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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. 10 hours ago, Imuabicus said:

    First off, can you tell me what the positive value of permadeath would be. Secondly, why do you ascribe a desire to go into Classic to players that have actively chosen not to play on that gamemode?

    Because regardless of game-mode and difficulty it´s a strategy game – unless you are intentionally screwing around there isn´t going to be much of a difference in how one would play. (I assume, what do I know about others playstyle.) Normal Casual doesn´t play any different from Normal Classic and the same goes for any other difficulty Casual-Classic. Only reason for Casual to exist is to not worry and the only reason for Classic to exist is for players who want their ironman-runs.

    Heroes is casual and my units even keep their level ups when they die, I am much, much more reckless in that than later games.

    Also, as Echoes showed, a great use of Perma-death can be used to have great drama and sadness in character quotes, from the horrified reaction of friends to even the somewhat defeated "been through this before" attitude of some of the older characters, it also helps our characters seem more like they're actually friends and such when they actually react to their friend getting stabbed in the heart.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Emperor Hardin said:

    Henry's not a Grima worshipper, though it is implied he was abused by them.

    That was all in Gaiden except for the nationality of some characters. Though the Lima IV starving Rigel was only on Kaga's timeline which was out of game, probably due to space.

    Notice they stop mentioning him after a brief comparison to Walhart, who is not only the most sympathetic villain in Awakening, but the one Chrom sympathizes with in his motivation and ultimately teams up with. He even regrets not teaming up with Walhart. 

    Ah, so the Grimleal are even more just flat-out evil in every way.


  3. 9 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Is Henry a member of the Grimleal? Not that it would make much difference if he is, because 1: as lovable as he is he's completely psycho, and 2: even attempting a message of "not all practitioners of a religion are evil" when the god the religion is based around is inherently evil is kind of a waste of time, because any decent person would stop being a member of the religion upon gaining any awareness of how fucked up it is.

    Not to mention Henry seems to be (from what I hear) mainly helping us since that means there's more bloodshed and while he's supposed to "get over" his crazyness, he offers to kill our entire playable cast in his Tharja S-rank, so that's all moot.

    I dunno if Gaiden did it, but I seriously appreciate Echoes taking the time to sorta show how (until Jedah take over.) how Zofia/Rigel weren't actually that different now, at least that's how I took it. (Granted it made Celica look like even more of a brain-dead moron when her plot-stupidity kicked in.), Sure Alm and (I guess Biased at the start?) narrator talk about how Rigel is evil but then it turns out a few of your player cast are Rigellian and alot of the Rigellian villagers are friendly/innocent, meanwhile Grieth and bandits pop up in Zofia, meaning Zofia isn't quite as non-war like as Rigel when even it's occupants turn to violence as well. (and Grieth even, true to his final words, is replaced by another, it's just this another happens to direct his fighting towards people who presumably deserve it as a mercenary, which while good, is actually still making a living by war and probably more in-line with Duma's ideals, even if this is admittingly probably a complete accident on the writing's behalf.)

    Meanwhile Awakening seemingly thinks Chrom's dad is in the wrong for wanting to genocide a religion of literally chaotic evil with practically no exceptions.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Still alive, but with horrible brain damage.

    ...Is that how they're explaining Emmeryn's survival? After her fall, she was found by Grimleal, discovered to still be alive, and then she was taken here and then she escaped? Why would they take her with them to this island village on a trip to kidnap other young women?

    ...Emmeryn is still alive.

    ...Now. Normally the fact that she's still suffered a horrible fate that makes her barely even the same person anymore would help matters, as it keeps the tragedy of earlier in the game from losing all meaning.



    ...They describe her as having the mental capacity of a child.

    And you can still romance her.

    So not only does this game allow you to marry your best friend's worst enemy, a horrible murderer...

    ...not only does this game allow you to condemn a man to forced marriage to a perpetual twelve-year-old under threat of cannibalism...

    ...but this game allows you to romance, and have sex with, your best friend's mentally regressed, mentally impaired sister who can't even speak in complete sentences.

    I... just... just one question.


    What purpose does this serve? Does this enhance the story in any way? Does it make anyone happy? Does it satisfy the people who liked Emmeryn and wanted to romance her? What the fuck is the point of bringing this character back like this!?

    Why did the writers feel the need to try to kill their cake and fuck it too!?

    And now suddenly Chrom's talking about Emmeryn like she's happier with her memory gone, now that she doesn't remember all the pain she's gone through in her life, and that it's entirely selfish for her loved ones to want her to get her memory back, and like... what? What kind of patronizing shit is this!?

