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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. 3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

    I think when you play a game where your main character has no personality and doesnt grow, you realise how much you miss character growth.

     Yeah personality-less blank slates can be annoying. *Cough*Byleth*Cough*

    But I think you can have a character with a personality who simply doesn't go through any drastic character development.

  2. I guess somewhat.

    I don't think every story needs someone to change, especially in video games where some games are pretty light on story.

    Granted, if something happens that really should warrant a change in some one's personality, it can be bad if they don't change at all and don't react appropriately to the situation.

    Some of my favorite games are the Classic Tomb Raider game and Lara's character development for 4/6 games and 3/3 expansion packs is a straight Horizontal Line.

    Even in "serious" works I don't think a character needs a drastic shift in character as long as it doesn't feel mishandled, character development is fun but a character staying static is only bad if it really doesn't make sense for them to do so/it actively harms the story.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Benice said:

    I think they've been closed? I am not 100% certain, but I think that it may be the case.

    However, if you want to play the DLC, emulation is an option if you can't get the DLC on original hardware.

    So I guess I can't fully play Awakening on my 3Ds?
    Not a big fan but I was going to at least do some of the 3Ds free spotpass DLC stuff.

    I guess anyone wanting to play Fates is screwed then, considering how most of the carts are only one path. (Which is part of the reason I'm opposed to splitting up a game like that.)

    Is all of the DLC available via emulation? I recall hearing some of it wasn't.  

  4. 3 hours ago, Topaz Light said:

    I pretty much exclusively play games with English voices given the choice, since I positively despise a particular type of voice direction for female characters that seems to pop up a lot. I legitimately would prefer to play with voices turned off altogether rather than listen to that while I play a game. It helps that I genuinely do not see what's so allegedly "bad" about English dubs of things; I find most dubs made nowadays to be about the same as the original Japanese voice tracks in terms of quality overall.

    Let me guess, the high ptiched anime girl voice that no actual person in real life uses? that pretty much every person hates? (I've never met a single person who actually enjoys high pitched anime girl voice.)

    I wasn't even aware FE let you you play with the Japanese dub, I stick to English in all these games (Such as S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Metro for instance of games where it's advised to play the dub) with for my first playthrough, since often incidental unsubbed dialogue will be missed otherwise (Or in the case of S.T.A.L.K.E.R alot of campfire songs/conversations/jokes since those never got offically dubbed, I've only understood them with mods that add subtitles for them.) though I tend to play with the origina non-English VA track on a second playthrough once I already know what's being said.

    I know I'll probably do the Mafia Remake with the Czech dub on a second playthrough when that comes out.

  5. 2 hours ago, Benice said:

    Let's see..

    • Training all three lords in FE7 every time
    • Actually equipping Lyn with the Sol Katti

    Honestly I gave Lyn pretty much all the EXP on my first playthrough of Lyn mode, she was still too weak to take on Ludngren, she did get good late-game but I do doubt it would work as well on Hard mode. (And she was definitely not as good as Rutger from FE6.)

    Also I too was guilty of actually trying to use the Sol Katti, I was kinda thankful I used the repair staff on the Mani katti earlier after a few attempts as I eventually just outright used it, I'm pretty sure the Sol Katti is flat-out worse than the Mani Katti since the weight penalty. (They seriously should have made the weight penalty be negated with strength or something considering how it's literally impossible I think for Lyn to use it in a non-hacked game without penalty.)

    2 hours ago, Emmy said:

    Not petting the cats in fe3h

    Sadly I don't have the DLC so not an option. :( (People who put petting animals behind a pay wall are the ultimate evil.)

    3 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

    I played the entirety of Awakening (my first FE game) without really knowing about the weapon triangle. Apparently I missed Frederick’s dialogue or something, but yeah, I went the whole game without paying any attention to it.

    To be fair, Frederick is more powerful than the weapon triangle.

    3 hours ago, TheGoodHoms said:

    I'm sure I've done lots of silly things in the past, but my most recent blunder happened in Three Houses when I trained Byleth to be a caviler which is really hard to do since you can only train him in riding by talking to other professors. He fell behind the rest of the army pretty quickly and by the end game he was borderline useless aside from being able to use the sword of the creator. Long story short, don't build Byleth into mounts, keep his boots on the ground.

