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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. I guess the moment for me is from Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway for a very good emotional moment.


    Where the game kinda pulls a cruel monkey paw situation for one of your squad members (protagonist of the second game as well) Joseph "Red" Hartsock, since long story short he's a soldier who wants to back to his daughter safely, he gets his ring finger blown off (in first person!) in Earned in Blood so he's not exactly having a fun time before the third game starts.

    Essentially the good news is, he gets wounded and he can go home, the bad news is that he's wounded because he took shrapnel to the spine and can now never walk again.

    So it's cruel because sure he gets to go home and be with his daughter but he'll never walk again and you're even left in limbo unaware if he's going to live or not for several missions straight so it's cruel since you think he's gonna be okay but then it turns out that he's paralyzed for life.


  2. 15 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Oh god, it's Camilla. Yeah, yet again I find it hilarious how completely oblivious Dakota is to the overtly fetishistic nature of Camilla's “big sisterliness”, and how he just acts like this is just a mildly annoying overbearing big sister or mother figure. He's being invited to plant his face on Camilla's naked thighs, mere inches from bikini panties with a front triangle whose dimensions he could probably match by steepling his fingers, and he's just... annoyed. How are they going to reconcile this with Dakota turning out to be attracted to her after all in the S support?

    ...Super inconvenient by the standards of My Castle, I mean. It's still child's play compared to the mess that is Garreg Mach.

    ...yeah, Garon is just completely bonkers for no reason, and outright tells Xander to destroy not only Hoshido, but also Nohr. And it is only because Garon inexplicably acts like even more of a mustache-twirling lunatic that Xander behaves any differently in Revelation than he does in Birthright.

    ntion, in as many days.

    ...Ah yes, it's “girl”, the generic Nohrian villager portrait that's... honestly really, really cute. Like, her design is charming enough to be a playable character's portrait. Her bandana makes her actually look pretty cool, too!

    Elise: I'm not young, just short for my age!

    Fuck this line. Fuck everything about this line.


    ...I find it weird that Dakota's favorite food changes depending on the route rather than by anything to do with character customization. Depending on what route you pick, it could be surf 'n turf, vegetarian chowder, or as is the case here, tangy coleslaw. One thing I do like though is the subtle thing where all three of these foods are made by mixing Hoshidan and Nohrian ingredients.

    ...Nope, my mistake. Tangy Coleslaw is pure Nohrian. That's... really weird then. You'd think that'd be the only way they'd be able to justify connecting what his favorite food is to what route you wound up picking. You'd think the pure Nohrian one would be in Conquest, then a pure Hoshidan one in Birthright and a mix in Revelation.

    That said... I always found the idea of Dakota just flat-out forgetting his childhood best friend was a bit... dumb. Especially given how easily he remembers.

    ...Yeah, I really can't overstate just how much more painless and simple My Castle is to navigate compared to Garreg Mach. It probably helps that you can get to anywhere in My Castle on-foot faster than you can get to anywhere in Garreg Mach by teleporting. And making stuff like this quick, efficient and painless is vitally important when you tie this shit to how well you do in a game. My Castle has absolutely nothing as ridiculously time-consuming as fishing or tea time, for example. Garreg Mach is just watching someone put a colossal amount of effort into a feature that actively makes the game worse.


    I swear Garreg would be better if those dead ends were just open, there were many times I looked at the map, went "oh, there's gotta be a door way here, any logical builder in video games or reality would have a doo-FUCK!" then had to teleport/walk back where I came, like you literally would have to just make a few extra doorways and it'd be 100 times better.

    It's really blatant in the upstairs Seteth's office area, like you could navigate that place much faster if it just formed a complete "O" Shape instead of the sorta "C" shape it has for the outer corridors but no you have to always go the long way using the middle corridor, I swear I'd burn the place down if the game let me.

    Elise is so blatantly underage it's really not funny, like you'd have to have taken an Emmeryn-style fall to even remotely believe that, it really does come across as trying to cater towards certain groups but not wanting to get in trouble for having paedophilla in a 12-rated game, then again, if I remember, there's at least one character that still calls you their sister if you S-rank them in the Japanese version, during the romance event as part of their proposal so they're definitely going for fetish value when you're still getting called "Corrin-nee-san" during a "romantic" s-rank.