    ...The Risen Chief has the Sol Katti for some reason. Can't imagine why.


     Good lord.

    Quite frankly, I normally hate statements like these, since I always like to presume ignorance and such rather than the writer being a vile person but at least one of Awakening's writers has some severely messed up values, I just thought Emmeryn had Amnesia and was a little slow when I heard about this, not a full-on child-like state.

    And of course Robin can have sex with her and I thought Byleth having most of their romances be students was the most messed up, this out-classes it by a mile.

    The idea that this is some how a good thing is just... like I said, at least one of those writers is thoroughly messed up, now, I don't mind evil actions but this is being done by our self-insert hero and is portrayed as a good thing, the idea that a woman is better off as a brain-damaged mentally a child being potentially exploited sexually by a man is disgusting, the fact they can do actions like this is why Robin is one of the worst characters in the series for me, they're quite frankly scum for actions like this.


    Don't they randomly dig up the Deadlords from Jugdral during the main plot as well?

  5. 7 hours ago, Maof06 said:

    I don't get why people have a problem with Robin surviving thanks to the "invisible ties". Final Fantasy VI plays this straight at its ending and it has one of the greatest stories ever made.


    Not played Final Fantasy VI but in Awakening, it feels like a complete cop-out.

    Not to mention Robin also survives the entire out of nowhere thing where if you accept being absorbed by Grima in that one scene, get pulled into that weird unexplained pocket dimension thing, then suddenly POWER OF FRIENDSHIP enables Robin to teleport back. (In a scene so pointless I wonder why they even bothered including it.)

    Personally, The Shepherd's also don't come of as friends, frankly, stuff like A: Tharja being implied to take advantage of Robin being unconscious in their A support, B: Tharja tricking Donnel into putting on a ring that's implied will kill him if he wants to seperate, C : Nah forcing Inigo to marry her or she'll eat him and D : everyone taking years to notice Kellam has left in his solo ending all make it seem like the Shepherds really, really aren't friends so the game trying to use it as a "Get out of writing free card" only sticks out more when some of the cast are out-right evil to each other yet the game thinks it's just quirky friendship. (Then again this is the game that thinks Tharja abusing Noire is a funny quirky moment and not horrific.)

    There's probably more examples, I just gave up on trying to grind out supports since Awakening makes it a drag.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    I would disagree with this simply because themes are pretty much the sole reason why stories are made to begin with. Art is a form of expression and storytelling is no different in that regard. The only reason art exists at all is to present ideas and emotions in order to express one’s views on reality. This is true of any art form. Themes are simply a story’s way of expressing those ideas. Everything in a story is in service to those themes. Again this is true of any art form. Look at any painting, drawing, music piece, etc. when you break these things down you’ll notice that every little aspect of it is in service to a specific goal. For example, slow piano pieces might sound somber and hit at more sad emotions. Where as a fast electric guitar is gonna feed more energetic and upbeat. In both cases that’s very much point. The music is supposed to make you feel a certain way as you listen to it. Storytelling no matter what the medium is no different. The writers want you to take something away from their story and every aspect of that should be in line with that message. It’s why we’re able to make these thematic connections and draw these conclusions. Art exists to allow artists to express themselves and their ideas. That’s only reason art exists at all so deny those things as a core part of the experience is to deny why art exists in the first place.  

    Doom hardly had a story.

    Duke Nukem 3D's story is just "Save the babes by stopping those alien freaks!" there's not  really a greater theme, it's just there to kill dudes.

    Fire Emblem Heroes (at least in book 1 which I'm at) also basically has a small excuse plot for why you're beating up characters from the games, to the point where the game basically intentionally avoids dwelling on anything. (like the fact our heroes technically still die or how everyone is very sorta chill with the fact they're being forced to fight.)

    A story can carry themes but not every story is a "Story".

  7. 1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:


    ...Unless the power of friendship saves her.

    No, for those of you who are just reading this without playing the game, I am not joking. She actually says that maybe the bonds she's forged with the people of this world will tether her there even after Grima's death.

    It's annoying that this talk between Chrom and Alexandria about the possibility of sacrificing herself to stop Grima forever... doesn't change if they're married. They talk exactly the same whether they're husband and wife or just close friends.


    The power of friendship! the best completecopout plot device ever.,

    I think it can work, but that's in stuff like FE7,where it's A: not beaten over your head with a Devil Axe and B: the "power" is just good ol' teamwork rather than plot-contrivance, AKA the "power" is good ol' working together and trusting in each other.

