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Posts posted by Samz707


    8 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Given this series has Sonia and Genealogy's Hilda, whom are awful beyond mortal comprehension... I don't quite see it like that.


    Yeah but those characters are ment to be hated and aren't playable.

    Peri annoys me because they think it's quirky and not abhorenet.

    10 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Is that in a paired ending somewhere?


    Found it, it's in her one paired ending that's not recycled:

    Turns out Laslow is even more unlucky.

    Peri and Laslow
    Laslow vanished after the war, but he inspired generations of dancers and rallied the spirits of many. Records of his wife end around the same time, as does a curious string of missing-persons cases.
  2. 36 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Peri actively takes pleasure in snuffing out human life and sees absolutely nothing wrong with attempting to murder servants (hers or the avatar's) when they piss her off by doing a bad job, and her support with Xander is all about him telling her she has nothing to be ashamed of if other people think she's weird. Laslow flirts with married women and gets into a non-lethal bar brawl to impress the barmaid, and he spends an entire support chain under house arrest.


    I forgot but doesn't Peri's ending state that her settling down concided with a "Drop in missing person reports" or something among those lines?

    AKA Peri has actually canonically been killing random villagers and such the entire game.  

  3. 8 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    One is a sleazy and insufferable flirt who has managed to annoy half the female population he has ever come into contact with.

    The other is a profoundly mentally unstable literal serial killer who will actively threaten or even outright attempt murder on your own allies given the right circumstances.

    Guess which one has a support chain revolving around getting punished by their boss.

    Yeah, this is the thing about Inigo/Laslow. Even though I find him rather distasteful... my irritation at him is massively tempered by the sheer shit he has to put up with from a narrative that seems to think he deserves way worse than he actually does.

    Peri actively takes pleasure in snuffing out human life and sees absolutely nothing wrong with attempting to murder servants (hers or the avatar's) when they piss her off by doing a bad job, and her support with Xander is all about him telling her she has nothing to be ashamed of if other people think she's weird. Laslow flirts with married women and gets into a non-lethal bar brawl to impress the barmaid, and he spends an entire support chain under house arrest.

    Niles tries to proposition a female avatar for half-naked oil wrestling, and she's just like “can we just talk? I'd love to just talk to you”. Laslow invites a female avatar out for tea and she looks at him like he's the scum of the earth.

    ...Hell, in one timeline in Awakening, this man has been raped under threat of cannibalism, and the story at bare minimum thinks this is funny. More likely it thinks this is karmic justice.

    And then we have his fucking daughter, who... fuck, I'm going to recruit her eventually, if not here then in Conquest, so I'll talk about her then.

    I am annoyed by Laslow. The writers seem to hate him. They seem to single him out for loathing from the rest of the army and the universe despite a ready supply of characters who have done much worse.

    ...And that's it for today. Alright. Two chapters is more than enough. Let's call it here.

    Tomorrow I expect to recruit Mozu and Hinata's son.

    Stay safe, everyone!

    God this is like Awakening thinking Chrom needs to learn a contrived dumb moral all over again. 

    Remember, men are evil but women can do no wrong, apparently.

    Like if there was an FE spin-off, where the entire gimmick is that it's not at all serious and you're playing as exaggerated villains, maybe Peri could have worked there but it seems entirely wrong here. 

    Remember, if someone wants to take a POW? they're evil but murdering maids on the regular is okay!

    I can only imagine how Fates would treat Sylvain.


  4. 5 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Speaking of Corrin, was it ever mentioned yet that the Yato looks nothing like a katana despite being classified as one by the game? Only the Blazing Yato comes anywhere near looking like one.

    Given that Binding Blade exists, I cannot agree with this. Also, I do think it is possible for a game to be both frustrating and boring.

    Yeah it can, I like binding but those late-game chapters with hordes of Wyvern spawns are frustrating and boring and it's why my playthrough is currently on hold til' I get the will to spend hours on a chapter baiting out Wyvern spawns.

  5. So after kinda getting side-tracked with SiN and Kane and Lynch 2's MP actually having a small revival that I joined in on, I finally did chapter 2 of Fates prologue.

