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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. 2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

    Focusing on one character only and ignoring everyone else is one way to make me hate the Characters and Story of a game. 

    I don't want MCs to be blackholes.

    As for bases and hubs and stuff, well
    I like how Berwick Saga did it, since i am playing that game atm


    Yeah that's pretty much my problem with Byleth, since it seems sudden and out of place when anyone suddenly likes them  Alm has a personality, I can see why other characters would like Alm while with Byleth it feels like I've literally accidently skipped a bunch of dialogue between Byleth and other characters.

  2. 23 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    I don't entirely agree with people that the horrors of war should be more central to the narrative. 

    It should obviously be present to some extend and that Fates often discounted the horrors of war was to its detriment. But taking this stance too far would ignore that Fire Emblem stories were never very grim and that they always made room for lighthearted moments. You can still tell its a somewhat Nintendo take on war. There are often dark themes like slavery, brutal occupation, massacre and numerous rape implications but in almost every game there's more lighthearted material to counter this. The artstyle and personalities of many characters have always been anime inspired and colorful, Team L'arachel was a comedy trio long before the Awakening days and there's no shortage of juvenile scenarios like Lalum's aforementioned accusation of Roy looking at her bum. 

    Same but Three Houses tries to tackle it more (well more than FE7) with the first kill (and maybe PTSD? since some of the cast mention not exactly being fine afterwards like Dorothea) so I brought it up. (even if it's a failure personally.)

    As for the Juvenile scenerios, they were IMO, never as bad as Awakening was, Roy never worries about his dad then Lilina socks him the face for it, sure there was wacky support stuff but I never got the impression in any of the supports that "Wow, this character is actually an bit of a iredeemable ass." nor was it ever super painful to read in the ones I've seen. (Which I know is very much a "Me" thing but that's how flat the humor lands.)

    41 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    Awakening a romcom, really? I dunno what kind of romcoms you’ve been watching where characters overcome adversity through realizing their mistakes and fight for a future worth believing in. Awakening is more like your average battle-shounen if nothing else

    Fiction isn't just a single genre, Yes Awakening is Battle-shounen but alot of the comedy is striaght outta bad anime scenes involving love-interests (Which are naturally more common in romcoms) that's really painful to watch for me, movies/video games/anime don't always stick to a single genre. (MGS is serious spy-fiction generally for instance but frequently breaks the genre.)

    42 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Don't compare manga and game here, please. Manga offers more freedom compared to games, which have standards that must be met.

    Yeah but Blood generally only puts a game up to 15 Rating for us Europeans instead of 12 (Frankly I'm amazed FE has stayed 12 rated all these years, considering well, the incest, rape implications, murder and all that lovely child-friendly stuff.)  and while I can't speak for other rating boards, there are a good few PEGI games that are still rated 12 despite blood/sometimes even a bit  of mild gore. (And if Older games tend to get re-rated for a modern re-release, they usualy tend to end up being ranked lower, Duke 3D was 18 back in the 90's but now is only 16 nowadays on the Switch Port storepage and that's probably mostly due to the strippers.)

    I know Tomb Raider 2 on the PS1 (Has blood and "Undetailed" gibbing, basically when the character model just detaches without gore/blood effects and usually vanishes after landing) on the PS1 is rated Teen by the ESRB.(And apparently was re-rated to 12 by PEGI for the App store re-release  after originally being 15 according to fan-sites, though it's hard to tell for sure since the App store version got pulled.)

  3. 5 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Just cause it's a story of war and the horrors of it does not mean it needs to go full edge on us. 

    I mean, geez, AM and SS were just damn depressing with how they generally have not a lick of lighter moments. I don't want to be some edgelord, but trying to commit to it only becomes annoying. 

    Sure but full rom-com stuff like Awakening would be awful personally, I played TH for 2 hours (Technically 3 but I had to take breaks because the academy stuff is literally more dull than my work job) today about 20 min of that was combat. The rest was essentially padding, so adding even more to it is the last thing I want.

    Three Houses also tried to tackle people taking lives for the first time, it was a complete failure since the regular battle dialogue still played , so they'd taunt the dude then freak out but they tried.

