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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. Maybe unpopular? I've never seen people state these reasons as such so I dunno if I just think this way and everyone else thinks the game is unbalanced for other reasons.

    Awakening is flat-out backwards designed, almost every thing in it is broken/contradicted by another element, it is from a design perspective,  contradictory.

    Child Units, except they come so late you'd have to seriously delay the main story to get them grinded up or even get all of them at all. (Especially Noire in my experience, for a character who's in a terrible class yet has such a insanely difficult map, just because the enemies have absurd stats.)

    Stats really matter...except they also don't because stats are hilariously inflated seriously did FE need stats to go into the 40s? so actual 1-2 point level ups are near worthless as you need many of them to make a dent. (which also reduces the value of stat boosters as you effectively need more of them for the same effect in other games.)

    Instead of using Armour Knights to tank damage, you're using Tharja/Robin, mages, a class generally in FE regarded as squishy in direct combat, with Nosferatu to tank the damage and effectively have infinite health, if anything the stat inflation means Armour Knights kinda suck at their job when they get easily doubled by silver/killer bows late-game enemies who are still going to do a ton of damage regardless. 

    More new classes...except Nosferatu tanking beats all of them, why get a situational war cleric, who can become an effective dread fighter in a desert map when a Nosferatu unit ALSO isn't effected by Sand and is functionally immortal outside of extreme unluckiness?, in general armour knights and archers are completely surpassed by Nosferatu, Kellam is only useful because of his Rally ability for defense/pair up stat bonuses and Thieves are basically redundant since enemies always drop their items. 

    The Main story/side chapters want you to be starved for resources, chasing down thieves for master seals and completing the absurdly difficult optional objectives in paralogues for physic staves and such....except just waiting a day/moving forwards the 3DS clock gives random battles/Anas that render them redundant, why bust my ass chasing down a thief through an army of enemies with absurd stats or rushing to defend a village, when I can just use my literally infinite money to buy one from Ana? (or just you know, Use Tharja with her 45 defensive growth.)

    Robin's a "Tactician" yet their playstyle and absurd stat growth means they're used more as an elite commando unit (Especially if you reclass them into a Nosferatu capable class) rather than a teamplayer, infact Vaike, a dumb warrior and Kellam, a Knight who people consistently can't see, get skills much earlier than Robin that provide much more effective teamplay capabilities than Robin.  (Not to mention Robin's character is all about strategy, in a game which is ironically harder the more you actually try to apply strategy to it and has unfair unstrategic gameplay elements like Ambush spawns or only predictable via extreme trial and error like the pair-up mechanics where your chances can only bee see in the battle forecast, in an enemy phase focused game.)  Sure, Robin gets rally spectum but you'll be almost done with the main story potentially by the time you actually unlock that and at that point you've probably made them a Nosferatu Tank.

    And this is without considering story. (like a game that tries so hard to be set in a previous continuity despite contradicting it constantly.)

    The game feels like it's fighting itself with how much it contradicts itself, like the design team had no actual design and were just throwing stuff in left and right.

  2. Well you've caught up to me, I probably need to play more Awakening soon.

    Holy hell on that Tiki bit, I wasn't aware that was that out of character for her, that's honestly dreadful and I'm kind angry that they got away with character assassination of that magnitude, if I'd played Mystery before hand, I'd probably want to bin the game even more than Mila tree killed my original second run through. (Because Ambush spawns)

    Yeah those Ambush spawns in Mila tree were terrible, nothing like a terrible ambush spawn to make me throw the game down a garbage compacter.

    Even better, I ended up doing a random battle in the Mila tree today....and for some reason enemy bow knights with 29 speed and Silver bows that was much, much  harder than the actual mooks in Mila tree spawned, I know stats/weapons are influenced by where on the map the random encounters spawn (which is a dumb idea.) but grinding on a map shouldn't be incredibly difficult compared to the "Regular" version of it. (I seriously actually appreciate how Echoes handles Grinding alot more now due to actually having thought put into it seemingly.)

