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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. 51 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    You throw them in jail in My Castle and then try to convince them to join you through persuasion and bribery. They don't have great growth rates generally, though the named bosses generally have better ones. But they can have some awesome skills and utility (just keep in mind any Lunatic-only skills won't be there when you recruit them).

    While it sounds kinda out of character for what I know about Corrin, it seems like a cool feature, generics that are playable is actually what I wished Batallions were in 3h.

  2. 25 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Not sure if I'll be doing weekend playlogs, but I'll definitely be visiting over the weekend anyway!

    I'm usually not that huge on capturing enemies. Usually because I've gotten bad luck with Niles' growth rates, causing him to never stay useful for long despite all the talk I've heard about him being good. He's one of the two guys in Nohr I've never gotten married to anyone for that reason, the other being Odin. I'm gonna try and change that. I'd like to get as many of the children as I can between the three playlogs.

    So what difficulty would you recommend for Fates? will probably start either Birthright/Conquest sometime next week, assuming I don't procrastinate.

    I'm curious, I know in Thracia it was so you could steal equipment but what's the point of capturing units in Fates?

  3. If the Tactician class returns, it should be a mostly non-combatant rally-boy class, with it's skills more focusing on buffing it's allies in exchange for not doing well if it ever finds itself in combat.

    At most they use the stat-debuff daggers from Heroes, which would be weak but debuff enemies for their allies.

    Maybe it can also as a late-ability get the ability to essentially dance and/or massively buff the stats of one unit.


  4. 19 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Yeah, I... I have a bad track record with Rinkah. I tried to use her before, but... this game has a nasty habit, like I said, of taking the Hoshidan units who are the first to buck the now-broken gender restrictions (the first female “fighter”, the first male “pegasus knight”, even if they aren't called those things)... and make them terrible at the thing their class is supposed to be good at. Rinkah has a personal strength growth of 25% (becomes 45% when an oni savage), and Subaki has a personal speed growth of 20% (becomes 35% when a sky knight). Charlotte fares much better and is actually genuinely strong, which is cool, so I don't get why they did this with the Hoshidan units.

    So...for some reason they make characters really terrible in their "canon" classes? I guess it could maybe work once or twice as a character thing, like there's some dude who's been forced into a fighter role despite a calling for magic or such, though here it sounds more like not good design.

  5. 4 hours ago, joevar said:

    FE with gritty, dark, ripe with gore and fully mature story?

    as an FE fans who play it first time as a little kid, and now an adult, im certainly wants to see that kind of FE game.
    but i highly doubt it can please the biggest possible amount of people, which im sure what nintendo wants from IS

    I mean I doubt they'd go full gore but maybe having some blood for a war is hell story during gameplay instead of just during certain cutscenes seems reasonable enough to me.

  6. 1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Oh wow, I'm sorry man. Well at least you got a fixed 3DS for the trouble! Yeah I don't think there's a workaround. Especially since back in the day, when Mangs was doing Corrinquest, he had a separate event for Europeans.

    Shame, I was thinking of maybe finally picking up Fates (Since revelation is basically DLC only and those 3DS servers eventualyl are gonna go down) so I guess I won't be able to visit then.

  7. 16 hours ago, henrymidfields said:

    Oh shit, thanks for reminding me about Fates. And you're right, if Nintendo managed to get away with Fates's incest (which is stupid even for fanservice), the really, there's no reason anymore to worry about Genealogy (which at least is there for good storywriting purposes as opposed to fanservice).

    Who knows, maybe they'll embrace the "War is hell" Vibe Thracia has and maybe we'll get the first FE game with actual blood during combat.

    As someone who is interested (even if I won't play them for a good while ) I really hope they at least don't tone down the "War is hell" stuff since that's a natural fit for FE. (Since perma-death.)

  8. 4 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    Dude if you think the fan service in fates and awakening is egregious in that way then I don’t know what to tell you. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be put off by it cause if it makes you uncomfortable then whatever you do you. I’m just saying it’s not nearly as bad as you make it out to be.

    It doesn't make me super uncomfortable (Aside from Nowi) but it's out of place and comes across as desperate pandering to perverts.

    When I'm playing a perma-death strategy game, fan-service is kinda out of place.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    I mean if you wanna talk about poorly placed fanservice I’m just gonna say Fates is relatively tame compared to a lot of other anime/manga out there and I don’t just mean stuff in the ecchi genre that only air past midnight. I mean just look at Fairy tail which is a shounen manga. Which has shit like this.