    That said, FE game with blood when? Desarix got His head put on a pike and there was blood in the Gaiden manga, where's my FE game where a killing Edge crit causes Anime blood hose syndrome? and I guess some explosion spell sends gibs everywhere because the Echoes scene where Celica gets stabbed is ruined by the shiny white blood.

  4. 8 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    I think Fire Emblem could do more with its dating sim aspects. Supports and tea time are fun and all but like how about we have moments where we can take our waifu/husbando on romantic strolls through town or maybe take a page out of the persona book where support ranks can actually go down a level if you choose the wrong dialogue option or whatever. I dunno I feel like FE could stand to do more with its fanservice is all. 

    Maybe supports going down could be a thing but that's really all I want. (Hell part of my problem with Byleth is that the game clearly never lets you be sarcastic and such when it'd risk actually seriously annoying someone, such as with Rhea, the game clearly removes your choices when it'd actually risk annoying the other character.)

    I seriously doubt IS could write any sort of more dating sim aspects (which I don't want anyway) that feels like anything more than pandering rather than a genuine relationship., they'd need the Avatar to start being written like a C-RPG protagonist, which is alot more work for the Avatar than any previous game did in order for any relationship to feel genuine.

    Not to mention, I'd want the hub to just be a quick, over and  done with menu (So basically imagine when you're in a village like in Echoes for  how I'd want to be.) like when you're preparing for a mission in other strategy games, rather than....whatever you call the Monestary in TH aside from "Waste of time", since it doesn't really flesh out the characters more, which is what I was hoping for (I still know nothing about Casper and I've been talking to him every chance I got and I'm 7 hours in.) or really do anything of note beyond padding.

    I really hope the next game has an Avatar like Mark, in that they're just a normal person and treated like one, having everyone act like you're so mysterious and such just feels like really shallow attempts to pander to the player's ego, which is highly irritating to me. (And it's not a culture thing, Western Developed Games like Skyrim do similar methods of ego padding and it's equally annoying there.)


    Also Ambush spawns that "Cheat" their movement is just as bad as real ambush spawns, Such as those guys in the Tomb in Three Houses, who spawn at the stairs but then all get to run down the hallway of in-game tiles for free in a cutscene, it's still blatantly cheating with the enemy mechanics and it's still annoying.

  5. 28 minutes ago, Timeley said:

    Archers are usable, and always viable. Everyone hates on Gordin, Rolf, and Wolt for being subpar units, but the actuality is, they can be powerful flyer killers, and deal heavy damage to allow  weaker units to finish them off.

    Yeah, though I'd say the increased range some games give them allow them to truely shine.

    I could be wrong but I think bows are generally more available at shops in some of the games.

    I think maybe letting Archers buy a "Ballista kit" or some way to actually start battles with a ballista, like as a costly item that let's you build an FE7 killer  ballista would help.

  6. Just now, omegaxis1 said:

    Working on three four routes, battallions, many other gameplay mechanics, Garreg Mach, the supports, the time restrictions, the other aspects. They had a LOT more on their plate than the GBA, and the crew size might be bigger than the GBA, but there were also a lot more mechanical stuff to do for this game than the others. 

    Also, it's really not that big of a deal, because you're arguing the more semantics of the shyness anxiety thing, but still utterly ignoring the locked in her room the entirety of the game during explore conversations unless it's in CF or Jeralt's death.

    You can't argue one to be the biggest aspect, but ignore the other which is very big in itself.

    Personally to me, her hiding in her room is undercut when Byleth manages to get her to trust him basically near-instantly to the player, it reinforces "Oh yeah, I'm playing as a crappy self-insert everyone needs to love almost instantly to me" and since how they handle Bernie is basically the only somewhat interesting character thing TH has shown me, so having it be immediately essentially ignored for the sake of yet more Avatar-worship both makes Bernie and Byleth worse as characters and makes it hard for me to actually care.

    Again, if she's so afraid she locks herself in her room, she should not be trusting Byleth this easy, so to me it basically is completely counteracted with the ridiculous ease it is to make her trust Byleth, it feels more like none of the characters actually tried to interact with her rather than Byleth breaking through to Bernie.