    Yeah it says alot when your generic villagers have a more appealing design than your main female characters, give me bandana Village girl over Camilla anyday, add her to Heroes IS!, I'm getting tired of shooting down Camilla because she's really popular in the Arena for some reason.


  3. 24 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    I think the bigger problem is that Byleth the teacher has to ask to have basic things like the knights of Seiros or the western church explained to him by his students, despite being the teacher. It makes him look bad at his job.

    Pretty much.

    I mean okay, we have books for lore in the game? and from what I'm aware, the "Journal" is just new-game plus stuff (as well as changing outfits.), why not have Byleth already have this stuff written down in the Journal (and maybe even give the player access to it at the start? in some fashion?) and re-word the dialogue I guess to be more Byleth asking for a reminder/if anything's changed instead of seemingly being completely alien to it.

    Or at least lean into it, Characters really don't seem that surprised if I remember considering how sheltered Byleth seems to have be. (Granted, I can at least buy Jeralt intentionally doing this in regards to the church considering his distrust of them.)

  4. 1 hour ago, ping said:

    I absolutely loathe any "support points from picking the ~correct~ dialogue option" mechanic. Instead of playing a character (or yourself, if you prefer that), you're rewarded for constantly trying to figure out what the dialogue partner wants you to say. Remember kids, the best way to romance someone is to never tell them what you actually think or feel!

    Give me actual branching story outcomes depending on your decisions all day, but that "pick A for love points" bullshit can fuck right off.

      Reveal hidden contents



    Doesn't 3H also semi-regularly award you support for outright terrible advice that's basically just saying what the other person wants to hear rather than legitimate advice? I'm pretty sure it does that a few times.

    Which sticks out more since Blyeths a teacher and should kinda be doing the opposite of that.

  5. I guess another idea for Quality of Life would be AI settings?

    Easy: The AI will sometimes intentionally make dumb decisions, like attacking an armor knight instead of the cleric next to them, not often enough to remove strategy but enough that a single "Left my cleric exposed" mistake is less likely to result in death.

    Normal: Normal FE AI, not really much to say.

    Realistic/Alive: A bit of an odd one, basically gives AI a "Fear of Death" that's more realistic but would arguably make the game easier like in Echoes, they'll retreat for healing if possible and will do "risky" tactics that are bad from a "kill the player" POV but good in a player's/Real life soldier's perspective, if an armor knight can attack a cleric next to a swordmaster that won't kill them, they'll do it, if however a Killing Edge Swordmaster finds himself in that situation between a Cleric and another Unit that will kill him in the next turn (Like another Killing Edge Swordmaster that the player has) they'll go for that desperate crit against the other swordmaster since that'll leave them alive, basically an intentionally somewhat worse/smarter AI that tries to make it come across more like you're fighting human enemies who want to stay alive, this could maybe actually make fighting Morphs/any other sort of "Dumb" enemy more different, as they'd still have normal FE AI due to lacking self-worth and not caring if they die. (Since in some situations the AI falling back to heal is an opening while in others it actually makes the map more difficult depending on the game/map.)

  6. An idea that I've been thinking about is a sorta "player" version of Dark Druid.

    It'd be able to in some fashion gain Quintessence or whatever the lifeforce magic is called in this FE continuity by killing/being near killed enemies (and maybe allies too), using the meter they'd be able to basically use Invoke (except it's naturally more limited than Echoes) to create Morphs.

    Maybe they can also do some sort of extremely inefficient (taking up enough magic to cast Invoke at least once or twice) healing with it.

    This would be the "Lord" character, they'd also be able to use some sort of in-game currency/item to generate "Permanent" morphs, basically MyUnits who's stats you can customize  (With I guess a mix of the Lord's level/some resource dictating how good you can make them.) so you can fill your army with semi (Since there's still a finite amount of the resources needed) replaceable morphs that you can customize to be what your army needs. (I guess the game would need to have less characters than normal to be balanced around this.)