    This is supposed to be a gruesome torture scene btw. not trying to defend Fates here cause the way it handles fan service can be a little out of place at times but I’m just saying it could be much worse.

    I mean yeah but a worse wrong in another work doesn't excuse the same wrong in another thing.

    If it's bad enough that I have to explain to a friend who's only FE games were Awakening and Fates that Sexual stuff isn't actually a big part of FE, it's probably bad.



    Silliness? I think everyone's bodies beneath are generic models. Fanservice too I suppose.

    FEH has torn clothes on people's badly wounded artworks, but I think that peaked in extremeness with Female Corrin's summer alt back in the game's first year.

    FEW had Broken Armor too, and it was fairly tasteful.:



    It's still mostly got a good few characters down to their underwear, which is gratitous fan-service to me. (People even make "FE WARRIORS ALL WOMEN UNDERWEAR" videos about that so it's clearly enough to...entertain certain people, again characters are just stripped down to their underwear rather than their armor breaking off.)

    And the fact a few characters have it in Heroes was off-putting to me.

  11. 39 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    ...Oh yeah, one thing I forgot to mention about the raider weapons. As you might have been able to guess by the fact that the tome one is called “disrobing gale”... if you have WTA on your opponent... their clothes explode and they're left in their underwear for the rest of the map. Yeah, uh... Fates is horny. Fates is really, really horny.

    ....Please tell me that Tome doesn't work on Lissa and other clearly underage characters when you fight them in the other routes.

    Also, why does it exist? 


  12. 1 minute ago, Imuabicus said:

    If you struggle and don´t have the patience to find a way around it go grind a map once or twice, come back and try again? FE is a numbers game and it doesn´t hide it´s numbers from you, so you should very much be able to tell when you are too weak, too strong or just good enough.

    The devs don´t need to know how much the player will grind. It is the players choice to grind and if they make the game accidentally too easy for themselves that´s their very own fault.

    Except you know, what if the game suddenly difficulty spikes you.

    Especially if say, the game were to suddenly lock you out from grinding. (I know a friend of mine is worried he can't beat echoes since he last saved inside the final dungeon before the Berkut fight and he's not sure if everyone's got high enough stats.)

    And well, quite frankly, I'd rather not have to grind, I'd rather have a well-balanced game that doesn't pad itself out with needed grinding, to me, I'd rather have a linear game where there's no massive numbers inflation than one with grinding where it's required. (It's part of why I like Fe7 alot more than Awakening.)

  13. On 1/11/2021 at 8:58 AM, Imuabicus said:

    Considering this is left up to the players choice, I´m not really seeing any issue. Some may want to try and use their low level units on a chapter and others may want to roflstomp it into oblivion. Or both on different playthroughs. Skirmishes only enable the latter and have (next to) no influence on the former.

    @Shanty Pete's 1st Mate read this in regard to your post below, since your post is essentially the same as joevars.

    A big problem though is that if you don't want to curbstomp the game...how much grinding do you actually do? 

    I've seen at least one person who struggled in Echoes because they barely touched the dungeons not wanting to break the game online.

    Not to mention the devs won't know how much grinding the average player can end up doing.

    I guess for an example, Brigade E5/7.62mm are strategy games with grinding in random battles, while this is initially fine, you'll eventually reach a point in the main story where they're near impossible without kinda absurd stats...except the random battles scale with them to the point where they're kinda absurd, so if you didn't grind early on, well then you better get used to save/load spam because you're going to die, alot in both the main story and random battles, granted the random battles were extremely poorly designed but even then main missions would have you dealing with borderline super-human enemies in how high their stats were.

    The devs however made another game after, Marauder:Man of Prey, it had the same mechanics and engine but removed the random battles, with the game instead being balanced better since the devs could have an idea of the stats of your characters, since there was only a fixed number of battles in the main story line with a few side-quests for extra battles/exp, the game was balanced better since the devs knew better what stats/equipment the player would have.


  14. 1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Anyway, both big brothers, completely oblivious to the fact that Dakota equally sabotaged both invasion forces, are convinced that Dakota has specifically betrayed them, and... the level of obliviousness and stupidity in this conversation reminds me of this scene I remember seeing of this dad mourning the death of his child, while the kid's like “Dad, I'm right here!” and the dad's like “Not now, I'm too busy mourning you!”.

