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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. 22 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    Shadow the hedgehog, Mewtwo, Genesect, Sephiroth, basically half of all kaiju ever. Hmmm I don’t know maybe this whole “ultimate lifeform created by mad science” is just simply a common trope in Japanese media. And where do you think Fire Emblem games are developed? Oh that’s right Japan.

    Yeah and my point is that it doesn't even feel like a natural part of the universe as opposed to Sonic at least.

    How does mixing a dragon with human DNA magically make it somehow instantly stronger than any other dragon?

    Sure Shadow is the "ultimate" lifeform, but implications are that the prophecies he was built to replicate were actually of Sonic (therefore making Sonic the Ultimate Lifeform) and he's actually weaker than Sonic in several situations due to inexperience, to the point of nearly dying due to this in SA2, while they sorta kept it as a title, it's clear that Shadow isn't actually suddenly the ultimate lifeform just because of his DNA and the experienced Sonic is ultimately better than him and the fact it's implied that Sonic is actually the ultimate lifeform, he can't even run fast without assistance from rocket shoes. (While Sonic is just naturally fast.)

    Grima is just suddenly a thing and (according to one of the DLC apparently) able to kill Naga, something apparently at some point stated to be impossible, in addition they're also able to magically survive the god-slayer swords that have killed other dragons, they are seemingly better suddenly from birth than every other dragon and literally immortal, Grima suddenly exists and is seemingly better than everything else because reasons.

    Sure Duma degenerated but he was still a dragon and I'm pretty sure Milla was still bested in combat by Rudolf in some capacity (She looks ready to throw down in that cutscene.), you're asking me to believe this random baby dragon was able to survive an actual god-slayer sword?, a dragon, that in terms of gameplay, is actually weaker than Duma and is only tougher due to his ambush actually tougher than him infinite randomized reinforcements. (Duma can only be taken out by Falchion or Nosferatu which is a in-joke while Grima can actually just get easily wiped out by a regular Dread Fighter if it wasn't for those randomized Risen.)


  2. 12 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    Here are my general thoughts on awakening’s weird continuity with Archanea. The developers/writers do owe fans an explanation for all this since it does fuck with established continuity with the first game of the franchise. However the lack of explanation in awakening itself is rather inconsequential. They owe us an explanation but they don’t have to give it to us right now. They’ll give it to us when they give it to us. It’s like Grima’s backstory in SoV. The only reason he needed one at all was was because his existence didn’t make much sense in what was already established about archanea’s lore cause otherwise his backstory is inconsequential. It doesn’t really make him a worse villain for not having a backstory. He works just fine as a villain without one. They’ll give us these explanations when they give it to us.

    Even then Grima's backstory sticks out like a sore quickly-thrown-in-to-sell-that-grinding-DLC thing in SOV IMO.

    It feels incredibly lazy, we have memory prisms that give his wonderful scenes elaborating on the world (Especially in the DLC.), in Echoes, you find a bunch of gravestones, in order, detailing the backstory in a way that in-universe makes no sense, who randomly wrote down the history of Thabes on gravestones? why did this one soldier do that? Why would Grima, a evil dragon made to destroy that probably doesn't even know what a decimal is at this point write down himself on a grave.

    It feels cheap, like they never intended to do this but some suit decided that since Awakening was popular they have to reference it. (and the dungeon had to be brutally unfair and BS to sell that overclass DLC.)

    (Also IMO, I doubt that Alm and company faced down the essentially infant/kid Grima and Grima somehow wasn't killed by this.)

    It's like they just skimmed Shadow the Hedgehog's Backstory and did it worse for Grima.

    His Backstory IMO just adds more questions than answers and not in a good way, it doesn't fit naturally into Echoes and feels like a shoe-horned in Retcon that the devs had no intention of doing til' they were told to late in development.

    It's an explanation sure, but a very cheap lackluster one that fails to be satisfying and just feels thrown in out of obligation.


  3. 9 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    (Got a Stick)

    I mean hey if Kellam can still surprisingly have 100 chance to hit and do enough damage to make a log worthwhile in terms of "Eh, I got it for free." I ain't turning down sticks. 

    11 minutes ago, Ottservia said:


    I mean maybe it has something to do with how the Fire Emblem was repurposed since marth’s games 1,000 years prior to awakening. Like I said, awakening would benefit greatly from a prequel about the first exalt and Grima’s initial rise to kind of answer these questions. They don’t have to make it a game either. I’d be perfectly content with it being an anime, manga, or even a set of light novels.