    Yeah I recall actually swearing a bit at my 3Ds when they tried to push the "Valentia worshipped Naga" stuff. (and wasn't the Mila tree literally completely made up for Awakening and Echoes had to damage-control that?)

    Honestly I feel kinda sorry for the Echoes team, at least a solid chunk of Echoes writing is literally trying to cover up for Awakening not giving a shit for continuity.

    I also like how we aren't allowed to use Flavia and Basilo this entire time so far, even though they talk in conversations, heaven forbid they have to slightly re-write dialogue for if one/both of them die.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    You know, thinking about the boat scene in Awakening in comparison to other incidents in FE where someone dies by fire makes it so much more obvious that Awakening did not want to go around questioning the player in any way. I hear more jokes and discussions about Edelgard "setting Bernadetta on fire" than about Robin burning all those ships and the people on them. Micaiah using oil and fire in Radiant Dawn was also treated a lot more somberly, by both her allies and enemies, whereas in Awakening it's just universal cheering and celebration.

    It's an instance where having an avatar affects how the other characters react ... in a bad way.

    Awakening seems to forget we're killing people and not Risen several times. ( I consider Warrior's Realm once of those examples.)

  4. 1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:


    For a boss who brags about the seas being his “home”, he's really not remotely equipped to handle emergencies at sea. Does he honestly think he'll be able to swim in that heavy-ass armor?

    The game said we had about 800 warships and 200 transports. Assuming only the warships were being counted when they said we were even with Valm in sheer ship numbers... Using the extremely conservative estimate that there were about 10 soldiers per ship on average like there were in gameplay, and ignoring the people below deck operating those danged oars...

    ...Alexandria just condemned, like, 8,000 people... to death by burning alive. That is the most hardcore, cold-blooded, and fucking terrifying thing that I have ever seen a Fire Emblem protagonist do. And... it's kinda just glossed over.

    I've heard people say that it's fucked up that she wasn't called out on this like Micaiah was when she tried to use flaming oil on Sanaki, and... I wouldn't go that far. Look, I'm not overly familiar with the intricacies of war crimes and military ethics, but I'm pretty sure that there are very few ways to die in war that would be considered “nice”, death by burning alive is apparently already considered an acceptable way to kill somebody in war given the prevalence of fire magic, and also, these guys are defending their entire country from a psychotically unreasonable despot who basically plans to commit genocide with extra steps on them.

    What I will say is that it is unbelievably creepy that everyone's just objectively celebrating. I could've been happy with them not angsting about the moral implications, especially considering the rest of the tone of this game, but what I can't be happy with is having Basilio practically crack a joke about how bad it smells. A smell caused by a bare minimum of 8,000 people's faces melting off of their skulls. He's basically just like “ugh, let's get out of here, this place reeks!”, like this is some cartoon show where they saved the day by having somebody let off an atomic fart or something.

    ...Jesus Christ, they put a shop in the map in the middle of the ocean...?

    Apparently swimming wasn't actually mandatory for sailors for a VERY long time, I think not even til' after WW2 and I'm not sure if it's even "Truly" mandatory or if you're just required to at least try to learn to swim.

    Also apparently you can (At least assisted) according to a friend of mine who's into history, get out of ye olde' armour surprisingly quickly, at least with someone helping you out, so he A: might not be able to swim in the first place (and therefore a non-issue) or B: hoping the ship sinks slowly enough to take his armour off.

    Yeah Awakening kinda forgets to remember you're killing well, people.


    Eh probably a merchant ship, or there's just a big floating store in the middle of the ocean on struts.

  5. 16 minutes ago, joevar said:

    which three fire dragon? FE7 or FE6?

    meh, Jahn is not main villain. he's main lore dump at best. not even unique sprite or battle model compared to generic war dragon. Idunn being regarded as evil despite only doing what she's been told is like saying all mechanical robot is evil just because they are in bad people hands. they dont have free will, nor even understand what free will even is

    The ones in FE7 that show up out of the dragon's gate. (Ninian kills two of them and you finish off the last one.)

