Foreseer is a tough chapter early on but is pretty close to the part of the game where the difficulty tips back in your favor on hard mode. What units are you using and what levels are they?

    The problem is that simply there are too many enemy mages in my experience, even if my units are beefy none of them can exactly tank magic.

    I've only had one map battle spawn so far so those aren't an option.

    I've been varrying up my units but pretty much outside of Donnel's recruitment I've only been able to (Since no map battles have spawned yet) do story missions so everyone's fairly low level and dies in 2-3 hits with only Frederick/Knights being the exception so everyone is pretty much only a few levels above their starting join level if at all.

    Virion is level 9, Chrom is level 9, Robin is level 6 and Frederick is level 5, everyone else is less than 5 levels above starting stats since I've only been able to do plot battles so far. (And had to leave them mostly to Frederick since every recruit in Awakening so far has pretty abysmal stats so it's hard to actually use them.)

    Lon'qu for instance dies in two axe hits generally so he's borderline useless and sadly this sheer lack of defense is pretty much most of my units so I easily get overwhelmed.

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