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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. 6 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    And what do you suppose would happen if they did? They’d die anyway or even worse their families would because of their madman of a king. Mustafa even states as much which is why he can’t stand down because his family would be in danger. Like that shit is outright explicitly stated. It’s even stated that another reason that they stand and fight is so that their commander doesn’t have to fight alone. 


    True but as stated in a forging bonds conversation of all places Chrom is still wrong because at this point he’s consumed by revenge and wants to slaughter anything even remotely related to Gangrel that gets in his way. Not all the shepards share this sentiment mind you but still that’s what Chrom and even Lissa is feeling. Like I said, everyone is a victim here. Chrom and the shepards just lost someone close them while the Plegians begin to feel regretful of their actions. No matter the outcome of this fight nobody wins on a moral front and that is the point.

    Except they're willing to let the Shepards go if they throw down their weapons, they'd die anyway in that situation since well, they let the Shepards go and I seriously doubt Gangrel would just accept that, Again, they could have just let the Shepards keep their weapons and run on and just think of a lie in how they never encountered the Shepards at all, it's contrived frankly.

    Considering how Gangrel is a genocidal maniac dictator who wants to genocide Chrom's country (and we are shown how Aversia is one)....yeah actually anyone related to him that gets in the Shepards way is also probably a genocidal maniac. (Or are only the Shepards expected to actually have the option of surrendering?)

  2. 19 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    And that’s the precise reason as to why he’s wrong. He’s bitter and hateful towards Gangrel for that reason which is wrong. When he does eventually kill Gangrel. He doesn’t do it out of bitterness. He does it because he has to. There’s a difference between doing something out of duty and doing it because you want to. With Chrom at first it was the ladder after chapter 10 it’s the former. The thing that lens the most credence to this is in Gangrel’s paralogue where you can recruit him. Chrom directly states it would do him no greater pleasure than to stick another sword in his gut but he doesn’t do that. He doesn’t allow emotions to cloud his judgement like he used to. Instead, he offers Gangrel to join him because he could be of use and Grima is seen as the bigger threat. Again, it’s not all that dissimilar to Dimitri with Edelgard.


    Yeah and you’re right the plegians aren’t completely in the right. Neither are Chrom and the Shepards. That’s the very definition of moral ambiguity. This chapter is very much supposed to showcase Emmeryn’s words in that in war everyone is victim no matter which side you’re on. Everyone suffers because this is war. Hate and vengeance don’t get you anywhere. This is what war leads to. The plegians don’t want to fight but it’s far too late to back out now. They’re actions are what lead to this moment. No side truly wants to fight the other but in this tangle of hate, violence, and loyalty they have to because that is what war is. This is the reality. Nobody wins and everybody is a victim.

    To me, generally the reason doesn't matter, if it's not an outright evil person doing it to look good as part of a scheme, generally intentions don't matter, especially when it comes to taking someone's life frankly, if it's an evil enough person, well it doesn't matter if it's anger or not.


    Not really, I don't see how Chrom and the Shepards aren't entirely in the right for essentially offering themselves up to be potentially executed by random troops from the enemy army they no nothing about, I really don't see any ambiguity in this chapter myself.

    They can back out though, if they're actually willing to not fight the Shepards, they can just...stand aside, thrown down their own weapons as a show of faith, it's really not a moral thing to me, I see people potentially wanting to do good but not doing so because of a mix of stupidity and "This is a strategy game, we need a fight and we for some reason can't just dump Risen Zombies on the player even though we literally do that already".

    I don't really see victims, I see idiots who got themselves killed out of...well frankly I can't call their "thrown down your weapons and we'll let you go but we keep our weapons for some reason" logic anything other than Plot Contrivance, again, just stand aside and let the Shepards run past instead of fighting them, it's not because they'll be executed if they don't fight because frankly, they'd get executed for just letting the shepards go like they want to do, there's no real rhyme or reason to what happens.

    It's basically just a terrible "Emotion Bait" moment where the devs pull nonsensical stuff to make you feel a way and pray you're too busy invested to notice how nonsensical it is. (And I really, really hate stuff like that.)