  6. 1 minute ago, Ottservia said:

    Well it was supposed to be the last game in the franchise after all. The references are understandable. They wanted to make this game as a love letter to the entire franchise to give it a proper send off. It was supposed to be their swan song more or less and so they crammed in as many references as they could.

    Yeah but IMO it comes across less as a love letter and more throwing stuff in because hopefully they'll nostalgia bait fans.

    I'm probably a bit cynical but the rampant retcons (among other things like grinding map DLC and atrocious balancing/ambush spawns) means I don't really get the vibe Awakening was a labor of love, since if they did care they'd probably want to avoid rampant retcons at least. 

    It simply comes across as "People liked these games so we're just going to throw elements/references from those games in for maximum profit."

    Kinda like how the Silent Hill series kept adding Pyramid head to everything despite that making no sense and contradicting the very game he was in, because everyone loved Pyramid Head therefore he should clearly be in everything. 

  7. 41 minutes ago, Maof06 said:


    Here are the comparations between Chrom and Sigurd. I can also add the fact that they were "betrayed" by whom they thought they could trust. Lucina and Seliph then have to go through hell to fix the mistakes left by them. This is clearly intentional, as Awakening is tries to take all of the best parts about Genealogy and push it into one game. YMMV on whether or not they succeeded, but I wish people would give them more credit for the attempt.

    Eh, I kinda dislike that.

    Awakening really feels like it's trying to piggyback off Nostalgia, hard and the random "Alm's Sword" "Ephraim's lance" and "Wolt's Bows" all feel like desperate call-backs yet they don't put the effort in to avoid continuity issues at all. (at least to me, I kinda get the cynical feeling like the devs only did it because Marth is popular rather than any actual desire to explore Archanea, and since they threw it in too, Valentia in the future.)


  8. 39 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Honestly, I'd say just look at your stats and look for benchmarks. How much damage are your usual units taking? Can they double? Can they one-round?  Play the map in your head and imagine how the first few rounds will go. Does it look like you could be in trouble depending on how the enemies aggro?

    Due to the freaky leveling system, looking at raw levels can be quite deceptive, so you need to pay attention to those sorts of more basic statistical indicators.



    Yeah a large chunk of my units can suddenly get one rounded or at least near-death, which is basically death when there's a bunch of fliers I can't exactly kill before they can get to me and how at the bridge at the start there's 3-5 Cavaliers/Bow Knights.

    I compared battle forecasts

    In Noire's chapter, against a cavalier who's part of the big mob of them near the starting bridge.

    Lon'qu paired with Say'ri against a Cavalier with a silver lance (Who's only level 7 yet has stats mostly in the 20's...suuuuuure game.)

    Lon'que does 5 damage x 2 (with 100 chance to hit" while the "Ruffian" will do 27 (out of 42) damage with 66 chance to hit.

    Against Tharja, who has been second sealed and paired with Frederick.

    Tharja does 23 damage x 2 (95 chance to hit) while he does 11 ATK with 90 chance to hit, Tharja has 26 Speed, 26 defense (AKA Maxed out.)

    Meanwhile, against a level 20 fighter with an iron axe on Mila tree. 

    Lon'qu Paired with Say'ri does 23 damage x2 (with 100 chance to hit.) while the Valm dude has 13 ATK...and zero chance to hit

    Tharja does 37 damage, with 100 chance to hit while the Valm dude does 0! damage, with only 53 chance to hit anyway.

    I know technically they're using silver weapons in the side-chapter but the sheer differences between the battle forecasts are kinda absurd to me considering how I unlocked these chapters at the same time. (I'm really not a fan of just obviously inflating enemy stats like this.)



