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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. 18 minutes ago, Sooks1016 said:

    Well first of all, (most) classes in this game have abilities associated with them, known as class abilities. Like being a mounted class will give you canto, or swordmaster gives you swordfaire iirc (+5 damage when using swords). What a lot of people argue is the best class in the game, bow knight, is defined by its class abilities including canto and +2 bow range (total of 4 range). Classes also have growth rate bonuses, that increase the higher tier of your class. And these growths are based off of the stats you would typically want for units in that role, like mage gives +10% magic instead of +10% strength. Seeing enough combat/healing in a class will also unlock class mastery abilities or combat arts, sometimes both, and these abilities are usually quite good. So are the combat arts, and quite a few of them are class exclusive, meaning that if you switch classes you can’t use it anymore. And like you said, some classes can use magic while others cannot.

    The Noble/Commoner class is actually quite bad, it’s only growth boost is +5 to charm, so you’ll want to certify in literally anything else as quickly as possible imo, those levels are wasted potential.

    You need them to certify into a magic class, which actually happens automatically in the story. If you get them a higher reason/faith they can use magic earlier though, if you want like a magic Byleth.

    Does the game say that classes effect growths?

    I guess I won't worry about promotoing Byleth to a mage class if that's automatically.

  2. So what exactly is the reason to actually use classes?

    I know a few have weapon restrictions/magic restrictions but aside from a minor stat-boost (Such as an extra 1 dex for Bernie) for at least the beginner classes, what's the point of using them over Noble? such as Soldier Bernie.

    Also when does Byleth actually get magic if I'm trying to give them magic? do I need them to actually unlock a magic class or will they simply get them with a high enough faith/reason? Will I not see them unlocking magic if they're a non-magic class such as Myrmidon? 

  3. 2 hours ago, Benice said:

    No, I agree about this. I simply think he'd need something to make him good from a support standpoint.

    Yep. I agree 100%, the gaidens are all something of a mark on FE6's map design. Well, the armads one is okay, but the rest are not. I'd also like gaiden requirements to be made very clear, or to be automatically unlocked.


    Yeah I agree, while I do like FE6, the game almost never warns you about Gaidens til' you get the message that the area has been sealed and such. (totally never had to restart a chapter because I wasn't even aware it had a Gaiden.)


  4. 3 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    I wouldn't object to shield magic being a thing in gameplay all things considered.

    Same but it's still nonsensical when an entire magic spell-type only exists in cutscenes and it's used by some random generic enemy mage and I'm apparently not supposed to question it.

    I can tolerate mild inconsisnticies (I could probably write an essay on how many shooters often potray you with weapons that don't even exist on the level the cutscenes show you with, which is like an FE cutscene showing you with a Steel sword when you only have Iron versions by that point.) but it's really bad when magic spells that don't even exist in normal gameplay are a thing in cutscenes.

  5. 7 hours ago, Sooks1016 said:

    I’m not sure if this is a genuine question or not since plot spoilers, but you’ve seemed pretty given up on the story, so I’ll just spoiler tag it.

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    Yes, at one point Byleth does use divine pulse in a cutscene. Although it only happens the one time and it makes me wonder why they don’t use it every time something bad happens in the story, I would have rather them just left it m gameplay only.


    Honestly I kinda am at this point.

    I don't like to just give up on the story but it legitmately feels like when a cutscene starts, suddenly I'm in a very similar but still very distinctly different alternate universe, Where Byleth is suddenly really bad at their job of killing dudes, the boss I just beat the crap of is now unhurt somehow, characters can suddenly become unarmed and there's entire magic spells that do not actually exist in-game.

    I really can't tolerate when a game just blatantly bends it's own rules, same with other pieces of fiction but games tend to get free-passes in my experience just because it's a cutscene, like sure there's some stuff (Player characters getting knocked out to a blow to the head while able to tank  a good few in gameplay) but the magic system shouldn't just function with entirely different spells that aren't in gameplay, you really can't pull out a spell that defies how magic normally works and not expect me to question why it's only in a cutscene.

