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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. 1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Try two movies. I did some math, rounding down in the game's favor with every calculation, and I still came to the conclusion that the time I spent watching support conversations in Three Houses over my first playthrough could have been spent watching two entire lord of the rings movies.

    So 6-7-ish movies in total considering how you aren't getting all supports in all playthroughs? (and probably an extra bit from the DLC characters needs added too.)

    Just now, lenticular said:

    I've never understood this particular complaint. If you don't want to watch a support conversation then you don't have to. If you want to get the gameplay benefits without bothering with anything else, then it's incredibly easy to skip them. If you want to watch a handful with only your favourite characters and skip the rest, you can. If you don't feel like watching them now but think you might want to watch them later, then you can skip them and then go back to watch them in the support library. If you want to turn off the sound and quickly skim read the supports instead of listening to the voice acted version, you can do that too. The game gives you plenty of options to engage with the supports in whatever way suits you best. So where's the problem?

    I do want to read all the supports and listen to the voice acting but there's simply lots of them and it's kinda overwhelming to boot up the game after a few battles and suddenly everyone has 2-3 supports.

    I've had over 10 supports lined up at times.




  2. 2 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    To say nothing of the fact that they undermined the sense of time passing by making the monastery look exactly the same all year round, through winter and spring and summer and fall.

    Yeah 3H as a recurring problem where it's missing details.

    Byleth apparently looks sickly after they pass out for....I'm not sure what, people said it was their heart starting to beat but they patched the SFX to the "Divine Pulse" sound instead of a heartbeat so I dunno what it is now but they look the exact same, not even their skin is paler yet most characters can tell they're sick from a glance.

    I know I've said but 3H still feels like it's in development, like we're actually playing some mostly finished beta build where all the small details aren't finished,  aside from the monestary's time of day changing if you spend a bunch of time outside, there are no cool minor details that most games would at least have one or two examples of. (Such as making Byleth more sickly looking or the monastery actually looking different as the seasons go on.. or even just making sure Edelgard's animations don't have her hand clipping through her axe even though it's literally her weapon type of choice.)

    Also I swear it's like watching a movie at times, where you'll boot the game up then realize you have 10 supports to go through, are we sure Hideo Kojima didn't secretly work on this game?




  3. 26 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    That’s actually explained in the artbook. The brand part at least. It’s not a good explanation but it’s an explanation at least. Basically it’s because Robin didn’t know it was there so nobody questioned it. Like I said not the best explanation but it is at least an explanation.

    ...But doesn't Robin literally look at their hand in the intro? We see it in a Robin POV shot. (Not to mention the other person would probably notice when you have sex.)

    Even then, it's on their robes too.

  4. Dirty Mark fan here.

    Making other people fight while you bark orders while hiding behind Hector admiring his muscles is the best tactical decision as well as placing magical mines that are probably considered a war-crime.


  5. Super Smash Brothers:

    Been playing it with friends, picked up Byleth and I honestly like them, I kinda forget they have a sword as I mostly use the Bow. (Much to the annoyance of my friends when I cheap shot them with a charged shot while they're distracted fighting each other.)

  6. 2 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Fair point.

    Anyway... holy shit, Three Houses just feels so much closer now that I'm more than halfway through Fates. We're nearly at the end of this. Well, I guess there's still the Kaga Saga and any future games in the series. But yeah, only three games left. Granted, I've no doubt one of those games will take fucking forever...

    Honestly for the sake of the LP, I don't think anyone would judge you for using new-game plus on 3H to at least avoid grinding up Byleth again to at least skip some of that. (even if you cant avoid having to train up the students I think.)


  7. 23 minutes ago, NaotoUzumaki said:

    Exactly by ties to Grima it’s still a massive background and therefore are predefined.They GAVE A SHITTIER AVATAR ON A MORE POWERFUL HARDWARE THAN THE 3DS. The 3ds was also harder to develop on. Awakening and Fates had Androgynous cutscenes to help but didn’t on a better hardware. I think they announced it WAY TOO EARLY and the Hype got too uncontrollable and the devs said finally said : Story and Character and everything dones. Employees: Boss we still need an Avatar or sales will tanks. : KUSO! Make Byleth the avatar without choices they WILL UNDERSTAND otherwise WERE FUCKED.

    Honestly the Androgynous cut scenes don't work, I think if I recall on that Fates LP there's some errors there I think and the "hooded" Grima sprite is blatantly Male Robin and not Female Robin.