    I don't think it was said but is any wonder Corrin can't fight well with a sword that's absurdly large? I picked the Tall Corrin and was kinda amazed at how the sword is massively oversized, it's no wonder they can't train well.


    I do kinda like how Corrin actually already has 70 EXP, it's for tutorial purposes but it does make it come across like they've actually been training.


  6. 3 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    That’s nice, and I and everyone else for that matter was already well aware of how you feel about seasonals.

    Awakening getting shafted in that area is still a glaring issue regardless of whether you care about seasonals or not.

    In regards to both questions, I was:

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    Isn't she technically already in the game? just in her Fates outfit. (and for some reason the game really, really wanted me to have and use her because i got her like 6 times now.)


  7. 2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    Yes, Awakening was treated well but only during FEH's first two years. Below are all (except Plegian Tharja who was just added) of Awakening's Special Hero (seasonal) alts:

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    Everything from the first Chrom to the first Tharja was in 2017, while bride Tharja to Noire and that's still Noire's only version, by the way was in 2018 (to June 2018 to be exact). 

    Awakening got zero seasonal alts in 2019, leaving them with just two from last year (and one of them only counts because Mia is a Harmonized Hero who has Masked Marth as her partner) plus Plegian Tharja from this month. 

    This should go without saying, but almost every other game (Thracia and Tokyo Mirage Sessions being the only exceptions) has gotten more than just three seasonal alts since June 2018.

    And yes, Awakening does have more characters than Echoes but the former has a larger playable cast than the latter anyways so that shouldn't be a surprise. That said, Awakening is the one that has more missing playable characters than Echoes (and Echoes is also very likely to get a new New Heroes banner sometime soon):

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    Echoes: Kaumi, Luthier, Atlas, Jesse, Deen, Tatiana, Zeke, Mycen, Nomah (9)

    Awakening: Vaike, Miriel, Kellam, Ricken, Gregor, Basilio, Flavia, Severa, Laurent, Yen'fay, Priam (11)


    That is not an excuse at all for Awakening's neglect when Fates has gotten 11 seasonal alts (plus 4 seasonal TT units) since 2019 (and that number increases to 17 if we're counting since June 2018). 

    Doesn't Chrom still get an alt even if he's 3rd Place? (and Chrom has 5 alts)

    Not to mention Tharja just got an alt and the entire event is Awakening Pelgia themed.

    If you really feel Awakening is shafted, wouldn't it be a better idea to vote for someone who isn't already in the game? or someone who doesn't have any alts?

  8. 6 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    Yeah, and that.....will probably mean nothing to IS who'll continue to shower Y!Tiki with alts anyways.

    After all, they'll do literally anything these days if it can get them out of giving Awakening in general anything more than scraps.

    Don't Lucina and Chrom have a ton of alts?

    And isn't pretty much almost every Awakening player character in Heroes?

    There's more Awakening characters than Echoes.

    Granted I'm recent to Heroes but I don't see how Awakening is getting scraps when it's got the most characters from a single game aside from Fates. (Since Archanea is technically 4 games for instance.)

  9. 11 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    In all fairness to Heroes Tharja, she actually doesn't really flirt with Kiran if I recall correctly. She's still got a very singleminded focus on Robin.

    She states Kirian is "Just as important to her" when talking about Robin in some of the level 40 stuff, which feels out of character for the sake of Player Pandering. 

    And the new one talks about how Kiran reminds her of her "Fated one" so there's a bit of pandering there IMO.


  10. 3 minutes ago, zuibangde said:

    And lowering Camilla to just her 'assets' is also factually incorrect but it is widely accepted anyways.

    My point is that for many, Gatekeeper is just a meme (and there are people that openly said that the'll vote for him for 'the memes') and I just don't think his genuine fans should take it as an insult when people voice their dislike for that? 

    Doesn't Heroes literally do that itself with Camilla? since she flirts with Kiran despite wanting to bang Corrin, same with Tharja.

