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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. Bring back Mines and Light Runes from FE7 since I like the options they add to combat.

    Change any of the "Non-standard" ambush spawns, like in "The Trap"/Chapter 6, where dudes spawn in the bottom right room after opening the chests...in the middle of the room, so if you tried to block it off with a unit on the staircase inside the room, that unit is kinda in trouble. (It was pretty much Luck that no one died from that.)

    Slightly better telegraphing for certain recruitments. (Such as recruiting Gonzalez with Lilina.)

    Reference how a good chunk of the FE 7 cast is now dead, you could have additonal scenes with characters who are in both games reacting to/dealing with the fact their old comrades are now gone, such as having you find Oswin dead in the same level as Hector. (since apparently according to a novel he was present and died in this battle.)

  2. 8 hours ago, Jotari said:

    We;ve already had that in Genealogy of the Holy War. *shudder* I've never once gotten Valkyrie in the second generation due to Claud being such a slut.

    Kaga really did do everything first, so did characters just automatically support other characters at certain points or something?

    6 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    If the three options are "keep going the way you enjoyed it", "stop entirely", and "keep going as something you don't enjoy anymore", I don't understand how the difference for you between 2 and 3 could possibly be profound enough to justify the loss that other people experience if they liked the outcome of 3. If you actually are telling me that you would wipe out Awakening, Fates, Echoes and Three Houses from history if given a time machine and a plan, simply so that the series can in your opinion die with some dignity, I just can't agree with that, and I couldn't agree with that even if Conquest wasn't my favorite Fire Emblem game of all time.

    I mean if it keeps going as something you don't enjoy, then it's basically confirmed that the series is pretty much dead to you if you really don't like the direction it's going, if it stops entirely for a while there's at least a chance that something you enjoy in some sort of revival would pop up.


    5 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Nobody has to suffer a game's existence, they can just not buy it unless they want to play.


    You don't know it's going to be terrible generally for a game you buy, (Since usually you wouldn't buy it in the first place.), I didn't know Awakening was the way it was when I bought it as my first FE game in 2016 and Three Houses was actually worse than my low expections when I was just getting into the series. (So I thought it was going to be terrible, played Echoes then and figured "Hey Echoes came out, maybe it's not that bad." then played it and thought "Wow my first impressions of it being terrible were actually better than this".)


    Enemies can now Deploy Light Runes to block the player as well as use mines, certain maps have minefields.

    Chests and such that can only be reached by having a Pegasus Rider fly a thief to them, either due to impassable terrain or "Elite" enemies with killer weapons and stats that are basically suicide to fight blocking the normal path to it, so you have to fly around them. (I know technically Night of Farewells did this but it's the only example I can think of and I actually forgot it was done when I first thought of this and even then a bridge appears eventually.)

  3.  Add the thing from Jagged Alliance where the old units will occasionally forget what they were doing when you're trying to order them, essentially wasting a turn with them. (So Marcus stops his charge half-way in FE6 to go "Wait what was I doing again?" then the guy you were going to have him kill just goes on an stabs Roy.)

    Characters will go up in supports and S-rank without player input, have fun having not-sain steal your waifu.


  4. 15 minutes ago, Benice said:

    It's not canon? Huh, I could have sworn it was. I mean, the game does really push Lyn x Hector hard. Like, isn't Eliwood and Ninian canon? It's pushed in the same way Hector and Lyn are.

    They do have a unique scene with a unique piece of music in "Battle Preparations" if they're either A or B ranked.  (Can't remember which.)

    So it's pushed a bit and sorta hinted to be canon a bit. (not as much as Chrom/Sumia where they're literally shown together in the intro and not quite as much as EliwoodXNinian.)


  5. Time for a probably bad opinion by someone who's only half-way through the game!

    I'd like a mini-DLC campaign like with Echoes but depicting several of the FE6 cast (Such as Lyn, Florina, Kent and Mark) trying to fight off when Bern invades Sacae, long story short, the final map would be a "Survive" map in the same style as the final Halo Reach Level (AKA, you're actually ment to die and cannot survive.), I kinda weirdly like how FE6 is retroactively more tragic with the fact that most of the FE7 cast who don't show up in FE6 have a decent chance of being dead (if not all-but-outright confirmed like with Lucius) in FE6 so play it with drama by having a DLC campaign where we get to see how they went down fighting against Bern, Vaida could even show up as a boss-fight. (Maybe similar to the unique weapons in Echoes DLC, you unlock some item for the main game if you manage to take her down with you in the last stand.)