  7. 3 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    As I said, the limitations is due to the smaller crew they had. IS really needs to consider hiring more staff and a higher budget. They oughta be able to afford it now.

    Was the crew seriously smaller than Fe7 on the GBA?
    Regardless, my main problem with the Bernie C support is the writing, which I don't think is inherent to to a smaller crew, Again, it unlocking as early as it does could be justified if it wasn't her suddenly trusting Byleth, Slyvian's C-Support also unlocks quickly (and I'm going to assume that all supports go at the same rate, since that makes sense.) and doesn't have her suddenly trusting Slyvian.


  8. 4 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    I wish I was joking, but characters comment about how Byleth has this weird ability where they feel they can trust him. Sothis is the progenitor god, and even Byleth's base stat and growth rate for his Charm levels is actually rather high. Byleth, by all means, is presented as a charismatic individual that people will open up to even if they don't want to personally. 

    I think the limits of 3H game mechanics are shown here due to how they had a smaller crew. That would explain how sloppy several other things are. But that doesn't change that Bernie is still very much shown her shyness in her Explore by never leaving her room unless it's the chapter Jeralt died, and CF Part 2.

    oooh boy.

    So the boring plank of wood is supposed to be charismatic ...that makes sense.  (As if I don't hate Byleth enough already.)

    Again, I seriously doubt they couldn't just A:Have Byleth's C Support be like Sylvian (Where they talk to her about something and she ends up panicking and run off and NOT her suddenly declaring she trusts them more than most people despite hardly knowing anything abotu them.) and B: have her supports just take longer to build, if a GBA game can do it I'm fairly certain a Switch game could do it, it just comes off, again, like the devs not actually trying and just wanting to have our dumb self-insert to suddenly be liked by someone who by all right shouldn't.


  9. 4 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    In other words, it's the game mechanics with the cafeteria and such where Bernie can be involved in. 

    Also, EVERYONE gets close to Byleth almost immediately. And lorewise, it makes sense. Byleth is basically god.

    It's still dumb avatar-worship that hurts pretty much every character, but Bernie just sticks out more since she's the one who's supposed to be untrustworthy of others. (And I swear to god they better not actually try to use Sothis as an excuse for the crappy Avatar worship, you're probably joking but it also wouldn't surprise me with the writing so far in Three Houses.)

    And yeah, they could have fixed it with the game mechanics, easily, make her supports take longer to build and change her opening up to the B-support, FE7 managed to have slower supports for certain characters, don't see how Three houses can't.

    And like I said, they could have had the Gifts/dumb food eating mechanics actually not work on Bernie at the start since she's paranoid, if they actually wanted to put effort into it.

  10. 16 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Bernie is a case of how the writers played a case of someone that suffers severe anxiety as a joke.

    Everything you hear from Bernie, every way that she acts, these are things that many people that suffers anxiety problems think in their heads. But they wrote her to voice it all out in the loudest way possible. 

    However, even people with severe anxiety and trauma, even if they usually stay cooped up in their room, that doesn't mean that they never come out. They do and have to come out in various points. Bernie being shown to come out of the room at times is a case of when she has to, like in class. But the game DOES very much show that she will hide out in her room very much often, as proven in the Explore missions, when it's a free day and there are no classes. 

    Only time that she's SHOWN to leave her room is in CF, when she is actually shown to be building up more confidence, but in non-CF routes, she will show to actually still stay in her room, because she didn't develop the confidence to truly leave her room. 

    I think you're focusing on the "show don't tell" thing in all the wrong ways. Because this game DOES show Bernie's anxiety problems in the game itself, but you're treating it like they are telling us, rather than showing us. And that simply isn't true. 

    Again, they never actually show her being uncomfortable in class aside from one time and have to very awkwardly tell us nor does her supports actually grow slower. (And like I said, she opened up to Byleth super early-game for getting her lunch twice and gardening with her exactly once shouldn't suddenly make her open up to the walking plank of wood.)