    Infact: they'd be more fucked if they did have the Shepards throw down their weapons since now they'd have a pile of weapons as obvious sign the Shepards came through assuming they didn't think to quickly burry them in the sand, (and well, I think the average IQ is low in the Awakening continuity) so now they can't even lie that they never even encountered the Shepards, which is what would keep them out of trouble.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    You’re close but not quite there. Remember just before that cutscene plays she gives a small speech about how hatred and war will do nothing but cause the plegians more suffering and get them no where. The “No reaction” part of that is in reference to how her speech failed to reach anyone. No one reacted to it. No one did anything in response to her words least of all the plegian soldiers whom she was trying to reach out to. After realizing her words prompted no reaction, she thinks she was wrong this whole time which is kind of true because her words weren’t backed up by meaningful action. It’s only after she takes that action and backs up her words that her words actually reach people and prompt the reaction she was looking for. The story rewards her for finally taking action. Chapter 10 of awakening is pretty much a showcase of what Emmeryn was trying to say except in reverse. It’s the plegians who no longer want to fight while it is chrom and the shepards who fight blinded by bitterness and emotion. 


    Because she is. The fact of the matter is, Emmeryn’s ideals were correct that much the story emphasizes. It was her inaction that made her wrong. Ideals alone get you no where. You have to back those ideals up with meaningful action and sacrifice. Which is why Chrom is wrong as well before that point. He only wanted to fight Gangrel because Gangrel kept goading him. Chrom is very much so an action first think second kind of person. He just kind of rushed into attack without thinking of the consequences first. He also does not understand the ideals his sister up holds. He’s correct in that they need to act but wrong in how or why they should act. Cause he doesn’t understand his sister’s ideals so how can he fight for them if he doesn’t understand them?

    ....but the Plegians still are willing to fight though, they aren't letting the Shepards just run past them and frankly only a fool throws down their weapon and expects to be escorted out of an enemy country, it's very much a "We want this vibe but our gameplay still requires the player to be butchering people down" section, if they were truely super-peaceful, they'd just let the Shepards run by while standing to the side, I really don't consider the Shepards in the wrong here as the Pelgians still stand and fight instead of running away to let the Shepards run away, if anything the Plegians should have thrown down their weapons and it'd have just been a quick cut-scene where the Shepards keep runining and it would have A: actually made sense and B: probably made me actually feel emotion.

    It's not "bitterness and emotion" quite frankly in that situation surrendering would almost certainly be a trick that would lead to your death, if it wasn't for the dialogue with the boss in the middle of the chapter it'd just seem like an obvious trap.

    So yeah I still blame the Plegians here, they still fight instead of just standing off to the side and letting the Shepards run by, they're willing to fight to the death still so they're still frankly not the good guys here,yes FE is a game series where you have to fight to the death effectively and maybe you really shouldn't try to advocate for pacifism in it, you're not rewarded for just taking the boss down and avoiding anyone else, infact the thieves with loot means you're actually, in a gameplay sense, encouraged to run through cutting everyone down so you can get to the thieves in-time so I feel there's a massive disconnect between the vibe the story wants to give and the actual gameplay, so yeah I really don't see how the Shepards are fighting in the wrong here, they're in enemy territory and they only have the word of dude's they never met before they won't be harmed, it's logical to just keep fighting and push through instead of believing what would 9.9/10 times be a trap.

    Also I think you're kinda underplaying Chrom's obvious hero-complex, he doesn't want to fight Gangrel because Gangrel called his sister a dumbass on a COD match over microphone, he wants to fight Gangrel because he's sending bandits to murder and pillage in his country, Chrom always seems like he's in it to protect the peasentfolk, (Hence why he literally runs essentially a special forces squad dedicated to that purpose.) yes he takes offense about his sister but I have a feeling the whole murdering, raping and pillaging of his citizens bothers him more considering how he takes that into his own hands.

    I think it's safe to say we get very different readings out of Awakening.