    15 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    Lemme just preface by saying I completely agree with 90% of what’s said here. Yeah you don’t have to agree with the message of the story nor do you have to like it. That’s all a matter of personal preference and that is fine. But just because you disagree with it that doesn’t make it bad writing and that’s my point here. People will inevitably interpret things differently. That’s why all stories are different because different authors interpret reality differently and convey those ideas which are drawn from reality in different ways and that’s the beauty of art and storytelling. Still, you should respect the story for what it is and what it’s trying to say if you’re going to criticize it. As I say again judge each piece of media by its own rules. 


    Except that's part of interpretation.

    You think the game displays Chrom being rash, while I don't, therefore you think the writing is good and shows it off, while I think it's not since it feels like the game is just trying to force a moral that doesn't beyond and is disconnected from the actual events going on.

    And well, to me, respect is earned, not automatically given, you respect the story while I personally think the whole Gangrel/Chrom business makes the authors look like they think their writing is way, way better than it actually is and is super pretentious in an obnoxious fashion.

    Therefore I quite frankly, do not respect the story in how it seems so sure of it's themes that, to me, it is completely and utterly mishandling.

    And this is before we go into the sheer lack of care into actually making it fit into the pre-established world it's supposed to be in.

  9. Not sure if it's too out of topic (Since I am actually returning to Awakening due to this LP) but what main story chapter do you recommend doing the child units? 

    I got Noire's as my first one and every single enemy makes the bosses in the main story look like push overs.

    20 minutes ago, Ottservia said:


    The funny thing is that IS the flaw of Chrom’s character that awakening is trying to convey. His rashness is simply a byproduct of that. He cares too much for his sister that he doesn’t think through the long term consequences as shown when he defends her and is about to give up the Fire Emblem for her sake. He’s too wrapped up in his emotions that he acts without thinking which causes him to act rashly. You’re correct in that is what his flaw is. It’s that flaw that causes him to act rashly.

    Except the problem some of us have is that this flaw, outside of potentially giving up the Fire Emblem because fuck player choice am I right? is that to us, we never really see Chrom be rash, Chrom does something reasonable but then the main story tries to frame him as rash, then tries to compare him to the genocidal maniac in an incredibly flawed argument.

    Chrom's flaws is that he's an absolute moron IMO that's too trusting, I simply do not see rashness because "Not letting your sister get stabbed to death by another army" is a perfectly reasonable response. (And no, this is a (IMO) generally Semi-realistic fantasy series, you can't set your sword to stun and somehow easily not kill dudes.)

    Author intent and the audiences interpretation of that are important, for an admittingly exaggerated example, propaganda exists to prop up something but when ever it works, comes across too hard or simply comes across as false depends on who's viewing it, some might agree with the message, others might agree with it somewhat but feel like it's coming across too obnoxiously with it while others will hate it.)

    Just because the Author intends something doesn't mean the audience will like it or maybe even they'd see something completely different.

    So while I do see Chrom as a flawed character, the actual author (assuming only one author did this part of the game, since 6 of them) and I have entirely different interpretations of those flaws, to the point where (and I can't believe I'm saying this for the IMO worst lord in any FE game.), it comes across as the story essentailly trying to imply Chrom is in the wrong for actions that are clearly right, to the point of unfairly comparing him to a genocidal maniac that frankly, I heavily disagree with.

    Audiences can and should be allowed to see things differently from the creator's interpretation, while the author's intention is the "true" one, well, it's still ultimately subjective.


  10. 27 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:



    Its amazing how many times Awakening does this sort of thing, where it lets player create these goofy contradictions, like the war that hasn't started in Donnel's paralogue, or the calling them Risen, before learning that they are called Risen.


    Yeah it kinda is, I get the feeling the writers (assuming these all aren't mistranslations) really, really didn't put too much thought into it.

  11. 1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:





    Aaaaaand Olivia's down. Granted, this was basically the last chapter I would ever find her useful, but still... first casualty, to a promoted griffin rider ambush spawn you'd have to huddle near the absolute bottom left corner of your starting position to not get hit by.