  11. I don't really get the whole "I hate Gatekeeper so I'm voting for Chrom" thing.

    Like if you're really that mad, can you at least be productive and vote for Dedue or anyone else not in Heroes? 

    Or Henriette, or Jedah, or Kamui or Validar.

    Anyone not actually in this game, Chrom has 5 alts I think he can live without another one.

    Yes, maybe I'm biased because I hate Chrom but I'd be still annoyed if it was an Echoes Only Vote, Brigand Boss was in second place and everyone started voting 3rd Place Alm instead of Kamui or Jedah who aren't even in Heroes.

    This is a dumb gacha game, where the entire gimmick is that anyone in the series is playable, at least vote for someone new instead of someone with 5 alts if you're gonna all pool your votes together to spite someone.

  12. 21 hours ago, joevar said:

    but like @Benicesaid, you dont get to use it early on in the game. and its not like everyone start with killer bow, while in 3H art dont stick with weapon. and its dungeon like you said, so its not a direct comparison where you rush in small fight in late game

    at least i hope they only start being generous / exploitable (but not obvious) near endgame, not early in the game. or i dunno, just rework the weapon and art system just to see how people react this time

    I doubt it'll happen (and I'm unaware of any FE game doing this.) but maybe actually have the player get less money on harder difficulties.

    Not in a "Less Battles" way but in actually playing out less, like you visit a village and they actually give you less gold than on Easy.

    Like I guess:

    6000 G: Easy

    4000 G: Normal

    3000 G: Hard


    -1000G: Infernal

    As an example

    Enemies and their stats get altered, maybe what we actually get given should be altered too.


    So on lower difficulties money isn't too much of an issue but every gold piece starts mattering once you bump it up.

    FE7/6 had a cut mechanic where the Arena would get more challenging if you won too much, perhaps Hard/Maddening could start doing that for the Arena and other grinding features.

    Maybe even other mechanics, like Stat boosters giving a plus 5 to starts on Easy but only 1-2 points on Hard, and maybe actually increasing Growths on Easy/Normal but not effecting them on Hard.

    Obviously the game should be transparent with these but it could work I think.

    Have the amount of resources at the player's disposal get reduced as the difficulty gets bumped up, so you can be careless on Easy but have to start being careful around Hard and Maddening/Infernal could be near-survival horror levels of intense resource management.

  13. 30 minutes ago, joevar said:

    ah yes, the way the people treat combat art in SoV versus 3H clearly different. people spam art iirc in 3H  almost like that is the standard attack while i dont think the same happen to SoV

    You basically have to early on in my experience, which means I've skipped the animations so much.

    Especially with Bows, since if you want more than 2 range before you promote to archer you need to use Curved shot, which is too long and fancy for what is essentially your regular bow attack early on. (Even has better accuracy/damage.)

    Meanwhile in SOV they were generally more situational attacks I busted out rather than actually being done more than regular attacks and frankly I prefer it that way.

    So it's not even just "the cost matters less", The students aren't that good early on so they kinda have to use Combat Arts for an advantage, which is the opposite of Echoes where you get the Arts later on and they're actually situational attacks most of the time as opposed to "More accuracy and damage" like the basic arts in 3H. (and the few that are have a big HP Penalty so you actually need to consider when using them.)

  14. 2 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Yeah, I get why, story-wise, they wouldn't have a personal weapon at that point. But even something generic like a Killer Axe would be more threatening. 


    FE needs flex-tape, the Flame Emperor now has two killing axes taped together, that's their super weapon.

  15. 24 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

    Honestly I don't think the death of the servers will have a massive impact on your basic runs, other than making it optimal to have more down-time between maps (assuming you had the game at some point before they shut-off to download the free DLC map). The rate at which you get the gems and food will be slower, and you will have to rely more on gem trade, the arena, and random drops, but the big cost items for those resources are accessories, which are predominately for sillyness or online battles, or in making a time based RNG system of who is at what location more reliable, and recruiting captured unit the fast way (so once again taking a longer break to recruit them the slow way would be the way to replace it). As long as you download the free map once you could use that in place of castle battles for the DV and relationship grinding you might want to do on Conquest.