    ...No, fuck that. Fuck just saying I'd “really appreciate it”. If that actually happens... if I actually have such awesome readers that I cap my battle points at any time for as long as this whole-game marathon lasts, including the Kaga Saga and the spinoffs I might do... I'll do something crazy. Something stupid. I'll playlog fucking anything you guys want. It doesn't have to be even tangentially related to Fire Emblem. It doesn't even have to be a strategy game. If I wake up one morning to find I have 9999 battle points, then the second I am done with the mainline marathon... I am taking suggestions, I am making a poll, and I am doing whatever comes out on top. If you want me to playlog Final Fantasy Tactics, or GhebFE, or “Barbie's Magical Pegasus Adventure” or some shit like that... I'll do it. I'll do it for you guys.

    Clearly you should play Mystery of the Druids, the best point and click adventure game ever!

    I guess if you want a more sincere suggestion (even if I can't help out with battlepoints.), Codename:STEAM? if only because it's weird, obscure and you can get FE characters from Amiibos so it's actually still slightly related to FE, very very loosely and was even being made by IS at the same time as Fates so it seems like a decent-ish fit.

    Admittingly I'm biased and kinda like that game so disregard it if you want.

    1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Ah yes, and... I don't think it's ever explained why Ganglari does this, but it suddenly glows and propels itself up in the air and off the bridge, sending Dakota plummeting to his death since he's holding it. And of course the animation of Byleth flying through the air like a man being dragged by the leash of his absurdly energetic flying dog is nothing short of hilarious.

    Which is when we introduce Lilith, who reveals her true form as a space fish and saves Dakota's life.

    Ah yes, because here's another character who does something better than Byleth: When Corrin needs a Dragon to bend the fabric of time and space to keep him from dying in the super-early-game, it's not because he couldn't handle some random small-time bandit, but because his sword literally came alive and plunged him off a cliff out of nowhere.

    Why no, incidentally, I won't ever let Byleth live that down. This fucker is supposed to be the long-time student of one of the greatest warriors the world has ever seen, he's three years older than Lucina and Ike, and yet he needed divine intervention to survive a fight with a bandit in the prologue!

    Also there's the question of why Lilith, who knows full well the bottomless canyon isn't lethal, would feel the need to save Corrin from falling that badly... when letting him fall and then saving him could have probably helped a lot.

    So, Lilith looks super dumb with her dragon form's 3d model, flying around while still holding onto that ball...

    ...but her theme is amazing, and her portrait is super cute.

    But then she reminds him about that “strange bird” he rescued, that it was her... and I'm like “She doesn't even have fucking wings! She doesn't have any avian features at all! How could Corrin mistake this thing for a bird!?

    Apparently using the power she used makes it impossible for her to go back to her human form, which... really? Just flying super fast? That's it? She never, ever used that much power before in her whole life, even while serving Anankos?

    But anyway yeah this is how they justify the My Castle feature. Your own private pocket

    ...And then Mikoto dies shielding him from the explosion, and Dakota turns into a dragon. And the game over music plays, and it's a great song, but... it's just never used in a scene I give a shit about. But anyway, Dakota's gone semi-mad. He obeys our commands, we can control him and everything, but he can't pair up. He's ridiculously powerful though, so he's instrumental to beating this map, as is Kaze. And Sakura. And Azura. And honestly Rinkah too given the pair-up bonuses she gives to Kaze that allow him to do much of any damage at all. Basically you need everyone here.

    So yeah, in this game, something vaguely like dragon degeneration is described, except it's that Dakota needs to hold onto a dragonstone in order to avoid turning into a feral dragon again if he loses control of his emotions in the heat of battle. With it he can transform and keep his mind, after Azura uses her magic to attune it to him.

    ...You can, of course, remove the dragonstone from your inventory with literally no consequences.


    I...what? I'm so confused right now.

    This would definitely have been a scene I hated if I had played Fates, like at least Byleth's sword doesn't randomly nearly kill him for no good reason so honestly I think this is worse in terms of contrivance, like both scenes are dumb but "sword randomly tries to kill you and never does it again" would definitely have pissed me off more in the moment.

    I guess Corrin has the intelligence of post-brain-trauma Emmeryn.

    Reminds me of Awakening where the generic "Hooded Robin" model/artwork is just clearly Male Robin.

    I guess the idea of Corrin randomly turning into a neutral berserker dragon like if a friendly unit die, took a non-lethal but heavy amount of damage  or something that you couldn't control would have been too good of an idea for a strategy game, so removing a dragonstone from Corrin's inventory would be a real risk to consider. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Jotari said:

    Well even taking the money factor into consideration, Fates did advertise the basic concept of what each side represented in its marketing (again, ignoring that the premise of the Birthright choice is actually complete BS). Both in terms of plot and gameplay (and for those ardent enthusiasts like myself it was moot as Id bought both the games up front, and would have bought Rev at the time too ha it been released). Maybe I just didn:t follow prerelease info as much as I was expected to for Three Houses, but I had literally no idea what the resulting choice would lead to in Three Houses. It:s basiclaly which character design you like the best.