    These ambush spawns are bullshit.


    I'll be sure to keep that in mind when Robin gets hitched with...whoever they get hitched with in my playthrough.

    It's kinda stuff like this why I don't like Awakening, The appeal to FE for me is using all the different unit types you have to the max, so having ambush fliers that punish you for using any of the fragile units is kinda rage inducing, even if I'm on Casual, it still annoys me since now I lost the use of that unit during the battle/the chance to give them any additional EXP during the battle.

    1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:


    ...Ah yes.

    The infamous scene where Lucina and her sibling, characters who have fought zombies and stared down the gaping maw of a death-breathing helldragon... freak the fuck out and turn into scared little children at the sight of a bug.


    No one tell them the Risen were retconned to be controlled by Parasite bug things. 

    Good thing they'd never repeat that for an Byleth/Edelgard moment!

  12. 4 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Don't forget Byleth also got the job out of sheer nepotism on Rhea's part. I have a harder time believing they can teache the likes of Hubert and Lysethia anything about magic more than their age being on the younger side.

    Byleth is almost entirely just reading training manuals they barely understand d themselves to all of the students. 

  13. 19 minutes ago, Francis said:

    A new type of avatar.

    I remember when Echoes was first announced and a screenshot leaked, people didn't know who Faye was and many tought her sprite was the "avatar" one.
    Me and my friend back then tought this new avatar could have been a new villager from Ram without much involvement in the story (like Klidd and Faye), and so just a random unit with some supports, with normal stats and limited classes.
    I still think that's a very cool idea. I like avatars, but they really became less and less fascinating from game to game, with Kris and Robin being the most interesting ones and Corrin and Byleth the most absurd avatar IS could ever write.


    Yeah I wish we'd get an avatar that feels more like a normal character in the setting rather than a super-unit who also ends up usually being the most important person in the plot.

    Jagged Alliance 2 handled it kinda well, you got to make a custom unit and fully customize their stats but they weren't super important, they could even die and the game would continue,  the only real unique trait they had was that in a game about mercenaries who you had to pay (thus encouraging you to keep up the cash flow), they worked for free but even then JA2 has a whole bunch of characters native to the banana republic dictatorship it's set in (Such as mostly various rebels that you're helping out) that also work for free.


  14. 21 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    That’s kind of the entire point of chapter 10 at least in regards to his character. They even outright state this in heroes. It’s a little retroactive I know but that’s what they were going for and it certainly makes a lot of sense. It’s why I tend to say Chrom’s character is not that dissimilar to Dimitri. And if you want anymore evidence within awakening itself, I’d suggest playing Gangrel’s paralogue when you get the chance. The recruitment dialogue Chrom has with Gangrel basically kind of summarizes his entire character arc during the first 11 chapters.

    Heroes got Caeda's character wrong from what I hear and regardless, Its a retcon from a non canon game.

    Chrom and his group are defending themselves from an enemy group who essentially tells them to bring it on when they refuse to surrender to the mercy of a king who  basically said he wanted to genocide them.

    Even if Chrom was to suddenly confess to wanting to genocide Plegia or something in Awakening, Frankly I'd disregard that because in a story that's a mess with 6 writers, Chrom never, once actually expresses a desire to genocide Plegia like Gangrel does with Yissle, it is quite frankly, a lot of pretentious pegasus dumb the whole "Chrom is just like Gangel" stuff is a bunch of nonsensical stuff trying to force a contrived message, it would frankly just come off as Chrom being out of character for the sake of a pretentious writer.

    The pretentious writer(s) would probably try to pull this crap with Eliwood if he was there instead of Chrom.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Actually no, there was Clair. It's dracoknights that Valentia apparently doesn't have, hence why none of the Whitewings can promote to them in Gaiden.

    Forgot about Clair.