    Meanwhile Awakening has a copout plan that Robin told literally no one else before hand aside from Basillo I think and requires us to not know what our POV character, who is used to self-insert as us (Quite literally a back on the box thing if I remember) is up to. 

    Seriously did Alternative Universe Robin not care about Chrom and the others enough? Did they actually use the Fire Emblem to summon Grima that time? 


    You kill Validar and Grima saves him, did Validar just not die in the first timeline? I have many questions.

  8. 1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Yep. Robin reveals the Gemstones are fake, so the ritual to revive Grima that Validar was trying to do couldn't work. But then after Validar dies, the Hierophant, bad future Robin, just shows up and says "Ha, I don't need the Fire Emblem! All I needed was the human sacrifice part of the ritual!"

    ...So why didn't you tell Validar that years ago!?

    Because how else would the devs have Robin pull that 5D chess move?

    Seriously though, Chrom even states he feels the energy of that one stone earlier, how the heck would Robin get a convincing fake that even gives out a similar energy to the real thing? I'd imagine that'll take weeks at least but it feels like we go and kill Walhart in about a few days at most and Robin apparently got a convincing fake of every single stone.

    Not to mention Grima can just mind control all of the Grimleal now? Why not just have every single villager in Plegia body-pile the shepards? I don't think they could take that many people even unarmed at once.

  9. 1 minute ago, Marienburg said:

    I take it you haven't played the game yet? It's really not as bad as people make it out to be. There's maybe 4 relevant ambush spawns across the entire game and none of them force you to change your entire strategy, rather just revise unit placement. 

    I have but am still in the early game on Hard, I already actually would have had to divine pulse in the Miklan one if it wasn't for me intentionally training Bernadetta up so that she could just barely survive those two enemy spawns, since they occurred after I'd already moved everyone in range of them.

    I simply don't want to deal with any ambush spawns because having to memorize  enemy spawns isn't fun gameplay.


  10. Just now, Marienburg said:

    I think the only one that's bad are the pass rogues on Miklan which are annoying to deal with even if you know about them. After that you have so many divine pulse charges that it doesn't really matter if you have to burn one because you walked right on top of an ambush spawn. But maybe that's just me. I know people complain about ambush spawns in FE6 and I thought those were all fair and had no problems with them.

    Personally, it's still annoying to have to essentially save-scum because of bad game design.

    Even if Hard ends up being too easy for me, I absolutely do not want to deal with having my strategy get  screwed over because the developers implemented a lazy form of "difficulty".

  11. 3 minutes ago, Marienburg said:

    You can do this with NG+, making maddening as easy or hard as you want it to be. If you want a challenge on your first playthough, I don't think the first couple of chapters in Maddening are really that different from Radiant Dawn Normal. Yeah you have Sothe, but you still have to play carefully because any stray npc will 2 shot most of your team and 1 shot your lord and healer. Three Houses is probably still more difficult, but the playstyle ends up being the same.

    There's still elements like Ambush Spawns though.

  12. 33 minutes ago, SumG said:

    How good or bad of a thing it is depends a bit on what type of franchise Fire Emblem wants to be.  Three Houses is by far the most narratively intensive game in the franchise; many previous iterations, particularly in the GBA and earlier era games, have only a slim veneer of plot to connect the chapters.  If you're going to have a narratively focused game, then you need to ensure that the people who are playing the game for the story have a means of getting to the end even if they aren't very good at the game.  I've never played Normal mode, but I've heard it's extremely easy.  Even Hard mode isn't particularly hard.  And I don't mind those difficultly levels existing where they are because they are there to ensure everyone gets to see the story.  Maddening is fairly difficult (I can't comment on how it compares to other games' Lunatic modes), and is in place for enfranchised players.

    Regarding the specific complaints about story missions (that the objectives are too simple and maps uninteresting), again I chalk this up to designing for accessibility for newer players.  By keeping the objectives and maps simple, new players are less likely to get confused or frustrated.  More challenging maps and objectives *do* exist in Three Houses, but are typically limited to the optional paralogues.  If you're looking for a challenge, then you can opt in them.  If you find them too difficult, you don't have bash your head against a wall.

    Some enfranchised players grouse about how Three Houses was designed because the game is no longer specifically designed for them.  It's designed to be more welcoming to new players along the critical story path, while providing optional challenges in terms of side quests and paralogues.  This is a pretty prevalent design over the last 10 years or so, and something Nintendo *loves* to do, so these arguments sound like a bunch of pissing in the wind to me.  And if these design change mean that the player base for the games is larger (and we get more releases due to that), then I am more than put in the extra effort to have fun on the paralogues.

