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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. Since apparently the DS remakes were kinda lackluster.

    If they ever somehow decide to remake them, again, (so presumably on the switch and with full voice acting and such) I'd like actual references to Echoes/Gaiden:

    Like mentions of trade with Valentia (maybe even a small handful of Echoes introduced weapons/items showing up explicitly as stuff given from Valentia) or Jesse and Kamui's mercenary kingdom actually getting hired to fight in the war of New Mystery, just actually acknowledging Valentia  in some capacity.

    It just annoys me how Valentia is left in a perfect situation for us to have Marth/Alm interact...and then never followed up on. (Even the Celica/Marth support in Warriors just sorta throw-away mentions they're in the same universe and does nothing interesting with it.)

    So if we ever do see Archanea, I'd like Echoes to exist more than "Oh Hello Camus Zeke  New Character Sirius with Conrad's mask.

  2. 4 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Still, Zeke wouldn't be a noble in Valentia. He has no family connections, and it's not like the Duma Faithful are vouching for him. He has some mean ability, to be sure, but it's not clear he'd have time to rise to a position of General.


    Honestly I'm kinda surprised Valentia Accord didn't add some sort of minor rebellion/conflict to Rigel that Zeke could have essentially "proved" himself in or gotten the previous generals of Rigel killed or something leaving a need for new generals. (or just any event where people would be getting promoted more rapidly than usual due to a sudden lack of generals.)

  3. Jeralt should have had a less good relationship with Byleth. 

    Jeralt has to keep referring Byleth awkwardly by gender-neutral titles, seemingly didn't inform them much about the politics and church of Fodlan (I can understand the church from stuff I heard about happens later) since Blyeth has to have it all explained.

    I dunno I just felt like it should have been a relationship more awkward than just on Byleth's emotionless side on some fashion where they're somewhat distant before the start of the game, with that explaining why they never really cared enough to seemingly explain basic world building stuff to Byleth and really only fighting stuff. (since it does come across really awkward at times of "how has Byleth never heard this before?")

    Also 3H should have just ditched Avatar-S-rank Locks, While I do think it's silly having everyone be bi for the avatar, stuff like Manuela (and apparently Claude) still acting flirty with the "Wrong" gender of Byleth, doubly so if that character does have a gay option with someone else, feels incredibly unpolished to the point where it honestly seems like we only had Male Byleth at the start or that Byleth's gender was going to depend on the route somehow, it simply doesn't feel like Byleth being the "wrong" gender in a route wasn't considered much of the time and it sticks out much more than "Everyone gay for the Avatar."

  4. Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel:

    Not to be confused with Fallout:Brotherhood of Steel, (A really bad console spin-off.) it's basically a more action-y Tactical squad-based game in the Fallout Universe, enjoying it so far and I do like actually being able to control my companions instead of relying on really bad AI.


  5. I used to think Waifu Emblem was the entire series, as a result of Fates and Awakening being my only real early exposure to the series. (and actually had to explain to a friend that the entire series isn't Waifu Emblem since his first exposure to the series also was only Fates and Awakening.)

    I also thought for a good while that Awakening had to actually be a sequel with a pre-existing set of characters, simply because Robin's introduction to everyone is so awkward I assumed it was a bit like what Sonic Forces did where they just threw in your OC with characters that already existed.

  6. On 1/30/2021 at 1:24 PM, Vince777 said:

    I really hope they will stop releasing mid-polling results starting next year.

    People stop voting for their true favourites at that point and just bandwagon/counterbandwagon.

    Well the way I see it, it lets me put further votes towards characters I know have a chance.

    I gave Gatekeeper one vote initially after giving votes to other characters I'd like to see in. (Jedah, Kamui and Brigand boss) but put the rest of my votes towards Gatekeeper since he had a chance, I still wanted to see him in before the mid-poll but he was the only one with a chance so I voted for him.

  7. 12 hours ago, the actual real soul said:

    yeh but they make it seem like only women are allowed to feel that way or something

    While it's true there is a bit of a bias and such, it's nonsense.

    You're allowed to feel insecure about yourself and probably a large amount of people who boast they aren't, actually are somewhere inside and are compensating for it.

    That said, don't let it take over yourself as you are almost certainly less ugly and such than you think.


  8. 48 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    And now it's time for the story. Speaking of, thank you to the people pointing out that Anthony actually fits with Vallite naming conventions!

