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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. Tomb Raider 2 Remake, that's actually got less human combat but is still heavy on exploration.

    Some sort of successor/Remake/Sequel to Gangsters: Organized Crime, a gangster simulator (Kinda like a business sim a bit I guess) that actually discouraged combat til' the late-game and was focused more on turf and making illegal businesses and hiding them. 

    A top-down style GTA game that's extremely arcade-y (So a mix of Chinatown wars with 1/2), preferably set in London again (or at least finally adding Vice City Stories to IOS.) with a focus on raking up a certain amount of points again.

    A new Tom Clancy Single player game that's actually tactical in the style of old Rainbow Six/Ghost Recon. (Or them finally adding Rogue Spear to Digital store-fronts.)

  2. 54 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    Yeah, I figured those two episodes were just serving as pilots to get picked up for a full series, but it fell through. Maybe they decided the show was too mature with such explicit death. Navarre especially was a grim character. Look at his hands!

    I recall hearing at some point they were pilots.

    I know the Sonic "OVA" was actually two pilot episodes of an Anime that got turned into a movie for the West. 

  3. I generally (Don't watch much anime) start skipping after the 4-5th time I see it, especially when I'm watching multiple episodes in a row.

    Only exception is Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex 2nd GIG because it's amazing and I love it.




  4. Getting any sort of "Divine" weapon early on and it sucking is kinda terrible.

    I'm pretty sure even the Mani Katti (which is just ment to be a somewhat magical sword that's not super poweful) surpasses the Sword of the Creator from 3H in uses and even base-line damage. (And higher crit-chance too.)

    It's never fun getting a "super" sword or axe of any kind but then it turns out be just incredibly medicore.

    As much as FE6 is kinda flawed, I much prefer how the Legendary weapons are instead a valuable resource you need to ration the uses of (I'm a big fan of resource management in general.) that actually are super-effective even to the late-game while the Sword of the Creator feels like a glorified Rune Sword.


  5.  Sacae (and If I remember, some of the maps shortly before Sacae) have some real annoying cheap shots.

    Such as Silver Wolf, where not one, but two bolting dudes on a fog of war map will pretty much instantly kill someone on your first attempt since you don't know they're there, as well as having to burn 3 Recover stave uses since there's a Berserk staff user on your right that you can't really reach or harm or even run from. (Since again, two bolting dudes at the top)

    Siege Tome users that charge towards your units early in several maps after a certain amount of turns, which can be very trial and error/very tedious to get them to waste all their charges, depending on the map.

    Ambush Spawns, which are always cheap and BS and some maps essentially drop them right on top of you, doubly so when they're Nomads/Wyverns.



    Mark's a Bern Defector on the run, the reason Vaida/Heath don't recognize them is due to Bern's army being large enough they simply never met, this is why the woman mentions a "Mark" in Bern despite Mark apparently having never been there when they talked to Eliwood.

    Everyone in Fire Emblem is capable of storing others in a small pocket dimension called the "Rescue" Dimension, this is also why you never see a visibly pregnant woman in FE as the baby is stored in this dimension.

    Jeralt mostly held Byleth in the Rescue pocket dimension during their mercenary days, which is why Byleth constantly nearly dies in Three Houses cutscenes due to barely actually doing any mercenary work.

    Hector's wife died due to an accidental "Critical hit" while they were together one night.

    Anna is actually a single lovecraftian abomination capable of appearing in several places at once, who thirsts for nothing but gold, she's also the reason Nergal's morphs in the last chapter of FE7 had all those unique powerful weapons, Nergal bought them off her as she sells to both sides in pursuit of money.

    Merlinus is a good divine figure that helps out heroes in need via providing convoy, hence why he's immortal.

    Merlins X Marcus S-rank is canon and the OTP of Elibe as it's the only paired FE7 ending that's hinted to be truly canon as Merlinus sets up shop in Ostia in his unpaired ending but works for Eliwood in his Marcus support ending.


  7. 14 minutes ago, Axie said:

    binding blade is one remake away from showing all y'all serfs why it already is the best fire emblem game and would be even better with only some slight modernisation

    with that said, my actual unpopular opinion for the post is that intsys is actually way too faithful in its remakes and i wouldn't mind if the next was a bit more different from the original. genealogy, in particular, would benefit from being remade into basically a different game lol.