    So her magically suddenly opening up to the crappy self-insert I feel does actually make no sense and undercuts her, since if she's so anxious and afraid of others, why does she trust the literal blank slate mercenary? Byleth doesn't strike me as someone with any personality traits that would make anyone afraid of others like them. 

    In her Sylvian C support, it's him approaching her and she doesn't suddenly trust this one random person but she does randomly trust Byleth in their C-support, which is way too early for it to feel anything other than contrived avatar-worship. 

  11. A card system, like Metal Gear AC!D for the PSP, so you get cards based off various weapons/characters from the series and use them to attack with/perform actions with a small set of characters. 

    I'm not really sure I can effectively explain AC!D's really unique to my experience card system, Since it's more like playing a 3D stealth game with cards  rather than playing a card game, if that makes sense, basically you have a small inventory (increased by certain cards, but only for a decent amount of turns.) where you "Equip" characters and weapons. (Certain weapons/character cards are used instantly.)

    So for instance, you could equip a "Florina"  Card with the "Fear of Men" effect, so once it's 70 percent chance to activate when attacked happens, that unit will auto-dodge all attacks for a single turn...done by male enemies (AOE attacks still hit though.), Female enemies won't have their hit-chance effected, Linhardt's card would slightly lower hit chance but make your next attack apply the "sleep" status effect (yes, even say, stabbing with the Royal Sword from Echoes.) or you get a "Jaffar" "Angel of Death" card, which turns your next critical hit into an instant-kill/even more damage against bosses and the Kellam card would make all enemies ignore that unit and attack another unit instead if possible.

    Faye's would increase crit-rate near an ally of the opposite gender while Leon's would increase accuracy near an ally of the same gender, Sain's would be something involving women and the Watchman from Echoes doubles your movement for a turn.


  12. 1 hour ago, Ottservia said:

    I don’t necessarily disagree with this notion but Bernie isn’t a worse character for not being handled just like Florina. Just because Bernadetta is handled in a way that’s different from the way you’ve seen it handled before. That doesn’t make it bad and that’s my point. Again they’re different characters. They share a base archetype but they are handled differently. If all shy characters were handled the exact same way that would be pretty fucking boring. I don’t think comparison in it of itself is bad but when you do compare things for the sake of strengthening your argument then you have to be careful because to compare two things like that is inherently disregarding the subtle nuances that make them different or the intent of why the characters were written in the ways that they were. You shouldn’t have to throw one thing under the bus to make something else look good. If something is good you shouldn’t really need the comparison to explain why it’s good. The same is kind of true the other way around. It’s fine to bring up examples of what it looks like when done well to help better define your argument but don’t say X is bad for not being Y. Like Bernadetta does not benefit from being written the exact same way as Florina. Bernadetta benefits from being written like Bernadetta.  

    You were saying what I was saying earlier with "ethocentric" and I'm pointing out how another Japanese game, in the same series, did it better.

    Infact I was literally saying Florina's wasn't great either and said how Bernie's supports should have been different from both Florina and what we actually got.

    The "Subtle Nuance" of Three House with Bernie is the devs didn't care (Like in general with the monestary to be blunt) in my opinion, Bernie allegedly always hid in class apparently, we see this once, in a CG cutscene, before Byleth starts teaching because why bother adding unique animations? she's totally gotten over it from the very first time we actually get control of Byleth after being a teacher and we have to be poorly told this, by Bernie, in her C support, which is some frankly next-level terrible "Tell, don't show." in my experience. (Because why add unique animations when clumsily poor exposition does the job totally just as well? what do you mean it creates a major disconnect when we have to be informed of something our protagonist would have personally seen for weeks?)

    It's not "her shyness isn't done good" it's "They didn't even try beyond the bare minimum." (Having to talk to her through her door and I argue that's not even enough to qualify for bare-minimum.)

    Does she eventually leave her room maybe if she gets enough supports with other characters to feel comfortable in the exploration stages? Nah it's plot-driven, in one route from what I heard. (probably Crimson Flower and more them forgetting to have her eventually leave the room in the other routes.)