    Pretty much, I had some minor spoilers going in but I made an effort to avoid them so my choices boiled down to:

    Claude, who seemingly ran off leaving the others to die, so no.

    Dimitri, who has a "Inner Darkness", I guess Byleth read the script considering literally nothing happened to demonstrate that.

    or Edelgard, who has none of this, so she just sorta got picked by default.

    There was no real "oh I agree with this character more!"  it was just "uhhh..well this one seems the least like an asshat so I go with her?"

    Again, I seriously doubt this was intended as the opening, this feels rushed.

  16. 7 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Hard, hard agree. I'm struggling to even put into words all the nonsense wrong with 3H's route split. In the game's defense though, my biggest complaint, the fact that it makes you pick a side before you even understand what the sides are about, is technically also the case with Fates due to its business model. Which I think gets needless flak, acting like it's a scummy business practice. If it weren't for the fact that Rev is trash, you would literally be getting three full Fire Emblem games for the price of two, which is an insane bargain.

    Yeah the having to pay first thing is equally if not arguably more kinda worse.

    That said,, Three Houses Route split, I know we don't know that much about the game's development but it almost feels like they actually didn't have an prologue for the longest time, then quickly threw one together as soon as possible once they realized this, it feels so rushed like they actually quickly made it.

    If it turned out that they actually hadn't had a finished prologue til' late in development it wouldn't surprise me.

  17. 3 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:


    ...And then comes next chapter, where I'm greeted by my two maids bending over me in bed.

    ...A really huge bed, that I'm just laying on top of, in full armor, not even under a bedsheet.

    Yep, and now we get a very slow rising panning shot of Elise and Camilla, which is almost certainly intended to give us a good look at Camilla, who...


    Camilla is goddamned gorgeous. The world of, ahem, “art” would be a poorer place if she and her outfit had never been invented.

    But she does not suit the tone. Absolutely nothing about this character suits the tone that the writers were presumably going for, given that this is presumably a story of war and death that's supposed to make me cry. She's an incestuous, obsessive yandere psychopath wearing an assless and crotchless bodystocking, a black bikini bottom, an armored corset with a strap right between her tits, armored opera gloves, and armored thigh-high boots with 6-inch heels. Her every voiced line sounds like she's trying to get someone hard, even the ones she uses while talking to her blood relatives. This game already has serious issues mixing seriousness with wacky anime hijinks, but hooooooly shit is Camilla a microcosm of everything wrong with the tone of this game.

    And the hilarious thing is that basically nobody reacts to her outrageously flirtatious “ara ara” behavior.

    Camilla: Are you all right, Dakota? Did you get hurt at all during training practice? If you did, let me know right away so I can take extra-special care of you...

    Dakota: (Casually smiling) I'm perfectly, fine Camilla. As always, thanks for your concern.

    And then we get Elise, who is absolutely adorable. She's one of my favorite characters in the game in terms of gameplay and story, and she's probably my favorite staff user in Fire Emblem history in terms of gameplay. She's outrageously fragile, but this is actually a game where that doesn't matter! You don't need to live in perpetual fear of her being killed by ambush spawns because there are no ambush spawns!

    ...Yeah, uh... that's one of my thousands of complaints about this story. We really needed more time to get to know the royal families before being forced to choose between them. If they had just increased the prologue from 6 to 10 chapters, that would've made a huge difference. Maybe having a chapter showing the trip from the Northern Fortress to Castle Krakenburg, having all the Nohrian siblings team up with Corrin to fight off bandits or something.

    Ah yes, and now we get to Elise doing the big spinning hug on Dakota, and...

    Leo: Elise, when do you intend to behave like the adult that you technically are?

    Yes, the line that's been memed into oblivion: this game attempting to pass off Elise as legal when she blatantly is not in order to make it less creepy that you can marry her.


    ...Ah yes.


    ...For absolutely no reason whatsoever, this character's appearance has prompted me to give this reminder in case any new readers are listening in: if you haven't played this game before and are just reading this for the sake of my commentary, well first, I'm... well I'm less flattered than I usually am that people are choosing this to be their first experience of any individual Fire Emblem game, but I'm still flattered. Nevertheless... beware rampant spoilers. I am going to be talking about shit before it happens whenever it becomes relevant to the discussion of shit currently happening. You have been warned.

