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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. 51 minutes ago, joevar said:

    a side chapter or paralogue where the deployed unit is already assigned with fixed stat, the placement already decided, and most of units is generic unit. Did any of DLC from past games other than cindered have done it?

    seems would be good for a little bit of challenge and also an excuse to insert "past events" which wont effect the main story, but may reward you with something

    I guess The Echoes Harbor rebellion DLC? (All of the DLC has fixed stats and decided placement but the Harbor one is the only one with generics.)  You also get a reward if all of the generics live I think.


  2. Alone in the Dark - The New Nightmare

    One of my favorite survival horror titles and playing it again since Halloween . (Even if it's so stingy with ammo that I blame no one for using cheats considering how the basic in-game revolver is basically worthless yet ammo for it is still stingy.) 

    It did the "Two campaigns" thing better than Resident evil 2 (Both Resident Evil 2's) and has a great atmosphere all around.

  3. On 10/8/2020 at 12:13 AM, Anathaco said:

    After rescuing Delthea, Clive says that he’s “lucky to have so wise a teacher”.


    Does the game say that if Delthea dies? I know that Luthier doesn't comment on it I think.

    21 hours ago, vanguard333 said:



    The problem is that the player is shown Alm always being perfect and Celica's actions being in the wrong as she ultimately makes things worse by agreeing to Jedah's deal. The game is supposed to be about balance, working together and bonds overcoming conflicting ideologies but it breaks that lesson by basically having the story favour Alm. That's the problem. 

    I think it's more to the problem that Celica (aside from Valbar and pals/ the whitewing sisters maybe dying.) has to make dumb (and I think they're quite bad honestly) decisions later in the game for the sake of plot. (Though honestly you probably could easily make the same story without her being stupid.) 

    While Alm's mistakes are all purely player stuff that the game will comment on, like Mathilda dying or killing Zeke, I think how Alm is handled is actually great for an FE protagonist on his own (Having difficult levels where the player is called out for their failures as opposed to the protagonist screwing up for the sake of plot in a cutscene *COUGH*BYLETH*COUGH*), its just that since Celica has to make plot mistakes after a certain point, it's kinda ruined. 

    She really should have just been made to become a witch by force, instead of trusting Jedah, the man who has exactly one point in Charisma. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Benice said:

    Well, giving it the SoV treatment would go a long way-More accessible supports and voice acting would make a huge difference. Well, that and axing Merlinus' role a lot..

    I think maybe giving some of his dialogue to other characters talking to Roy could work, Merlinus would still exist as the "Default" for if the character is dead but giving Marcus and other characters dialogue could work.

  5. 6 hours ago, Aegius_NaTL said:

    Great call. Back in the mid/late 2000's, I remember them talking about integrating land and space combat in the same map. Fast forward to 2020, and Battlefront II (2017) has not even implemented that, as far as I'm aware.

    I think it's perhaps more feasible with the new console hardware. So we'll see.

    It was actually done on the PSP (with a small loading cutscene when you fly to and from space.) with Battlefront:Elite Squadron.


    6 hours ago, JimmyBeans said:


    On the note of Star Wars I also was really looking forward to Star Wars Battlefront 3.

    Battlefront:Elite Squadron on the PSP was actually made with assets from Battlefront 3 as well as the plot...the problem is that..well, it kinda showed how it was probably rushed and made with assets from a canned game (The DS version actually had more plot, presumably from cut scenes they didn't get the voice acting done with so they couldn't keep in the PSP version since it had voice acting which means the PSP version has a very disconnected story.) kinda showed, it was a bit medicore, I don't think Battlefront 3 would have been mediocre but Elite Squadron was, the leaked footage of the original battlefront 3 definitely shows alot more plot than what was in the PSP Version.

    It kinda reminds me of Dead to Rights 2, in that they clearly got a different studio, threw the unfinished assets from the original canned sequel at them and told them to make a game with it. (And in Dead to Rights case, they made an barely over an hour long psp spin-off, with those same assets which means actually playing Dead to Rights 2 and the PSP game will gave you Deja Vu since they were clearly both given the same unfinished levels so you'll literally go through the same areas from time to time.)

  6. 1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    I agree, it was good. Not too complicated, and not perfectly balanced despite only 12 characters + FEmiibo and the trophy 13th. But the strategy was still present, fun, and you never felt like there wasn't danger somewhere in wait. It's obvious problem is that it needed to be more anime, nobody reads 1800s novels anymore!.



    Honestly for me the problem is just the infinite reinforcements on some maps, in Echoes I can at least kill the Cantor and stop them coming, that's not an option in Steam.

  7. I went Pegasus Rider Faye and grinded her up (I know Cleric Faye is the meta and I recall hearing that "Pegasus Rider" is terrible as a class for her) entirely so she could beat Slayde at the end, all because I really hoped she'd have some unique boss dialogue with him considering the events of the prologue.