    I've not fully checked out how exactly this would work logically within FE6 but I would like some sort of "This is how they died" DLC for the FE7 cast, where it's a bunch of losing battle maps ended off with a last-stand map you can't win against the forces of Bern.

    So essentially Halo:Reach: FE edition.

  6. I would like how apparently Devil Axes only drain a bit of HP per turn equipped to be how they work, my unit potentially one-shotting themselves with a crit is simply too much of a risk for me to ever consider using them.

    As for what not to use: the entire monestary, I personally think they did literally everything wrong with it and it's the reason I can't bring myself to ever play it nowadays, since i'll do tedious fetch quests and other medicore stuff for an hour and maybe get 15 minutes of actual FE gameplay if I'm lucky, it also runs and looks terrible with constant pop in/out and the fact there's no animations beyond "sitting down" and "standing still" for main characters, Even Oblivion had stuff like dudes practicing by firing arrows into targets rather than just all standing still in a training area while not training.

    None of Three House's attempts to "Hide" flaws in FE should return, The whole group gathering in a half-circle saying a single line referring to their personality trait, apperaing/disappearing soldiers on close ups and other similar stuff should be torn out entirely, they're terrible and only serve to kinda highlight what they're trying to avoid, actually making the flaw even more obvious and worse than past entries, they personally all back-fire HARD and should be removed.

  7. On 8/21/2020 at 2:58 AM, Maof06 said:

    This game intrigued me. I will look for more about it.

    Prepare for Russian Jank.

    (It's on Steam as Marauder and it's actually on sale right now.)

    While I wouldn't want this system to be the standard for FE (Since I actually really love what Echoes does with perma-death and that one moment in FE7 with Leila.) I'd not hate a casual-only game if there was simply some penalty for units being defeated that was significant.

    FE simply doesn't feel balanced for casual, you can very easily cheese out maps in my experience if deaths don't matter, it's not quite like Men of War (or other strategy games.) where a single unit is effectively screwed on their own unless you're really good as outside of certain bosses, I'd say usually you will never lose absolutely everyone in a map. (and it'd be even worse in TH since apparently even Byleth/the lord can die and it keeps going.)

    Strategy games kinda need some required strategy to be fun for me, even really easy maps can be fun if what I'm doing is a bit different (Such as locking down the bridge on that one map in Echoes with a single bridge in the middle) but if I can just throw my dudes at the enemy and win without any real thinking or camp a single spot in most/all of the maps, it's not particularly engaging or fun.

    Again, me rushing fowards to secure the bridge in that one map in Echoes is fun, me literally camping on bushes 1 tile away where I spawn in Three Houses first optional battle and just spamming healing as the enemies rush foward and suicide on me isn't.



  8. I play on Classic since a strategy game kinda needs some difficulty for me.

    FE kinda can be easily cheesed if you could just lose everyone and get them back afterwards. (more so since apparently in TH even the lord/Byleth can just come back, so there's not even the "One dude who will die" aspect.)

    I know you need an easy mode but there's a difference between "Easy" and "Really easy"

    IMO, I'd be fine with a casual mode (even a game with the only option.) if there are actual punishments.

    Marauder:Man of Prey is a sorta SRPG game that's a spin-off of 7,62mm High Caliber/Brigade E5, Instead of 40 recruitable mercs (In addition to your custom merc at the start) with a limit of around 8 who can all die, you only get a small handful (4 at max and that's only for a few battles, it's usually 3.)  of dudes,  Akhmet, the main character, is a game over if he dies however your companions will revive after a battle, however they will always suffer a critical injury (usually inflicted by random critical hit) afterwards, They may have reduced eyesight, a broken arm meaning they take longer to peform actions and have a substantial penalty to their chance to hit or a chest injury that means they'll become out of breath faster and eventually pass out., in addition, they will always revive with around 4-10 HP, which is basically nothing in this game's combat system as most attacks will easily deal more than that. (After enough progression in the main quest you will get HP refilled for free every now and then but you never get critical injuries healed for free.)

    You either need a late-game medical skill (Which still requires you to have healing items.) or pay a (expensive, especially if you didn't heal that character at all.) fee at the Doctor in the game's marketplace area to get critical injuries fixed up.

    So yeah units get back up after a fight but they suffer hefty stat penalties afterwards unless you pay up a fee and you'll have to heal them up afterwards, they don't come back at full health with no issues.

  9. 28 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    I'm sorry, but Celica's incredible lack of intelligence or naivety is self-evident without Conrad or anyone else involved.