    So yeah you can create both cannon fodder and essentially plotless MyUnits with this lord to help out your army. 


  7. 12 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    In "Before Awakening", yeah, they mention that "Hoshido and Nohr" are ancient legends by the time of Awakening. But they don't say much more on the subject.

    Yeah that never sat right for me.

    So the Awakening Kids want to avoid messing with the time line further presumably, so they go even further back into the past all the while potentially fucking even more things up.

    Revelations seems like the "canon" one so if the Awakening Kids helped out in any other route, they potentially altered the future in some fashion.

    Then again Valentia was suddenly Asian so maybe Awakening is actually secretly one of those "self-fufilling" time loops and the reason Valentia is now Japanese is due to the Awakening Kids altering history, makes as much sense as anything else in Awakening, every single retcon in Awakening is actually the direct result of the Awakening kids fucking up the past.

    At least they don't imply it's the same continent at least, because that'd be even more stupid.

      2 hours ago, Emperor Hardin said:

    You send a unit of your choice to persuade them and a bunch of weird noises happen, then they walk out and say whether the persuasion was a success or not.


      1 hour ago, Samz707 said:

    So implied torture I guess?

    I wouldn't actually mind it as a mechanic, it's just, well Corrin doesn't seem like the kinda person to like torture.


      1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

    Or implied sexy times...


      1 hour ago, Benice said:

    That's...REALLY not what it sounds like. 

    Seriously, I don't actually know what those sounds were meant to convey, and I sorta don't wanna know.


      1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

    In fairness Ryoma begins each negotiation session with "YOU HAVE BREATHED YOUR LAST!"

    I mean, I know Fates is shameless but I doubt it's THAT shameless.

    Then again Tharja's implied to do something to an unconscious Robin in their A support in Awakening so maybe I'm just that desperate that Fates isn't entirely a shameless fanservice game and has some shred of dignity, somewhere.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Holy shit is that garbage. How can these two not have anything to say to each other when fighting on this map!? In case I forgot to mention, these two are transparently obviously Inigo and Severa from Awakening.


    I mean Awakening is the game where Chrom can cut down one of his own daughters and no one comments on it potentially.

    I can't remember exactly (and I'd have to dig through the DLC scripts for most of the DLC online) but isn't it implied that Fates is actually the far distant past of Archanea or something? in the Awakening continuity? I recall hearing something among those lines months ago and Chrom talks about Fateslandia in some fashion.


  9. 2 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Because Corrin makes prisoners fight for him by means of friendship and cookies, while Kotaro doesn't. 

    Can't believe Corrin was secretly Big Boss the entire time.

    Gonna probably finally start up Fates today but what is the actual in-game explanation or does the game just hope you don't think about how Corrin persuades people who's country he's invading in Conquest to start fighting for him? (Since it sounds like it's a decent while before you get  the option to take prisoners.)

  10. 7 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Oh but we can't possibly let our pure and heroic Corrin ally with someone so shady. So instead lets get Corrin randomly get angry at the concept of prisoners of war, and let Kotaro just as randomly decide that he wants to keep a single prisoner so much that he'll gladly kill off the entire Nohrian royal family for it. 

    But taking Prisoners and making them fight for you is literally a mechanic in this game.

    How do you mess up that much?

  11. 19 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Revelation Day 7: Chapter 11


    ...No explanation is given for why Flora... doesn't react the way she does in Birthright... except maybe seeing Dakota's sword glow maybe arguably giving her more confidence or something? Yeah, speaking of, this version of events only turns out to be the “right path” by sheer fucking luck, doesn't it? Like, Leo and Xander only join you due to events that happen entirely outside of your control. But I'll get to that when we get Leo and Xander.

    Speaking of paths, is it just me? or maybe Revelation would have been less terrible if it was shorter? by that I mean, if Fates had actual choices, that mattered and Revelation was actually a path that you jumped into half-way through either Birthright or Conquest depending on choices?