    Then why not make it so Maddening is actually a good step up from Hard mode that provides that challenge instead of the absurd difficulty that I hear it is?

    A better way to do it would to just have better designed difficulties overall, so people wanting a challenge or not can both be satisfied.

  13. 53 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Awakening Day 16: Chapter 21

    Alright, let's start what I hope to be the final week of this game.

    ...This cutscene seems to depict Lucina drawing her sword again. Isn't this supposed to be a continuation of the scene before where she saved that soldier woman and sliced a Risen in half with her already-drawn sword?




    Meaning that if Lucina did in fact reach teenage years by the time Chrom died like half of the game is insinuating, then... well remember, Chrom's roughly 21 after the timeskip. Meaning that in the bad future, Chrom is something like 36 at the youngest when he dies, and yet in that premonition at the beginning of the game, he looks fucking identical to now.

    ...Also, Grima claims that he'll cease to exist if Lucina changed the future, but... the existence of multiple timelines kinda makes that blatantly wrong, no?

    And apparently Alexandria was supposed to “choose godhood”? Was bad future Alexandria not mind controlled, and was genuinely tempted to become Grima? Then what was that red veiny shit in the POV shot of killing Chrom?

    And also, Grima reveals that literally the bad guys' entire plan so far has been pointless, because Grima could have been revived with human sacrifice without the Fire Emblem's help, and he never told Validar.

    Yeah the entire alternative timeline nonesense with Awakening is kinda just screwed up in everyway, I don't think the writers thought about it, at all.

    I also like how the premonition/Chrom's "death" literally use the exact same cutscene.

    Quite frankly this entire bit of the story is plot-hole after plot-hole to just have Robin be cool with a BS plan yet still have Grima be the final boss.

    When did Robin/Bassilo speak? how did they get convincing fakes in seemingly short notice? and why does the entire situation surrounding Falchion make absolutely no sense? 

    If Lucina was going to try to stab Robin, why not do so BEFORE THEY GIVE THE BAD GUY THE FIRE EMBLEM, just gut Robin there and then.

    And if they're gonna fake the choice, at least do something interesting with it, like a mock-cutscene battle between Robin/Lucina, with the victor depending on who actually has better stats, Chrom could still interrupt before they actually kill each other but then it'd at least be kinda cool and make it distinctive to just accepting it.

    It's just one, massive gaping plot hole, bigger than when Eliwood impaled Ninian on his Durundal.

    Can't wait for the next battle, aka "If Grima just did a barrel roll, he'd have won."

    Honestly, I wish there was a "side with Grima" option, I'd take it, it'd be the only choice in this game that isn't fake. (Closest you get is letting Chrom kill Grima so that he comes back and kills everyone.)



  14. 43 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

    All units have a set of skills and passives they can learn by default. In battle, units gain SP for learning skills, the default being 3sp per kill, as well as s small abundance of SP every levelup. If a unit wishes to learn other skills or passives beyond what they have by default, they need to get new skills by inheriting them from units who do have such skills.

    Units can learn more of their default skills as their potential rank increases, with all of their skills being unlocked by 5 stars.

    Staff units, by default, don't come with an attack skill learned except in specific circumstances, but they do learn Assault for basic combat eventually.

    So what exactly is the amount of SP normally needed to learn anything new? 

    I got Edelgard to level 40 and she didn't get any new abiltiies.

  15. This would probably be a bit controversial (and if they do it maybe the Remake could have toggles for it and any other significant differences or something.) but I think maybe adding throwing knives that debuff characters could work, I mainly got the idea since Merlinus can do that in Heroes, so what if they made it a sub-set of Swords, Merlinus can use them but maybe they're a bit inaccurate?

    So Merlinus would have a surprisingly high skill (since Skill effects accuracy), so he'd be able to consistently land hits with them but still poor stats in anything else, so while for anyone else it's a bit of a trade-off (Basically Hand-axes with less damage and maybe even less accuracy so kinda inferior to normal swords), Merlinus could work as a dedicated debuff Unit who's still super fragile and doesn't actually do much raw damage himself.

  16. I installed it but had trouble getting the FE civ mods to work. (I'd played some of Civ 6 beforehand while it was free to play briefly.)

    I did get all the DLC when it was on sale so maybe they'll work now.

    I'd be interested in seeing a a LP of it, there was a pretty fun wacky one that used MGS mods I read a while back.

  17. 54 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    Hey if you don’t believe me look at the credits. His name is right there under director and scenario writer. He was also the director and lead scenario writer of awakening meaning most decisions regarding the story and it’s writing must get his approval so yeah. 

