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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. Three Houses is either really badly written or somehow suffers from more translation issues than past games.

    Sothis said that the Sword of the Creator is "Different from the other relic's we've seen", I've only seen one at this point, Thunderband.

    I've never been left thinking "Did the writer seriously just fail basic math?" before in a video game and that's a really dumb mistake to make among other really questionable writing I've encountered.


  2. 2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    I've heard good things about Conquest.

    Berwick Saga only has one difficulty mode, but the difficulty definitely stems from enemy skillsets and equipment rather than stats. Heck, your own units depend on those things more than stats, as well.

    I find New Mystery Lunatic to be brilliant, but it doesn't fit what you're looking for, as there's definitely stat inflation. I believe it handles it correctly, since while offensive stats are buffed greatly, defensive stats are not, so the point is to divert enemy forces into advantageous positions where you can dispatch them without getting overwhelmed. But if you don't want stat inflation of any kind, avoid this one as well.

    That's... about it, really.

    I can handle a bit of stat inflation, I just know that modes like Lunatic plus massively over do it, so I don't mind it if it's not too absurd but I would prefer if it's mostly from changed enemies/added enemies, so it's mostly from stuff other than increased stats, doesn't Hector Hard mode add a ton of flying enemies?

  3. I'm not really a big fan of strategy games where the hard mode feels like it's just unfair stat changes. (And I can add Ambush spawns to that.)

    Are there any Fe games where the "Hard" mode actually keeps the stats somewhat the same as Normal but the difficulty is primarily increased by more enemies (within reason.) /Enemies getting swapped by more difficult enemies? (So say, a regular Swordmaster is now packing a Lance Reaver.) , so your chances to hit and such are mostly the same, it's just the enemies are swapped around to be more dangerous mostly via changed weapons and classes rather inflated stats?

    So the difficulty comes more from say, an enemy healer or a few extra Armor knights/mages now existing rather than ambush spawns/enemies seemingly taking half a dozen stat boosters.

    Ideally also one that doesn't require any absurd "Outside the box" tactics, Like using only a small handful of power levelled units or absurd amounts of grinding.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Benice said:

    Ah, okay.

    Oh right, Genesis.


    Gads...That map...

    It's not very well thought out, I agree. You have a sleep staff to deal with Douglas, though, and he won't attack your dancer. (They really should just give the dancers a talk convo with him to recruit him...) tbh Gaiden requirements in general aren't very well thought-out.

    Honestly it wouldn't surprise me at this point of the old Gaiden requirements were to sell strategy guides and the only reason they're gone nowadays is that the unfair hard difficulty modes can sell Grinding DLC instead.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Benice said:

    I definitely agree. Heck, I'd even go so far as to remove the gaiden requirements for the most part.

    I really disagree on this one-The requirements in FE6 are not great, but if you play well you will unlock them. FE7's are ridiculously obscure, and to get any idea of Nergal's character, you have to:

    • Opt to play Lyn mode a second time and somehow get Nils to level 7, (ridiculously steep given that there are probably 30 turns left in Lyn mode, tops)
    • Beat chapter 19H in 15 turns, (This one's not too bad. It's never mentioned, but not unreasonable.)
    • In one turn to attack him, defeat an insanely annoying boss who leaves after turn 8 on HHM and turn 12 on HNM, (unless I goofed my memory up, but he's really hard to kill regardless.)
    • Recruit Jaffar and Nino and go to Night of Farewells? (I'm not too sure if this one's required for the good ending)
    • Beat Victory or Death in 20 turns, which was, (at least for me,) really, really hard. I BARELY made it-I was nearly stopped because there were enemies on literally every space of Limstella's island. I do keep in mind that this is in my ironman, which had a very large shortage of units, so maybe in a regular playthrough it'd be more manageable.
    • Also Nergal is just a ripoff Guenchaos


    Dangit, I went on an irrelevant rant on FE7 again...

    Uh, anyways, TL;DR, I think that true ending requirements should not be there other than as a toggleable setting/difficulty-related function, (so that more casual players can get the good ending without killing themselves by having to meet tough requirements) and must be made clear the moment requirements must start being met. (Axing weird ones like Nils being level 7 before Lyn mode would also be nice.)

    At least the Nergal backstory thing is a second playthrough bonus thing (even if I admit it's dumb), you at least get a proper resolution to the main plot regardless.