    Also am I mad, or is Robin's design literally a plot-hole? they have the Grima Mark on their hand/uniform but no one notices for several in-game years despite Chrom's dad invading Pelgia, How did not a single person notice either of these things? it's never commented in the entire game despite how it clearly marks Robin as being from Pelgia at the least but no one notices.

  8. 5 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    On the idea of avatars, I still personally think Robin is the best one in the series. He’s written like a persona protagonist just with actual dialogue and that to me is probably the best way to handle an avatar. Cause the thing about most persona protagonists is that they do have a personality and a character arc. It’s just subtle and deeply interwoven with the game’s mechanics and storytelling beats. The same is true of Robin. Who’s arc is about establishing bonds and overcoming doubt. The establishing bonds part is obvious. That’s what the support system is for. Also another thing about Robin that makes them work is how vague and subdued their personality is to the point where it’s really easy to kind of project almost any personality trait onto them and it would still make sense to a degree. He can be almost any character you want him to be so long as he fits within his vaguely defined mold of:

    -Is a tactician

    -Friends with Chrom

    -likes helping others

    and that’s really about it. Everything else about Robin is mostly up to interpretation.

    They still have their link to Grima/Validar and almost certainly being from Pelgia which is more than a little bit.

    And that's kinda why they fell apart for me, I do not like Chrom, nor do I like the vast majority of characters in Awakening. (as well as having Avatar-Worship, which is always annoying.)

    The Establishing Bonds bit just came across as ham-fisted writing (Especially since other games in the series have it be teamwork usually rather than the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP while Robin can just suddenly not lose control to Grima because FRIENDSHIP.) and that fell flat hard due to the fact the Awakening cast are flat-out scum to each other in ways that make them iredeemable for me.

    Such as Nah threatening to eat Ichigo, Tharja hexing her family/tricking Donnel into a ring that's heavily implied to be cursed and the entire Shepards taking years to notice Kellam is gone which all just stack up to eventually make it so I honestly don't care for these characters, so the story insisting these characters have "Bonds" when one of them can vanish for years and no one else notices just makes it fall flat on it's face.


    26 minutes ago, Benice said:

    Personally, I think Byleth is my second least favorite avatar, basically for one reason: Anti-TH bias The fact that they're not customizeable any more than any other unit; not being able to change their appearance is fine, but being unable to select their boons/banes, (Which could be chosen by the game asking you what Mastery class you want to be) bases or growths is kinda sad. I do rank them well above Mark, though.

    Yeah that sucked.

    At least their personal more EXP skill actually applies to others instead of encouraging Robin Emblem, as well as the fact I can make them use Lances instead of Swords (Which is what I did) early on without second seals so I can start focusing on non-sword weapons early on. (though being able to select to be using Lances from the start would have been better.)

    Personally, for a strategy  game a "Commander" PC who doesn't actually fight, such as how it's handled in Command and Conquer is what simply feels the most fitting for the genre.



  9. 19 hours ago, Florete said:

    On avatars: Byleth is easily my favorite avatar in the series, and the reasons why I find are often reasons why detractors don't like her.

    One thing I do find funny is that, after Corrin, people were saying they wanted the avatar to not be the protagonist...which is basically how Byleth works, but no one seems to notice that. Byleth really isn't the protagonist, she's just the player perspective and your chosen house leader is the real story protagonist (And Silver Snow is just...weird).

    Is Byleth perfect? No. But I do think Byleth is the way avatars should continue to be in the future (and I happen to like avatars so I want them to stay). Despite not having many voices lines, I actually felt like I got a lot more character out of Byleth than I did out of Robin or Corrin, in a "less is more" kind of way. Dialogue choices and lack of voice acting go a long way, for me at least, to helping Byleth feel like an actual player avatar rather than a defined character whose name I can change. Even small things like the sad face and music changing for the month after Jeralt dies really worked for me, because my own interpretation of how she would cope in that time is a lot better - on a character meant to represent the player, at least - than just spelling everything out.

    If there's something I would definitely see as an improvement, though, it's allowing voiced dialogue, even just a little, in animated cutscenes where it's called for. Byleth crying over Jeralt as he dies would probably be a lot more impactful even with something really quick and simple like "Please...don't go." For her to not say anything there just feels really weird.

    tl;dr People criticized Robin and Corrin for not being like player avatars, then Byleth came and people criticized her for not being like Robin and Corrin.

    Hey, look at me, I talked positively about Three Houses over Fates for once.