    Honestly playing FE6 makes me hope a remake of it fixes these bits.

    (Granted, I'm a weirdo who actually really likes SOV's maps.)

    I think bits of the game like the entirety of Sacae, where there's tons of unfair stuff, should be changed, not one, but two bolting users who will instantly kill most of your units if they've moved forwards 1-2 tiles in that one chapter isn't exactly fun or fair.

    And 6 literally identical sprite bosses in the same map is really lazy. (And I doubt the chapter's "fun" gimmick of one of those 6 thrones being the right one and all others dropping ambush spawns on you is fun since I haven't started it yet.)

    I don't even think it's modernization considering how Fe7 removed most of this nonsense only a game later, FE6 feels almost like you're playing a Kaizo trap romhack at times, me and a friend joked about a Kaizo Romhack FE game and honestly some of the stuff we joked about is unironically in FE6 Normal mode. (I can only imagine how much more frustrating it gets on Hard.)

  8. Eh, not really.

    For me this game's difficulty is this:

    Small Stages that force my units to fight together when not-paired up, units constantly get dual strikes I can't predict and then they get piled on by dudes that attack when normally their friend would have blocked them off except the levels and the constant onslaught of enemies means I NEED to hold them back at 1-2 tile-wide choke points but then there's the random dual strikes.

    Dual Strikes are literally what's preventing me from getting far in the game because they add one of the most terrible, obnoxious and rage-inducing mechanics I've ever experienced in a strategy game, the fact they thought these were okay legitimately baffles me, my number one leading cause of resets is literally them because I'm not losing a unit to a mechanic so counter-intuitive, they might as well have just made it so Units can randomly hit nearby allies on a miss and it'd honestly be less obnoxious.

    In addition, the enemy stats in the early-game feels like it punishes you for actually trying to use any new units, so I have to go broke buying reeking boxes so I can just get EXP so my units don't die near instantly or constantly turning my 3DS on/off just to get a random battle. (Because constantly having only a 50-ish chance to hit as the standard for my army while the enemy has 80 totally doesn't turn most fights into RNG heavy BS.)

    Also, Enemies have a crit-chance since the start of the game, why, what fun is having to replay the first level because I legitimately got crit'd on the first stage. (This has happened to me more than once.)

    It's pretty much what makes this game an absolute unfun chore to play and made me hate it back when it was my first game and why I still can't bother playing more than a single battle without wanting to smash my 3DS. (As well as how the random battles are terrible for actually grinding up your weaker units when you spawn surrounded by Wyverns/Mages that can 1-2 shot them and there's a ton of them.)

  9. 1 hour ago, sunstarsage said:

    late response but how the hell is binding blade "unplayable" because each chapter is a quote "test of mental strength"

    I think every chapter is an exaggeration but some of the late-game chapters really, really aren't fun to play in my experience.

    Getting sniped with a high-accuracy sleep/silence staff that's so far the entire screen needs to scroll twice just to see the guy is a bit trial and error. (Since No new player is going to assume staves get THAT much range.)

    Add in the fact half the time these dudes charge down towards with with a whole bunch of other guys after about 7-8 turns and the game turns into extreme turtling out these guys. (And I like turtling in FE but when every chapter essentially turns into having to the turtle status-staves that are certain death if you don't or Siege Tomes that are also almost certain death, it gets old, fast.)

    Also Sacae, what a circle of random ambush spawns around the boss isn't good game design? and that Fort I was using for healing turning out to have Ambush Spawn Nomads over 10 turns in totally isn't an unfair move.

  10. Haven't played Sacred Stones but I'd say Binding Blade is it.

    It doesn't start bad but the obscure requirements for the good ending (which bothers me since you're locked out of a satisfying story conclusion/Using Promoted Roy for more than one chapter otherwise) and the game's generally late-game difficulty even on Normal, REALLY drag it down.

    Enemies with staves that have so far range that it scrolls down the entirety of the screen, twice, that also rarely miss due to the fact it uses Resistance and ignores all your other dodge stats is absurd, I don't exactly think naturally that I need to scroll the entire screen up twice to check if I don't get sniped and I think it's just tedious having to check that and then that doesn't matter because they eventually start rushing your position most of the time after a certain low amount of turns.