    So yeah that ended up being a bit of a bust considering how A: I didn't know she had that unique dancer-like spell and B: Her and Slayde don't actually have unique boss dialogue, much to my disappointment.

    During Chapter 25 in Eliwood Normal, I constantly set up I guess the fantasy equivalent of a Breach and Clear when opening almost all of the buildings, a Cav/Knight in the middle of the door (after a thief opens the door) and an archer/mage at his sides to attack anyone who appeared, While I suppose this is TECHNICALLY smart, it did massively prolong the level and was probably massively overkill.


    So this, repeated roughly 4 times, just death blob of units at the door. (And more on the other ones, Hawkeye and another unit or two were off on another bit of the map when I took the screenshot, yes it did prolong the map by probably roughly 20 turns to get everyone in place for every building.)


  8. 19 hours ago, starburst said:

    If you press Enter at story segments on Conquest then you are left with the best gameplay of the entire series. 😜

    I have fun with those 80's sex comedies and do not mind some dirty jokes and skin here and there. Yet, while the pandering in Conquest is undeniable, the only interaction with actual sexual references that I can think of is a dialogue between Niles and Felicia. And it is actually funny.

    I quite liked the sexual references in Echoes.  (such as Clive and Mathilda's love life that gets heavily implied at numerous points.)

    Give me amusing dialogue like that over dumb outfits any day.

    Too bad there was no Alm/Berkut supports, considering how Ian Sinclair also did Space Dandy, we can only imagine how glorious it would have been, like Berkut telling Alm about the booty.



  9. FE7 style deployment but make him a Duo with Marcus (Since they were both in FE7, are the only canon paired ending from FE7 and are still in FE6.), If Ninian being Roy's mother is a thing (either as the one canon or some save-carry over stuff with an FE7 Remake) then they'd basically know the entire time. (and I guess tell Roy at some point about it.)

    I'd let more characters advise Roy but Merlinus would the one that talks the takes over if the person who'd speak is dead, (So he's the fall back basically now.) maybe downplay his "IT'STRAPDON'TTRUSTTHEMMASTERORY!" nature a bit.

    Maybe Merlinus/Marcus could actually tell Roy about the Sol Katti as a kinda extra weapon as an nod to FE7 and where it was hidden.  (And I guess they wouldn't know where Durandal is? that is a odd bit I'm not sure what to do with.)

    "Oh cool, this is a neat new sword, say where is it's sister sword?"-Roy


    (Smash cut to Lyn's chared corpse in the plains, sword practically melted by war dragons.)


  10. Take a leaf out of Jagged Alliance where you can assign units who aren't currently fighting to tasks.

    Say a character is a blacksmith, they can repair a certain amount of uses (maybe effected by stats?) of a non-magical weapon if you don't use that  unit and weapon in that battle. (and maybe some promoted mage class can do the same for magical weapons/staves.)

    If the SOV food system comes back, then cooks can take foods and bake them into better healing foods.

    I guess also the task system in 3H where you get 2 units to train a single skill could also be used here for non-specialized units at the cost of not actually being able to use them in that battle. 

  11. 5 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    SoV Blacksmith:

    • Firm arms
    • Stable income not dependent on an ongoing war
    • Less likely to die on the battlefield

    I mean, the evidence is right there folks.

    Now if only it was like Jagged Alliance and you could have Blacksmiths repair weapons between battles...

    Top-tier Waifu.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    Contrived is not the word I personally would use here but I do agree that 3H’s story is just kind of a structural mess. I don’t think it’s “contrived” more so that the story feels constantly like “and then” storytelling. This story has very little in the way of actual cause and effect which makes all the plot points feel disconnected and choppy as a result. There’s no narrative flow here. Things just kinda happen with no real sense of cohesion. The plot points don’t really flow into each other but rather they just kinda happen in sequence. Take most of part 1 for example. In chapter 1 you do a mock battle and then you’re told go kill some bandits(typical Fire Emblem stuff) and then you’re given the mission to go suppress a rebellion in fargheus but then you learn there’s a greater plot at work to assassinate Rhea therefore you try to stop it. And then you’re told to get back a stolen artifact, and then Flayn goes missing, and then the battle of the eagle and lion happens. I could go on but I think you get my point.

    there’s so many “and then” between these plot points and not enough “but” or “therefore”. And when you look at those plot points in sequence none of them have really anything to do with the events of the previous chapter save for chapters 3 and 4. Like I said there’s no cause and effect here. Like you go fight Miklan and then you get back and Flayn suddenly gets kidnapped and it’s like I guess we’re doing this now. How does Flayn getting kidnapped have relate to fighting Miklan? It’s not like fighting Miklan is what allowed Flayn to get kidnapped. She just kinda was. Like I said there’s no sense of cause and effect or flow to any of these plot points. They all just kinda happen. If you shifted around the order nothing about the story’s structure would really change. And it’s because of this the plot points just feel so disconnected and as result there’s hardly any real sense of build up or payoff. There is build up and payoff in this story but it all ultimately falls flat because of how disconnected it all feels. Hell even fates and SoV understood the importance of cause and effect in regards to structuring their stories. 3H does not understand it at all

    I know technically off-topic but does that mean Three Houses literally always has some big battle ahead of you in the calender? never slows down to just have a month or two where there's no big battle on the calender?