    I'd argue that for Chapter 16, it's not really well designed, Nothing says that killing Douglas isn't just losing a potential recruit (he's not even the one who tells you where the Shrine is so it feels non-sensical his survival is required, he's not even mentioned in the cutscene afterwards regardless if he's dead or alive.), plus you have to get Zeiss, who's behind a very strong wall, I would have had to restart if Douglas had followed Melady instead of Roy when I had them split up at that point and I only even went for Zeiss since I accidently found out he was required, I would have just left him alone to focus on killing Narcian first if I didn't accidently see that when I was looking up the Purge spell to talk about it with a friend so I actually nearly got screwed over.

  6. Change the requirements of certain Gaidens and more explicitly state when the player has locked themselves out. (at least pull a Morrowind and tell us when we've messed up.)

    Stuff like Chapter 16 is sadistic. (So don't kill the Armor Knight who charges across the map at you and make sure to stop to recruit a dude behind a breakable wall while Douglas is charging after you and if you don't, have fun losing the true ending without any indication at the time you messed up, Douglas doesn't even tell you where the Shrine is so it just feels like trying to sell those strategy guides.)

    I don't mind a game letting me mess up but there's a difference between "Mistake in current chapter" and "Oh that seemingly important dude who died nearly 10 chapters ago is now needed to recruit a vital character."

    In FE7 you just missed Gaiden chapters that weren't too important for the most part/ the odd character with some of the harsher requirements, you never got locked out of the game's ending for it.

  7. 23 minutes ago, PeonyofLeosa Dreamworld said:

    Soren vs Byleth 

    Byleth literally has save-scum powers so at least if we're going by gameplay, Byleth could probably just Divine Pulse spam til' they get a crit.

    Dunno enough about both for if we're running on story-logic. (Since then it's plausible Byleth would literally burn through Divine Pulse.)

  8. 4 minutes ago, Rose482 said:

    All I'm going to say to the people who want to get it, but have never played the original FE1.....keep your expectations LOW. 

    Eh that's honestly part of the reason I want it?

    I dislike the sheer volume of stuff Three Houses pours into it. (I swear navigating the status screens of characters is the first time I've wished I could plug a mouse into a console with the amount of stuff present and the time it takes to scroll through it.) and I've kinda always enjoyed the more basic FE games. (Such as FE7 and to an extent Echoes, since Echoes drastically simplifies the actual pre-battle preperation.)

    And I'd rather have simple characters that are inoffensive than...certain characters in more character-focused games that are really, really bad.

  9. Some FE Spin-off where Projectiles travel across the map like X-com (Classic X-com.), so it's possible to accidently hit a different enemy/land a spell that hits multiple dudes as well as the classic "Critical miss" (not an actual mechanic) where your dude misses and accidently kills your own highest ranking character in the back, I'm sure FE7 would have been improved if Rebecca accidently killed Eliwood by shooting him in the back.

    Environmental destruction and multiple floors in a battle, it'd be fun,  (I don't even mind if they make it easier but having the game be sprites like Classic X-com since that'd probably be easier for destruction as opposed to Physics in a 3D environment.) what some enemy boss hiding behind a wall in a house? just blast that wall out of existence instead of trying to go through that high res Armor Knight blocking the front door.  

  10. 1 minute ago, Yexin said:

    so uhm... i surely did not expect this, but i can't deny that a part of me is kinda happy (although no italian localization nor limited edition, you can bet your ass i ain't buying this, Nintendo)

    but i honestly have a problem with this, and it's "who is this for?"
    i mean, those who wanted to play shadow dragon probably already did it either through its remake or "other means", and i honestly doubt that those who got interested in FE thanks to 3H would like to play a 30-damn-year old game which is, looks and plays completely different from the likely only FE game these people have played

    so again, who is this for?

    I guess people like me who want to play Shadow Dragon but never got around to it.

    Also arguably in need of more games for their switch.

  11. 28 minutes ago, TheGoodHoms said:

    Prepare yourselves 3DS era converts, no more pair-ups, battalions, or casual modes for you! It's time for the return of the brutal and unforgiving world of Japanese Fire Emblem! MUHAHAHAHA!!! All jokes aside, this rerelease comes as a pleasant surprise and at only 6 bucks I'll defiantly be picking this one up. I've developed a fondness for older video games as of late so a game like FE1 would be an excellent addition to my collection. Can't wait to have my butt handed to me on an 8-bit silver platter and love it anyway!

    Are you trying to expose us as roommates?

    Jokes on you, you didn't say anything about forging!

    Time to Forge and reclass through FE1!