    Since she's paranoid about other people trying to harm her, does she say, Reject your gifts thinking they're traps of some kind initially? does she actually refuse to eat if you give her food, thinking it's poisoned? nah don't be silly, unique interactions for a character? why bother with that?

    Does even the arguable absolute bare-minimum, that other games in the series have done for characters who either A: Don't want to interact with others (Florina) or B: Have a personality that doesn't make others want to interact with them (Serra) where their supports either A: Don't have them like other characters on the C support or B: take considerably longer to happen than other supports? Nah, why bother actually making it take longer so she's actually, you know, shy? that'd conflict with having Byleth being so cool and everyone liking them!

    It doesn't come off in Three Houses like Bernie is actually shy in any meaningful way,  it comes off like the game claiming she's shy but then completely failing to actually include it in any meaningful way in the monetary to the point where she opens up to Byleth (who I seriously doubt has a friendly personality, being an emotionless mercenary killer.) before I've done my first perma-death battle in a Fire Emblem game.

  13. 51 minutes ago, Ottservia said:


    You see this is my fucking problem. STOP COMPARING SHIT LIKE THIS!!!! It is reductive and dismissive and close minded and it bothers me. Apologies for getting heated but wanna know why I hate comparison like this? Cause shocks of all shocks different stories are in fact different. Every story should not be held to the same standard. Not every story is the same nor should you expect them to be the same. To say otherwise is simply dismissive of the vast number of different ways stories can be told. You can’t apply universal rules to storytelling or just art in general. It’s fucking art. It’s a form of expression. Different people will create different art and we shouldn’t be dismissive of the different ways people choose to express their art and ideas. That is simply disrespectful. When you compare two things, it shouldn’t be X is worse than Y for not being Y. It should be X and Y are interesting for being X and Y. Because what if X had no intention of being Y. It’s like criticizing a fucking horror movie for not being funny like a comedy. A horror movie has no intention of being a comedy so the comparison makes no sense. There’s a difference between critical comparison and bad faith debate alright. I apologize for the rant but this kind of thing really grinds my gears.

    Tone doesn't really matter here.

    They're both relatively same tone fantasy games and frankly that is also irrelevant, one fiction has a shy character actually take time to get over her fear about interacting with another person (Just men in general instead of everything like Bernie) and while they fail kinda, they don't suddenly get over it while Bernie, with her presecution complex (Actually if it's so severe she apparently thinks Byleth will murder her if you prupose to her at the end, wouldn't she turn down food from Byleth? now that I'm thinking about it.) is practically ignored, sure she still runs off at the end but for a C support, which in my case was giving her food a bunch of times and suddenly she's more ok with me than other people, because I threw food at her a few times and literally nothing else, even as it's own thing, it's terrible to be frank and it doesn't come off like a "Vision," it comes off like a hack writer who just realized they don't actually have any good way to make Bernie open up to Byleth and is just going to have them suddenly open up and pray the player somehow doesn't notice. 

    One character takes time to get over it while the other person got relatively over it as my literal first support in all of Three Houses, before my first battle where people could even die.

    If X and Y are similar things, yes, you can bring them both up to compare how one fails and one doesn't, this idea that you cant compare anything because of "Art and ideas" isn't sensible frankly and comes across as highly pretentious., if an idea is bad and one of the ways to show it's bad is comparing how another idea didn't screw up, you can do that.

  14. 3 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    For you maybe but it doesn’t bring down my experience cause personally I can look past it. If you wanna call it contrived or unrealistic fine but know that suspension of disbelief is completely subjective and that storytelling is inherently contrived and unrealistic as I expressed earlier in this thread. I mean if it bothers you whatever but to suggest that it’s bad simply because you don’t like it is a little disrespectful to the culture and developers this game was made from. Again it’s a little ethnocentric to suggest that they shouldn’t appeal to their Japanese audience this way.

    I don't see how thinking "Hey this character who's supposed to be shy opens up to my terrible self-insert in less than 2 hours of gameplay, it's like they didn't even try to have her even somewhat open up." and feeling like the writer didn't try is related to Culture, I'd hate it if was a French, American, Russian or Polish game.