    "Hey Mr. Badguy, you may look obviously evil, and everyone is telling me not to trust you, but you're a fellow man of faith and thus can't possibly be bad. Oh god! The priest is bad! Halp!"


    At least Eirika has the mitigating factor of Lyon being her best friend and possible marriage prospect. The only way to handwave Celica's choice to look good is to headcanon that she's already under Jedah's spell.

    We all know she actually fell in the swamp and only got dragged up after severe brain damage from oxygen deprivation before meeting Jedah.

    I like Celica as a character, I really do but Jedah is so obviously evil it really, really doesn't work for me.

    It honestly feels less like Celica making a bad decision and more the plot forcing her to do it, it simply feels out of character for how naive she has to be. (Yes, I know she's ment to be a bit Naive but she's not THAT naive.)

  10. 25 minutes ago, lenticular said:

    Interestingly, I look at Fire Emblem pretty much the exact opposite way. I play a lot of strategy and tactics games, turn-based games, and games with ironman modes or similar where you have to live with the consequences of your mistakes (chess, X-Com, Europa Universalis, classic roguelikes, etc.). I already have plenty of other strategy games that are all about the game mechanics, so Fire Emblem's big appeal to me is that it can do story and characters as well. In comparison, I do play a few RPGs here and there, but not as many. From my perspective, I can equally as well say that we already have other games with permadeath and that Fire Emblem is the turn-based tactics game for people who want to prioritise storytelling and characters. Neither perspective is right or wrong; it just depends what direction you're coming from.

    For me personally, the perma-death moments with story ARE what hit well for me.

    Matthew not being there when Leila's body is found as well as the (sadly missed on my initial playthrough because Turnwheel was a mistake.) moments where Alm fails in Echoes and Mathilda/Zeke die (or Celica failing to save Valbar) are infinitely better moments than any plot-death I've had in the series simply because the perma-death and story mixes to create a genuinely great moment, where someone died, it's actually your fault and the game reacts to it, I really, really hate most moments when games try to guilt trip the player, the "Oh you did a bad thing!, we literally made it impossible for you to proceed otherwise, maybe even to the point of blatantly cheating to do so but feel bad because we said so!" moments, when I'm actually responsible, it effects me.

    Hell even without it, it still hits harder than X-com because that Unit isn't easily replaced usually and actually was a unique person, they had worth other than stats and even then you can just pay for a new unit in X-com, in X-com pretty much only large loses/high end troops are valuable while IMO pretty much every unit in FE is valuable because you mostly don't get generics. (And in the case of Echoes, your generics are incredibly weak aside from the Dread Fighter invokes, can't be controlled and need to be summoned via health penalty by a weak unit.)


  11. 1 hour ago, Glennstavos said:

    I want to say people would appreciate better defined sexuality in a Fire Emblem game but I saw the outrage at the lack of Claude S support for male byleth. When people start to think IS "owes" us a gay support with a character, it's clear we're not mature enough to handle anything better than they're willing to write. And what they're willing to write is probably very little to begin with. Japanese culture is many years behind western culture in LGBT rights and their representation in media is still typically just the setup for stereotyped jokes about queer behaviors. I won't make generalizations regarding a collection of writers I don't personally know, but I'm certain they understand the potential for backlash with those sorts of character depictions that aren't derogatory. Bisexuality is easier to swallow than same-sex relationships, if you're the sort of person that has any objections to non-normative sexualities to begin with. And in modern fire emblem, the same sex S supports are outnumbered by the heterosexual ones to the point you could just call them easter eggs

    From what I gathered, wasn't it more because Claude still acts super flirty with you if you're male? so he still acts flirty but you still couldn't S-support him despite a good bit of the flirty dialogue for Female Byleth still being used, so it was weird how he was still flirty with a male Byleth but not romancable. (apparently, not interacting that much with Claude on my playthrough and I'm a woman anyway in my playthrough.)

    I do sorta agree that self-insert characters in fiction tend to maybe result sometimes in an "Everyone is Bi" trope, since player choice tends to sometimes be emphasised over basic logic. (Which is why I kinda like the few times games, such as the Text Adventure Fallen Hero, have a gay character who is not possible to romance if you're female.)


  12. 14 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    I'm just saying, a game with 12 characters you know will be there is likely to have a better plot than a shotgun blast of characters.

    Having a good story is already hard enough, Fire Emblem suffers from the problem of being unable to know what context things are happening in.

    Thankfully it's fun to play.

    I've played games with less than 12 characters and the story/character writing was still awful.