    Awakening would need one hell of a prequel to justify the fact that the 6 (Allegedly) writers apparently only skimmed the fan translation of Marth's games and not have it come off as desperate justification made after the fact.

    They had to even retcon an entire reason to exist for Grima and IMO that was pretty terrible (both in ways of how it was told and the actual content within) in Echoes, they just expected people to believe that there's an generic evil kill-everything dragon and not question it never being mentioned before, in a pre-established continuity where it never existed before.

    In addition to other stuff like Alm's Falchion seemingly not existing since no one ever mentions it. 

    This is the game where Panne never met her mother or any of her race in one support but did know her mother in another.

    The game almost feels like it was ment to be an standalone continuity but then for marketing reasons quickly slapped it into Archanea considering the sheer volume of retcons. (or if you wanna be cynical, just didn't care at all.)


  4. 5 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    And this ladies and gentlemen is what we call the uncanny valley of analysis. Emmeryn does something stupid and well she gets captured. Yeah I dunno guys. I don’t think the story is trying to say she’s correct. If anything it’s presenting her pacifism as a flaw cause if it truly believed that Emmeryn’s pacifism was correct then 1. The game would be kind of hypocritical seeing as Chrom does kill Gangrel in the end and 2. This is a video game where people fight so yeah. Cause think about what Emmeryn’s pacifism really gets her in the end. It gets her country ransacked by plegia and Gangrel, it starts a war because her inaction forces Chrom to act in her stead, and it gets her kidnapped thus putting both her and her nation in greater danger. Now with all this into account, would you say the story says that Emmeryn’s pacifism is a virtue? I wouldn’t say so. Too many bad things come out of it for me to consider the story to say she’s in the right for being a pacifist. 

    Hell, initially her speech in chapter 9 doesn’t garner any reaction from the plegians. Which is why she says “no reaction... was I wrong then?” It’s only after Emmeryn takes initiative and actually takes action that people listen to her. She took the action to jump off herself to save Chrom from an impossible choice. It’s only then do her ideals have any meaning because she backed them up by taking action. Peace cannot be achieved with words alone and only ideals backed up with meaningful action can truly make a difference.  So yeah the story agrees with fact that Emmeryn is wrong or at the least her pacifism is but her ideals are what’s correct.

    Except no one ever calls Emmeryn wrong, hell, when Chrom takes over, there's a big bit about he how doesn't feel he can live up to her.

    Her pacifism and ideals are pretty related and I don't see how they're seperated.

  5. 2 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:


    And with that... I think that's enough for today. Tomorrow we'll check out Chapter 9, and...

    ...Seriously? We're at Chapter 9 already?

    The one where Emmeryn dies!?

    But it feels like the war just started!

    Christ, this is more rushed than Radiant Dawn Part 1.

    ...Stay safe, everyone.

    Don't forget obtaining Tharja, the magic user who somehow has 45 defense growth so she can actually compete with Kellam, therefore making her incredibly busted since she'll get nearly 30 Defense before you even second seal in my experience.

    Also Not-Lucius.

  6. 1 minute ago, Alastor15243 said:

    I don't know. I mistakenly thought that lunatic skirmishes started out being basically impossible because the enemies have capped stats, but... apparently not. Which means that the accusation that Lunatic was designed to sell DLC... doesn't really feel likely, since the free methods are about as practical and also the paid methods don't show up until you've beaten Chapter 4.

    Lunatic + exists at least and I don't think they would have made the DLC if they didn't think it'd sell.

    For the Free Methods you have to (apparently ) wait IRL hours like it's a mobile game since those are generated by your 3DS clock. (or mess with the clock manually.)

  7. 57 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    ...I almost forgot about their infamous decision to make bandits other than Donnel have this bizarre fashion sense choice to put pots on their heads.


    I mean I can kinda see it as an "Improvised Helmet" kinda thing.

    Granted I have no idea how effective pots are at actually stopping a sword swing or anything.

    57 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Frederick very kindly warns us that only mages and fliers can handle the sands.

    I made Lissa the War Cleric and I actually found her useful as a sorta bootleg Axe DreadFighter since she could run up unobstructed to enemy mages and kill them with only a little damage taken in Desert Chapters.

    57 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Huh. Weird. Skirmish enemies still don't have exceedingly ridiculous stats yet. My Alexandria can still take these guys.