    While it was a bit much, Florina and Hector's support in Fe7 took a while to build and they only started talking in their last one, Bernie should probably have only opened up at her B support and roughly half-way through the game with a player that's actively trying to raise her support.



  15. 14 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    That’s a little ethnocentric don’t you think? Fair enough if you don’t like it but it is a Japanese game first and foremost. Appealing to a Japanese audience is something that they’re going to do and that’s one way of doing it. Also fanservice isn’t the only way of pandering to Otaku fetishes. Character archetypes do that as well. Why else do you think tsunderes are such an overused character archetype. I will fully admit that Severa is a character that appeals to that Otaku demographic so does Bernadetta and even Marianne to some degree. The latter two appealing to that sense of moe culture. Regardless, I don’t mind it. Let them do what they want. It’s not like they’re really hurting anybody and they’re really just appealing to their niche audience.

    Because it does bring down the experience.

    Hell, as someone who was actually kinda shy at school (not to the Bernie extent but I definitely made no real attempt to talk to people outside of 1-2 for school), I was heavily disappointed by the writing of Bernie to be frank since I was curious how they'd handle someone opening up like that, turns out you just give them food like twice and you'll get a C support where she says she's more comfortable than most when your most recent plot was the mock-battle at the very start, so the pandering to have everyone like Byteth because power-fantasy completely made me lose interest and basically 180 on a character I was actually interested in seeing more of once it became apparent that "F*** it, she likes you now, time skip! that's character development right?" attitude was what the devs were going with so their making a potential waifu like you way more than they should completely removed any interest I had in Bernie, can't have anyone who doesn't like Byleth that isn't clearly ment to be in the wrong.


  16. 2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

    And that's something I can completely agree with.

    Appealing to fetishes of any kind is far beyond the scope of what FE as a video game series is meant to be, regardless of cultural influence or the market it's released in, in my opinion.

    Pretty much.

    I fail to see any other reason why Three Houses lets you dress the females in Maid uniforms in the DLC beyond pandering to fetishes and considering how you can do that to your pre-timeskip students, well frankly it's just creepy. 

    Also I keep seeing people saying that Battalions "Fix" how FE has had too few units in battles, honestly for me it's just super distracting when people fade in/out and is way more obvious and kinda looks bad compared to having a too little soldiers in a battle, since there's still too little units in a battle, just their glorified Jojo Stands fade into existence while they're fighting (And the Battalions attack animation is something I even hesitate to call an animation since it's just running straight into the other dude.)


  17. 11 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    1. That doesn’t answer my question.

    2. It’s just basic slapstick. Which is just comedy 101 so what now is any character who hits another for the purposes of exaggerated humor  automatically a bad person? That just doesn’t make any sense because that would make millions of characters all across fiction bad characters by that logic. If you don’t find it funny fair enough. Humor is incredibly subjective after all but like the writing isn’t bad simply because it exists.


    Well yeah actually, I consider violence towards another person for no good reason a significantly kinda evil action, it can work if the character is MENT to be an ass but I doubt Sumia is, considering how no one calls her out on it.

    And yes, I actually do in general hate basic slapstick when it's another person assaulting another person without a reason and the person doing the assaulting isn't actually ment to be an asshat, it works in black comedy when one of the two people is very clearly ment to be evil  but not here for me.

    Drastically changing the tone literally seconds after a big dramatic (Well intended anyway, I was left wondering if Emmeryn is such a bad ruler that Ylisse literally lacks a standing army considering how travelling to Ferox doesn't seem like that much of a distance yet the capital was already lost somehow.) moment generally is something that only works if the humor fits and Sumia randomly punching Chrom doesn't. (and is arguably worse considering hows she's the "Canon" love interest.)

    If you like it fine but for me it was pretty much a "well this character is an unlikable abusive person" moment, it ruins the intended tone of the previous scene and it's honestly not funny anyway to me.