    Wait so Byleth sucks as a mount unit? I went female Byleth solely to be a Pegasus Rider, I didn't train towards it yet at least.

  6. Either silly joke promotions (Like Myrmidon Wrys) or simply silly things, what have you done?

    I grinded Nils to level 20 on Lyn mode on my first playthrough of FE7, Which ended up being very overkill, due to bad experiences with ambush spawns on Awakening, it took as long as you probably think it did and well, turned out to be pointless since he's the one member of Lyndis' Legion you don't get back for 90 percent of the game.


  7. 7 hours ago, Slyfox said:

    There is so much I wanted to say since your first post in this thread but can't because much of it is in spoiler territory. You are simultaneously right but also among the group of people jumping to conclusions regarding Rhea you appear to be leaping instead. Rhea and the church are the most tied to the game compared to anything else and the only way to get the full picture is to play basically everything (which if you aren't enjoying the game, is an unpleasantly monumental task).

    How much side content have you done, and what chapter are you at? I may be able to offer a counterpoint on some of the issues.

    Also, in response to a previous post of yours, you'll never see Rhea execute people simply due to their faith. She brought Cyril out of a less than okay situation, employs Shamir and lets Claude study at Garreg Mach. None of them are believers.

    If Jeralt, a respect knight, needs to tell Byleth to merely keep the disbelief that the goddess will return to themselves and Cyril literally can seemingly only speak about how great Lady Rhea is, that doesn't come across as "this person is a kind religious leader" that comes across as "Wow this is pretty much a cult and Cyril literally acts like someone brain-washed and even a higher up member of their organization doesn't feel like he can freely speak his mind without fear of something bad happening."

    Rhea is literally every single cult-redflag without being horribly deformed fish people or sacrificing dudes.

    I've frankly given up doing side-content aside from battles because they've all been boring fetch quests so far and I'm sick of running around the Monestary.

    At the bit where Edelgard wants me to run around the entire monastery talking to dudes about the assassins, because it's not like i was sick of this in hour 1, let alone roughly hour 6-7 here, so frankly I'm giving the game a break for the moment because I'm sick of this obnoxious padding because apparently this game hates me and doesn't want me to be actually playing Fire Emblem.

  8. 2 hours ago, Seazas said:

    Even so, that isn't a good excuse to randomly not make Byleth fight for the sake of the three lords. Pokemon Trainer made sense since they don't fight and can use the three Pokemon. Byleth can not do that. 

    Well I was thinking more Byleth can still fight,  (Doesn't the sword of the creator double as a whip-thing? they could use that as an attack that stays the same no matter what lord is being used.) it's just most of the moveset depends on the lord.

  9. On 9/6/2020 at 1:38 AM, Seazas said:

    Which doesn't make sense since Byleth fights on their own and the lords have never fought together outside of the paralogue chapter. 

    The Smash move-set/skins aren't exactly 1-1 with the actual way characters are in their own games.

    Solid Snake's Camouflaged alternate outfits were worn by his father he was cloned from (and in a different sneaking suit altogether.) and his original Final Smash (Flying in a helicopter firing grenades form a Grenade Launcher) is something he never actually did in the games (He flew in a helicopter with a rifle but didn't really attack from in it MGS2 and the Grenade Launcher was unusable entirely for him in MGS2 outside of bonus modes in the re-release.) and his new final smash involves him throwing a flare grenade to call in an air-strike, which only his dad did in MGSV.

    (Insert joke about Roy being less bad than in his own game.)



    1 hour ago, Timlugia said:

    Considering you seem to be still very early in the game, maybe at least finish two opposing paths first?

    A number of the issues here would be resolved once you experienced perspectives from different characters.

    I've already been frankly not enjoying the game so far but she's written in such a way that she's almost comic-book villian levels of evil to me frankly so I really doubt I'll ever do another playthrough just for the route of the obviously evil cult leader and not in a clear intentional way, since it's pretty clear the game still wants you to be up in the air about but frankly she's just been a total C-word the entire time, pretty much every scene  she's been in she's said something that made me go. "Why the hell is Byleth still working for you?"

