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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. 2 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Would Bern have a small chance of winning though? Etruria is depicted as one of the two superpowers on Elibe but it always came across as the weaker one compared to Bern. That and by the time of FE6 it has fallen into a deep decline while Bern seems more powerful then ever. 

    I think it's more since Bern is already still fighting rebels and such in Sacae if I remember, Zephiel basically doesn't want to bite off more than he can chew. (A bit like how things went South for Hitler when he took on both Russia and Europe/America at the same time.)

    I guess also in hindsight Roy having to kill a decent amount of Eturia forces during the Isles section probably made things easier.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Axie said:

    if anything, dismounting should be a net stat increase. a mount is a benefit; you should gain something if you don't have it.

    not to sound like a swordgirl fan in a tier list thread in 2011 but fire emblem still hasn't quite figured out that higher movement will probably be worth whatever downsides they give to the classes, specially if there is also flight. they could stand to nerf them in various ways instead of just making them better. these are pre-3H concerns, but the only unpromoted class with more than one weapon is mounted? the highest defense class other than the useless armor knights flies? they gave the gamebreaking galeforce in awakening to the (female only but still) mixed flier i was going to use anyway?

    movement alone makes fliers and mounts useful even if you stack the rest of the mechanics against them. i think, for starters, their double attack threshold should be higher than for footies. if footies need 4 AS more, mounts should need 5 more.

    (i don't think this is all that unpopular lol but i got carried away)

    Ehh, I think dismounting should have penalties (basically turn the unit into a Soldier from Echoes) considering how you're A: already powerful and B: in the case of fliers, literally removing your counter, considering that Cavaliers aren't exactly known for being weak units even outside of movement speed.

    I think re-adding Rescue then either A: Making it use Strength, B: Making CON a stat that can be levelled up or Strength counting as additional CON past a certain point or B: Making Body Rings give more than just 2 (Which isn't much for a stat that you can ONLY increase with a rare item) CON or more common so you could potentially level a flier into a Knight Rescuer could work, so you could get a Pegasus Knight/Cavalier/Wyvern flier that can fly around and drop a knight where he needs to be.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Sooks1016 said:

    There is no way that opinion is at all unpopular.

    You'd think so but I've seen games where the devs have gone so far as to remove the ability to kill enemy units while they're currently being mind controlled by you. (Like the X-com Reboot unlike the original X-com.) with the only way to kill them being AOE attacks that the game treats as you killing your own units by friendly fire. (The X-Com reboot even gives morale debuffs to your own units when mind controlled enemies die.)

    (also I'm kinda the last commenter in that "Things you'd like to see in FE" threat and not sure if me posting a new post for this would be considered double posting.)

    It could be neat if you weren't outright prevent but units close to that unit would actually suffer a Debuff from having to attack their friend. (Just don't stop me from cutting down that mind controlled unit with some other unit that wouldn't care about having to cut them down.)

  4. 13 minutes ago, joevar said:

    yep, else FE will turn into horror, especially when you coupled that with dungeon-type maps

    I wouldn't exactly be against that, the Resource management aspect of Survival Horror is already present and I'm a big fan of the Genre.


    2 hours ago, Yexin said:

    i'd say snakes and reptiles in general

    what i absolutely do NOT want to see is bug/insect/spider laguz

    It would be neat if Snake ones could poison the enemy.

    Imagine if Spiders had an attack where they could web up units, effectively paralyzing them.


  5. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    Radiant Dawn had crossbows.

    Yeah but I'd like them to be in more games. 

    1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

    And Tellius had Boulders falling down and crashing into units. There are maps where Ai uses it and maps where player uses it.

    oh that sounds pretty cool, I wish FE had more of these as a standard.

  6. Well I finally saw that Fire Emblem OVA with a friend today.

    It was surprisingly decent I guess? It wasn't great but it wasn't the complete trainwreck I figured it would be, since everything I heard about it was how infamously awful it was.

    (Also an Armor Knight seemingly fought with only his fists, Kaga did unarmed/gauntlets first!) (Yes I know Kaga probably wasn't involved.)

    The fighting was surprisingly alright (admittingly I despise the "Jumping several buildings worth in the air" style of Modern FE CGI cutscenes like Awakening/ThreeHouses/Echoes and prefer it when it actually somewhat resembles actual sword play.) even if Caeda got made a damsel in distress who barely actually fought.