    Then that kinda makes the rampant disregard even worse since he should have definitely known better.

  18. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    You know Big Boss revealing to Snake that he's his father was a complete retcon in Metal Gear Solid. It's not obvious because the events they refer to were a game unto itself, but in the original MSX Metal Gear 2 Big Boss says nothing of the sort. He just dies. It's a situation where someone actually playing through the series canonically would be more lost than someone just jumping in at the most popular title. It's kind of hilarious how major a revelation that is to be just casually dropped in as a by the way this conversation happened. Like fair enough if you want to have your plot retconning something from the previous game shouldn't be off limits, but it's a pretty massive plot point here that I can't help but feel they could have actually implemented in Metal Gear Solid more naturally. They really need to get around to remaking the first two games with Big Bosses recontexualized character, instead of just making more Big Boss games that clog up the timeline in increasingly nonsensical ways. Well that's my Metal Gear 2 Cents. Also the Game Boy Colour game is great.


    And then you have the mess of tech, while MGS3 and Portable ops at least tried to keep their tech relatively "Low tech" compared to later games, PW and MGSV flat-out went pretty much Sci-fi despite still being in the 80's roughly. (Like Wormhole generators or how the Metal Gears are way more advanced than anything in the chronologically later games because every thing has to be bigger and cool despite that massively screwing up the timeline.)

    Haven't actually played the GBC game myself but I plan to.


  19. 5 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    Let’s not forget that the lead writer behind both awakening and blazing blade was Kouhei Maeda. I’m just saying before you start making assumptions like this.

    Kojima wrote every Metal Gear game and those ended up a mess of retcoms and plot holes. 

    So Maeda clearly didn't care as much when it came to Awakening.

  20. 53 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    I mean it’s not like you can take Walhart out of the equation entirely. If you fight Excellus, you fight Walhart after all. I don’t think Yen’fey’s strength is the issue here. He’s more concerned with his sister rather than himself. If he fights Walhart and dies that doesn’t matter to him. But if he dies like that there’s no way to guarantee Say’ri’s safety afterwards. Like if he had fought with Say’ri from the beginning she would’ve died. That much is made apparent. This way he can guarantee her safety for as long as possible. 

    We never see HOW she would have died though, she's already fighting Walharts forces, did Exellus threaten to reveal her hideout or something? it's stuff that you kinda need to explain.

    Also gutting Say'ri himself if it comes to that doesn't exactly protect her. AndIthoughtFateswastheonlyFEgamewithPeoplewantingtostickSwordsintheirsisters

    Maybe actually helping her fight against the dudes trying to kill her would keep her safe, maybe actually joining her at the volcano instead of shanking her himself would keep her safe.

    On 1/1/2021 at 8:43 PM, Axie said:

    awakening was trying to explore the perceived last opportunity of swiping money from fire emblem fans by expressing how previous fire emblem universes existed, in the most chaotic way possible. there.

    i guess if we remove all of that, we have a story of... idk, there are two wars and a time travelling villain and not much of a message? it's a very anemic story that counts on its previous references to impress, yet they also make it nonsensical.

    but at least it's something, which makes it a better story than BlaBla. blazing blade: the game that ends the exact the same way it starts, with some elibe desecration in the middle.

    Blazing Blade makes you kinda care when Bern invades in 6, I wouldn't exactly care for Llia if I just played 6 first, it's a random country I know basically nothing about that I never visited in my playthrough, while knowing more about Llia/the fact several characters return to Llia in their endings in 7, means I care about it even if I never actually visit it in my playthrough. (and Zephiel's backstory is more effective when you get to actually see it.)

    Also makes Hector's death scene less of a "Well I can see why Roy is sad but I personally have no attachment to this dude I know for 5 seconds" into a kinda gut punch for anyone hoping Hector would be a cool unit in 6 like Marcus is. 

    Blazing at least feels like it's trying to expand on Elibe, successfully (Hector) or otherwise, it hits most of the stairs falling backwards in the process but it feels like the writers were at least trying as opposed to Awakening which I still refuse to believe they got 6 people to write a game that somehow feels like a bunch of disorganized retcons one after the other that feels like every scene/character was taken out of a cliche book. (Yes, I know technically that's all the writing but the point is you make it feel like the characters/events aren't as opposed to simply throwing stuff in randomly that makes no sense, like the Taguel.) 

    TLDR: Blazing Blade feels like it was actually trying to genuinely, if not exactly successfully, expand on Elibe while Awakening simply doesn't care and just wants money.

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