    Okay, so, he talks about how the few remaining Vallites are trapped in the castle and forced to work as Anankos's slaves, and I have one burning question as I think about what Valla used to be like:

    ...Was it always a mess of floating continents? If so, how did people get around when this was a prosperous and flourishing nation? Are the methods we're using what they used? Did every community just come up with its own wacky way to get to the neighboring islands, from teleportation to floating blocks? Because otherwise I am just dying to know how these guys got around.



    Clearly they just flew around.

    Just reminded me of the "Floating Islands" that came out of nowhere in Tomb Raider 2 with Flying Warrior dudes.

  9. 3 hours ago, The Moon Mage said:

    That's an odd way of spelling Thracia 776. Don't get me wrong thracia is still a good game but you can't deny that so much of the game can be broken into a pieces. 

    Is it possibly to solo the majority of the game with Nosferatu and literally only a single unit? because I seriously doubt any other FE game gets this braindead without at least effort from the player.

    Personally, this is why Awakening turned me off, if you wanna see all those supports/child units, you have to constantly wait IRL days for enemy spawns and can easily get yourself stuck since you tried using everyone early on but now you've hit a stage where the game expects you to have decently levelled units but since that EXP was all spread around, now you're stuck, so trying to experience all the content is a drag, so it's not fun because it feels like playing an obnoxious mobile game and being locked out of it. 

    This is very much A: not a good introduction to FE and B: Not fun at all to me. 

    Or you just Nosferatu Robin then the game is quite literally braindead to the point where it feels like the developers never play-tested the game properly, doubly so if you have Nosferatu Tharja.

    There's no real strategy and the game is just boring, either you extend your playtime by weeks via waiting for spawns or you play the exact opposite of a strategy game and play most of the game on auto pilot with Nosferatu in my experience.

    Heroes has an energy system that actually feels less intrusive than the grinding in Awakening, that's how bad it is, Awakening legitmately feels more like one of those free-to-play mobile games that tell you to buy premium currency so you can get a booster so the grinding isn't tedious than the actual FE mobile game, just replace boosters and such with DLC grind levels.

  10. Male:

    GateKeeper He'd be a lance Unit, have that usually Armor Knight ability of "Units can't move past tiles near them" and basically be a sorta area-denial unit of sorts (maybe even getting Vantage/Ranged Counter?) as a sorta hard to dislodge tile blocker but lacking in actual offensive power. (So most of his skills and such, not too familiar with Heroes as I'm a newbie so I can't list many skills exactly, would be the kind that trigger when the enemy attacks first.)

    Jedah, Not too sure how he'd work but I really like his VA and he'd be someone new.


    Faye, She'd be riding a Pegasus, (Since I think it's really dumb how none of the Echoes cast have alts putting them in their alternative classes or in Faye's case, a class she can actually be in Echoes.)

    Admittingly stealing it from someone else on Reddit (that I can't find at the moment), but someone stated an alt for Lissa where it's the bad future from Awakening and  I think they stated she'd actually be using Falchion too, While I don't really like Awakening, this is an actually good idea that while I don't personally care for Lissa, it's the kind of cool stuff that Alts should be IMO. (And not "Here's that female character you like in a bikini/BathRobe.)

  11. This could very easily go wrong I admit, but if another FE game had dungeons, what if the final dungeon was a sorta endurance run?

    Basically imagine the Echoes final dungeon, but bit longer and you can't save before the Duma/Berkut fights, if you get a game over at any point, you get a bad ending about how the main villain's plans continue with the Heroes dead and the fallout of whatever that is.

    Additionally, maybe our Lords actually lose their plot-vital status since it's the end, meaning you could actually continue with not-Alm/Not-Celica dead but get a sadder ending due to it, it's an endurance run that'll only game over if everyone dies but keeping everyone alive will be difficult as fatigue and such starts kicking in to your party and it''ll be a genuine challenge to keep everyone alive for the entire ending sequence. ( I guess the main villian would also have to be in-universe killed by anyone, which I'd actually like for FE, since I liked that about Nergal.)

    You'd still be able to make bookmark saves (And maybe Normal/Easy still lets you save before the final boss) but it'd be a challenge of if you can consistently keep units alive/avoid unnecessary battles til' the end.

    So a less unfair Thabes basically but it's the final plot dungeon instead of post-game.

  12. 2 hours ago, drattakbowser said:

    Gatekeeper is a CHEAT !!! He is not a fighting unit ! He doesn't need to win !

    Rinea's not a fighting unit but she got in.