  13. 3 hours ago, defensedefumer said:

    Ok, next fight!


    B: Frederick (Awakening) vs Clive (Echoes)
    In an annual jousting tournament, many cavaliers find themselves in duels with each other. Both Frederick's and Clive's names were called. Who wins?




    It's Clive vs Frederick, it's not a question of "Does Clive lose" it's "When Frederick unintentionally kills Clive, is there enough of him left that he can still be buried?".

  14. FESoV_Blacksmith.png

    This is the true hottest character in FE History, Alm should have S-ranked her instead.

    Anyone else feel like Three House is Bipolar quality wise? It's uniquely frustrating to me in that when ever I start enjoying it, it just has to go and do something that's really bad afterwards, like it's actually good and enjoyable at times but then it just has to go and take a turn for a worst almost every time and I've not really played a game this consistently up/down. 

  15. 9 hours ago, whase said:

    An entire Fire Emblem plot made into a movie, I just can't imagine that going well. Even cutting it into three parts won't work for me, because if the first part wouldn't have a satisfying end, there may never be a sequel.

    I'm going to say something that may sound controversial; I believe Lyn's story would make for the best FE movie. It's not a complicated story, the cast isn't too large, and there won't be too many plotpoints that need to be cut out to make a self contained movie of 90-120 minutes. Only problem is Mark, let's just cut them out.

    My opinion changes if it's a series instead of a movie. For a series I'd love to see Binding Blade.

    Also, an FE movie would be different because it won't be yet another fantasy media using elves and dwarves, getting kind of tires from always the same fantasy "races".

    I think Mark could work (Granted, with a personality transplant and turning him into a full on normal character essentially) with maybe him telling Lyn about Bern and other parts of Elibe while Lyn tells him about Sacae as a way of explaining the world (Alternatively, Ron Pearlman Narrator who turns out to be Merlinus as I shamelessly steal a joke my friend made "Wares, wares never changes.") 

    I definitely think people should die, maybe not in Lyn mode but definitely some of the cast should die, Like maybe Fiora or Kent die, probably mostly "Would have appeared in FE6" Characters, since you never know if an FE6 adaption will be made so it'd be probably wise to make it easier for that.

    Also I kinda like the idea (Admittingly biased since it happened in my playthrough and I thought it was cool) that Nergal should be about to kill Eliwood or something during that final battle but then Rebecca or some other lowly commoner with a ranged attack actually finishes him off and saves the day. (I think the "Power of Teamwork!" thing works better when it's actually possible for dumb regular people with a relatively regular weapon to make a big difference.)

    If Ninian being revived is kept, this explicitly is what kills Bramimond. (maybe he actually dies quicker than Anthos in this version.)


  16. A joke DLC campaign where the Ice Aliens from Codename:Steam (You know, that other strategy game IS made on the 3Ds that no one remembers.)  invade, suddenly the basic fire spell is better than Bolting and other weird stuff since you're fighting ice aliens instead of people and I'm sure FE players would like the hard to hit flying dudes with a no damage attack that stuns your units for a full turn.

  17. Give us blood already, if we can have Hector bloody in FE6 why have we not had one FE game with over-the-top anime blood sprays? I guess like Vandal Hearts. (Since a friend mentioned it when we were talking about how kinda strangely non-bloody the actual FE games are despite the FEGaiden manga literally depicting a head on a pike.)

    Get a crit with a Killing Edge and let the anime-high-pressure blood fountain commence!


  18. 15 hours ago, Sooks1016 said:

    No but data miners do 😂


    and here I thought I was just stupid and missed something.

    I can understand maybe not telling us the growth rates but at least tell us "Hey, classes effect how you level up stats.", I thought it was basically cosmetic aside form 1-2 stat changes aside from weapon restrictions.

    2 hours ago, DriftingWaterBottle said:


    By the way, Noble/Commoner class halves spell uses. Mages will want to quickly promote into Monk for full spells uses once they master the Hp+5 ability. 

    Yeah I knew about them increasing stats to a certain level, I just figured Lindhartd leveling up was why he could use spells more, not the class change.







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