    Ambush Spawns are frankly BS and "Laws of Sacae" pretty much forcing you to attack a boss while surrounded by them isn't fun.

    I enjoy the early game but the late-game feels like levels that throw way too much at you, to the point where the game gets tedious with how you have to keep checking for dudes sniping you 2 entire screens away with status staves, unfair Ambush Spawns and levels that feel like they have up to 3 highly difficult gimmicks being thrown at you at once.

    It's like the devs completely forgot that self-control existed.

  11. We all know it was included as an in-joke essentially with Echoes but considering how the theme ends up being a bit about how Valentia is going to stand tall without it's gods anymore, I feel like (Admittingly I could be wrong) killing Duma with the "mankind" Nosferatu spell (Unless it's stated somewhere that mages/clerics get their magic from the gods and I missed that) rather than a Dragon tooth sword passed down from the gods  (AKA Mankind managing to defeat god with mankind's own power instead of something a god gave them.) kinda fits it more.

    So having some (in the grand scheme of things) lowly cleric defeat the god with their own power they've had from the start I feel fits the theme significantly more  (Even if Alm's fatality on Duma is amazing and I'm really glad Kaga decided that for once we actually get a unique finisher animation on the final boss.) as mankind manages to on it's own get the power to challenge their own gods.



  12. 11 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Bouncing off this a little, I really don't like that Gaiden is set in the same world as Archanea. I'd rather the cameos from other characters were left completely unaddressed or later retconned as Outrealm shenanigans rather than it physically existing in proximity to Archanea. Because Camus's mid ocean journey taking him from Western Archanea to Western Valentia and then subsequent rise to general is absolutely ridiculous in the time frame established. Now granted this is more Mystery of the Emblem's fault for creating a time frame in which he had only a year to accomplish all this, and to a lesser extent Awakening for establishing Valentia as a full sized continent instead of the remote island it was initially described as, but it's still a thing and it still bothers me to no end.

    Funny enough, a friend of mine actually joked how Valentia isn't much of a continent considering how the game somewhat gives you a time-frame of how long it takes to traverse it. (since the game has in-game dates.)

    Wasn't aware it was actually a retcon.

    Personally I don't mind the little cameos, granted I'm very much against the Outrealm stuff.


  13. 35 minutes ago, Sooks said:

    Here’s a better idea: stop forcing the fire emblem into every game.

    While it did turn out to well, not be just a Gem when playing Fe6, me and a friend got a good laugh out of the fact that, as far as FE7 is concerned, the Fire Emblem is just a small quest item essentially for a few chapters and it's just a shiny rock essentially, it's not a magic seal or sword, just a ceremonial thing as far as I can remember.

    6 hours ago, joevar said:

    Unpopular opinion (at least here.. i think?) Fire emblem story works best when its classic good guy vs evil guy (not just bad, but evil)

    the idea comes from my impression of the "fire emblem" and its accompanying divine weapon is the ultimate stuff to fight evil guy. so when you take something that already have clear  purpose and use it for other cause,  coupled with the nature of FE gameplay with permanent death and always win aspect, the story might go in unnecessary convoluted mess, for whatever reason.

    of course it would be boring because the trend for this decade (or last?) is good guy doing questionable stuff while bad guy doing reasonable thing. Or going dark route if you like to call it.
    but then why would we associate the good guy as the good guy? why not just give the divine weapon to the bad guy instead? but then it will become the "actual" good guy smacking some sense to the bad guy which basically my first point again.

    it doesnt make sense? maybe i'll try phrasing it better later, its difficult to explain without bullying bad story


    While I don't hate complex stories, I have noticed that at least in certain circles, there seems to be a sorta "bias" towards them, AKA: A complex story with tons of contrivances that (IMO) utterly ruin it, is still somehow automatically better by default than a simple story with no real contrivances/errors that stand out.


  14. Only played a bit, Kostas was fine but Miklan was a complete joke, he got exactly one hit in, on Byleth, because I intentionally baited him into moving towards me by leaving her in his range.

    He spent the rest of the fight stun-locked via Batallions/sword of the creator, never getting a single hit in and when he wasn't stunned, his 1-2 attacks he got off had a low chance to hit compared to any other enemy in the stage and he missed.

    The two BS reinforcement spawn dudes from the nearly-invisible doors were a bigger threat than he was and so was Kostas.