  4. 35 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    And that’s kinda the point. I mean like the story does acknowledge that she’s somewhat wrong for being so pacifistic. I mean she does die as a result of being so selfless after all. Sure her death ultimately leads to good things but the overall point being made here is that her inaction is what causes a lot of these problems and it’s only after she does take action(I.e. killing herself to save someone she cares about) that good things finally come of her ideals. Hell just before she jumps she says “No reaction, was I wrong then?” This is further compounded when Chrom kills Gangrel. He doesn’t kill Gangrel out of revenge or bitterness but rather as a prince in service to his nation. In the end he’s able to do what Emmeryn could not and that is fight on behalf of his people. Fight not out of bitterness or hate but because it is the right thing to do.

    Eh, I feel like Chrom was already fighting because it was the right thing to do from the start, being emotional or not about it really doesn't change much IMO. 

    Also I kinda aren't too big a fan of the "someone does a wrong thing but then they sacrificed themselves so they're suddenly redeemed" thing, it works sometimes but in the case of Emmeryn...ehh it just rubs me the wrong in way, (Also no way she kept her praying pose the entire time before she hit the ground.) it still feels like it's validating her pacifistic ways rather than saying it's terrible in a sorta "Tragic hero" sense.

    Not to mention enemy troops start surrendering afterwards, so it really feels like the game actually still tries to say she's in the right afterwards and then they talk about Chrom "Not living up to her ideals" later, despite her ideals literally being why we're in this situation to begin with.

    Also means that the whole "sacrifice Emmeryn or not" choice is completely invalidated and I really hate games where all/most of your story choices literally mean nothing.

  5. 1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:


    But yeah, anyway, Gangrel kidnapped Maribelle and lied about her invading Plegia. And... yeah, I think I'm gonna have some criticisms about how utterly useless and terrible a ruler Emmeryn is if I remember things correctly. Right now Emmeryn is so focused on avoiding subjecting her people to the horrors of war that she's letting Plegia constantly terrorize her people with impunity.

    Yeah Emmeryn is just IMO a very bad ruler, maybe there's a reason when she turns out to have survived splatting her brains over the rocks they just let Chrom remain ruler.


    1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

    and Chrom tells him he's too young to be a Shepherd yet. Oh, so now you have standards for who gets to join, Chrom?


    Who knows, maybe if Ricken was a hot-anime waifu he'd have let her join up.

    1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Ah yes, and now the barracks open up. It's basically “How's Everyone”, but with better visual effects, and characters can gain support points with people other than the avatar. Big improvement. But yeah, they have pre-set call-and-response lines for every part of multiple questions and answers they can say to each other, and while this was incredibly annoying in Radiant Dawn when that was all the entire support system was, here I actually find it kind of cute because there's a whole fleshed-out support system accompanying it, and also they sometimes have some pretty amusing lines.

    Eh, I'm not the biggest fan, it just sorta comes off as highly robotic and doesn't quite work for me.

    Doesn't help I tend to get repeating dialogue, alot, I got the one about "Vaike not having an off day" where he walks by himself twice in a row and I frequently get characters repeating dialogue they just said to someone in the previous event.

    1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:


    I'm not even going to discuss this fucking support chain. The support between Chrom and the male avatar is so much better written, because it's completely different. They replaced an actually interesting conversation about Chrom's philosophy of who to trust... with ecchi anime hijinks.

    Yeah I got Female-Robin/Chrom support right away on my first playthrough and well, it left a very negative impression on the support system as a whole for me,  I still think it's pretty terrible, I am a dude admittingly but I just really don't see how that leads to romance.(Same with Sumia and Chrom, I got them paired up to spare myself from the potential of getting shotgun-lance wedding'd to Chrom and Chrom basically sounds like he's only marrying her due to pie in their support conversation.)


    1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

    ...Yep, just as was pointed out in the thread. Chrom talks about a war that hasn't officially happened yet in this conversation with Donnel, the game's resident Est. This game started the tradition of giving the Ests the skill aptitude to make sure you know they have amazing growth rates, and having them join really early, though still starting off way worse than the rest of your army.

    Ah yes, Donnel, I totally didn't get soft-locked on my first playthrough thinking he'd get good fast and not realizing I wouldn't be able to grind in that Arena.