  18. 42 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

    Yeah, Awakening is probably one of the most tonally inconsistent FE games in the series concerning its script (at least Fates was consistently mediocre or bad, depending on the route). Serious moments get undermined by misplaced humor, and what could have been a more cohesive story is interrupted by a massive pace breaker in the second arc. I still enjoy playing it every now and then, but for me, other games have clearly surpassed its story in quality (FE9, FE10, FE11, FE15, etc.). Instead of coming across as a serious story of war and supernatural conflict (as most FE games are meant to be), it comes across as a mediocre rom-com anime.

    Honestly the joke wouldn't be funny on it's own, infact it kinda made Sumia an unlikable person for me. (It pretty much just comes off as domestic abuse but hey it's a woman beating a man! so it's funny! and it pretty much contributed to my rage-quit after the frustation at Chapter 7 on my original playthrough.), but it's placement pretty much exaggerates it.

    Currently playing Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance on pc with the GOG release, its good if you don't have another option I guess, needing an external fan-patch just to have working controller binding isn't exactly a good thing, still it's playable enough.

    4 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    Oh so just because a story has a little humor here or there that automatically makes it tonally inconsistent. I don’t understand where this criticism comes from. In what way are the serious moments in awakening undermined by its humour? Answer me that cause it doesn’t really. The jokes arise naturally from the situation and are made to lighten the mood in an otherwise serious scene. It’s tonal balancing. A story can’t be 100% serious all the time. That gets tiring after a while. I don’t understand where this criticism even comes from because it makes absolutely zero sense when you look at the narrative as a whole. Like what is being undermined? It’s not like the story is expecting you to laugh when Emmeryn dies. No that scene as well as the ones that follow are treated with the level of weight and nuance that those scenes require in order to be done well. So I just don’t get it the logic here. It’s fine to criticize something but have those criticisms make sense please. 

    It falls flat completely for me to be honest, I don't find "Woman beat man in situation that'd be considered unfunny domestic violence if the genders were swapped" humor funny and it just makes Sumia out to be an jackass frankly, anyone who thinks slapping someone is appropriate when they're feeling down isn't a good person to me and the fact Chrom is down because his sister got captured makes it just irredeemable frankly for me, it's not funny, it's just double standards domestic violence that people would be complaining about if Chrom was the one doing the punching.

  19. Driv3r

    Yeah one of the most infamously terrible games ever, it's not perfect but its' actually one of my more favourite Driver games, mainly since the first two games, while good, would constantly basically put your progress on halt with luck-based missions/missions with super strict timers, Dri3vr lacks these, now it still suffers from chases where if you crash once it's basically over but at least you can consistently beat the missions now.

    I also found the combat actually enjoyable, the controls were a bit wonky (First person has faster camera movement than third person for some reason, which I actually found semi-useful, FPS for close range where I need to move the crosshairs faster over a dude but third person for further range shots but the game never tells you this.), the weapons were decently different to each other, granted and sometimes the level design actually had interesting gimmicks, it's not exactly..great shooting but essentially as a mini-game in a driving game it was good enough.

    The game was a bit shorter to the older games (Even discounting trial and error) and there needed to be more actual police chases in the story but I still enjoyed my time with for the most part and still go back to it occasionally.

    It's by no means great but I can actually play through it without having to put my playthrough essentially on hold due to getting stuck on a luck-based mission.

    Also Blazing Blade 

    I don't like Awakening, it was my first game and I only played Blazing Blade on a whim since well, I heard Awakening was actually not considered a great game on the series by everyone several years after the fact, so I tried it on a whim and well, I'm here now. (Also Echoes to an extent, since it's next to the other 3DS titles that I'm not a fan of and didn't even play for a few days after I got it since I was kinda anxious it'd turn out to be like Awakening and I'd hate it.)

  20. 30 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    Dude if you think this is a thing exclusive to Fire Emblem then you clearly do not consume enough Japanese media. In fact the way it’s implemented in FE is pretty tame all things considered at least when compared to other dating sim-esque rpgs like Runefactory, Persona, or the dozen or so visual novels out there. Not to mention how much otaku pandering exists in the light novel and anime industry. Eromanga-sensei anyone? It just comes with the territory with these kind of things.