    4 hours ago, joevar said:



    cutscene with dialogue box? if so i guess its the limitation of engine or programming for cutscene act to feel similar no matter the situation (be it peaceful or just after fight) . japanese rpg cutscene tend to be like that iirc, unless its pre-rendered cutscene/movie


    I mean the pre-rendered cutscenes, Edelgard is suddenly axe-less in the prologue and the mage dude in the Tomb battle literally pulls out a shield spell that doesn't even exist in the game.

  6. Anyone else get the implications that Byleth is actually a terrible mercenary? they'd literally be dead/heavily injured several times over in 3H and I'm not even half way through the game with them Diving infront of the bandit boss and trying to hit the mage's fireball with the Sword of the Creator, it legitimately kinda gets to the point where I feel like Jeralt used them like a unit you feed the participation EXP in Echoes and they were only allowed to fight dudes already near death, since they seem to be very good at getting themselves killed if it wasn't for the plot being in the way and not at all competent at actual mercenary work. (Not to mention literally having canon save-scum powers, so now I'm wondering if Byleth actually canonically abuses Divine Pulse considering their seeming inability to avoid dying whenever a cutscene is running, I could legit see Cutscene-Byleth using Divine Pulse in pretty much every battle, probably mostly for themselves honestly..)

    Also am I the only one super bothered when a dude just walks off injuries in cutscenes? I can tolerate it somewaht with say, Erik in FE7 (The dialogue implies he's not actually standing up and he's not able to put up any actual resistance.) but Byleth has nearly died twice in Three Houses to bosses that I both had Edelgard cleave their skull in two with her axe but then a cutscene kicks in and suddenly they're seemingly only lightly injured in the case of Kostas and the enemy mage is somehow seemingly unharmed in that chapter despite being a normal looking unarmored dude, it's like reverse-plot armor and it equally takes me out of the game, the cutscenes just feel incredibly disjointed from the actual gameplay, almost to the point where I feel they need a complete re-work. (And the dude even pulls out a magic shield spell that seemingly only exists in the cutscene dimension.)

  7. Assets sometimes fail to load in properly, When the camera zoomed into Bernie today, her bow/arrows didn't actually appear for a few frames so she was holding nothing.

    Edelgard's hand goes through her axe handle.

    I got 2 fish at once from fishing. somehow.

  8. 26 minutes ago, Seazas said:

    In light of recent events, Male Byleth 100% deserves to be the one having a singular amiibo. Female Byleth will go on and still be the most popular, might as well let the better designed character have this.

    I think of it this way, for at least people who only do one playthrough, roughly half/half will play as either Byleth

    Clearly, we should have had Gate-Guard, since he is always present regardless of your choices and is the clear singular represnitive of Three Houses. (Even in Crimson Flower  he's still around for half the game.), Gate-Guard Amiibo is what we should have had as he is the true constant in 3H.

  9. 15 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    Incorrect, I think SoV’s story is an incoherent thematic mess but I can at least acknowledge the story has ideas it wants to explore. I just don’t think those ideas were explored very well. Like I can acknowledge what the story is trying to accomplish. I don’t think SoV is good That doesn’t mean I have disrespect the developers to voice that.


    If we wanna go with the whole subjectivity argument. I can say that in my opinion Severa doesn’t have an inferiority complex when that is provably not true. It literally says she has one right in her roster entry. Whether or not you like Severa is subjective but to deny that there are aspects to her character that people can relate to is just dismissive and disrespectful. The fact that she has an inferiority complex in it itself is nuance by definition of what nuance is.

    I get what you're going for but actually even if something is said in someone's literal roster entry, it can be "wrong" in the sense that the writer failed to properly show/use that trait in the story so it feels like they TELL the audience once thing but the actual story doesn't quite show it.

    Tvtropes even has a sorta page for this with "Informed Attribute" https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InformedAttribute



  10. Maybe let our level up stats naturally change our non-level up effected stats.

    Not on a 1-1 but maybe if your speed gets really high, you get a few extra tiles of movement as your character is just that fast, same with Constitution and Strength. (And Kaga probably did this first I bet.)

    Additionally, if we have custom stats/for certain characters, a REALLY low speed stat will actually remove a tile or two of movement for that character, as they're that slow that it's effecting more than just combat performance and they simply can't move as far as other units of the same class.