    Yeah, and now there's some cheesy exposition about how good Dakota is with animals, and talking about the “bird” that Dakota rescued a while back (which was actually Lilith, who is really an astral dragon who looks nothing like a fucking bird).

    Lilith blushes when Elise insinuates she's got a crush on Dakota, which is weird because as the DLC reveals... Lilith is Dakota's literal blood sister.

    Ah yes time for me to just barely know what's going on! (since I haven't played Fates.)

    Seriously why are maids a combat class? That never made sense to me outside of maybe as a unlockable joke class, what next, Gong Farmer class? it'd make as much sense.

    I remember a friend of mine who had played Fates sending me Camilla's intro, I was kinda surprised that was real, you know it's bad when Sonya from Echoes looks conservative, like I'm also a straight dude but there's a kinda time and place for this? and my perma-death war game isn't one for it.

    Boy, it'd sure be silly if a future FE game had 3 different route splits but you had like two paragraphs of interactions with the 3 different characters before having to make a choice and there fore actually less about them than this game!

    Corrin's design is pretty much a joke among me and my friends, I'm sure it's wonderful to charge through dirt, rocks, blood, arrows and other bladed weapons laying discarded on the ground and other stuff while barefoot, it's a miracle Corrin hasn't suffered from Gangrene.

    I "like" how Elise looks 14 at most, yet the game insists she's an adult, that doesn't even fly in Japan considering how A: 14 isn't the age of consent of all of it and B: I've heard it mentioned off-handedly that even in those areas, there are people campaigning to have it raised.

    I guess spoiler tags since I'm not sure how much you want to spoil, 


    but isn't Azura also related to Corrin? yet the game pushes for that pairing. (Despite her actually dying in one route but Corrin's paired ending doesn't change.


  18. On 1/5/2021 at 3:46 PM, Whitfield1999 said:

    I completely disagree. The reason people want to see this game remade is so that new people who can't get into the older games can experience the game for the first time. If your going to change something so inherent to the core identity to the game like the map sizes then It wouldn't even be trying to recreate the same experience as the original. QoL changes are fine, since they would be trying to get new people into the game, but anything that changes something important to the gameplay, story, and worldbuilding (like what the mapsizes do for genealogy) that's when things go to far.


    If you want a new experience, you should be asking for a new game instead imo.


    Edit: Also what's with the "(tears?)" remark? It makes you come across as very dismissive and ignorant.

    While I've not played Genealogy myself, maybe just splitting some of the early game maps up/offering ways to actually let armor knights move quickly (A new warp staff but it can only be used for armour knights?) maybe would help.

    Or if they wanna go the extra mile, have the lower difficulties make the maps smaller but the harder ones actually still have the large maps. (though FE seems very reluctuant to have difficulty change stuff like that.)


  19. On 1/8/2021 at 7:08 PM, Imuabicus said:

    Losing characters on a map loses them the chance to gain experience - in turn they will fall further and further behind, until it´s either a Lord Solo or a softlock. Heroes also doesn´t have an Endgame map does it? Of course you can bait enemies in classic and not care if your unit dies. That´s why we have replacement units. But it may softlock you. 


    Someone's still getting EXP though, and I'm pretty sure most FE games don't have sudden bursts in enemy levels/stats, so you'd need to very consistently have that Unit get KO'd for them to become useless, and practically be trying for a softlock.

    It's worth noting that any game with resource management generally by it's nature allows the player to soft-lock themselves via wasting resources, I actually wish FE leaned into this a bit more, just be like the Resident Evil games where the actual resources change on difficulty, (so say, a Killing Edge Sword in a Village on Easy and Normal is actually just a Steel Sword on Hard.) have a harder difficulty where resources are much more scarcer but since it's unlocked after beating the game first you're expecting to use your future knowledge to account around this. (like the Resident Evil series does, where a room filled with 2 boxes of shotgun ammo and Grenade Launcher rounds might only have a single pickup for Shotgun/Grenade Launcher ammo on Hard.)

    Even the more forgiving games, like the classic Tomb Raider games where you have an infinite ammo weapon, can still in theory have you get soft-locked if you save after taking a ton of damage/have no healing but can't avoid damage. (such as a tough enemy but you're out of powerful weapons to kill it quickly enough to avoid damage and out of ways to heal.)

    It's kinda just simply inevitable unless you make the game so generous with resources that it's pointless that in theory a player doing poorly enough can soft-lock themselves.

    Even if Heroes had an end-game map....so? I can infinitely replay levels and there's even event time-limited maps that are entirely for grinding.


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