    I do like how Byleth actually isn't an OP super unit in gameplay. (And their extra EXP skill can actually be used for teamplay now, as opposed to power-creep)

    But the problem is...they don't really function as an audience insert beyond being mute, it honestly feels like I'm playing Bramimond at times since Byleth's personality seems to almost change from support tree to support tree and scene to scene, you can't be consistently sarcastic or anything since your dialogue options wildly differ between who you're actually talking to, do you doubt the church? have fun never getting to mention that to Rhea/Seteth during White Clouds because the writers don't want you to piss them off yet, it's extremely limiting to the point where it feels like they might as well not matter. (Also they blatantly tell which choices are "Right" via support gains/losses being displayed on screen.)

    Also they do the thing that seriously annoys me, where dialogue options are frequently either A: ignored entirely (they say a line clearly ment for the "intended" dialogue option regardless of what you say, such as going into the history of a location despite me not picking the line asking about it) and B: frequently having "One choice only" Lines.


  10. 4 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Haha. They did jump to my mind when talking about this. But I think that's a good example of why I think Elise would be more appropriate than Zola. Lot's of people pretty justifably complain about losing Kaze in Birthright, but no one complains about losing Scarlet in Revalation. Becuase she's around for, well zero chapters. You get her at the end of Chapter 17 and lose her at the start of chapter 18, but between that she is palyable for any number of paralogues or DLC missions you might be on. And unlike Gunther (who you lose for one chapter, I think he's playable after you beat him), you can even support and romance her. And maybe someone did do a bunch of paralogues and S supported her at this time (it is when paralogues really start showing up) and then got burned by her dying, but not nearly enough people are going to have significantly invested in her for her to up and die for there to be general complaint, unlike Kaze whom you absolutely can have invested a lot into and then die on you. Elise likewise probably wouldn't see a significant exp investment if she were playable for three chapters near the end game, though as pointed out, she would still be useful for her personal skill, and D rank staves is never terrible.

    Weirdly enough, Scarlet has an unused Paired ending with Corrin in Revelations.

    Maybe they were going to do the Kaze "Survive if Sranked" thing.

  11. 18 hours ago, Jotari said:


    Once the series established Outrealm gates, I actually have no issue at all with character cameos coming from different continuities (and while not playable, they did just ignore continuity to have Anna and Jake cameos in other games). Hell I would have preferred if Gaiden had been in a different continuity to Archanea, because, as I think I've mentioned here already, shoving the two in the same continuity makes Zeke's story absolutely ridiculous. In my attempt to remake Sacred Stones so you play both Eirika and Ephraim's route's in a single playthrough (which necessitated creating more characters as the two routes share characters despite taking place in geographically distinct areas), I added Kliff in as a summoner prepromote. I didn't provide any explanation as to how he got to Magvel beyond that he's traveling (established in his ending in his own game) and has an interest in the monsters in that plague Magvel, which resemble those in Valentia. So, yeah, in other words I think it's fine for characters to just be there without explanation. And in fact I think it's better if the explanation is as basic as "They're exploring far off places," or in the case of the White Wings "This is a crazy adventure they accidentally found themselves on while fighting pirates."

    Personally it just sorta makes the series a mess if Time/Universe travel gates are canon.

    Not to mention, sure, there was one in FE7 but it was very much a big deal how it was only one and hard to use, as opposed to "Lets go to the beach for the mandatory anime fanservice episode" like in Awakening/Fates, it kinda cheapens the entire ending of that game if Gate Travel is now suddenly an easy thing to do and suddenly everywhere. (Kinda like how even in the FE games with revival staves, from what I hear they're super rare so you aren't left wondering why no one just uses those constantly or why the bad guy never revives one of their best troops who'd probably still be of use.)

    Then you have all the interacting with past characters stuff in Awakening and Time Paradoxes/time stuff.



  12. 21 hours ago, Hello72207 said:


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    how nice to not change his death quote after he knows his brother's dead. Good job, FE7




    Weirdly enough, there's actually unused death quotes for Hector/Eliwood that account for the fact their Brother/Father is dead, I guess they didn't have time to add them or something.


    On 2/28/2021 at 2:31 PM, Benice said:



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    ...She can't miss, can she? No way. Not even Lyn...




    No wonder Sacae fell to Bern in 6 if Lyn misses, she probably missed a 99 chance to crit Zephiel and end 6 before it starts and missed.


  13. On 2/19/2021 at 2:56 PM, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    If they bring back the Augury from FE7, this could be a good use for that. The fortune-teller could analyze a unit's growths, describing in which areas they "have great potential", and where they "are likely to struggle". Similar to the IV checker from Gen VI Pokemon, if anyone is familiar with that - or the Love checker from Genealogy. Of course, it'd be less exact than simply displaying the growth rates - but it would provide an in-universe explanation.