    Right, then “The Hierarch” shows up, outs himself as a traitor, and is then swiftly slain because Plegians have no respect for dirty traitors once they've outlived their usefulness.

    This man was a close advisor to Emmeryn during the most traumatic and tumultuous time in her entire life.

    He dies right in front of her immediately after revealing himself willing to sell her out to save his own skin.

    We will never hear about him again.


    Do we know how Awakening's Skirmishes are generated? I swear early on (On Hard at least) they're hard because it's mostly only one enemy type (Which is REALLY FUN when it's a bunch of Wyverns/mages on your early-game party) but now that I've gotten further it's mostly a bunch of different units, actually make them easier because my low res units/anyone with low defense isn't getting bombarded with damage. (I'm wondering since Arcanum, a CRPG also had a problem with early game random encounters ironically being much harder than late-game ones, since a late-game bandit can be given money/speech-checked away, while a wild pack of wolves can't.)


    I completely forgot the Hierarch was even a thing.

    57 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    ..Ah yes, so, the border's been breached completely offscreen, and... man, that just feels weird from a narrative perspective, to have such a huge and impactful thing happen offscreen. Granted, there's only so much that the protagonists can be direct witnesses to, but I mean... the scene we were direct witnesses to was complete trash. What the fuck was the point of the Hierarch? I think I could count his lines on one hand!

    And also... so, did Phila tell, like, everyone in her pegasus corps where Emmeryn was going? How did Cordelia know where to find Emmeryn, so that her comrades begged her to flee to warn her? And why was the Hierarch the only noble traveling with us?

    Anyway, Emmeryn decides to be a complete and titanic dumbass and return to the capital, advancing into unsure territory and tons of enemy forces. She justifies it with words about keeping the people calm with their leader nearby, but seriously, if you want to keep their morale up, do shit that will let you reclaim the lost territory!


    Oh for fuck's sake. Such arrogant, self-righteous twaddle. Is this some part of your effort to save the Plegians' souls or something? YOU ARE NOT A MARTYR, EMMERYN. YOU ARE THE RULER OF A FUCKING COUNTRY, AND THE LIFE AND LIBERTY OF YOUR COUNTRYMEN IS PARAMOUNT.

    That line makes it sound like she thinks she's doing 4D Chess: Jesus Christ edition. I was not prepared to be set off by the profound, patronizing arrogance of that line.

    And then of course, literally the next scene, the next fucking scene, Basilio arrives with news that Ylisse has fallen, which just raises... all kinds of questions about the timescale of messengers, but like, that's a problem with damned near every game, and only Sacred Stones really managed to push the envelope for messenger travel time stupidity.

    ...Oh no, right, it's not the same scene. First there's the infamous scene where Sumia tries to slap Chrom to snap him out of his near-comatose state of worry... only to accidentally punch him in the face because apparently she doesn't know how a slap works.



    Yeah Emmeryn's entire "MAH PACIFISM" is pretty awful and the same with the punch and how it's one of the most tonal whiplash I've ever seen. (more so since it turns out Chrom was completely right to worry.)

    The punch was pretty much the moment that made me become apathetic to the fates of anyone.

  8. On 12/20/2020 at 7:54 AM, henrymidfields said:

    Yeah it's kinda weird how Peach remains relatively helpless in the main games.

    At least do what Paper Mario did where she was shown still actively trying to escape and such in one of them if I remember.

    (Also Super Princess Peach was pretty fun.)

  9. 5 minutes ago, ping said:

    Now I have to see how many evil FE women I can think of :lol:I know that Jugdral has a couple, but I'm too unfamiliar with those games.

    • FE6 has none, I'm pretty sure. Both Brunya and the pegasus rider boss are portrayed sympathetically.
    • FE7 has Sonia. It's debatable how much free will she has as a totally-not-a-morph, but she is acting a lot more cruel than Limstella. Luckily, Sonia was created to be a honey trap, so she can be hot despite being arguably the most evil in this list.
    • Selena is sympathetic. No evil women in SacSto.
    • Petrine, who is definitely more bloodthirsty than I'd consider reasonable. Not super high up on the evil-o-meter though, I'd say.
    • Can we count Ashera? Can't think of any other women who are even just antagonistic, unless we cound Miccy. All the senators are dudes.
    • Camilla, although the writing disagrees. Peri, although "woman-child mass murderer" only counts as mildly eccentric in Fateslandia.