    Also was surprised to see both Log traps and crossbows being used, kinda surprised FE hasn't had those yet, I'd like to send down logs crashing onto my enemies and kill them that way and I'd like crossbows to be a thing in some capacity.


  7. I know this is actually due to weapon arts in Three Houses but I'm not a fan of when EVERY attack is a drawn out flashy animation. (Especially with bows, you're always going to use that 3-range art with more hit-rate and damage over the regular attack if possible generally.), I do not need to see Bernadetta draw her bow, cause an updraft and fire over 8 times if I wasn't skipping animations, Especially early on when your units are crap, TH kinda forces you to constantly use weapon arts so it gets boring and stale fast with the fancy animations.

    I like how it's done in SOV/most of the GBA animations, where most classes (aside from maybe late-game promotions, such as Dread Fighter.) have relatively grounded animations but then when they DO perform some wacky thing, that actually means a critical hit is about to happen and you're hyped (or freaking out if the enemy got it.) and even then I'm willing to take them for gloriously strong highly promoted units.

    I guess for an example, Chrom buries his Falchion in the ground every time, even when there's a still-alive enemy infront of him like an absolute moron but Saber from Echoes only does it if his enemy is dead, that's the sorta level of animation that I like.

    It's like explosions in an action movie/game, there's nothing inherently wrong with them but you can only throw so many of them at once before it gets tiresome, so I'd rather units mostly fight relatively grounded but have super flashy critical hits. (And don't make weapon arts super flashy if I'm going to be using them more than the actual regular attacks.)


  8. 1 minute ago, Sooks1016 said:

    Because they thought people would actually use the zoomed in mode lol- That’s the real challenge play through

    Wordbuilding isn’t important enough to ever make this come to pass, though.

    Yeah it's literally only when the zoom in for battle happened that I even realized there were doors there.

    I never thought I'd suddenly miss 2D entirely top down sprites so much.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Benice said:

    FE12 had casual mode first and it bombed. I agree that casual mode helped save the franchise, butit was as much advertismenet as it was casual mode.

    I like Awakening, though.

    PoR did awfully in Japan, (it's not like Berwick sold well) and mediocre in NA-if Berwick were localized, (which it wasn't due to the lack of resources) it would have fairly easily outsold PoR, presumably. Regardless, both PoR and RD failed to be popular enough to actually pull a large profit, and FE12 wasn'teven localized. FE was saved by the better advertising it got from FE13. I am not saying that this is a bad thing, but it is a fact.

    FE4 nearly outsold path of radiance. Not path of radiance in Japan, path of radiance in general. FE3 easily outsold PoR as well. (200,000 more copies were sold.) The decline of the series majorly started at FE5/FE6 and continued to dwindle from there. Would FE be as popular as it is now if Kaga had stayed at the helm? Well, we don't know. If he'd accept casual mode, then probably. He did stop using Ambush spawns before FE did, so we can assume that it would have become more player-friendly sooner or later.

    KIind of irrelevant, but I think that the reason FE11 is so minimalistic is because of how much went into RD for very little payoff, sadly.


    I guess my unpopular opinion is that Kaga returning would be the best thing for the franchise. Should he ever be the head of the franchise again? I don't think so, personally. However, the man is very good at worldbuilding and making interesting games, so I think that if they could keep Kaga's chaos in check, a coalition between Kaga and IS could work very well for both parties. Kaga's worldbuilding and ideas combined with IS'Ss characters and money could turn out very well.

    Wasn't Berwick on the PS2? that was certainly a much more popular console than the Wii/Gamecube so it seems like it'd have a decent chance of out-selling it by default.


  10. 4 minutes ago, Florete said:

    Playable casts have been getting smaller since the GBA days. Sacred Stones only has 33 playable characters (excluding Orson and post-game recruits). With each character getting more development via supports it becomes a lot more difficult to have a large cast. RD's huge cast notably don't have full support conversations, a common criticism of the game, and Fates' only does because it was designed and sold as three games.

    Three Houses ambush spawns are a joke compared to what entire other games in the series do. I'm not a huge of the game but this is a criticism I just don't agree with, and it's extra ironic because the people who make the complaint about being caught off guard are the ones complaining that the games are coddling players too much.