    She pretty much couldn't have been written any less appealing to me and it comes off as bad writing considering they still expect me to consider joining her later on, if they want me to actually consider joining her, they should have maybe had her not tick literally almost every single evil cultist trope and some other stuff.

    It's frankly frustrating how the game just forces you to go along with this obviously evil Cult leader, despite how she's incredibly suspicious and Jeralt warning you about her, Byleth must be frankly brain-damaged to have apparently not picked up on the 2000'd red flag she's given, Blyeth would probably follow Nergal and not realize he was evil at this rate, there's nothing more frustating to me than an obnoxious stupid protagonist for the sake of the "plot" and by god the Byleth and Rhea situation is one of the worst I've seen.

  11. 19 minutes ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

    One reason I had no trouble siding against the church was that I really felt that Jeralt was pretty much forced to take up his old position, but didn't really want to be there. Same with Byleth, the church takes their allegiance for granted, but neither were really given any other choice. Yet Rhea still expects you to die for her, even expects you to kill your own students when they step out of line from the perspective of the church. She expects Byleth to be the chosen saviour of the faith, but they themselves were never given a choice in the matter. 

    I also remember what Jeralt said early in the game. "Don't trust Rhea". Seems to me that Jeralt isn't there willingly. 

    I will say that Rhea is a complicated character and isn't exclusively evil, but there are many things I am bothered by. Like her, stating before you take down the Lonato rebellion that you should make an example of what happens if you oppose the church.  

    By the way, I think you will love Edelgard as your main Lord, especially if you hate Rhea. Just remember, it is absolutely imperative that you must have done Edelgard's C+ support before chapter 11 and you need to accompany her to her coronation during this same chapter. You will be locked into siding with Rhea otherwise and given what I hear from you here, it is the last you would want. 

    Yeah I know.

    I think it's kinda terrible how if I didn't C support Edelgard and do her thing the game would just assume I'm okay with following the church and  then force me to fight for them for the entire rest of the game. (Same with Dimitri going psycho in the second-half and the game assuming you must be okay with him doing that because you picked him at the very start of the game.)


  12. 2 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    Y’know maybe instead of judging the story by your own moral standards maybe you should judge the story by its own standards and the rules it sets for itself. You ever think to yourself that maybe just maybe that’s the point?

    If it was the point that I'm supposed to flat-out not-trust (Not slightly suspicious, flat out already "Why the hell haven't I left" mode) , I'm pretty sure Byleth wouldn't just nod ahead with everything Rhea says, it legit comes across more like everyone is indoctrinated when it's all "Oh god, why would this one king dude have his militia attack this church that literally dictates law to the point of bans stuff,  killed his kid and probably if they existed nowadays would consider insulting the goddess in a twitter post worthy of death for being a sinner.", the church is too overtly evil-y. (Even if we ignored our dad literally warning us about them) for me to buy that sane person wouldn't already have just left. (Even discounting the whole made a teacher against you will and basically them all-but forcing their religion on you at the start.)

    I get I'm probably supossed to be supicious but I'm at the "Yeah these guys are evil" stage while Byleth is clearly only just starting to have second-thoughts, if any at this point so it's like I'm watching the world's least intelligent leader/teacher.

    And I'm with the Black Eagles, who I already know are anti-church so I can only imagine how god damn brain-washed the rest of the houses must act in these similar scenes considering how Delthea already came across as brain-washed frankly.


    1 hour ago, Imuabicus said:

    Ah yes, having the future Empress, the future King and the next whatever Claude´s title is (Duke?), protect the Archbishop. What do you mean piling up several VIP´s in one place is a bad idea? Oh, and never mind all these future heirs to some of Fodlans major houses - some of them being the only heirs to said houses - as well as a foreign princess trying to help out too.

    This is fine.