    That would be cool, I really like the Augury in 7 for..well, actually being useful.

    In 6 it just tells your general ranking stats while in 7 you get a bit of an idea of what's ahead of you from most of them.

    So yeah a  thing that at least tells you if someone is "Good, medicore or bad" in stats growths could be cool.

    On 2/15/2021 at 4:49 PM, Shadow Mir said:


    On the other extreme, we have Wendy. Even if we ignore that the giant maps make Binding Blade one of the worst games to be an armored unit in, there's still the fact that she comes underleveled, has godawful bases, joins right before a part where the game starts primarily using axe units... as I see it, even when accounting for the possibility that units may have died, using her is a very hard sell, as she's an even bigger pain to train than Sophia (and even if you didn't mind the weaknesses of an armored knight, there's Bors and Barth, both of whom are much easier to raise). Anyway, another issue I have with this is that even if I did lose a unit, this game is such that it might be easier to continue investing in the decent units I have left rather than trying to babysit a unit that probably won't justify the investment needed, and thus would likely wind up being a liability for the sake of filling up a deployment slot. I mean, sure, you could say "just use Oujay" if Dieck bites the dust, but depending on how far in the game this happened, that can quickly turn out to not be much of a solution unless you happened to have been using him anyway - something that I wouldn't exactly say is a guarantee, considering that even if I ignore Dieck, he's still outclassed by Fir and Rutger.

    Plot-twist, Wendy is now a unique Cavalier Armored Knight, trading most of the default durability away for more movement tiles, just give her more movement tiles.

    I said it somewhat as a joke but it could be interesting if a Remake balances Wendy by actually giving her more movement (maybe buff her defense a bit) and she in-universe is wearing less armor so she can move more tiles than a normal armor knight ,so trading durability for getting to fights quicker.




  14. On 2/25/2021 at 6:19 AM, Jotari said:

    I wouldn't say it's recent. Awakening was released nine years ago. If anything I think they took a bit of a step backwards from hard core pandering with Three Houses. The characters designs in that are much more modest, they, very thankfully, didn't shorhorn child units into it (course it was also notoriously rushed, if they did get another year then *shudder* child units might have happened) and even the teacher fetish was dialed back considerably with the direction they took Part 2. Hell they didn't even manage to get the sauna into the original release of the game!...

    Awakening/Fates are among 3 most recent (discounting Echoes, which is a remake of a less fanservice heavy game.) Fe games and even then Three Houses still had pandering to the player with Byleth as well as selling Maid Costumes as part of the DLC.

    It could go either way, we could end up with Awakening/Fates 2.0 or no obnoxious pandering in the next game or still in the middle ground 3H is, we can't really say for sure any way.

  15. 1 hour ago, Dandy Druid said:

    Can Fire Emblem even be considered otaku-bait at this point? Not to toot IS' horn, but the series is wayyy too mainstream now to be considered a niche otaku game. It's nothing like, say, Conception, or something along the lines of that. It has some aspects of it, but there's a bigger picture beyond it.


    And don't get me started on "fanservicey" characters or characters that were designed in a way to be attractive. That has always been in this series (and nearly every videogame series tbh) and it started with the very first FE game with Linde. And this isn't to say fanservice characters are bad, because Linde is a wonderful character. But let's be real, she was definitely designed to look beautiful and have male fans.

    Yeah but there's a probable big difference between Linde and Camilla or Tharja in how they're written. (Man, it's totally good logic how Tharja just suddenly develops a major yandere crush on Robin, for literally no reason other than "Because Robin is the shitty player self-insert", just after meeting him one chapter earlier and not even a full day later in-universe is such good writing and I doubt Linde has that sorta interaction with Kris.)

    Awakening and Fates are blatantly trying to pander way, way harder than other FE games and personally it's just obnoxious. (Especially since it's literally the exact opposite of what I like about Player Inserts.)

    Also Fae wasn't written to be "Loli but Legal" which is a pretty big distinction in how the Pandering FE games treat their Dragon characters, Fae is a child and it's played for Drama in some kinda dark supports, such as with Igrene while Nowi in Awakening is just there to be "Oh it's legal because she's actually a 1000000 Year old dragon who just looks and mentally has the age of a child."


  16. 51 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


    And just to comment on thing that stands out from the above, Female Byleth as a potentially late addition? 3H being like not-old Persona being a coincidence or not, that is very SMT, considering how rarely they offer a female option to this day.

    It could also mean that Byleth wasn't truly intended to be an avatar, initially at least. Because half of humanity can't self-insert so well if you deny them the choice of their gender. 