    So what's that free map exactly? I'm still in the prologue so far.

    But yeah I don't really think SP games should have a massive focus on any sort of online stuff, since well, when the servers go down that's all gone.

    Like Syphon Filter:Omega Strain, a PS2-Online focused game (with a solo mode but that was very half-baked and literally only included because the publisher wanted it as the game was originally not going to ship with off-line play at all.) has a large chunk of unlockables unobtainable, including the good canonical ending because the servers are down, since there are objectives in each level that can only be done in co-op as intended by the devs and only a handful of those can be completed via glitches/bugs in solo play. (and even then there's a chance they won't register.)

  16. 3 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    I don't think any item (aside from the stuff in visitation and battle rewards) is going to be strictly speaking gone forever. It's more the fact that resources in general are going to be much scarcer since you have to rely on random "I found this weird thing" drops, lottery rewards, and arena gambling in order to get more of your non-farmable resources, and the accessory shop and prison use a ton of those resources, meaning that the capture system and accessories are going to be nerfed to hell (especially since you can't just get free accessories from your friends anymore. You also won't be able to buy katanas in Conquest or swords in Birthright anymore because you won't have your friends' shops to visit and buy shit from (you can't buy the limited stock items, but you can buy anything the store sells an infinite amount of, so, most basic weapons and staves).

    While I haven't started playing past Character Creation (Since long story short, a steam group for players to play an MP game that doesn't' have too many fans had an event where they were all going to play the game so they'd be enough players to get a match going happened and well, I can play Fates another day but it could be a while before enough people would play that MP game so I kinda put Fates down when that happened.) that sounds kinda why you shouldn't build a game around social mechanics and such, I'm someone who actually tends to avoid stuff like that, especially on a first time playthrough. (since I kinda like to have a "Vanilla" experience, I don't even like using DLC weapons and such on my first play through outside of the DLC in other games unless they're extremely similar stat-wise to pre-existing stuff.)

    Or at least provide some sort of off-line equivalent.

  17. 1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

    I can sympathize with that. It's easily the biggest problem the interface has, in spite of everything else it fixed.

    Most of my newfound appreciation for My Castle just comes from recognizing the shit I took for granted until experiencing Garreg Mach. I actually agree that changing this would be a major improvement. As I said at one point earlier in the thread, I'd ideally want My Castle modified so that the social interaction becomes a replacement for options you already have in-game, not an augmentation. Especially since the Sword of Damocles is constantly dangling over the servers' heads and when they eventually shut down My Castle will change drastically. I'd ideally want it to be that you get your one type of each resource like in-game, but then can trade them to randomized AI traders who show up after every mission, offering to trade something you have for something else. But you can also take those resources and offer to trade them to other people, like put a certain amount of emeralds you want converted into sapphires, and then anyone who wants to trade you a sapphire in exchange for an emerald can do so while visiting your base. It's still just converting the resources you already had, just like the AI traders, instead of just an objective improvement of free shit.

    Curious that even the extremely minimal social interaction of visiting other castles is uncomfortable. Did you try it and nope out, or did you just not want to try?

    At any rate, glad to have you back! Can't wait to hear your thoughts when I start Birthright!

    So how much items and such are only/extremely rare/tedious to obtain without MyCastle? AKA going to be gone for good when the servers are gone?

    I know those weird "Child" unit things between Corrin's are going to be lost. (Who thought self-cest would be a thing in fe?)

    I did avoid using Renown stuff in Awakening.

  18. 13 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:


    I generally like Garreg Mach, but the one area I'll never forgive is the second-floor dormitory hallway. Usually, there's nobody there, so what's the point to having it? And when there is, you have to run allll the way down to the other end. In case of a fire, there's only one exit. I get why they wanted to give every student a dorm, but how about this: instead, make a staircase at either end of the dorms, so you can access the rooms from the outside.

    It has grown on me a bit but I still use teleportation often since well, it's not well designed since there's many dead ends and bits that look like they'd connect but oh wait, no that's a brick wall so you have to take the long way around.


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