  12. Just now, BrightBow said:

    Because they threw in random stuff without considering how it affects everything else about the game.
    The weapon triangle being the biggest one. After the initial wave of bandit chapters, enemies almost exclusively use lances.
    Not to mention details they didn't keep, like Marth having different animations for using a Rapier or Swords, as well as being shown carrying the Fire Emblem once he receives it.


    oh, that weapon triangle one sounds like a BIG oversight.

    Also I'm calling it now, we're going to have an influx of posts on various FE communities of people being surprised casual mode isn't in the game. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    If you have a DS or a 3DS, you may as well just find a used copy of Shadow Dragon. I found one for $20, though that was several years ago, I have no idea how much a copy of it sells for now, and even the people working at the store were surprised that they had a copy of it. 

    Then again, this game is only $6, so never mind. 

    I'm the kinda weirdo who is both interested in the originals and remakes of a game, even if the remake is regarded as better in every way. (Such as Resident Evil 1 Remake.) I already intended on playing both at some point anyway.

  14. In an FE game where the dark magic creatures are explicitly summoned from another realm rather than created with black magic, a section where your party gets trapped somehow briefly in this plane of existence, so it basically briefly turns into Survival horror, with limited extra resources that you haven't already brought with you, a decent amount of enemy tough creatres and most of the maps during this section are actually escape maps where you just have to get everyone to an exit rather than trying to kill every Arch Mogall and Necrodragon in the map, additionally the tiles in this section would have a different art-style (Maybe even H.R Geiger inspired.) so the maps are more about only killing enough enemies to escape rather than hunting them down.

    The ability to commit war crimes, such as poisoning the water of a town you're attacking so the enemies are all weakened and finishing off enemies trying to retreat so you have less enemies in the future/more EXP now  and intentionally razing enemy village blacksmiths/Armories so enemies will be poorly equipped later on. (and I guess the mandatory Karma system we always have to thrown in when this is involved, I mean hey, ruling as an evil dictator after the game's events is technically winning right?)

    If FE6/7 Remakes have save transfer, Louise "Dying" in FE7 results in Klein being deleted from FE6, additonally, allow a few more FE7 characters to die, deleting them from FE7. (Rebecca dying is no longer a time paradox if Wolt never shows up!) 

    Enemies will now surrender if they drop below a certain health threshold in the arena, you still get paid but you lose the "killed enemy" EXP so you'll have to intentionally find ways to kill Arena enemies before they can surrender if you want maximum EXP.

  15. Some sort of Nergal-like Quintessence magic system for certain characters, where they have a meter for it that's charged by killing enemies/being near anyone who dies, where they can create morphs and other magic by using that meter. (maybe even able to pull off a Bramimond-style revival with a full meter within a turn or two of someone dying but the trade off is that you have to get alotta kills for it, maybe the meter actually carries over between battles, with 100 percent required for the revival basically meaning you have to bank the meter for several battles to be able to do it.)

  16. 3 hours ago, Benice said:

    Ha! That actually happened to me as well, only with Clarine. Things like that are really dumb and annoying. FE6's (as well as FE11's) ambush spawns don't bother me as much as games like TH's do, since 9/10 times they're logical reinforcments that appear on the wrong phase. (I still dislike them, don't get me wrong. The game would be much better without 'em.) TH's are... Well, not. They randomly appear in the middle of a path with no indication that there should be reinforcements.

    Your cavalier is probably Canadian and politely got out of the way when the soldiers asked if they could use the stairs.

    Haven't got that far but the ones in the Holy Tomb annoyed me since they spawn at the stairs...then get essentially free movement moving down the hallway. 

    I know it's relatively minor but it still adds an element of "The AI gets to cheat" to me.

  17. 1 hour ago, Benice said:

    In my opinon, Ambush Spawns should not be in any FE. I can excuse them for only one reason-The game explicitly telling you that there are reinforcements coming. Even then, having them show up on player phase would be much better. Ambush spawns do not augment FE6, or any other FE for that matter. The less information you hide from the player, the better. I think I speak for almost everyone when I say that the Hardest modes should be fair and shouldn't rely on ambush spawns and the like to increase the challenge.


    It's even worse in chapters like Chapter 6, I had one of my ( I think? can't remember who exactly.) cavaliers sat on the stairs on the bottom right room of the castle to block off ambush spawns...so I open a chest and suddenly. a bunch of dudes spawn in the middle of the room (So not blocked off by the stairs) so my dude got basically ambushed by a bunch of dudes literally phasing into existence (They sure as heck didn't use the stairs.), thankfully I was able to deal with it without anyone dying but that was more luck than anything else.

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