    However, could it simply be that establishing Byleth with everything in one gender was a priority, even if they always had two in mind, and that backfilling the other gender and its differences would be an easy task they could handle later? I don't know enough about game development to know if that'd be odd or not.

    Yeah 3H feels a bit like Male Byleth was first, Manuela flirts with both Byleths but for some reason can only have an ending with Male Byleth.


  17. Honestly I do hope that original massive script of Fates comes out, 'cause I wanna see how much of the absurd stuff (like the MyCastle Pocket dimension that gets introduced in one of the most whiplash inducing ways possible or the baby dimension) were actually part of the script or forced in by IS.

    Was Revelations even a thing in that script? Did everyone still endlessly praise and want to fuck Corrin? Does Azula's singing still make no sense? Did the random Awakening Cameos exist?

    I'm curious if the initial big script was a trainwreck too or if IS took a hacksaw taped to a chainsaw taped to a Circular Saw to the script.

  18. 16 hours ago, Axie said:

    yes exactly! everyone knows conquest's storyline is bonkers dumb and revelation was written in five minutes on a napkin, but birthright is somehow just as bad when it has no right to be.


    I was gonna go Birthright first since the whole "Woe is me" stuff with Conquest Corrin was going to annoy me but I guess I dunno what route I'm going to do first then. (other than not Revelations at least.)

  19. 2 hours ago, Axie said:

    i can't wait until you are done with this half-baked afterthought so at least the playlog will be exciting for you again. for the gameplay if nothing else, though i still think birthright's storyline is surprising in its awfulness and will be fun to read about.

    Wait? Birthright has the surprising Awful story? I thought that was the "woe is me" stuff of Conquest?

    or are you just meaning that all 3 are awful and Birthright is just surprising in how it still manages to be awful?


  20. I've returned to playing Fates myself. (kinda got side-tracked with Fallout, I'm sorta bad at sitting down and playing through an entire game at once and even then it's more I'm squeezing some Fates in-between sessions of Fallout:Tactics.)

    So I'm kinda curious, I know some sort of promo thing called Conquest "Embrace the Darkness" or something (which isn't what happens, at all.) but does anyone here think Fates would have been improved if Conquest was actually an evil Corrin route? like they know they're working for the bad guys but don't care as opposed to what actually happens in the game.

  21. 2 hours ago, Sooks said:

    It’s not even based on what they say to you in the monastery half the time, shoutouts to Shamir having a lost item that is referenced in one support.

    That's pretty terrible.

    But yeah the system just encourages wasting time spamming all the items on everyone til' someone accepts it.

  22. 9 hours ago, ZeManaphy said:

    I disagree that there is 0 reason to talk with students outside of your class. You can learn details about how students feel about their current situations, or and potentially learn a bit about their history. For example, after the Tómas incident, Lysithea will tell you that she had little no knowledge about Tómas’a relationship to House Ordelia, not even being aware of his time during his visit. It points to the direction that Tómas was murdered and was being impersonated by Solon. The first playthrough is the best time to be interacting with the outside students since a completely blind player will probably want to interact with everyone just to gain enough info on the current scenario. 

    Or if you want gameplay purposes, returning items is a reason why players would interact with foreign students. And let’s not forget beginning quests. 

    Except returning items is a mess.

    Most of the dialogue when you talk to them while walking around, is pretty generic "oh Hey professor! did you know (Insert plot point of the month) here?" of the entire cast only 2-3 of them will generally have something actually worthwhile to say a Month.

    Even when I went out of my way to talk to everyone else at the start, I still have no clue where half the lost items go to, because most characters have not said a single thing indicating which items would belong to which, so delivering them was just spamming every single lost item I have (well over 10, I'm pretty sure I must have every single one in the game by this point.) at people occasionally, it's like the devs forgot you're only going to really get to interact with your own house and therefore are clueless for any item that doesn't belong to them, it's pretty much Trial and Error.

    I'm on my first playthrough and all I feel is that the devs forgot you don't actually get to interact much with anyone not part of your house, 1-3 lines of mostly "Hey did you know about current plot event?" does not tell me which item belongs to which character, it's a system that feels like it only works if you've already beaten the game numerous times and know which items belong to who via that.


  23. Kinda late but I remember being surprised seeing Azura with an axe in Heroes.

    As for text the devs forgot to alter, 


    Doesn't Azura die in one route? yet if you got her paired up with Corrin before that happens, the game literally still has the same Corrin ending where he changed the world with his love interest, despite said love interest being deader than Cornelius.


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