    Honestly their recruitment convo just bothers me since Chrom equates harvesting (I think it was wheat? something you use a sickle for I'm fairly certain) to killing a dude, which isn't exactly true and it just sorta makes me wonder who's dumb, Chrom for actually believing what he's saying, or Donnel for believing what Chrom's saying. (And then they give him a lance anyway.)


  6. 23 minutes ago, Sooks said:

    Granted, but in order for them to actually be useful you have to use the “unarmor command”, which sees them take off their armor and gain normal infantry movement, while getting +50 in every start except defense which gets -1, oh no.

    I wish CF was a longer route.

    The new maps are all repeats of maps already in the game, just against TWSITD with roughly 40-50 enemies who spawn in via ambush spawns, in addition, every bit of Edelgard's scenes during this are about how she's obsessed with Byleth and painted 3 other portraits of them in compromising positions/states of dress and the other characters get no new meaningful dialogue.

    I wish that "Battle of Revolution" April fool's game was real.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

    Granted, but that also makes the game not fun to play since the rng and jankiness SUCK.

    I wish the next Fire Emblem would have non-lord playable characters who were plot relevant.

    No one can die, at all, the game is permanently on casual mode with no option for classic mode, to make sure you can still game over, ambush spawns are now in every chapter regardless of difficulty.

    I wish Armor Knights were actually useful in most games.


  8. I guess since people seem to treat as canon, either change Mark's A rank ending or make it more explicitly non-canon. (Which is what I've always seen it as.)

    Since it kinda effects FE6 if it's canon. (Which some to treat it as.)

  9. The reason Tiki was sleeping in the Mila tree and A: Didn't remember she took one of the bits of the shield out herself and B: thought Lucina was Marth is because she was actually sleeping off a mega-hang-over on super vintage Ram Wine.

    The revival springs in Valentia lost their power after Mila/Duma's deaths. (and maybe even the HP-cast magic their followers used considering how there's no sign of it in the other Archanea games so Luthier/Kliff actually learned the Tome Cast magic in Archanea after Echoes.)

    Alm wasn't joking about farming himself after the war, infact he strongly encouraged everyone, noble and peasent alike to farm/do some craft that they could trade with Archanea and other continents at least until Valentia was able to sustain itself after the war.


  10. 8 minutes ago, Benice said:

    Wait, why not just pair him up so that enemies can't attack him? I think he gives +4 or 5 defense to everyone too, so he's a real asset even as a backpack.

    I found myself needing him as my only unit that could consistently getting a quick-kill if I needed him to and the only durable one for a good while. (and it didn't occur to me to use the switch function at the time since I figured it'd be like separate and use up my turn..)

    I sat down and waited for map spawns so my units are good now.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Benice said:

    Having only played Awakening's earlygame thus far, (Up until ch. 7 or 8, I think?) I can say that I've found it to be a breeze on Hard. I haven't yet used Frederick other than as a pair-up bot, didn't use Sumia or Cordelia, am using Donnel and haven't done any grinding, so I'm not quite sure what's making it so difficult for you. The biggest problem I had was with saving Ricken and Maribelle, and even that wasn't too tough with Vaike+Lon'qu. What boon/bane did you give your Robin?

    Can't remember my boon/bane.

    I am actually trying to refrain from Abusing Robin (not that Robin isn't high level) and mostly use my non Robin/Frederick units. (Which required grinding, as for some reason enemies love to go and suicide on Frederick unless it's a healer, even if that healer is Libra with a Killer Axe, I have no idea how enemy agro works, for some reason on certain turns they just all dogpile Frederick and die on the same turn even though they'd do better against well, most of my army that's in range so 3-5-ish enemies would all target Frederick and die despite the rest of my army being in range, which ment Frederick got most of the EXP, since well I presumed the AI wouldn't try to dogpile the Jaigen, which did me no favours on any map where the enemy comes from more than one direction.)

    I have gotten past that hurdle thanks to just waiting and grinding now though so it's actually smooth sailing at the moment.

  12. 1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:


    We're finally at the point where we can start playing DLC chapters! If I decide to tomorrow. Which I probably will. If you want me to keep playing without any grinding at all though, just focusing on low-man cheesing the shit out of this, please make your case.