    Still they seem to be fairly rare (Possibly non-native) to Valentia, since I don't think you ever fight enemy pegasus Riders in Echoes so there's barely any of them around seemingly. (Maybe they were in Gaiden?)

    Dread Fighters would have been a more fitting class for Valm to spam at you. (And in an game with actual balance, a good difficulty spike since they'd be more resistant to magic since magic is hideously OP in Awakening.)

  16. 1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:


    And now the game gives a really, ridiculously lazy and un-subtle declaration that Gangrel is supposed to be Chrom's dark counterpart, what Chrom could have become if he didn't learn from his failings and grow as a person, and... no. No, not remotely. We haven't seen a single fucking action from Chrom that was bloodthirsty or driven by hatred or a desire for revenge. Not one. Not even an impulse that was swiftly held back by the support of his friends. Not even after Emmeryn's death. There was the time he rushed in upon hearing Emmeryn was captured and had to be talked down, but that was purely him thinking about saving his sister, and not getting revenge on anyone. It is completely idiotic that Chrom even entertains the “maybe you're right” thing, because it just isn't true. At all.


    Yeah it's a load of bullshit.

    I can't believe I'm actually defending the worst lord in the series here, this entire thing pretty much makes no sense, Chrom has absolutely no desire to harm innocents and even recruited Tharja instead of gutting her.

    1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:


    So they're saying Valm was originally an “unremarkable nation once. Tiny, almost pitifully so”. So looks like that unified Valentia came into some kind of massive decline since the time of Alm. But Virion says absolutely nothing about the country's former glory, so... what am I supposed to make of this? Is Valm the country (as opposed to the continent) not where Alm's descendants wound up or something?


    I don't think the writers cared.

    Honestly I'm more bothered they made Dread Fighter a DLC Class and just have the Valm army spam Pegasus Riders (In the first two chapters agaisnt them I've done), you know, the animals that aren't native to Valentia, since the only Pegasus riders in Gaiden were the Whitewings, except apparently Alm in the DLC mentions Dread Fighters being something Valentia takes pride in, so if so why are they just gone? (Especially considering how Dread Fighter are arguably better than Cavaliers.)

    And even if we count Echoes, Faye is the only native Pegasus Rider and you could probably headcanon they took that Pegasus from some bandits. (Since at least one group kidnapped Est and her Pegasus.)


    1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:


    The new capital of Plegia is apparently on Carrion Isle, since I guess that's the headquarters of the Grimleal? Though that begs the question of why we meet them in the proper Plegian palace later. But this is one of the annoyances that comes with each chapter being tied to a location on an explorable world map. Every chapter battle has to be in a completely different place.

    I don't like how this scene seems to imply that Chrom had literally no influence over who took over the power vacuum. He didn't make any effort to ensure that somebody competent and stable was put in charge of the country he just conquered and that the Plegians who put their fate in his hands didn't get thrown at the mercy of yet another power-hungry madman. Didn't even demand Emmeryn's body be returned for a proper burial and thus discover that there is no corpse to be found. No, he just fucked off and let the chips fall wherever they may. He just waltzed into... this... arid, desert nation... killed the... tyrannical despot running things there... and... left a power vacuum there... for... religious...





    That... was that intentional? It can't have been intentional.

    ...But anyway, while the payoff of this scene in Chapter 14 is cool... it can't be more transparent in the setup that they just wanted to give Alexandria a ridiculously dumb set of assets to work with to come up with a clever strategy. Apparently Plegia has 800 warships, just... just lying around. What on earth would they have built 800 war ships for if there's been sufficiently little history of conflict with Valm that none of the other countries bothered making a navy either? And if they used them in the first war with Ylisse, why wouldn't Ylisse have built its own ships to counter them?


    Not to mention that Pelgia is seemingly a barren desert mostly so where the actual hell did they get all the wood to make boats? The other countries have way, way more trees and therefore wood to make boats. 