    This is just my own experience, but on hard mode in TH I never felt like I was "forced" to use Divine Pulse in any kind of worse way than literally any other game in the series has given me without the option to use it.

    Well, I "Iron Man"d Three Houses in the sense that I never reset the game, and only Pulsed once or twice for a unit death (which wouldn't kill an Iron Man otherwise).

    We could still have "filler" characters who aren't too fleshed out, I have no problems with simple characters for the sake of havin more Units.

    Again, I ended up with, due to an unfair enemy spawn, an Archer tanking two hits from dudes who spawned literally right next to her from a borderline impossible to notice set of doors due to bad prespective, thats not good design, at all.


  11. 7 minutes ago, Troykv said:

    I'm sure it's impossible to Iron Man Three Houses unless you have perfect knowledgre of the game and a lot of luck. Any lose is too Big, any lose can happen so easily.

    It certainly feels like I'd have to write down all the ambush spawns. 

    Meanwhile, I actually feel confident enough to Ironman FE7/Echoes sometime and that's just mostly due to me now knowing I can actually take a good few losses while a good few of my Fe7 Resets were due to getting worried the game would become impossible due to losing Units and therefore the EXP but into them, I've not actually written down/went out of my way to memorize enemy unit placements or anything, I just feel confident enough after beating them once that they're designed so that I probably won't make the game impossible on Normal (FE7) or Hard (Echoes.)

  12. 7 minutes ago, Florete said:


    You need to stop caring so much how other people live their lives.

    I only really care because it's clear IS is on some level designing the games around this, if Three houses having a low cast, no extra units on the second-half of the game and some pretty terrible enemy reinforcement spawns all forcing you to heavily use turnwheel is a thing.

    I don't mind the Turnwheel in Echoes the same way I don't mind Ghost Recon 1 (A realistic Tactical shooter) having the easiest diificulty literally give you infinite bullets or if say, Casual mode existed in Fire Emblem 7/6 because while those games do have a "Crutch" difficulty/mode, the game isn't designed around it, it does not feel like you're playing a lesser experience.

    While Three houses has some frankly cheap enemy ambushes (Guys appearing from the doors in Chapter 5 that are only visible up to your units calves, which would have got Bernadetta killed through literally no fault of my own, as I had already moved most of my units, if not for their absurdly crap stats/me focusing on leveling up Bernie a bit to compensate for Archer weakness.), a lower unit count with no way to get more units in the second half of the game(Since even then, you can't recruit everyone in one playthrough, literally as you can't exactly get Edelgard in most routes.), Three Houses feels like it was made to force you to turnwheel while Echoes merely had it as an extra feature and still kept the revival springs from the original Gaiden for if you played without it, Three Houses does not feel like it was designed for a non-casual mode no-turnwheel playthrough, as opposed to Echoes which felt like it was.

  13. 3 minutes ago, joevar said:


    0.9 million is more than well enough for games like this. which is why i find it weird when PoR RD keep hailed as peak FE (understandably)by enthusiast fans but sold poorly especially RD

    maybe FE fans forgot to buy wii at that time, and bought PS/Xbox instead

    I mean, the Wii wasn't exactly known for strategy games. (Or handhelds really, Strategy games tend to be a PC thing which is why it's really odd to me there's no official FE PC ports considering that's where the majority of the strategy game community is.)

  14. 31 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

    Interesting ideas with relatively poor execution is a fairly accurate description of Kaga's work, imo.

    Yes, and FE didn't start to have a noticeable rise in popularity until the years after he left IS. It wasn't immediate, that much is true.

    But the franchise became more mainstream and accessible with his departure. That says something to me about how much good Kaga was doing FE as a series.

    is it really fair to say that though?

    Fe got more popular after it got Western releases, Which was mostly due to Smash brothers.

    Granted I've not actually played a Kaga game yet (And Echoes technically makes a bunch of changes) but that feels like a bit of a unproven opinion, having an entire new market of English speakers is going to drum up a whole lot more sales than just being in Japanese.