    Stay safe, everyone!

    I am curious as to how you're supposed to "legitimately" beat most of the early chapters/side-missions but then again I'm on hard and you're on Lunatic so Im not sure if the same style of play even remotely happens in most chapters.

  13. 4 hours ago, Maof06 said:

    Honestly, I think that's the main reason for the game's success. The RPG genre had been losing popularity in the late 2000s, mainly JRPGs, Awakening managed to capture this audience by playing similar to Final Fantasy Tactics for example, which was influenced by the main series in the first place. Thus, this audience was able to experience something that they would not normally play. At the very least, it certainly wasn't fanservice or Sword Art Online that caused the success, although there are people who believe that.

    I guess that's part of why I don't like it, I'm simply not a fan of most J-RPGs. (And the inability to grid on demand like most JRPGs from what I hear, doesn't help.)

    I just really prefer how Echoes handled being JRPG inspired.

  14. 3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


    I would entertain an FE where having a good understanding of a more involved equipment system is essential to success. This would be but one aspect of it. Alongside shields as alluded to above, probably body armor which would be restricted based on class and unchangeable mid-battle to differentiate it from other forms of equipment, buyable horses and flier mounts having HP and unique stats, the usual accessory slot, maybe keep those 3H Battalions. Shift some of the importance away from growths into gear. Not saying I'd want it forever, as a one-off with this unique flavor is fine.

    I did like shields in Three Houses.

    It's actually a reason why I like FE7, Mines and Light Runes are quite-useful pieces of equipment only brought down by their extreme rarity and I'd like them to return.

  15. On 12/14/2020 at 2:15 PM, DragonFlames said:

    I play mostly JRPGs, so these examples come from there.

    One of my biggest pet-peeves in games has to be the "win in gameplay, lose in the cutscene" trope.
    When you defeat a boss, only for that boss to pull something out of their butt, and suddenly your characters are the ones on the losing end, no matter how badly you trounced the boss(es) beforehand. In a similar vein, when the characters plan to capture the boss alive for interrogation or something, then the boss gets away, and your characters just stand around like morons.
    Now, I used to not mind this as much, but... there is a certain game series that just LOVES to pull one of these (or even both) for damn near every boss fight, and I got sick of it, frankly. So sick in fact, that I immediately groan when it pops up in other games.

    Yeah I'm not the biggest fan of this, I can somewhat tolerate it when it's reasonable (like say backup arrives and it's actually a situation where the player would probably die in gameplay.)

    Honestly inaccurate cutscenes to gameplay really annoy me.

    I guess for my most recent Example, Emmeryn's death scene in Awakening, before the cutscene, we're surrounded by archers and unable to move but then the cutscene kicks in and Chrom is running towards Emmeryn and I guess all those archers just vanished? but then when the cutscene ends Chrom is right back where he was before he started running and the archers are back.

  16. 14 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Granted. I'm still royally cheesed that we're given so little information for how it fell apart though.


    Clearly they fell into a deep debt as the last successor was a massive whale for Fire Emblem Heroes and just had to get that Summer Oliver Alt and the kingdom descended into anarchy when they realized they were out of money.


    13 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Agreed. Especially with the bolded part There is in fact less than nothing demanding that Tiki spend her days alone, sleeping on top of a tree in Valentia..

    Clearly she actually was a massive fan of Ram Wine and was in Valentia to get some, she was actually sleeping off her hangover when you encounter her.



  17. 15 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    That stuff with the dragonstones is in FE3 and FE12. In Awakening there's two variations of dragonstone, but it only affects stats, not appearance at all. Also, dragonstones and Manaketes in Awakening... just... make no sense, at all. Honestly.

    Oh, I thought I head somewhere there were Wyvern Dragon stones. (or maybe those are the ones that just change stats, I mean I know Wyverns are technically dragons but you know what I mean.)