    So Corrin had to actually try in some fashion to get answers via possible to fail side-quests during missions and such instead of just "Did Azura feel like it or not."

    Sure it'd be shorter but well, a good bit of Revelations seems so far like extreme padding, like they had no idea how to stretch this route out for an entire game.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    One single fix. One. Single. Fix. One change that would upgrade this map to merely "mediocre" rather than "nightmarish". Make all the enemies aggro rather than just standing still until approached... and then put a dragon vein near the start that melts the whole map.

    They do that but then they totally reasonably have a "oh no the dragon vein's melted all the stat boosters!" moment, so you're still forced to shovel the map if you want any of the items. 😛

  13. 8 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Revelation Day 6: Chapter 10

    Oh god. Here it is. The big one. The horrible one. The most infamous and hated chapter in this infamous and hated game.

    Chapter 10: Voice of a God.

    Words can't describe what I'm about to experience, but... I'll do my best.

    ...The whole battlefield is covered in more than ten feet of snow. And... they expect us to clear it.

    By hand.

    All of the snow is breakable, and every time you break it, it comes apart in 3x3 sets. This map is 23 by 18. Meaning there are roughly 42 patches of ice to destroy. And they expect you to destroy all of it. Not just to get all of the experience from the enemies. If it were just that, maybe it wouldn't be so bad, because there'd be no reason not to rush the boss. No, it expects you to shovel all of the snow out of the city streets in order to get the veritable Monty Haul of treasure hidden beneath it. Because every single fucking enemy hidden in the ice has a droppable item, including an entire fucking set of stat boosters.

    This map... is fucking monotonous as hell. Every turn is the same thing. Smash a patch of ice with your first action. If it exposes enemies, destroy them. If not, reposition to destroy the next patch, and end your turn. Repeat until done. And if you don't wanna do it? If you just wanna cut a path straight to the boss you can clearly see at the end? You lose out on sooooooooooooo much shit.


    Holy shit this is even worse than I remember. They aren't pre-arranged chunks of ice. It's just a 3x3 patch in front of you from the direction you attack from... which means that if you're up against a wall, or a building's in the way... you uncover even fucking less.

    I refuse to believe that human beings playtested this. I refuse to believe that these devs got feedback that people actually enjoyed this. Actually, apparently I have to! I've seen this map be praised! By people! By someone with a youtube channel that has subscribers! I won't say who, because he seems like a nice person and I don't want to risk using what little clout I have to brigade him for his opinion on a fucking video game, however impossible I find it to understand... but my point is that I've seen somebody go on record saying he doesn't think Revelation has a single bad map, that he thinks it has the best map design of the three Fates games, and that this is one of his favorites.





    Like, I knew this chapter was bad but I can't believe this is real.

    I guess look on the bright side? we aren't in some dark parellel universe where you clearly only a single block of Snow per attack? then again there's probably a really good universe where there's a gimmick where fire attacks actually clear massive chunks of snow and clearing the map takes less than 67 turns like you get a 10x10 block or something cleared because FIRE MELTS SNOW. 

    Me and a friend were joking about FE romhacking, he joked about having "Blizzard maps" where there's a big blizzard that comes and goes and being in the Blizzard's area and not standing next to campfire tiles would hurt you, so essentially a terrible mix of Desert and Swamp maps, this was all done ironically for the most part, as we occasionally joke about an FE romhack could be terrible with terrible ideas to be as anti-player as possible, that'd probably be more fun than this because it wouldn't take 67 turns.

    I just....there's not many levels in video games like this, but I seriously wonder, what the heck was going through the devs minds? considering how Dragon Veins are underused in 2/3 routes, I really wish we had a behind-the-scenes look at Fates because it had to have a been a mess.

  14. On 1/14/2021 at 6:24 PM, Alastor15243 said:

    Revelation Day 4: Chapter 8

    Alright, what's on the docket for today?

    (Reminder comes up on phone: “Defend Fates' business model”)

    ...Well, okay, guess we'll start with that.