    (though I wouldn't want this for EVERY FE game, I just think it'd be an neat idea to experiment with for a few games.)

  11. 14 minutes ago, Sooks1016 said:


    Cool idea! I think a narrator from the actual cast would be nice, because almost always, I hate it when the ending is like “They disappeared”* (*for no reason) or “historians are unsure of what they were to each other” etcetera etcetera, because it feels like a cop out. Like I spent an an entire game getting to know this character(s) (and in paired endings, worked to get them together) and you couldn’t even be bothered to write something satisfying? I don’t care what historians think, I wanna know what happens!

    Merlinus as the narrator makes me curious how he would depict his ending with Marcus however ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Very, Very detailed descriptions....

    Also dumb idea, if Mark is still in FE6, you get to re-customize them with scars/wrinkles and facial hair, get a set of options just to make yourself look older and the next Avatar should definitely be able to be potentially made an old man dude, just add a wrinkles slider. (Not enough games with character customization let you be actually old.)

    Make your own Custom Wrys.

  12. It's kinda a bit lackluster that FE still has character endings be a block of text in the ending.

    I'd like maybe Fallout-style Ending slides, with a piece of artwork depicting the other characters, not just the Avatar.  (I can even imagine maybe Merlinus being the narrator for Elibe Remakes, since he can't die and is in both games.)

  13. 1 hour ago, joevar said:

    another problem which makes me dislike avatar system in FE game. in short, avatar system works best in DnD setting because its not a linear stage-to-stage game. giving me false freedom only for the game dictate my avatar way of thinking later in story. also super-capable person without known background and amnesia becomes the most liked/respected person in whole army in short time.. that goes way beyond plot convenient. thankfully Chrome-lucina is interesting enough and take more screentime than robin (or maybe i just automatically ignore robin whenever he/she appear)

    i would love it more if they give it Ike of PoR treatment. (no real authority before a certain amount of time and experience) more believable imo

    But then again if avatar system is a must for next FE, i choose male robin type avatar too. not because Robin was great , but because theres nothing better at this point

    Maybe it's just me but Three Houses is kinda worse about the false freedom. (7 hours in so I highly doubt it's going to 180)

    It tries to hide it but it just sorta makes it more overt, Byleth can doubt the church for instance or say they don't believe in it ...but it's mostly just around some of the students, at least one of which doesn't actually follow the church either, funny enough you can NEVER say anything onpar with this with any of the church people, same with being sarcastic/arguably a bit fight hungry, Byleth can only pick these options when either A: it's a support point or B: when the character would not really care/only be mildly upset, you seemingly never get any choices that would actually, seriously set off the person you're talking to.

    Vampire the Masqurade Bloodlines has La Croix as your quest giver for half the game (Basically the kinda ruler of the Vampires in LA) , He's a manipulative, clearly somewhat evil dude, You are fully allowed to antagonize him, it doesn't do you any favors but you're fully allowed to pick dialogue options to piss off your boss (and actually lose out on gameplay benefits in the process, such as extra money.) while in Three Houses, those choices are notably always absent when the other person wouldn't exactly be amused by them (Hell you can even try to fully defy him but then he uses the mind-control spell from the game to force you to do the main quest which is cool.), it feels like the games is intentionally written so that Byleth can never actually piss anyone off, at least in the Academy phase, even if this means Byleth can't actually display a consistent character trait via player choices since I constantly end up wondering why I can be sarcastic in one conversation and not another. (And that's not counting any time the game flat-out ignores a dialogue option since the scene wasn't actually written to give the characters responses for all of the potential dialogue choices.)

  14. 5 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    I disagree. 

    Robin is by far the best Avatar of the bunch. The fact is, Robin has an established personality and interesting character dynamic with the others in his supports. He definitely is able to set himself as a character in the story, rather than some random guy like Mark, who exists and is praised for no reason whatsoever. 

    Or Kris, who feels like he's consuming character interaction just to seem important. 

    Out of all the Avatars done, Robin remains the best of them all. 


    I guess I admit I'm kinda biased since I don't like Robin's (Female Robin anyway) personality/supports with other characters. 