    I would like to see an FE game that kinda embraces the fact Dragon Stones alter stats, maybe even alternative transformations that function differently. (Kinda like Tiki in Mystery? just not always turning into a flier.), not seen much of the Fe games with beast-transformations so maybe those end up being like that, like a dragon stone that turns you into a dragon without any breath attacks for a few turns but you can still claw and are highly resilient to damage or a super-ranged breath attack but actually being just as if not more vulnerable than when you're untransformed.

    14 minutes ago, Ottservia said:


    I mean it’s stated later it’s because she didn’t want to fuck with the past too much which is understandable. She hasn’t time traveled before so it’s not like she has any idea of how this is supposed to work.

    I pretty much just imagine she came up with the Marth name (which is what bothers me) on the spot and was mentally swearing the entire time after she realized she said it. (maybe they confirm that later) it just seems pretty dumb if you're trying to be incognito and not fuck with the past but then you essentially use the name of one of the most famous people in your world, that's just asking for many, many questions and are very clearly the wrong gender. (honestly she could have used her actual name and it'd have been less conspicuous.)

    15 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Oh no, I wasn't complaining about the map shops, those are fine. Especially now that you can see what they sell on the bottom screen without having to actually visit them. My issue is more that they give you the world map, but don't let you do anything on it yet, begging the question of why they even let you move.

    As for grinding, one solution is to get somebody with despoil (or armsthrift and Leif's Blade) so that you can break even buying reeking boxes. Won't work on Lunatic and above though. There the skirmishes are damned near impossible.

    I can actually got soft-locked before I even got Gaius, so yeah, fun. (and they sold Grinding DLC, which makes me think they knew it was really easy to screw you over with EXP compared to at least the other FE games I played.)


    4 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    So on this point, I don't care as much in the case of the other avatars (in fact in Corrin's case it'd be downright weird), but Robin really, really, really should have had skin tone options in the avatar creation imo. Because their mother must have had the whitest ass on the planet for them to not look a thing like their father, racially speaking (and also every other physical proportion speaking too I guess).

    ...I'm honestly amazed I never noticed that before now, gods am I dumb but Dark skin options would be nice. 

    Honestly now that I'm thinking about it, if we got an FE game with an actual free-form avatar, if maybe you could choose what part of the continent you were from and it'd effect your default appearance and stats. (So if it was set in Elibe, being from llia gives you speed or something.)




  18. 13 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    And then of course it all comes crashing down in Awakening. I can't wait to get far enough into the story to see exactly where the new borders lie, because if I'm reading the map right, Altea is now Plegian territory.

    Awakening should have honestly IMO just been a new continuity, I guess there is actually some retcon stuff that's interesting (like Manaketes being able to get different forms via dragon stones, which I think also effects their stats?) It's just you know, its a retcon, if this was a new continuity I'd actually be onboard with it since it seems like an interesting gameplay idea, it's just, they set in Marth's continuity yet there's so many retcons I kinda wonder why they bothered.


    43 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Ah yes, and now Sully shows up, apparently having split up from the group Chrom was leading for... whatever they were doing when they found Alexandria... to do something on her own...

    ...and now Virion, the Duke of Rosanne shows up, apparently having nothing better to do than to chase after some random tomboy he passed.

    In a forest.

    That is on fire.


    Yeah I hate Virion for this, Awakening seems to love having out-of-place comedy moments. (and a friend of mine who also played Awakening hated it too.)

    I am curious as to how the heck you're going to tangle those absurd bonus chapters with the extremely suicidal villagers, I'm merely on hard and I find them near impossible to clear with any of the villagers alive. 

    45 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Anyway, we're at the world map, and it deliberately prevents us from accessing anything but the save function and the next map. No shops, no even sorting items. Weird choice, honestly.

    I don't actually mind map shops in Awakening. (Why they made the Arena a shop though, I'll never understand, I actually ended up with really poorly distributed EXP in all my playthroughs of the early game and grinding to get out of it would have been alot better if I didn't have to wait IRL time just for a chance of them to show up.)

  19. I wouldn't be opposed to the "make weapons type more distinct" thing but I'm also not a big fan of skills, I scan a guy's inventory and most weapons are self-explanatory while by their nature you have to read the description for every single skill in order to know what exactly it does, which I'm not quite a fan of. 