    And Chrom further proves to be utterly incompetent at anything yet for some reason the devs didn't focus on this obvious flaw of his character and would rather make up stuff about him being the "Similar to Gangrel".

    Because that's totally not almost universally terrible.

    Also yeah I noticed too that it's clearly not female Robin in the hooded shots.


  17. 38 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    This leads us to the second problem. We don't see the "no reaction" which is somewhat fair and they maybe should've taken measures to fix that. Even so, I find that to be a relatively small issue all things considered. cause how do you know there were no plegians present? If the answer is because you just finished killing them all well then that's just basic game-play story segregation. Like you're supposed to have a huge army with you rather than just your characterized units. You also have a bunch of faceless soldiers which isn't shown or anything simply for gameplay reasons. The fact that it is retroactively told that plegians were there in the next chapter isn't really that big a deal if you ask me. Even beyond that this was a big event advertised by Gangrel so it wouldn't be surprising that there were more plegian soldiers there that we just couldn't see for gameplay reasons. The fact that there are plegians blocking off the escape route lends credence to this as the location in which this map takes place isn't too far off from where we just were. And even beyond all this, there's a such thing as subtlety y'know. A story can be subtle. And it's not like you can't come to these conclusions of the text if they don't show you. I am proof of that. I came to this conclusion just based solely on the text itself. You just kind of have to think about it a little more. It's not like the story has to beat it's message into your head. 

    We literally do not see a single Pelgian crowd nor even hear any of them.

    There's "subtlety" and "Being clearly unfinished" and I'm honestly being charitable since you can also chalk that up to "Just not caring." (And without behind the scene stuff, it's hard to tell which.), I don't exactly think an invisible silent crowd is "Subtle" story telling, more lacking story telling, not to mention the cutscene seemingly taking place in an alternative dimension outrealm considering how what goes on in it directly contradicts the in-engine scenes before/after.

    I honestly thought Gangrel was just quickly pulling an execution infront of just enough soldiers to say it happened, the fact it was ment to be some big event that tons of the army saw, well quite frankly, the devs practically pull that out of their ass since there's no crowd we see.

    Admittingly I may be biased considering how I consider Awakening's story-telling to generally consist of lazily ripping tropes and shoving them in while seemingly almost actively trying to get as many things wrong from Marth's continuity.

    Not to mention that as Alastar mentioned, unless they all warped, those Pelgians would have to leave ahead of the Shepards, who left basically right after Emmeryn died so that makes no sense. (Not to mention that IMO that entire bit in the next chapter was contrived emotion bait that wouldn't have worked even if I actually cared about Chrom or Emmeryn in anyway.)

    Also it just occurred to me but Robin's wearing a Grimleal Robe, it has the symbol on it, why the actual hell does seemingly no one in the entire game notice this? (which also I guess means Robin wore the exact same robe for 2 years since I seriously doubt they have spares.)



  18. Just now, Ottservia said:

    Well that can just be chalked up to the animators not wanting to create an entirely unique risen model for just a single cutscene. That’s something that would be easier done with 2D animation.
    There are plenty of times in my own writing projects where I’ve wanted to include an idea or scene but when I try to implement it just doesn’t turn out how I want. Like Y’know it might’ve made the scene better and enhanced what I was going for but it just didn’t work out. So I had to cut it for the sake of the story overall flowing better. Like one small change to a plot point or story beat can and will radically change others. Because all these things are connected whether you. It’s like the butterfly effect. Cause changing how one character acts will change how other characters react which can lead to entirely different plot points far from what you originally intended. Sometimes that can be good but not always. It’s important to understand what the author was going for with this scene if you’re going to fix it. Every fix should also take other plot points into account as well as how they would be effected by said change. Cause again even minor can end up changing the entire story into something wholly different and far divorced from the original story you wanted to tell.

    Except it still contradicts gameplay, why not just let us see Chrom helpless to actually move as bows (Since I'm pretty sure there are bows) are trained on him, pretty sure you can get away with only showing an arm or two.