  15. 2 hours ago, Benice said:

    I guess we have different definitions! I file fanservice as basically anything to enhance a character's physical beauty in a nonessential or somewhat impractical way. FE as a series hasn't ever really tried to be realistic or practical.

    I consider Lyn to be one of the most fanservicey characters in the series, but I don't mind-As you stated, it fits her.

    No arguments here. I'd use Camilla as a guideline for what not to do.

    For Lyn, it doesn't quite bother me considering how she's just a Nomad on the plains, so her just wearing essentially a kinda dress and lack of armor makes sense, she's pretty much a civilian. (and oh boy, do her stats reflect the fact she's not wearing armor.)

    Granted, she'd probably put some on by Eliwood mode but no one got any different sprites/portraits for that mode so it doesn't bother me.

    (Also no cutscene close ups of her "Character" like with Camilla.)

  16. 3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

    Are you implying that they’re magically drawn to Byleth, like their magic god powers unknowingly make people like them?

    I've seen that brought up as an explanation of the Avatar-worship as a spoiler thing and if that's true that adds a distinctly mind control spin on it a bit for me, because if Sothis crest is the reason why Bernadetta, a major reclusive and paranoid person, can start opening up to Byleth way faster than anyone else in their C support, then you wonder how willing it makes people who aren't reclusives and paranoid and frankly that's a level that makes any of marriage make me wonder how much is actual consent and how much is influenced by the crest and kinda adds even more "This is wrong" vibes for me.

  17. 21 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    What are the bad implications regarding Robin? They aren't much older then most cast members, with the exception of kids like Ricken or Lissa, and considering they're just a hobo Chrom picked off the street they don't have an inherent position of power over the rest of the army either. 

    Ricken's underage and Nowi is too much like a kid for it to sit right for me. (And the First person CG confession art sure as hell doesn't help make it feel any less creepy.)



  18. 3 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

    And is one that I would agree with without hesitation. Yanderes in general have been awful characters in FE, as few of them as have been included in the series.

    Yeah I don't really like what I've seen of Camilla/Tharja. (Thankfully I don't experience most fiction with Yandere.)

    I think Faye's the best one but that's only because several factors (Not wanting to screw your obnoxious player insert, actually being surprisingly okay with Celica it seems and not doing horrible things to any innocents.), that combined with the English Translation kinda putting an emphasis on how she'd have to mentally messed up rather than treating it like a godawful joke in the Japanese version kinda helps. (If only a certain Purple haired character in Three Houses had the English translation play up how horrible her mental issues are rather than using as a constant bad joke that literally ruins several otherwise good supports because we gotta turn into a terrible comedy.)

    I really don't like Player Self-insert romance, it almost never feels like anything more than pandering so maybe that colors my preference of Faye a decent bit and since that's like 90 percent of the reason it seems for including Avatars in Modern Fire Emblem it seems, it's part of why I really hate Robin/Byleth, since I really hate their romances in particular since there area frankly several awful implications for both characters in some of their romances that kinda make them deplorable for me. (AKA Romancing your students who are also more prone to liking you due to god magic, which is messed up in many ways.)






  19. 6 hours ago, joevar said:

    but those forces are basically in the opposite direction of Bern, if anything that resulting in easier liberation of Isles people into creating their own country than losing to Bern. Since majority of troops from Klein (+ his harem of pegasus troop) and Percival division should mostly be intact.

    The narratives said that majority of soldier under Roy's command is Etrurian army which is why their troops become named as Etrurian army (previously lycian alliance) when fighting Bern directly. At the same time it doesnt make sense at all when you look at the playable roster


    i would be more shocked if she stayed unplayable in a remake. considering Cipher and Heroes already make Aureola her Prf weapon

    Long story short I actually ended up killing Percival and his troops in my playthrough (I forgot anyone who could possibly recruit him so I had to take him down.), even if they're in the opposite direction, it's still less forces that can be sent over to attack Bern.


    4 hours ago, German FE Nino said:

    Actually, that would be a solid reason to not include her. Aureola is optional, it would be a bit like if Forblaze was not a story-weapon in FE7.

    I think they could still keep Aureola optional, sure it could be I guess suggested in dialogue to give it to her but the player could still be free to give it to anyone. (Kinda like the Echoes Classes I guess>)

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