    Don't forget Ursula, she was pretty evil last time I think. (She at least seemed more open to evil acts, I doubt even Linus/Loyd would be willing to try to kill Zephiel since he's a kid if I remember right.)

    Also I guess if you wanna stretch it, there has to be at least some evil women in the amount of generic pegasus riders you kill.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Emperor Hardin said:

    Eremiya should at the very least, be age 40. Given she was already brainwashed and killed Clarisse's parents when she was too young to remember them.

    Her brainwashing also causes plot holes as unlike Hardin who did have some deeply buried jealously issues, she just goes from loving children to laughing when seeing them die.

    I get the impression the only reason Eremiya looks good is because they wanted to sexualize Eremiya and enforce "Beautiful people have beautiful souls."

    The good ol' FE trope of "If you're ugly, you're probably evil."

    Maybe healing magic makes for really good skin-care who knows.

  11. 33 minutes ago, Ottservia said:


    2. Not in his character? Have we been playing the same game? One of the entire points about Chrom’s character is that he’s self-depracative especially in comparison to his sister. That’s something that’s been well established ever since the prologue. Like Lucina has to get that from someone and her father is likely where she gets it from. He wants to be more like his sister so of course he would apologize for doing something that his sister would deem wrong. Chrom idiolizes Emmeryn to the point where it blinds him to both her flaws and what her ideals truly stand for. That’s the kind of person he is.

    Except literally everyone idiolizes Emmeryn that's not Gangrel, if they didn't they'd probably call Chrom out for blindly idiolizing her without remembering her flaws, which no one does. 

    It feels like the game itself idiolizes her.

  12. 30 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Well I think with Alastor quickly coming up with an example that would have evoked the same thematic beats and made more sense means that no, it didn't need to happen that specific way at all. In fact that specific way was a very bad way of displaying the themes as it contradicts the true weight of the themes by basically making Chrom quite inarguable correct in his actions.

    Pretty much, I never get the vibe that Chrom's ever actually in the wrong in Awakening. (Well, he's an idiot for hiring Robin, brushes off killing Raimi's soldiers to the point of sociopathy and such, never actually in the wrong for anything that the developers want to see as flaws.)


    38 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    I’m not saying that it’s okay for writers to be lazy far from it. What I am saying though just because a moment may seem contrived or unrealistic that doesn’t mean it actually is. Cause sometimes there is meaning to those moments. Thematic meaning. Like with the awakening example, there is a purpose for why all that had to happen in that specific way. It was to showcase a specific idea and it does that relatively well if you ask me. Just because it seems unrealistic to you that doesn’t make it unrealistic to everyone else.

    And just because you don't see at is unrealistic doesn't mean others can't.

    Also Thematic meaning is literally the problem, it's painfully obvious the game is trying to push a (as far as I can see in my playthrough as this LP is actually what's motivating me to finally finish it as I originally called it quits in the early Valm Arc) not very good message, the events in the story are contrived  intentionally to push a theme. (And IMO that Theme is terrible anyway.)

    There's a difference between having themes naturally occur on your work in a way that players can pick up on and decide for themselves and sorta forcing them onto the player by contrived means and effectively preaching it to them.

    An "Out of universe" reason doesn't excuse it from an "In Universe" view.

  13. 4 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Three Houses ditching the weapon triangle made swords, axes and lances just feel like a big blob, where 90% of the time, there's no reason to use any other basic weapon type than the one your class has a faire in. The others, bows, gauntlets, white magic, black magic, dark magic... they were all distinct enough from each other that there could be a reason to use them even when you have a class bonus in something else. But why would you ever want to use lances as a swordmaster when swords are not only more accurate, but also more powerful thanks to the faire?


    As probably controversial as this may be, I think if the weapon triangle is going to be ditched again, we should have LESS weapons overall.

    So say, There's only Killing Edges for the "Constantly gets crits" weapon, so Swords have a niche for critical hits. (So No killer lances/axes.)

    So by making it so that certain niche weapons are only available in one weapon type would make the actual weapon types stick out more.

  14. 34 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Yeah, Emmeryn just shows complete shock that a genocide against Panne's people happened. Where did her people live? Why does Panne's warren owe Ylisse a debt that she came tonight to repay? I have so many questions!