    Except we're not protecting them, we're using them to protect the Archbishop, we're the guys outside the assassins will have to go through rather than the dudes inside being protected according to what Rhea said, we're literally using them as human shields for the archibishop because remember, the Assassins want Rhea, just her, not the students, we're literally putting them in the line of danger to guard Rhea, you can even flat-out ask her "Won't that endanger the students" and her response is just "Nah it'll be fiiiiiine because you'll be there.", the students are being endangered, not protected, Rhea flat-out knows they're being put in danger here, casually risking the life of a future Empress and King seems like a really dumb idea and only something that happens because we need Byleth and the Main Lord to fight in every battle.

  13. 5 hours ago, Yexin said:

    because if Byleth didn't, then we wouldn't have had a story at all

    probably you shouldn't even ask yourself "why this" or "why that"
    really, the only way to make byleth not look downright dumb is to think he's canonically affected by trisomy 21 no offense to those who are actually affected by trisomy 21

    You can have a protagonist who at least somewhat picks up on or just have Rhea not be as overtly suspicious.

    So far I know literally nothing about her as a person except that the Church of Serios comes across as border-line cult-ish, she's only been a suspicious Cult person, even trying to talk to her in the monestary is just about her religion. 

    Yeah I don't like Byleth either, at all, I swear modern FE avatars are written to tick every box about video game protagnists that I hate. (Ignoring choices, lacking obvious choices, being idolized for merely breathing and people who should be suspicious of them or just merely uncomfortable around them like Berndetta opening up way too fast to be remotely believable.)

    It's pretty hard to care for a story when I hate both my Main Lord and the Avatar. (It's why I hated Awakening since Chrom is basically as bad as Rhea IMO just for different reasons.)

  14. 1 hour ago, Yexin said:

    i mean, you're literally working at a monastery which is also where the Archbishop herself lives and manages her authority, it would be strange for you and your students NOT to fight to protect her, whether you as a player like it or not

    tbh the game's first half does EVERYTHING it can to make you doubt of Rhea's character and actions
    not going to tell you if this hatred you feel towards Rhea is well placed or justified or neither of the 2, i'm just telling you that's exactly what the game wants you to do

    Yeah but considering how Byleth acts I'm pretty sure I'm just supposed ot be "slightly" suspicious rather than wondering why the hell Byleth doesn't just leave, I'm not just doubtful, I'm pretty much at the point where if it turns out she has insulting the goddess punishable by death it'd just be a "Yeah I expected this" rather than any sort of surprise, she's pretty much just Goddess this and Goddess that so far. (I'm after killing Lonato.) 

    I'm not mildly supicious, I'm at the "Why the hell would any sane person keep working for this clearly somewhat unhinged individual?" stage, which I don't think is quite what the devs intended since Byleth apparently is 100 percent fine with working for the church.

    I doubt risking the future Empress of a nation is a good idea and the game's reason is just "We don't have enough troops" even though we're pretty much in the Knight of Serios HQ, which isn't even a reason. (You kinda have to explain why there somehow isn't enough troops at their literal headquarters rather than just saying it is, it comes across as a dumb narrative cop-out.)


  15. 47 minutes ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

    What house are you playing? Given what you said I hope it is Black Eagles. If so you have an opportunity you will greately enjoy.

    Yeah Black eagles and I know about the twist for that.

    I still don't like how the game just assumes I'm cool with working for kinda blatantly semi-unhinged religous nut-cases with no question, you don't just casually mention the Church executes people and expect me to just go "Oh, that's fine". 

    Again, it annoys me because it makes it feel even more so like all the dialogue choices are just for show or to speed up supports, since Byleth never gets the opprotunity to say anything actually negative to someone. (And I'm pretty sure an experienced mercenary would say that it was all skill and no god when Rhea credits them winning a battle because of the goddess.), there's not even that much choices and I still feel like I'm being rail-roaded to at least initially side with these clearly evil people.

    "Oh we need to put the students to risk to guard Rhea when she does this one ceremony thing" buzz off, there's no way there's not enough Church members to guard one room for a day.

    I really can't stand being forced to work for someone who's literally got no redeeming qualities and just rubs me the wrong way in literally every scene with her.