    Gatekeeper has a lance in his cipher art, therefore he's capable of fighting.

    19 hours ago, Mercakete said:

    Oh man. I kind of want this except that it would probably be less funny and more creepy since I think Lima was canonically extremely entitled and promiscuous (and he wasn't a dancer so much as he had a bunch of dancers.) That would be interesting, though... Imagine the conversations with Celica, Conrad and Alm! And maybe even Rudolf, too. And Mila.



    I was thinking he'd be like Rinea and fight with Goblets since he's a drunkard. (Though I  guess his goblets would have love hearts instead of musical notes.)

    Too bad there's no gender in Heroes so we can't have him get buffs by fighting near the ladies.

  13. 2 hours ago, Mylady said:

    Yes, an animation with a more mature theme instead of generic shonen thing. They could do 3 seasons for every game.  

    As for Elibe, first season could Lyn's journey, second follow Eliwood's story finding his father, and third season has more focus on Hector with the resolution of the story, with him finding armads and being the one who kills the boss.

    Then the next three seasons focus on the next generation with Roy as their hero. The second or third season would be basically original material focused on the war and politics of Sacae and then Ilia. Those places have potential to be expanded as full fleshed settings. 

    The problem is that any pairing chosen will piss half of the fanbase. 

    Twist, go for pairings that aren't possible in the game just to annoy them even more.

    Lyn X Wallace, Eliwood X Priscilla and Hector X Eleanora.

    Then for 6: Roy X Echinda, Lilina X Yoder and Wolt X Niime.


    Lyn mode might be a good idea though.

    I wouldn't exactly want a 3H Anime, I don't hate the game but if the anime were to double down on all the highschool anime stuff and such that would be unbearable for me, Awakening is already pretty awful in feeling like a bad romance anime with stuff right out of terrible highschool romance anime and well, if a 3H anime were to lean into that, I'd probably hate it.

    On the plus side since they're not player controlled maybe everyone can stop sucking Byleth's ego off for 5 seconds and maybe Byleth can have something resembling a character consistently. (Maybe even actually show how bloody awkward it is when they start teaching instead of skipping past that to when 90 percent of the cast now adore Byleth.)

    I wanna see Byleth casually describe disemboweling a man to their students not realizing that it's unnerving most of them and other stuff that would probably happen if you made an emotionally stinted mercenary a teacher.


  14. 3 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    You can't vote for Lima in this because he is not on the ballot, and neither is Liprica for that matter. 

    While they fixed a lot of the NPC blind spots this time (mostly for Blazing Blade and Tellius), they definitely did not get all of them.

    Yeah I know but that's the kinda wacky non-canon stuff I'd want from Heroes, I want weird interesting stuff rather than "Here's a character that's already in the game 5 times with a different oufit and some new dialogue that may or may not be awful."

    Or at least characters like Kamui so the Valbar/Leon/Kamui circle isn't broken.

    As opposed to sticking characters we already have in fetish outfits. (Bunny suits, underwear and those Pelgian outfits.)

  15. 8 minutes ago, Magical Glace said:

    As with the past few years I'm once again voting for Wolt every day.  My boy will get his OG version someday!  i hope...

    Interim results with Gatekeeper is honestly hilarious but it's not gonna change anything for me.  I am pretty curious what IS will do if he actually wins though, far more than Chrom or Marth who can just get like, protagonisty things.  

     Yeah thats why I hope  he wins as it'd be more interesting then an alt for a character who already has 5 different versions in Heroes.

    Like Alm is one of my favourite lords, but I'd rather any echoes character without an alt get an alt (ideally one that actually switches their class to another one they can be in Echoes) rather than get another Alm Alt since he has enough frankly.

    Or even just characters not in Heroes, like Jedah or Kamui or maybe even Dancer young King Lima IV who's constantly doing really terrible flirting.

  16. 2 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Doesn't help that Ryoma is the last father you get in either route he's in meaning unless you grind to S support right away you're almost guaranteed to be going for Shiro in the late game.

    I made the mistake of having my first child unit be Tharjas.

    The only other one I ended up getting was Morgan since I couldn't be bothered grinding out battles (since you have to wait IRL days for that.) so I'm hoping Fates makes it not as much of a pain to build supports.

  17. Are there any other units that require a very specific set up to counter like Midori in the game?  (Where if you don't have a blue mage you might as well reset in my experience, and if that Blue magic is dragon breath, reset anyway because you can't kill her since that still triggers her insane abilities.)


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