    Honestly I was just amazed Emmeryn in like 2 sentences was able to make Panne go from "Humans suck" to "Eh I guess you guys are alright.", I can't say much about Tellius as I've not played them but I feel fantasy racism rarely lands, granted most don't have an literal instant 180 like Panne as your introduction but I still feel that generally it's kind of a difficult thing, too underplayed and it feels like it's pointless but too overplayed and it can feel like preaching about real world issues to the point of being obnoxious.

    34 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    ...Why does Chrom need to leave for Ferox? Like, did we get any sense of the initial military support he got before deciding he needs more? And why is it taken basically as a given that Plegia has a vastly superior military to Ylisse and Ylisse can't win without help from Ferox? Is Ylisse's military that tied up dealing with the Risen? Why isn't Plegia's tied up the same way? Does Plegia just know how to deal with Risen with Grimleal magic or something? I mean the risen show up everywhere on the world map, so obviously it's not just localized to Ylisse...

    Honestly considering Emmeryn is a pacifist to the point of absurdity, I wouldn't be surprised if she reduced the army on some fashion. (At least significantly. considering how they seemingly only have a single note-worthy group dealing with the bandit problem.)


  15. 10 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    If all he needed was for Chrom to take a single Plegian life, context be damned, then Gangrel could have used the corpses of one of the hundreds of Plegian soldiers he sent over the border to pillage the various towns as bandits. It's literally Chrom's job to stop those people and he must have killed at least a hundred by this point in his capacity as commander of the Shepherds.

    And I don't understand what exactly Chrom's actions enabled Gangrel to do. Gangrel's already pillaging villages and launching assassination attempts on royalty. What exactly was stopping Gangrel from declaring war if Chrom hadn't killed those soldiers?

    Even if Chrom attacked first, wouldn't Gangrel just lie? like he already was doing with Maribelle?

  16. 40 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:



    I don't remember that being much of a problem on any of the other 3DS games, but it was certainly a major problem on Awakening...


    Yeah I'm really glad Echoes actually went back to having the trees only be on the actual tiles, there were way too many times when I was new to Awakening where I'd think the trees ment a tile was a forest tile...only it was actually the tile right next it, then the enemy I was trying to fight from the advantage of the tile would get the tile bonus.

    Now I basically just slowly scan all nearby tiles while keeping an eye on the actual Tile bonus indicatior.

  17. 7 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Of course let us not forget that right after Emmeryn "dies" Chrom and co travel to Regna Feroxi and help out Anna before going back into Plegia to fight Mustafa...Yeah, how the hell did no one catch how inappropriate the unlocking of that paralogue is? Like every single person who played the game and played Paralogues right away must have noticed the disconnect there.

    Ah, I think the issue here is that that article just hasn't been updated since the release of New Mystery, which seems possible with a lot of this Serenes stuff. The wikia article does say it's in Awakening. Which explains to me why low hit critical always seemed to screw me over in Fates. And it's back in Three Houses. Why do these games enjoy lying to me about statistics and warping my very perspective of probability!?

    The paralogue unlock order is just screwed, I figured the "war" dialogue in my first play through men the situation with Plegia was a kind of cold war situation but it honestly seems like a mistake.

    I'd like an FE game where for once none of the stats are hidden. (support in FE7 or classes effecting your level ups in 3H,)

  18. Just now, Ottservia said:

    But it’s as you yourself said earlier what reasons do the shepards have to trust them. For all they know it could just be a trap. Even then it’s a relatively intense situation. Everyone is feeling a wide range of emotions from anger, sadness, bitterness, etc like they aren’t thinking straight. In moments like this your body just kind of moves because of the adrenaline. There’s no time to think about your actions. You just do. This is a battlefield after all. The she pards would rather take their chances with weapons in hand as Frederick himself states.


    Not what I meant by anything related to Gangrel. Chrom at this point to kill any plegian(well obviously not every plegian just those that are in his way) regardless of who they are or what they’re feeling because in his eyes they’re the ones responsible for his sister’s death. If they get in his way then so be it he will cut them down. That’s how hateful he feels right now and that is what the story deems as wrong.

    Even regardless of emotions though, it'd almost always be a trap, the Shepards could be calm and this scene happened much earlier and they'd still fight these guys.

    Well yeah, dude's standing in your way with a weapon ready to kill you, kinda doesn't matter in the battlefield like you said, he was willing to recruit Tharja when Emmeryn was just about to die and while that's not after, Chrom doesn't strike me as the guy to kill anyone who isn't a threat to anyone's life, I can't exactly picture Chrom slaughtering unarmed villagers or anything like that

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