  16. Still mid-playthrough and early game but I hate how Rhea is handled.

    She's pretty much obviously evil but Byleth apparently doesn't see anything wrong with her considering the dialogue options always give the impression they don't think she's a religious nut-case. (Which I did, very early on.)

    I feel like I'm working for an obviously evil cult leader but the game's acting like she's just a religous leader who totally doesn't come off as creepy/evil in anyway. (And all of the dialogue options don't give me an option to tell her to stop attributing everything I've done to her dumb god's protection.)

    Good ol' Innsmouth in Call of Cthulhu were less overtly cultish than the Monestary.

    There's nothing more frustrating for me than being rail-roaded into following/working for an obnoxiously clearly awful person and Rhea is pretty much one of the worst examples.

  17. A kinda X-com style spin-off, where your army consists entirely of replace-able generics (or just the vast majority) , there's a research system where you create the big cool fancy swords/axes instead of having to find them in addition to make creating new spells and you respond to at least somewhat generated encounters, going from fighting off bandits to the mandatory-big-what--ever-the-main-villian is up to plot, alternatively.

    An obnoxious Merchant character who shows up to sell/buy stuff from you every chapter but is also present on maps trying to steal items to sell back to you to rip-off you like Cath, maybe including kill-stealing bosses with unique weapons if possible, so yeah you nearly killed the boss dude with Not-Armads but he dealt the final blow? BETTER OPEN UP THAT WALLET! 'cause he aint' handing it you for free also sometimes if you don't buy any unique powerful weapons, he'll have sold them off to bosses later down the line, meaning they'll be tougher by virtue of having the big cool axe you were supposed to have several chapters ago.

    Just turn Battalions into extra generics that can only be ordered around by the unit attached to them and turn into Green units if they die (So they're more soldiers actually on the battlefield instead of just a glorified attack/stat boost), they'll have a few extra commands for automation, like automatically following the Unit commanding them when they move for instance.

    Any units who are killed without their health going into the negatives (Or Strength would allow them to take a few extra hits so this will happen at say, roughly -2 HP) will instead of dying instantly, go into an injured on the ground state where they can be rescued from death via healing (either from other units with healing items or healers), this applies to enemy units too so some dude you just barely knocked down might get up from an enemy physic staff user, possibly Rescue allows you to "heal" them back to literally 1 HP without using a health item but that'd take 2 turns (To pick them up and put them down) and they will very much definitely die then if something so much as sneezes on them.



  18. 3 hours ago, Benice said:

    But it rewards you for risking her death, which is my problem with that.

    Well, if squishy units aren't in range, enemies are generally compelled to attack the only unit they can reach, barring FE4, where enemies will ignore your units if they deal no damage.

    (And I like how literally every time you say something, I appear to disagree with you. Sorry! I'll try not to be so contrarian in the future.)

    I can see your point.

    I also guess (again, only played a few FE games so I could be way wrong) it's the only FE tutorial I can think of that teaches the player how dangerous crits are, (Even if the odds are incredibly silly for it to have happened in normal gameplay.) in the games with critical hits I've played (I don't play that many games with them admittingly) they're either a a Small bit of extra damage, status effect or double damage, FE is the first series I've played where critical hits are pretty much instant kills, sure they're technically triple damage but for most characters in most combat situations that might as well be an instant-kill in my experience since only really knights against weaker enemies can survive critical hits as well as bosses. (Since while it is scripted, it is presented just using fixed-odds gameplay rather than outright a cutscene.)

    I could be wrong but I'm fairly certain in Alm and Celica (and the wiki claims this too so I feel a bit more comfortable saying this even if it's been a looong time since I played that level.) Enemies will ignore the children when they're in-range to go after Mycen, they'll only target any of them if Mycen isn't in range too.

    Also there's nothing wrong with having contrasting opinions, you're not a contrarian just because you have your own opinion, you shouldn't feel bad about disagreeing with others.


  19. 6 hours ago, Benice said:

    I'm also gonna say that Lyn mode's first map is my least favorite, because it is far too handholdy in my opinion, it's very large for a map with one mobile enemy, and it teaches you to attack on player phase with a unit who will die should the boss connect on both player and enemy phase.