  15. 2 hours ago, Axie said:

    i have never touched casual mode because i am a good old masochist like the rest of us, but as i understand it, the lord dying is still a game over, no?

    people just don't like permanent death (and i mean, me included - i always reset when someone dies even if it's someone i don't ever plan on using lol). kaga wasn't the absolute smartest when he came up with the concept of "look at these characters with their own faces, backgrounds and personalities... if some of them die it's fine you are not supposed to feel anything about it ignore their sad death quote LALALA"

    Nope, total party death is the only way to game over nowadays, that thing FE is not designed to do.

    Nah, I'd say Kaga was the smartest, because they have personalities and such, you actually care for them, as opposed to other Perma death games. (Such as Rainbow Six and the OG Ghost Recon) where your units really aren't valuable at all and even ones where death somewhat matters, like OG X-com, due to starts/not easily replaceable, you're still more mourning the stats of that unit mostly, rather than the actual unit, FE meanwhile (when well-written anyways or at least not outright infuriating)  has units that I want to care about/feel sad if they die, even if they had absolutely trash stats, I literally got Fiora telling Florina how she'll protect her against the men in her C Support, only for her to get shot  down soon after by a really bad strategy I did, I hardly used her and in any other strategy game I wouldn't care at all but this actually made me feel bad a bit.

    In addition to FE allowing you somewhat able to consistently keep everyone alive if you don't make a mistake (In theory, screw ambush spawns or giving generic enemies the ability to crit consistently.)  means that you feel actually responsible as opposed to Ghost Recon 1 where a random guy with a regular rifle pulled off a sniper shot just barely in the game's draw distance hitting your actual sniper in the head, then the guy next to him in literally the next second. 

    Them having personalities actually adds emotional weight when they die if you screw up.


  16. 5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

    not really though

    literally at the beginning they mock and make fun of him ''our age'' ''creepy'' etc

    Yeah, then bam TIME SKIP and it's practically gone.

    Plus they A: don't know Byleth is going to be their teacher yet and B: again, one quick time skip and its' gone.

    The game presents us them not really caring about Byleth, then suddenly skips to them liking it, there's no gradual shift, it's all done away with in a lazy time skip to the point where again, the game is asking me if I'm friends with characters I know basically nothing about, that's really not good writing at all.

  17. 59 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

    Because if there's anything the game needs more of, it's more time in class!

    Do you want the game to tell you what happens in every class in detail

    every game ever

    My point is, the one potentially interesting bit with the classes, the students realizing and dealing with the fact their teacher is a awkward blank stared Mercenary is literally skipped over in favour of jumping right into when it's boring routine and they have seemingly gotten used to it.

    I don't need to see everything but at least Bernadette should have been visibly cowering in the corner during class instead of just using the same animations as everyone else.

    They skipped over/avoided anything that would have actually been interesting to see in the classes, which is why the classes are so boring.

  18. 4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

    Baby steps. They gotta figure out how to make complex non main characters first. Still, I give them points for attempting. 

    Yeah, theres alot of "convenience" in the plot, but considering how big they wanted the game to be, its impressive they did as well as they did. 

    That game... didn't seem like it had the best direction.

    I don't really agree, baby steps only goes so far and there's a certain point where even with "baby steps" it's awful. (Again literally cutting to black in supports when perfectly usable animations already exist in-game.)

    Frankly, I had Plot Conveniences, I can tolerate like one or two but Three houses uses a whole bunch and it's awful. (Edelgard's axe literally vanishes in the prologue because screw basic continuity between our gameplay and cutscenes.) 

    I do like Three houses at times but it's by no means "best game in the series!" like some like to claim.

  19. 1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

    Well, at least they tried. Better than making a character who's purpose is to never be noticed by anyone else. Xd

    They do have their moments, I think. 

    If anything, it's a surprise the dev favorite black eagles dont get more character development.

    Yeah but their moments are completely compromised, Bernadetta goes from an interesting concept to an entirely unfunny joke to the point where it's literally a meme at this point how tone deaf her scenes are.


  20. 2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

    To be fair, most FE games dont know what character development means. They are there for one scene, and then: poof. They are gone from existence. 

    Yeah but that's less obnoxious frankly.

    I'd rather have an entire cast of Dorcas-like characters who get one scene or two than a Raphel, Edelgard or Bernadetta who are done so poorly its actually annoying.

    At least the older FE characters with only one or two character scenes are actively terribly written to the point where it's distracting.

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