    Oh no it's not fully-exclusive to FE but in terms of mainstream games, yeah I don't know many that let you romance a 14 year old-ish boy as an adult or a 12 year old lookin' dragon period, and if other games do it nor have the vast majority of romances be your students and yes there's probably more obscure stuff with it, well it's still creepy frankly.

    As for romances of questionable age ranges, that's not something all of Japanese Media has, the vast majority of MGS games don't, Ghost in the shell doesn't, Resident Evil doesn't and Silent Hill doesn't and honestly most FE games from what I've seen also don't. 

    Also I've literally only seen Eromanga-sensei mentioned to insult it/call it creepy, I've never seen anyone say anything positive about it.



  21. 1 hour ago, Ottservia said:


    also as for another unpopular opinion. I honestly believe “avatar worship” is a completely empty criticism that makes no sense and doesn’t really say much of anything in the end. It’s not really a criticism at all when you get right down to it. I don’t think avatar worship even really exists in the characters it’s attributed too(except for maybe Kris but I haven’t played new mystery yet so). It’s just a completely dissmissive and reductive statement that ultimately adds nothing to the discussion and only serves to hurt discourse surrounding the discussion of understanding storytelling.

    I disagree.

    Most of the problems with Avatar-worship are kinda already mentioned issues in games with a self-insert customizable protagonist, such as Skyrim where you get praised and constantly given cool stuff by everyone for the slightest achievement, people mostly just use Avatar-worship to acknowledge they're talking about the self-insert characters specifically. 

    But there's also frankly issues that are, to my knowledge, rather exclusive to FE's Avatars in video games, romances with characters of questionable age/power dynamics for instance, kinda creepy feeling first person CG S-rank artwork that feels like it's pandering to the stereotype otaku who loves 2D girls and honestly some of the writing around the avatars is uniquely clunky than anything I've seen in a video game, Not even Skyrim or any other game with a self-insert/custom protagonist let you romance a dragon who looks like a 12 year old girl or a regular kid who looks 14-ish at most nor have most of the romances be your students. (And if they do, they're out and out porn probably, which is kinda different.), so the way too much empowering of the player is uniquely terrible IMO in the case of FE.


  22. 1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

    Oh. Since you said you wanted Luna usable i thought you meant current Luna is useless

    Because they have Aoe in fates. Would be busted if you could kill 5 units with one attack

    again, that's not how it workes in Fates, but we already explained that many times and you keep ignoring it

    I don't know about the unit caps in Fates.

    Regardless, as I was meaning to say, Fates doesn't really seem like it'd appeal to me at all in alot more ways than just Pair-up.

  23. 2 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    Maybe instead of assuming things maybe you should actually play fates to see for yourself cause as others have mentioned. Fates pretty much fixes all of your problems with how it works in awakening.

    I don't intend to frankly, I've heard alot of stuff about Fates that sound like stuff that'd infuriate me (Like Peri or Corrin.) and pretty much nothing I'd like, it simply does not sound like an experience I'd like and it doubles down on alot of stuff I dislike from Awakening. (Gratuitous fan-service and Avatar-worship for starters.) 

    And making the Ballista unable to actually kill anyone is pretty much a decision that takes the fun out of them.

    Even if it worked, I don't like having to half my already limited unit cap, I'd rather have 12-10 dudes instead of 5, it just feels like an excuse to force grinding since I'll eventually somewhat need units to stop sucking on their own, pair-up isn't a fun mechanic to me and Awakening being as broken as it is just makes it more annoying.


  24. 25 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    1: Guard stance isn't necessary for every unit all the time, in fact it's frequently advantageous not to use it and to use attack stance instead.

    2: There is no weapon durability in Fates.

    My actual point was that the attack stance is bad in Awakening since you can't accurately predict it, at least negating damage has no negatives (Unless it turns out there's some skill in Awakening  that only works if your hurt I guess.), but in Awakening, dual strike frequently kills enemies you need to block off other enemies.

    Also I'd really rather have weapon durability but pair-up dual strike means you're frequently wasting attacks in my experience, hence why I'd rather have it gone than Weapon Durability. (And if you have both, have fun wasting rare/powerful weapons out of your own control.)

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