    It's not as bad as Echoes teaching you that enemy units will attack the really strong Mycen over the weaker children, which isn't how the rest of the game/series operates.

    I feel it does sorta teach you that Lyn is fragile so you kinda want to keep on her tile bonuses during Lyn mode.

    I've only played FE6/7/Echoes/Awakening/TH but I'd say it's my favourite first stage since it at least teaches you how your main lord for Lyn mode is fragile. (Not that I think Echoes/FE6/TH's first stages are bad, I just like how Lyn mode at least teaches you "Hey Lyn is a dodge reliant unarmored character who takes alot damage from hits, think about that.")

    As for worst, Invisible Ties from Awakening, was kinda expecting the chapter after it to be on this list (Which I personally think is a kinda bad first level, "The Verge of History", for reasons both gameplay and story related.) but this stage isn't really good in any way, it's basically a glorified cutscene and I hate those, it's pretty much nothing, the only noteworthy stuff happens in CG cutscenes that could have been shown without the bare-minimum of gameplay as it doesn't even teach you anything with it's gameplay, it practically feels like filler to be honest it's that pointless.

  20. 12 minutes ago, Benice said:


    Well, that was a thing added by FE7, and I'd personally rather just see that part removed from FE7, since it doesn't really add all that much IMO.

    I guess that too.

    They definitely need to do one of the two as it's definitely kinda odd how if it does mean the user dies in battle it's never mentioned in FE6. (I mean yeah I know FE7's a prequel but it would be odd if they remade both and they kept how it essentially kills the user in FE7 but never bring it up in an FE6 Remake.)

  21. Merlinus-Marcus S-rank since it's the one true canon paired ending from FE7.

    On 8/31/2020 at 4:43 PM, Whisky said:


    - Fix The Law of Sacae.

    Not go to that chapter yet ( assuming I end up there) what's wrong with it?

    3 hours ago, Jotari said:


    I got a little carried away in some ways, but my main idea was to make useless characters more useful,  make the  magic weapon triangle more useful, make Guinevere playable and make the end game harder. Oh and having the Gaiden bosses actually use the legendary weapons they're guarding. All of them except one can actually use the weapons in their given class, so why the hell not. I find it fun and scary to go up against legendary weapons.

    Yeah making Guinevere playable seems like an obvious one. (Apparently she was ment to be playable originally, at least it's a claim I've seen made online in a few places.)

    I guess maybe acknowledge that Armads kinda makes the user kinda die in battle somehow if you give it to someone.

  22. 3 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    I wish awakening had full voice acting gonna be honest. There are a lot of talented actors in the cast it’s a shame we don’t get to hear them very often(also I would kill to hear more Tomokazu Sugita or Yoshimasu Hosoya)

    That would have been better, granted it wouldn't have saved the game's writing for me. (Since well, I think it's really bad) but it definitely would have been better than mumble-central which we ended up with.

    If they at least kept so that say, everyone's FIRST line of dialogue in a conversation had it, that would have been fine but every time the speaker changes is kinda too much.

  23. 21 hours ago, Mars of Aritia said:

    I hate that the new games are fully voice acted now, so I just turn voice volume to 0. But when you do that it also gets rid of the battle voices which I like to have. It's a complete waste of money that could be used elsewhere.

    They talk way too slow, and the previous games voice acting was so bad it has turned me off english VA for good. FE14 for example, was so bad I went and got the fan translation of the JP version just to not have to suffer through that.

    Eh I don't mind it too much in Three houses, even if I can read pretty much someone's entire line in the time it takes them to say the first two words and I liked in Echoes.

    It more annoys me in Awakening since the constant barrage of "Hm?" "Chrom" "Robin" and other mumbling is personally really, really obnoxious.

    Admittingly, Mercedes VA (in the one line of dialogue I heard from her at the monestary) is personally godawful, she's trying so hard to sound so pure and innocent it actually comes across as someone being incredibly sarcastic, out of context I'd assume someone was mocking another character with her voice acting.



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