    Yes in theory it can help but well, it doesn't guarentee it.

    I'd rather have a shotgun blast of mostly simple characters in FE.

  13. Alm's sorta route in Echoes should actually be somewhat of a standard for future FE games.

    Not an exact 1-1 but a single well written route where instead of the protagonist making mistakes outside of the player's control, it actually falls down to the player to save characters (Possibly even including non-playable characters who don't join.) and the plot keeps going if you fail but you lose out on a few rewards and get called out on for letting people die.

    Basically replace all the melodrama deaths, that are completely out of the player's control and sometimes basically rely on contrivances and replace them with actually difficult situations where sound planning/prepreparation is needed to save characters where a few mistakes will lead to deaths that are actually your fault and characters will let you know it.


  14. I guess? I'd like maybe optional extra conversations in-between battles if possible with the supports functioning more as mile-stones. (not generic lazy recycled conversations though like in Three Houses/Awakening, that doesn't make me care more about characters and infact does the opposite when they're clearly using generic canned dialogue together, more so if it's like the FE Awakening barracks and there is absolutely no check stopping the characters recycling dialogue several times in a row.)

    It depends I guess, I think any Awakening style "Lets get married right now!" stuff will always fall more flat than something like FE7, where there's an off-screen year before they actually got married, so if there's romance but they're actually reasonable people that merely say, start dating for their S support and only get married for their epilogue rather than seemingly on the spot then it works alot more for me, even weaker romances like Florina/Hector I feel work more since at least they didn't get hitched right away.


  15. 3 hours ago, Sir Gerwald of Vallora said:

    I agree design wise, but I really dislike her default outfit. It just didn't come off to me as Mercanary or Professor. I feel some more armor/coverage would improve it. Now, I won't say it's a bad design, I just don't feel it fits the character of Byleth.

    She looks more like she stumbled out of a modern nightclub than an actual mercenary.

    I basically changed my combat look away from her default outfit as soon as I unlocked Class Changing since it looks dumb for a mercenary to wear on the job.

    It's almost as silly looking as Lissa's dress cage.

  16. 52 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    I mean to be fair default Robin is kinda the best designed one at least in my opinion. I don’t really care for Shota Robin and the large build looks too old looking for my tastes. Honestly the default build is just kinda the best one. Though the same can’t be said about female Robin.

    Yeah the customization for Robin is kinda bad, It feels like I'm using an amatuer Palette Swapper tool than any sort of actual intended customization. (It simply doesn't look right IMO if you change it.)

  17. 17 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Include a non-binary option, and have them be the character's standard in outside works. Although personally, I'm not a big fan of outside representations of Avatar characters - I can customize Robin or Corrin however I want, in appearance and name. Creating a canon representation undermines that customizability.

    Like how we don't see Robin clearly in the pre-rendered Awakening cutscenes? (due to having their hood up, even though it's still not quite right since you can make Robin Taller/shorter but they're clearly the "medium" build in the CG cutscenes.)


  18. Resident evil 3 Remake: Take Resident evil 3, cut more content out of an already short game. (2Remake at least cut less out of a longer game and added some new stuff to compensate), tear out the fun bonus mode and basically practically lie to the player by having the only open area in the game be the demo level.

    Three Houses: The Monastery is an unfinished awful mess, Come on even Oblivion had dudes training by firing arrows/slashing at practice dummies in it's training areas, you're telling me Three Houses couldn't do that?, Before I played Echoes (and was thoroughly jaded from Awakening/what I saw of Fates), I thought the Monastery would be a generic crappy anime high school where unfunny anime stuff would happen every 10 seconds, that honestly would have been better than the boring walking sim that is every single terrible modern Open World element in a game that manages to still technically not be an open world, also I hate pretty much every change to the combat, I pretty much hate everything in general that wasn't copy/pasted wholesale from a previous game, I came in with low standards even after Echoes made me think I'd be able to enjoy the newer games in the series again and I still managed to have them crushed by one of the worst base mechanics I've ever seen and I have to spend several hours in it just to get to a basic fight that's inferior to the GBA games, no thanks, I play FE to play battles, not fetch-quests that have as much work put into them as the game's terrible visuals that make Echoes look good. (And Echoes isn't even that impressive, it's just Three Houses is an actual disaster on the visual level that I've honestly not seen anything similar to since the PS2 Era.) I've long been an apologist for games that people claim "Look like PS2 games" and generally consider it a hyperbolic statement but Three houses is actually not that far off the PS2 Era and not in a good way. (People fading in like a PS2 game and jagged edges on models in combat like a PS2 game.) Add in removing several great elements from Echoes (Death reactions for instance.) and this is a game I frequently can only play about an hour of at a time before it finds someway to piss me off hard enough I stop playing, I've played games made solely because the publisher banged on the developer's door for a quick game in-between console generations that had more effort put into them than this.