    I still feel Robin gets praised too much and it actually gave me metaphorical whiplash when suddenly everyone is praising this mysterious person and wants them to lead them after the first level. (And is VERY OP gameplay-wise and pretty much starts as a promoted class.), Mark still gets praised arguably a bit too much but I think Robin's on a higher tier of too much and sure it's "technically" warranted but that's part of the problem with Robin as a gameplay unit, since they're literally basically a promoted class from a previous game and have 50 extra EXP growth so it just comes off as pandering to the player, when your OC is literally one of the best characters ever and is pretty much a one-man army compared to your other starting units and can use multiple weapon types from the start. (Then again I'm a weirdo who actually likes the fact Roy sucks.) Mark doesnt get praise onpar with the "Swords, Sorcery and tactics, Is there anything you can't do!?" Praise Robin gets at the start of Awakening.

    I don't really think the Avatar character should be friends with other characters outside of player input, Awakening assumes you like the character and their personality quirks and that doesn't really work for me, at all, as I really don't. (Such as how Robin finds Vaike amusing while I really, really don't.) 

    When the Avatar is made friends with a character, it comes across to me as the devs trying to dictate what the player is ment to think about them. (Which again doesn't work if the player hates the characters.)

  15. Sumia: Punching Chrom is pretty much just domestic violence and that's not exactly funny to me, in fact it's kinda horrible.

    Emmeryn: She makes bad decisions, seemingly to the point where they don't even have a standing army to reasonably halt invaders, she's a terrible leader and being "pacifistic" doesn't excuse it and the game's attempts to say she's "Peaceful" are just irritating, since it's more just incompetence.

    Faye: She's better than the other Yandere characters....that's not saying much and her writing is even worse in the original Japanese.


  16. 10 minutes ago, Wraith said:

    Awakening exacerbated the issue to the nth degree. I owe both the 20th anniversary and New Mystery of the Emblem art books and let me tell you, there is a stark contrasted between pre-Awakening artwork and post-Awakening artwork. Are there still fanservice characters in earlier games? Of course, especially amongst the dancer class characters, but nothing to the extent which was seen in Awakening at the time of its release.

    I like how Sonya is the "thot" character of Echoes yet she's honestly more covered up than alot of Fates/Awakening characters.


    3 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:


    But you can't have an Avatar not be important. They have to be important to be involved. If they aren't, it feels out of place to even be there. Just make the Avatars be like Robin with personality and lines of their own, and it's good.

    The Problem with Robin is they feel more like a generic character and their writing kinda assumes you're best pals with the almost all of the cast, and well, that doesn't land if you're like me and the cast are kinda highly unlikable for various reasons.

    I'd rather they pull a Mark and only insist that you're kinda pals with the lords if they aren't going full C-RPG to let you decide who your character likes/doesn't like. (And even then I'd argue most of the FE7 Lord dialogue only implies THEY like you, so you can imagine Mark as only being with them for pragmatic reasons.)

    Also I guess more characters who flat-out hate each other in my army and never get over it, not everyone is going to be friends. 

    Maybe even let us be a bit of an ass, for instance, what if you could actually sell off lost items in Three Houses for instance, sure you could get support points but that shady merchant in the market would pay a decent bit of money for that lost pearl earing. 

    Also if the explore feature comes back, give us secret areas to find, Postal 2 for instance let you do basic platforming to find a hidden cat sanctuary in one of the areas, this location would get better items every day of the week, so lets say there's some area where the PC can find a magpie's nest by climbing (And actually be hidden, you have to find this nest on your own.), so you the player can search it every now and then, maybe there's some poisoned throwing knives one day, maybe there's some valuable lost item that you have to decide if you want to return or if you're better off pawning it off for that Killing Edge you really want.

    Also do away with that support heart in conversations, I feel like I'm playing a corny dating sim and it feels like the game is constantly going "You didn't pick the right option B****" when I see multiple dialogue choices and I don't pick the one that would obviously result in more support.

  17. 7 minutes ago, joevar said:

    since IS is getting bigger, and bigger sized companies generally cant ignore the trend... so yeah i can see that.

    i can smell what kind of hot debate and critics will be coming if that gets implemented , lol

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    people and journalism start ranting about FE losing its charm as high stake , high emotional game since your main unit are more safe than ever now


    I mean Rewind keeps your units waaaay more safe IMO.