    Maybe frankly cutting the cutscene down to just Emmeryn jumping would have been better IMO.

    Also Awakening had 6 writers, which I think is worth keeping in mind.

  19. 11 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Units gain two skills per class. For unpromoted classes they gain a skill immediately upon becoming the class and then upon reaching level 10. For promoted classes they gain a skill at level 5 and then another at level 15. For special classes, the ones that cap at level 30, it's 1 skill immediately upon becoming the class and another upon hitting level 15. Your Robin should have 2 skills right now, veteran and solidarity. Where are you looking for skills?

    Yeah Veteran and Solidarity, It's just weird to me how the "Tactician" gets the buffs later than other characters.

    Robin feels more like a Commando fighter than a Tactician in terms of gameplay.


    10 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    But without the shot of Chrom running forward we wouldn’t have that ending shot of his look of horror as he looks down as at his sister’s bloody corpse and to its credit that is a really well done shot. Like you would have to change how the scene ends if you changed the establishing shot. Like including a shot like that in this scene is easier said than done without having having to change the scene completely thus means you have to change the context surrounding it as well. There’s just a lot to consider here.

    Except Chrom's ment to have Risen Archers holding him at arrow point and he's just suddenly back in the same spot after the cutscene, it actively takes away from the scene as it's really obvious.

    The CGI cutscene feels entirely disjointed from everything around it.

  20. 3 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:



    Man, I just do not get how Tharja got popular.

    While I don't like her as a character, a mage that somehow can get over 20 defense without even second-sealing is great. 

    3 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:


    When you get a new skill, but don't have any skill slots free... the game actually lets you choose which one to give up, like moves in Pokemon, rather than dropping the new skill automatically and making you pray you remember you got it next time you get a chance to swap skills around.

    Wait your Robin actually got skills? I promoted her after she reached level 20 and she still has no skills, are they random? Libra, Lissa and Vaike all got their rally skills while Robin just got some combat focused one once.


    3 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Lemme know your thoughts on DLC.



    Do them if you want, I can't really say much on them as I know very little about them.

    3 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:


    So, Mustafa shows up and offers us Mercy, because he's this game's Camus. Probably the most sympathetic, because he's not actually really loyal to the king at all, he's just doing his job out of concern for his family, who Gangrel will have killed if he defies him. He offers them mercy if they surrender, but... yeah, they're not trusting him, and even if they did, they can't take chances that they can actually protect him.

    Honestly I saw the thing as BS contrivance, if he wants to show the Shepards Mercy, he could just stand aside and let them run past.

    So yeah I didn't exactly feel bad about taking him out. 


    I really like how in Emmeryn's death scene we can't move in to save her because we're surrounded by archers, that promptly vanish when the CGI cutscene showing Chrom running to her starts (And shows Lissa seemingly OUTSIDE of the town that we're supposed to be surrounded in) and then when the cutscene ends he's back where he started.

    They really didn't even try to make these two things sync up at all.

  21. While everyone has discussed PVP, I'd actually like to see a co-operative (either Hotseat/online) FE gameplay mode, where each player controls a significantly sized group of at least 8 units and have to co-ordinate together to deal with tough scenarios.

    Basically imagine one of those tough levels in FE where your army is split into 2 or more groups at the start but you've actually got other players playing those groups , you still need to coordinate for maximum effectiveness but it'd be more manageable with your allies being the ones to worry about the specifics of their own groups.

  22. So I've decided to try playing around with FE Mods for Civ 5, however I'm having trouble merely getting them to show up in civ selection.

    The Map mod works however I've not been able to actually select any of the FE civs, I was able to select Rinea's Civ initially but after deleting all the mods and slowly installing them/checking them one at a time, she doesn't work either now when I try to play as her. (EDIT: after restarting the game, she can be selected, everyone else still can't though.)

    No other civ mods I've tried will let me select them from the advanced set-up menu, FE or otherwise.

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