    Honestly, my only real complaint about the whole “Three routes you buy separately” thing is that it kills the actual act of choosing a side and undermines what is otherwise an incontestably superior handling of the concept of a route split to Three Houses'. If you decide you actually want to pick a different route for story reasons after seeing the prologue, you're shit out of luck unless you wanna cough up another 20 bucks.

    Actually though, the game does at least let you beat Chapter 6 without buying a new path apparently, and only makes you pay money to continue after that, so it's not shaking you down for money at the literal branch of fate.

    Personally, as I said earlier in the thread, I would've released the pre-split part as a free demo on the eshop so that nobody feels shaken down for extra money when it's time to make their decision, because the decision of which game to buy becomes that decision, and you've already got all the story information you need to choose which game.

    Beyond that? I mean seriously. I can't agree with the people who think it's a ripoff, or that it all should've been released as one game for one price. Do you have any idea how much content is in these games? Birthright and Conquest are easily worth the $40 3DS game price tag, and that's not even the price they're being sold at! You get two 3DS games for 60 bucks, each one with an entire full 21-chapter Fire Emblem game's worth of content, and that's ignoring the prologue chapters and paralogues. Sure, a couple of maps are recycled. Seven, by my count, between Conquest and Birthright. But each one feels radically different to play on due to different starting locations, different dragon veins, and different enemy formations. And again, you're getting the second game at half price.


    It's worth noting this is how the Digital version of Fates works? I'm pretty sure.

    That said, there's no real "good" way to do this on a physical release I think, either A: You make it so the game "Hard" saves that, kinda like how Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D doesn't let you delete your save data, so that cartridge of fates is perma-bricked to that route until someone buys the DLC (Since otherwise delete all that save data and just pick the other routes for free) or make it so that you have to link Fates to your Nintendo 3DS account in an off-line game so the game can use some sort of online DRM thing to make sure you're only playing the route you payed for.


  15. 53 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    Like I said they’re a kuudere. That’s kind of how these kinds if characters work. They start off mostly deadpan and show little emotion but begin to open up and show those emotions overtime due to varying circumstances. 


    Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t the dialogue options in those supports lean more towards trying to convince Ferdinand to not charge in recklessly and get himself killed.

    The problem is Byleth shows emotion from the start with Alois.

    Not in the first one, she seemingly let Ferdinand grab a spear and charge out into the forest without challenging him, then seemingly let him try to fight two Divine Beasts alone  long enough for him to realise that his lance was doing no damage, which seems long enough to potentially get torn apart several times over.

  16. 14 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    I will hold by the opinion that F!Byleth’s design is better than M!Byleth’s simply for this reason. F!Byleth’s design just better fits the whole kuudere thing they’ve got going for them anyway.

    I think it's more how Byleth is paradoxically a complete blank slate and somewhat of a character and it just swings wildly depending on the scene.

    Sometimes Byleth is ment to be emotionally dead, the other scene they're clearly showing emotions of at least one kind, it's more that Byleth is frankly a mess.

    Sometimes they're seemingly ment to really care about the students and then they're letting Ferdinand almost get himself killed in one of their supports.

  17. 11 hours ago, LJ_Tenma said:

    I actually thought I was the only one that noticed this. It's annoyingly blatant when it comes to the Corrin's, as well as the Byleth's. I saw this meme exaggerating the whole double standard where it was a pic of male Corrin and a guy saying that he was annoying, then the bottom half was female Corrin and the same guy  s i m p i n g  for her cause you know, she has boobs (words from the meme). I even saw tweets where people say female-Byleth is much more expressive than male-Byleth, when like literally they're the same exact person.

    It's irritating to me because there's no difference between the two other than their class-access and people they can marry--but that's moreso in terms of gameplay, and even still it's relatively minor. Their character is exactly the same.


    I think it's more because Female Byleth has more of a stotic smile on her face as opposed to male byleth's completely neutral expression.

    Also I never got the "They're stotic!" thing when they're literally displaying a sense of humor with Sothis/Alois right from the start.

    21 hours ago, Axie said:

    i only support this notion if there is a nearly equivalent male exclusive flying class for gameplay purposes. gameplay comes first, and males having to go wyvern if they want to fly is limiting in most games that allow reclassing.