    So yeah bought it with low standards and still manged to be incredibly disappointed with it on pretty much every level.

    Sonic Mania: It's an old school sonic game down to still having the terrible camera of old Sonic games, so yeah while most people consider to be pretty good, I quickly grew frustrated and dropped it after a good few hours. (The bosses having cheap attacks that you will not dodge on your first attempt and a ranking system that punishes you for getting hit at all is frustrating as well.)

    Devil May Cry 3: Yeah sure, it's technically better than 2 but personally I find it's flaws managed to actually make it even more annoying to play than 2, I got the 3 games together on the HD collection and honestly Devil May Cry 1 is the only one I can really enjoy, I do enjoy 3 at times but then a poorly designed enemy rears it's ugly head now and then, the fact the game literally opens with one of it's worst designed enemies as a common enemy does not help at all.






  19. 6 hours ago, Anathaco said:

    Yeah that specific quote came from the narrator. 


    I guess I get more of a vibe of "The Rigelians are all told how evil the Zofians are and the Zofians are told how evil all the Rigelians" vibe is. ( I guess the Narrator is ment to be from the protagonists viewpoint kinda AKA Baised?) so it's a twist when it turns out that several party members/citizens of Rigel are actually well, normal people and not a completely evil generic evil dude kingdom like our protagonists think.

    I would have liked I guess a few things showing how they're different from Zofians but I figured the point was that somewhere down the line things detorated between both kingdoms to the point where they told themselves the other kingdom were horrible people (Which is quite usual in war sometimes, it's easier to fight someone if you convince yourself you're 100 percent in the right and the other person is 100 in the wrong and does horrible things.) while in actuality both kingdoms could have gotten along if they weren't so blinded by Duma/Millas hatred of each other.

    I know it's kinda standard in my experience (Well apparently Three Houses introduces a race of people that the game treats as all evil and okay to genocide, which for a game that apparently tries to tackle racism is frankly absurd.) that in FE games that not everyone on the other kingdom are evil dudes but here I guess it shows how Duma and Mila's rivalry impacted their own kingdoms.

  20. 8 hours ago, Anathaco said:


    Other than the actual jerks like Jerome, who would have been evil if they were raised anywhere, and the Duma Faithful, very few people actually display a heartless and ruthless side in Rigel- I remember being shocked at how normal the Rigelian NPCs were after taking out Jerome, because I expected them to be a lot more... y'know, numb to kindness. Rudolf's most heartless moment is when he basically tells Berkut he's useless (the famous "UNCLE!" scene)- and even that was arguably because he wanted Berkut out of danger. Granted, he went about it in possibly the worst and cruelest way possible, but that's not heartlessness as much as it is a lack of tact (Alm even has a few moments like this, like when he blames Clive for Clair getting captured in Act 1). Essentially, we're told that Rigelians are heartless but we very rarely see it- they seem to embody a sense of pride in their hard work (a random NPC in Rigel's village says something along these lines) and strength (Berkut) that Alm does, in fact, mirror. But outright cruelty is rarely seen. 

    Honestly this entire paragraph is as much a criticism of the writing as it is a vindication. I could argue that Rigelians were always meant to be portrayed this way- focused on using their strength to help themselves and others- and Alm reflects this throughout the game, thus the main thing that needs to change is that sentence in the opening narration. Or it could be used to argue that the entire game needed a writing overhaul with regards to how Rigel is portrayed, because the former portrayal makes Alm too moderate compared to Celica, which is also true.

    While I can't remember how exactly it's described in-game (if the narrator does it or just in-game dialogue) but I took that as maybe the fact that Rigel and Zofia essentially practically propaganda against each other, claiming the other are horrible people, I recall a few Rigellian citizens are surprised you're not evil and Tatiana actually freaks out for a second when she finds out her rescuers are Zofian.

    Even when you go to Archanea in Act 6 you get this: 

    Mercenary: We have a legend around these parts. It says an evil god will descend upon us from the west and destroy humanity. …Huh? You crossed the western sea? But…you’re completely normal! When I think of “westerners,” I picture vicious, bloodthirsty madmen.

    So even Archanea (or at least, the Harbour area) think Zofia and Rigel are full of blood thursty mad men.


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