    I'd rather immobilize a guy via having an archer throw a Bola at him for instance rather than some situational skill.

  20. 1 hour ago, Aethelstan said:

    I mean if you've fed all your early game exp to just Frederick and Chrom it's totally possible your other units are now very badly underleveled. I have no idea what you could be doing that has Vaike's hit so low. The only people that should be happening against are myrmidons and other speedy people with swords, who you should never try to attack with Vaike anyway. In first few chapters after you get him he should have an easy time hitting the axe and lance wielders especially paired up with Chrom or Lon'qu. And with the hammer you are basically fed the exp for all the early knights you come across.

    I have never used a forged weapon during the main campaign ever. I've only done that for Lunatic post game DLC runs. You don't need to solo the game with Robin. I actually tend to hold Robin back a bit because veteran means she needs way less kills than the others to shine.

    If you listen to what we are telling you, beating hard mode with no grinding, no tonics, and no forging is very doable and flexible enough that any unit you recruit can be a main part of your army.


    Vaike is around level 9, he's gotten better but still not exactly good.

    For reference, a (I think level 11 before I promoted her?) Lissa with the war Cleric promotion (and a single level up after that) and an unforged bronze axe is actually only slightly worse than him on the same enemy (and this is with Vaike's  axe I stuck a bunch of forging on, I don't really think Lissa who's literally just picked up an axe should really be able to compete with her only doing slgihtly less damage on the same target. (Both were paired up, Lissa with Robin and Vaike with Virion) 

    So I think my Vaike is just heavily stat screwed since I don't think Robin's Pair-up bonuses are enough to make that not absurd. (considering how this was actually Lissa's second battle after promoting yet she's able to almost just be as good as Vaike when it comes to axing dudes.)

  21. Eh I've had alotta trouble with Awakening so maybe I'll see how I've been playing it wrong here.


    22 hours ago, Espurrhoodie said:

    Ah, we're getting into Awakening! Even though it has its flaws and will probably inevitably be more roasted than Rinea, I still love it. Call it nostalgia, I guess. I'd replay it myself, but I already have alot on my plate in terms of videogames, so maybe another time.

    No, that's every enemy on the chapter Nowi joins that gets roasted.


  22. 21 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    Dude I play this game exclusively on lunatic they are not mandatory. If you think they are then you’re doing something wrong 

    Vaike is still pretty abysmal for me and in general none of my units feel like they're remotely competent even when paired up.

    I had to give Vaike a axe with a ton of forge on it just to have consistently over 50 chance to hit when I got stuck because at best he'd have 60 chance to hit, with pair-up bonuses, even now if he's not paired up and using that forged axe, it's still a literal coinflip for not very good damage on a unit that has only actually recently from grinding gotten decent defense.

    A 60 chance to hit with support bonuses is pretty abysmal and literally makes using him a coinflip oh and he still does trash damage that most of my other units surpass, despite being armed with a low-accuracy high-damage weapon, he lacks the actual high-damage part. (Virion manages to out-damage him and Virion is only 3 levels higher than him with an unforged bow.)

    I use pair-up and combat is a cluster-mess of RNG with dual strike and if I don't my units all suck unless I grind/use a ton of stat-boosters, I've only even gotten to use pair up in my current playthrough due to my units being grinded out and it's not a fun experience.

    I've looked at walkthroughs but all of them either A: are vague text or B: do all the DLC right away so they don't exactly help me see what I'm doing wrong since they just power through the stages I'm struggling with via the stat advantage and just Lerroy Jenkins everything.

    I'm trying to play Awakening actually using my units and not just doing a Robin Solo Emblem playthrough but that's pretty difficult when everyone is kinda some of the worst units I've seen in the series.

  23. 47 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    That would serve to make Mila donations even mildly something worth doing. What do they do in the game as is right now? Is it purely just restoring stamina (which will basically never be an issue outside of Thabes which entirely lacks statues anyway) or is there something else that can be garnered from it that I'm forgetting?

    They also restore turnwheel charge. (even though you can easily leave the dungeon before that's an issue outside of Thabes.)

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