    Nah, fantasy Cavalier on a fantasy Honey Badger, as a slower super deadly mount.

  18. On 1/17/2021 at 2:04 AM, joevar said:

    and when would this action take place? right before you stumble upon hidden enemy, just one tile away? 😄
    if hidden in non fog war then its our standard ambush spawn after all... then you want more ambush spawn ? (please say yes 😛 )

    neat, all (almost) equally important and expendable

    They'd still exist and attack you, you just don't know where exactly on the map they are til' you get close enough/find out where it is via interrogation or something, every other enemy is still visible though, so it's a kinda fog of war but only on specific "stealthed" units rather than the whole enemy army.

    I think it's partly because Female Byleth has more a neutral smile rather than the sorta completely blank neutral look Male Byleth has.


    On 1/17/2021 at 1:03 PM, Alastor15243 said:

    Honestly, before that, I'd want them to implement spousal reactions to death. Like, the second they flash and vanish, it pans to their  spouse on the map, who has a reaction line. And perhaps, depending on their personality, an extra effect. Like, one I imagined: right after the reaction, it might show them on the map again, glowing with an aura while letting out an echoing voiced scream, followed by another line where they declare a bloody rampage of revenge, and they get double their support bonuses that they got with their lover until the battle ends.

    Considering how much work goes into support conversations these days, adding in a couple customized lines for each character reacting to the death of each possible spouse wouldn't be much work at all.

    Of course that's assuming the devs even give a shit about character death anymore. The latest game blatantly assumes it's never going to happen, and it's possible the entire concept of ironmanning or moving on after character death is a dead concept to the devs. We'll have to see.

    That'd be cool and is probably something the series should have already had.

    13 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

    I want the generic early bandit boss who usually dies in Chapter 1 to become playable. When you fight them they act like any other early bandit boss, except the protagonist spares them under the condition that they stop banditry. The bandit initially swears revenge for being defeated, but being spared makes them rethink their life and later they save the hero when they're in trouble.

    Since people already tend to treat the male and female avatars as different characters (gameplaywise or otherwise), go with the Astral Chain method and have the avatar you don't pick be a separate character. They don't have to be important to the plot, though they'd probably be the main avatar's sibling if both genders look similar.


    FE7 Remake with playable Batta the Beast when?

  19. If the abiltiy to moves enemies returns, maybe having it actually be a medieval martial arts throw of some kind as it's own attack, with maybe constitution having an effect (A small cleric probably is going to find it hard to toss a knight but a knight can easily throw a cleric like a ragdoll.), if we're gonna have somewhat silly melee stuff, just add throws/kicks for full effect, I want to be able to toss a guy behind my armor knight so my dudes behind him can stab him.

    There were some martial arts stuff around the Medieval time. (even if I'm not sure if any of the moves in this video are actually any historical martial arts.)


  20. 8 minutes ago, Benice said:

    Bit of an odd one, but if they keep adding Garreg Mach-style stuff into FE, they oughta add some GOOD, fun, minigames for interactions with characters. I lowkey want karaoke in the next FE if it follows a similar model to Three Houses with a base you explore.

    'Cause I'm not inherently against bases that you spend a lot of time in...but I'd like for it to be interesting in a variety of ways.

    Or at least go the full mile, When I ask Rinea if she likes mighty weapons, I should actually get to see her response rather than the generic thing we get.


    8 hours ago, Axie said:

    not that obvious considering he's talking about fandom reception to characters - were it obvious these characters would be received differently 😜

    he is super right though. some tropes are seemingly only accepted for one gender or another, time after time. it's been like this in the west ever since BlaBla came out and hector instantly was buckets more popular than eliwood.

    Yeah Hectors more powerful but don't people still like Eliwood?

    At least for me part of it is how Blazing takes a character we never had time to care for in Binding but then makes them a fully fleshed out character, retroactively making his death scene sad to the player as well as Roy.

    Like knowing more about Eliwood is good but it's not as impactful as with Hector.

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