    I could pretty much stopped trying in Echoes Dungeons since I had so many rewinds and I could just leave to refill them.

    While I wouldn't want EVERY FE game to have them, having disposable units that cost money would be better than 3H Batallions if they want us to feel like we have armies.


  18. 3 minutes ago, joevar said:

    thats why i still dont like avatar/my unit taking the spotlight because they just.. there. not saying its impossible. just maybe not in "FE" kind of game

    soo... expendable unit but weaker?
    dunno if it would make the gameplay flow better (or if it would make the game easier/harder), im more inclined to disagree with the idea.

    Pretty much.

    I think expendable units would have a better flow than rewinding time.

  19. 4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

    7 hours could give you a feeling of the game

    But nothing in depth about the characters

    Then they wouldn't be gambit attacks but shadow dragon nameless peeps.

    Dunno about you, but i am not a fan of that. The only playable generics in FE should be like the ones in that FE5 escape mechanic

    It will just add units to the bench.


    I don't really like Gambit attacks, they feel like glorified weapon arts from Echoes (Infact I'm pretty sure some of the effects from certain Battalions are literally the exact same effects as a weapon art from Echoes just minus the health downside.) except the enemy can't counter, which doesn't feel like having an actual army and more just Jojo stands (They even fade in/out when fighting like actual Jojo Stands.), they feel more like super moves than any actual troops. (And the fade in/out effect is kinda terrible.) Also yet another thing you can't see if an enemy has till you painstakingly check their inventory screen. (which I'm not too big a fan of in FE.)

    Yeah but the fact is I don't even know the surface character of most of the cast, including my own class for several examples, that I'd talked to every exploration, I know as much as them as characters I never really used in FE, talking to the cast in exploration should actually have character stuff instead of the mostly character-less stuff I've seen so far. (And the characters I do know about mostly come from supports)

    3 hours ago, joevar said:

    so, generic units without portrait? or like what? *never play xcom*

    if generic unit without portrait that serves to make the battlefield more crowded with controlable unit.. i dont think we need that kind of unit in FE
    If something else, please explain

    X-com characters have randomized appearances on the battlefield/inventory screen(But X-com doesn't have potraits), you could just throw together some sort of portrait randomizer for Battalions. (Or even just use a generic portrait like Echoes did.)


  20. 11 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

    ...that's nothing, considering how long the game is

    I disagree, 7 hours is always a lot of time with a game. Regardless if the game is 9, 13 or 50 hours long.

    I think Battalions should have been x-com style additional soldiers (So generics with random names), with the Battalion type dictating their class/starting stats, it'd add to actually feeling like you have an army (instead of everyone just having Jojo Stands). I guess maybe they could also do the DS thing with the reinforcements,  where you can deploy additional "Leaderless" Battalions if your unit count drops below a certain point, They'd still have to be inferior to named units though.

  21. 42 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

    Byleth isn't a blackhole though. The game puts much much more focus on the lords themselves than Byleth, and people can actually build relationships with other.

    He will seem like a Blackhole if you don'T do supports or Paralogues.

    Well, FE's support system is retarded anyway

    I got Bernie and Lindhardt's C supports and it's basically them suddenly liking Byleth,  only Sylvain's so far actually broke this trend.

    Are they sarcastic? I dunno since the game frequently lacks a sarcastic option in appropriate scenes.

    Are they a hard-ass warrior person? Some conversations let you say stuff among that but others dont.

    There's no real consistent tone to their conversation options in my 7 hours to gather any sort of actual personality, If they sarcastic why is it frequently not an option, if they're a military hardass, why is that also only occasionally an option.

    The only trend I notice is that they seemingly don't question things much, considering how many times something happens that most people would ask about and Byleth just sorta ignores it and moves on. (Felix talking about the Boar Prince on crimson flower where if it wasn't for the internet talking about Dimitri , I'd have had no clue what he was on about and probably assume it was some PG rated slur towards Claude and not asking Jeralt about Leonie.)

    Its a problem with other characters too, Casper I still know nothing about despite talking to him as often as possible, same with Petra aside from not speaking good, their monestary dialogue is mostly character-less.

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